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==Clean hands==
==Clean hands==
# One shouldn’t make a Bracha while one’s hands are dirty rather one should wipe one hands. <Ref> Kaf Hachaim 158:53 Shaar haTzion 181:32, VeZot HaBracha (pg 8) </ref>
# One shouldn’t make a Bracha while one’s hands are dirty rather one should wipe one hands. <Ref> Kaf Hachaim 158:53 Shaar haTzion 181:32, VeZot HaBracha (pg 8) </ref>
==If one Mistakenly ate Without a Beracha==
==If One Mistakenly Ate Without a Beracha==
# If one already swallowed his food but plans to continue eating, he should recite a bracha before doing so.<ref> Berachot 51a compares one who eats without a bracha to one who ate garlic, causing him to give off an offensive odor. Should he eat more garlic and increase the odor? One who transgressed by eating without a bracha certainly should not transgress more! This is codified as the halacha in Rambam 4:2, Tur and Shulchan Aruch OC 167:8 and Shulchan Aruch 172:1, and Vezot Habracha pg. 88. </ref> He should not recite a beracha if he doesn't plan to continue eating. <ref> Berachot 51a quotes the opinion of Ravina that even if you are finished eating you can recite a bracha. He brings a proof from the fact that a convert or baal keri (a dispute between Rashi and Tosfot there) can say a bracha on his tevila in the mikveh after the tevila. The gemara rejects his opinion and distinguishes between the two because the convert or baal keri could not have said the bracha before but the person who ate could have. The Rashba 50b s.v. vehatanya quotes the Raavad who holds like Raavad but he argues with the Raavad and cites the Geonim who also held unlike Ravina. Shaar Hatziyun 172:5 writes that this opinion of the Raavad is a daat yachid which we do not accept at all. Therefore, Shulchan Aruch OC 167:8 rules that if he is not going to continue eating he should not recite a bracha. Yalkut Yosef Berachot pg. 118 and Aruch Hashulchan 167:18 agree.</ref> In such a situation, if possible, one should say a bracha and eat a little more. <ref> Magen Avraham 167:21 writes that, if possible, one should say a bracha and eat a little more in order to satisfy the opinion of the Raavad quoted in the Rashba. Mishna Brurah 167:49, Aruch Hashulchan 167:18, and Yalkut Yosef Berachot pg. 118 agree. Rabbi Meir Mazuz (Ish Matzliach 167: footnote 7) says based on the Beit Yosef that this is not necessary. The Madenei Yom Tov 7:33:9 writes that the bracha he makes midway through the meal retroactively covers all of the meal from the beginning of the meal and corrects having eaten without a bracha. However, the Levush 167:8 explains that it is only covers the food from that point and on. Shaar Hatziyun 167:45 and Shaare Tesvhua 206:2 cite the Madenei Yom Tov. Therefore, Or Litzion 2:46:12 and Vezot Habracha pg. 88 say that in a situation where you are saying a bracha on what you are going to eat, you should have in mind to cover what you ate already.</ref>  
# If one already swallowed his food but plans to continue eating, he should recite a bracha before doing so.<ref> Berachot 51a compares one who eats without a bracha to one who ate garlic, causing him to give off an offensive odor. Should he eat more garlic and increase the odor? One who transgressed by eating without a bracha certainly should not transgress more! This is codified as the halacha in Rambam 4:2, Tur and Shulchan Aruch OC 167:8 and Shulchan Aruch 172:1, and Vezot Habracha pg. 88. </ref> He should not recite a beracha if he doesn't plan to continue eating. <ref> Berachot 51a quotes the opinion of Ravina that even if you are finished eating you can recite a bracha. He brings a proof from the fact that a convert or baal keri (a dispute between Rashi and Tosfot there) can say a bracha on his tevila in the mikveh after the tevila. The gemara rejects his opinion and distinguishes between the two because the convert or baal keri could not have said the bracha before but the person who ate could have. The Rashba 50b s.v. vehatanya quotes the Raavad who holds like Raavad but he argues with the Raavad and cites the Geonim who also held unlike Ravina. Shaar Hatziyun 172:5 writes that this opinion of the Raavad is a daat yachid which we do not accept at all. Therefore, Shulchan Aruch OC 167:8 rules that if he is not going to continue eating he should not recite a bracha. Yalkut Yosef Berachot pg. 118 and Aruch Hashulchan 167:18 agree.</ref> In such a situation, if possible, one should say a bracha and eat a little more. <ref> Magen Avraham 167:21 writes that, if possible, one should say a bracha and eat a little more in order to satisfy the opinion of the Raavad quoted in the Rashba. Mishna Brurah 167:49, Aruch Hashulchan 167:18, and Yalkut Yosef Berachot pg. 118 agree. Rabbi Meir Mazuz (Ish Matzliach 167: footnote 7) says based on the Beit Yosef that this is not necessary. The Madenei Yom Tov 7:33:9 writes that the bracha he makes midway through the meal retroactively covers all of the meal from the beginning of the meal and corrects having eaten without a bracha. However, the Levush 167:8 explains that it is only covers the food from that point and on. Shaar Hatziyun 167:45 and Shaare Tesvhua 206:2 cite the Madenei Yom Tov. Therefore, Or Litzion 2:46:12 and Vezot Habracha pg. 88 say that in a situation where you are saying a bracha on what you are going to eat, you should have in mind to cover what you ate already.</ref>  
# If someone ate food without reciting the bracha beforehand, but realized before swallowing, the proper procedure will depend on which type of food he put in his mouth.  If it is a food that will become disgusting if spit out, he should put it to the side of his mouth and recite a bracha. If it will not be disgusting to spit it out, he should spit it out and recite a bracha before putting it back into his mouth. <ref> Berachot 50b quotes three beraitot regarding what do in a situation when one ate before reciting a bracha.  These beraitot appear to contradict each other. One says to swallow, one says to spit out, and the third says to put the food to the side of one’s mouth. The gemara explains that one should swallow if it is a drink, you should spit the food out if it won’t be disgusting to eat it after that, and you should put it to the side if it will be disgusting to spit out. This is quoted as halacha in Rambam Berachot 8:12 and Shulchan Aruch OC 172:1-2, Vezot Habracha pg. 88, and Chazon Ovadia pg. 68. Mishna Brurah 172:7 explains that the reason that one must spit out foods that will not be disgusting is because the gemara teaches based on a pasuk in Tehillim 71:8 that when reciting a bracha one’s mouth must be void of any object or food, so that it is “filled” only with God's praise. </ref>  
# If someone ate food without reciting the bracha beforehand, but realized before swallowing, the proper procedure will depend on which type of food he put in his mouth.  If it is a food that will become disgusting if spit out, he should put it to the side of his mouth and recite a bracha. If it will not be disgusting to spit it out, he should spit it out and recite a bracha before putting it back into his mouth. <ref> Berachot 50b quotes three beraitot regarding what do in a situation when one ate before reciting a bracha.  These beraitot appear to contradict each other. One says to swallow, one says to spit out, and the third says to put the food to the side of one’s mouth. The gemara explains that one should swallow if it is a drink, you should spit the food out if it won’t be disgusting to eat it after that, and you should put it to the side if it will be disgusting to spit out. This is quoted as halacha in Rambam Berachot 8:12 and Shulchan Aruch OC 172:1-2, Vezot Habracha pg. 88, and Chazon Ovadia pg. 68. Mishna Brurah 172:7 explains that the reason that one must spit out foods that will not be disgusting is because the gemara teaches based on a pasuk in Tehillim 71:8 that when reciting a bracha one’s mouth must be void of any object or food, so that it is “filled” only with God's praise. </ref>