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# On [[Shabbat]], if the one who read the Torah missed a word or pasuk, one needs to repeat that pasuk. Even if the Sefer Torah was already returned to the aron, one should take out the torah and read from the beginning of that pasuk and two other pesukim as well.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 137:3, Mishna Brurah 137:8. Nishmat Adam 31:1 writes that one does not need to read the pesukim in order and if one is repeating for a missed one pasuk one doesn't need to continue to read everything afterwards in order.</ref>
# On [[Shabbat]], if the one who read the Torah missed a word or pasuk, one needs to repeat that pasuk. Even if the Sefer Torah was already returned to the aron, one should take out the torah and read from the beginning of that pasuk and two other pesukim as well.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 137:3, Mishna Brurah 137:8. Nishmat Adam 31:1 writes that one does not need to read the pesukim in order and if one is repeating for a missed one pasuk one doesn't need to continue to read everything afterwards in order.</ref>

==Mi Sheberech==
# When reciting the name of the person in a mi sheberech the minhag is to recite the person name and his mother's name such as ploni ben plonit.<ref>Chazon Ovadia (Aveilut v. 1 p. 368). He cites several reasons for this minhag. 1) Since generally the identification of the mother is more certain than the father that is why the minhag was established with the mother's name (Zohar Lech Lecha p. 84a, Kaf Hachaim 284:37). 2) It is hinted to in the pasuk of "והושיעה לבן אמתך" (Tehillim 86:16) and "ואני עבדך בן אמתך" (Tehillim 116:16) (Zohar ibid., Melamed Lhoil OC 1:23). 3) Chazal said that symbolically the flesh comes from a person's mother and one's bones from one's father. Therefore, while a person is alive the mi sheberech is made using the mother's name and after he's dead we use the father's name (Rashi Kiddushin 30b, [ Mekor Chesed 242:1]).</ref>
# In a hashkava for a deceased person Ashkenazim mention the name of a person's father and the Sephardic custom is to mention the mother's name.<ref>Melamed Lhoil 1:23, Chazon Ovadia (Aveilut v. 1 p. 368) based on Shabbat 66b, Kaf Hachaim 284:37.</ref>
# One may not speak when the maftir is reading the Haftorah.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 79:4</ref>
# One may not speak when the maftir is reading the Haftorah.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 79:4</ref>