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==What type of learning requires Brachot HaTorah?==
==What type of learning requires Brachot HaTorah?==
# Writing Torah even without reading, if one understands what he’s reading, it is considered learning for which you have to make Brachot HaTorah. <ref> S”A 47:3 based on Avudraham pg 32. Magan Avraham 47:1 adds that one has to understand what he’s writing to be considered learning, but just copying over text isn’t learning. So rules Buir Heitev 47:2 </ref>
# Writing Torah even without reading, if one understands what he’s reading, it is considered learning for which you have to make Brachot HaTorah. <ref> S”A 47:3 based on Avudraham pg 32. Magan Avraham 47:1 adds that one has to understand what he’s writing to be considered learning, but just copying over text isn’t learning. So rules Buir Heitev 47:2 </ref>
# Thinking words of Torah isn’t considered learning and you aren’t required to make Brachot HaTorah. <ref> S”A 47:4 based on Shabbat 151a, Agur 2, and Tosfot 20b D”H VeRav Chisda. </ref>
# According to Ashkenazim, because of a dispute one should not think Torah before amking Brachot HaTorah, however it’s permissible to do a Mitzvah even though it’ll cause one to thing about the laws of the Mitzvah. <ref>Mishna Brurah 47:7 because of the Gra who argues on S"A. </ref> However, according to Sephardim thinking words of Torah don't require Brachot HaTorah and so it's permissible to think Torah before Birchat HaTorah. <ref> S”A 47:4 based on Shabbat 151a, Agur 2, and Tosfot 20b D”H VeRav Chisda. So rules Yalkut Yosef (vol 3 pg 81) that it's permissible to think Torah before Birchat HaTorah. </ref>
# Hearing a speech of Divrei Torah from a person or a electronic device requires a Brachot. <ref> Yalkut Yosef 47:5 </ref>
# Hearing a speech of Divrei Torah from a person or a electronic device requires a Brachot. <ref> Yalkut Yosef 47:5 </ref>
# Looking into a Sefer Kodesh and only reading with one’s eyes, even without saying the words, requires Brachot. <ref> Yalkut Yosef 47:6 </ref>
# Looking into a Sefer Kodesh and only reading with one’s eyes, even without saying the words, requires Brachot. <ref> Yalkut Yosef 47:6 </ref>