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# If one is fulfilling the obligation of others even if everyone is fluent in the Pesukim one should not recite them by heart unless it’s impossible to read them from writing. <ref> Pri [[Chadash]] 49 and Halacha Brurah 49:1 say that since S”A doesn’t rule Tosfot’s approach (that it’s only forbidden when fulfilling someone else’s obligation) and does rule like the Mordechai’s approach (that it’s permitted when everyone’s fluent in it) one can be lenient if everyone is fluent in it even in case where one fulfills the obligation of others. However, Eliyah Raba 49:2, Chesed LeAlafim 49:1, Mishna Brurah 49:7 argue that because of the many Rishonim and Achronim who hold like Tosfot one should be strict any time one is fulfilling the obligation of others. Kaf HaChaim 49:8 says one should strict if one can.  </ref>
# If one is fulfilling the obligation of others even if everyone is fluent in the Pesukim one should not recite them by heart unless it’s impossible to read them from writing. <ref> Pri [[Chadash]] 49 and Halacha Brurah 49:1 say that since S”A doesn’t rule Tosfot’s approach (that it’s only forbidden when fulfilling someone else’s obligation) and does rule like the Mordechai’s approach (that it’s permitted when everyone’s fluent in it) one can be lenient if everyone is fluent in it even in case where one fulfills the obligation of others. However, Eliyah Raba 49:2, Chesed LeAlafim 49:1, Mishna Brurah 49:7 argue that because of the many Rishonim and Achronim who hold like Tosfot one should be strict any time one is fulfilling the obligation of others. Kaf HaChaim 49:8 says one should strict if one can.  </ref>
# A blind person is allowed to say pesukim by heart since he doesn’t have another way to read the pesukim. <ref> Tosfot (Bava Kama 3b s.v. Kedemargem Rav Yosef), Shitah Mekubeset 3b in name of Rabbenu Yishaya, Sefer Agudah in name of Ri are lenient to allow a blind person to say pesukim by heart. However Or Zaruh 1:545,2:375, Ritva (Yoma 70a), Meiri (Megilah 24a) are strict in this regard. Magen Avraham 49, Sh”t Halachot Ketanot 1:217, Bear Hetiev 49:1, Solet Belulah 49, Derech Chaim (Hashkamat Haboker 20), Sh”t [[Teshuva]] MeAhava 2:242, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 1:6, Shulchan Aruch HaRav 49:1, Kaf HaChaim 49:5, and Mishna Brurah 49:1 rule leniently like Tosfot. </ref>
# A blind person is allowed to say pesukim by heart since he doesn’t have another way to read the pesukim. <ref> Tosfot (Bava Kama 3b s.v. Kedemargem Rav Yosef), Shitah Mekubeset 3b in name of Rabbenu Yishaya, Sefer Agudah in name of Ri are lenient to allow a blind person to say pesukim by heart. However Or Zaruh 1:545,2:375, Ritva (Yoma 70a), Meiri (Megilah 24a) are strict in this regard. Magen Avraham 49, Sh”t Halachot Ketanot 1:217, Bear Hetiev 49:1, Solet Belulah 49, Derech Chaim (Hashkamat Haboker 20), Sh”t [[Teshuva]] MeAhava 2:242, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 1:6, Shulchan Aruch HaRav 49:1, Kaf HaChaim 49:5, and Mishna Brurah 49:1 rule leniently like Tosfot. </ref>
# Those who say “Kadesh Li” and “VaHaya Ki Viyecha” after putting on [[Tefilin]] everyday can say them by heart. But if there’s no Minhag in that place to say it daily one should be strict not to say it by heart. <ref> Halacha Brurah 49:3 </ref>
# Those who say “Kadesh Li” and “VaHaya Ki Viyecha” after putting on [[Tefillin]] everyday can say them by heart. But if there’s no Minhag in that place to say it daily one should be strict not to say it by heart. <ref> Halacha Brurah 49:3 </ref>
# A Rabbi giving a Dvar Torah with many pesukim and it’s difficult to read all of them from a sefer has what to rely on to say them by heart. <ref> Mishna Brurah 49:6 and Yalkut Yosef (Pesukei Dezimrah 49:7, Sharit Yosef 2 pg 16) </ref>
# A Rabbi giving a Dvar Torah with many pesukim and it’s difficult to read all of them from a sefer has what to rely on to say them by heart. <ref> Mishna Brurah 49:6 and Yalkut Yosef (Pesukei Dezimrah 49:7, Sharit Yosef 2 pg 16) </ref>
# When one is fulfilling the obligation of others, one should be strict not to say these pesukim by heart even if everyone is familiar and knows these pesukim by heart. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 49:6 in name of the Magen Avraham and Buir HaGra. </ref>Therefore, one should be careful to say Vayichulu of [[Kiddish]] and any other pesukim said during [[Kiddish]] (or [[Havdalah]]) from a Siddur so that one doesn’t say pesukim by heart in order to fulfill the obligation of others. However, some defend the minhag. <Ref>Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata (chapter 47 halacha 31) is strict based on Mishna Brurah. However, Tzitz Eliezer 17:63, Minchat Asher (Parshat Ki Tisa pg 418), and Otzar Halacha (Siman 49 note 16) defend the minhag by saying that some (Kaf HaChaim 49:8) hold that one can be lenient to say pesukim by heart even in order to fulfill the obligation of others if everyone is familiar with these pesukim. </ref>
# When one is fulfilling the obligation of others, one should be strict not to say these pesukim by heart even if everyone is familiar and knows these pesukim by heart. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 49:6 in name of the Magen Avraham and Buir HaGra. </ref>Therefore, one should be careful to say Vayichulu of [[Kiddish]] and any other pesukim said during [[Kiddish]] (or [[Havdalah]]) from a Siddur so that one doesn’t say pesukim by heart in order to fulfill the obligation of others. However, some defend the minhag. <Ref>Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata (chapter 47 halacha 31) is strict based on Mishna Brurah. However, Tzitz Eliezer 17:63, Minchat Asher (Parshat Ki Tisa pg 418), and Otzar Halacha (Siman 49 note 16) defend the minhag by saying that some (Kaf HaChaim 49:8) hold that one can be lenient to say pesukim by heart even in order to fulfill the obligation of others if everyone is familiar with these pesukim. </ref>