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# If one sleeps in one’s Tzitzit, it’s preferable to use those Tzitzit for the day as well sometimes, or for some time in the morning besides just using it for the night. <Ref> Piskei Teshuvot 21:5 writes that one should be careful to sleep in Tzitzit that are also used for the day because otherwise one wouldn’t fulfill the mitzvah according to any opinion (since the Rosh holds that there’s a mitzvah of Tzitzit at night using clothing of the day and Rambam holds that there’s only a mitzvah during the day). So writes the Torat Chaim Sofer 21:5, Sh”t Vayivarech David 1:5, Kaf HaChaim 21:15. (Piskei Teshuvot also quotes the Hagot Rabbi Akiva Eiger (M”A 2) and Eshel Avraham who agree).  </ref> However, if one does have specific Tzitzit for the night only, one has what to rely on. <Ref> Sh”t Shevet Halevi 6:50, 10:2 writes that it’s only a chumra not to use Tzitzit designated for the night. So writes Hagot Baruch Taam on S”A, Sh”t Kinyan Torah 4:1, Siach Halacha (Siman 21) in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman, and Piskei Teshuvot 21:5. Sh”t teshuvot VeHanhagot 2:9 writes that it’s preferable if there’s some light in the room because there’s an opinion that if there’s light in the room, at night one’s obligated in Tzitzit. Another advise given by Sh”t Teshuvot VeHanagot 1:19 (brought in Piskei Teshuvot 21:5) is that one should have intent that one fulfill the mitzvah of Tzitzit while one’s sleeping once dawn comes. </ref>
# If one sleeps in one’s Tzitzit, it’s preferable to use those Tzitzit for the day as well sometimes, or for some time in the morning besides just using it for the night. <Ref> Piskei Teshuvot 21:5 writes that one should be careful to sleep in Tzitzit that are also used for the day because otherwise one wouldn’t fulfill the mitzvah according to any opinion (since the Rosh holds that there’s a mitzvah of Tzitzit at night using clothing of the day and Rambam holds that there’s only a mitzvah during the day). So writes the Torat Chaim Sofer 21:5, Sh”t Vayivarech David 1:5, Kaf HaChaim 21:15. (Piskei Teshuvot also quotes the Hagot Rabbi Akiva Eiger (M”A 2) and Eshel Avraham who agree).  </ref> However, if one does have specific Tzitzit for the night only, one has what to rely on. <Ref> Sh”t Shevet Halevi 6:50, 10:2 writes that it’s only a chumra not to use Tzitzit designated for the night. So writes Hagot Baruch Taam on S”A, Sh”t Kinyan Torah 4:1, Siach Halacha (Siman 21) in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman, and Piskei Teshuvot 21:5. Sh”t teshuvot VeHanhagot 2:9 writes that it’s preferable if there’s some light in the room because there’s an opinion that if there’s light in the room, at night one’s obligated in Tzitzit. Another advise given by Sh”t Teshuvot VeHanagot 1:19 (brought in Piskei Teshuvot 21:5) is that one should have intent that one fulfill the mitzvah of Tzitzit while one’s sleeping once dawn comes. </ref>
# The minhag is to sleep in Tzitzit and not be concerned with disgracing the Tzitzit. <Ref> Rama 21:3, Yalkut Yosef (Sherit Yosef 8 note 4). </ref>
# The minhag is to sleep in Tzitzit and not be concerned with disgracing the Tzitzit. <Ref> Rama 21:3, Yalkut Yosef (Sherit Yosef 8 note 4). </ref>
# If one slept without Tzitzit during the day, one doesn’t need to make a new Bracha, however, preferably one shouldn’t do this as it put oneself into a dispute, rather one should sleep in Tzitzit or have the Tzitzit cover your body when you sleep. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 8:42 </ref>
# If one put on Tzitzit or a talit before Olot HaShachar one should make a new Bracha at Olot HaShachar, but when one makes the Bracha one must shake the Tzitzit strings. <Ref> Rama 8:16, Mishna Brurah 8:43 </ref>
