Where Is It Permissible to Recite Brachot?: Difference between revisions

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# It is permitted to say Hashem's name in a form of praise or as one is learning. Certainly it is permitted to recite Hashem's name in a [[bracha]] when it is needed.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:3</ref>
# It is permitted to say Hashem's name in a form of praise or as one is learning. Certainly it is permitted to recite Hashem's name in a [[bracha]] when it is needed.<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 6:3</ref>
# It is forbidden to recite Hashem's name when one is reading bracha in the while of one's learning a gemara, rambam, or shulchan aruch.<ref>Magen Avraham 215:6, Eliyah Rabba 215:4, Birkei Yosef 215:4, Mishna Brurah 215:14, Yabia Omer 6:38:2. See Sheilat Yavetz 81 who permits. Maharam in Tashbetz Katan 119 says not to say Hashem when reading Hashem's name in the gemara.</ref>
# It is forbidden to recite Hashem's name when one is reading bracha in the while of one's learning a gemara, rambam, or shulchan aruch.<ref>Magen Avraham 215:6, Eliyah Rabba 215:4, Birkei Yosef 215:4, Mishna Brurah 215:14, Yabia Omer 6:38:2. See Sheilat Yavetz 81 who permits. Maharam in Tashbetz Katan 119 says not to say Hashem when reading Hashem's name in the gemara.</ref>
# It is permitted to read Hashem's name in pesukim when learning gemara.<ref>Mishna Brurah 215:4, Birkei Yosef 215:5, Sheilat Yavetz 81 quoting his father. He rejects the suggestion that it is forbidden since the it is forbidden to say a pasuk by heart and so it is better not to say Hashem's name because if that were the case it would be forbidden to say any part of the pasuk. He entertains the idea that the reason the gemara only quotes partial pesukim is in order to avoid the issue of quoting a complete pasuk by heart but he doesn't like that idea based on gittin 6b. Rather since we're concerned about forgetting Torah it is permitted to write it down. If so, it is permitted to read the pesukim and from the gemara.</ref>
# It is permitted to read Hashem's name as part of a pasuk while learning gemara or midrash.<ref>Chaye Adam 5:2, Mishna Brurah 215:4, Birkei Yosef 215:5, Yabia Omer 6:38:2. Sheilat Yavetz 81 writes that his father admonished him for not saying Hashem's name when learning a pasuk in the gemara. He rejects the suggestion that it is forbidden since the it is forbidden to say a pasuk by heart and so it is better not to say Hashem's name because if that were the case it would be forbidden to say any part of the pasuk. He entertains the idea that the reason the gemara only quotes partial pesukim is in order to avoid the issue of quoting a complete pasuk by heart but he doesn't like that idea based on gittin 6b. Rather since we're concerned about forgetting Torah it is permitted to write it down. If so, it is permitted to read the pesukim and from the gemara.</ref> Ashkenazim have the practice not to say Hashem's name when reading a pasuk in the gemara or when reading a half pasuk.<ref> Aruch Hashulchan 215:2 writes that it is proper not to say Hashem's name when explaining pesukim as one is learning. The Dirshu (Mishna Brurah 215:16) quotes the Steipler (Karyana Digarta 1:132) who recommended saying Hashem when learning gemara or a half pasuk. They also cite Rav Elyashiv (Shiurei Brachot p. 634) saying that the minhag is not to say Hashem's name (Adonay) when learning gemara out of extra respect but it is say the other names of Hashem such as Elokim. Such was the practice of Rav Elyashiv.</ref> Sephardim have the practice to say Hashem's name as part of a pasuk while learning gemara.<Ref>Birkei Yosef 215:5, Yabia Omer OC 3:14. Yabia Omer explicitly writes that it is permitted and one shouldn't be strict not to say it. Or Letzion 2:14:34 writes that it is permitted to say Hashem's name as part of a pasuk in the gemara as long as the part of the pasuk is meaningful in it of itself such as a phrase but not just two words out of context.</ref>
