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# [[Asara BeTevet]] commemorates the tragedy of Nebuchadnezzar's laying siege on the city of Jerusalem. <ref> Rambam (Taniyot 5:2), Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 4), Mishna Berura 549:2, Kitzur S"A 121:3. </ref>
# [[Asara BeTevet]] commemorates the tragedy of Nebuchadnezzar's laying siege on the city of Jerusalem. <ref> Rambam (Taniyot 5:2), Chazon Ovadia (Laws of the Four Fasts, Halacha 4), Mishna Berura 549:2, Kitzur S"A 121:3. </ref>
===On a Friday===
===On a Friday===
# Even if Asara b'tevet falls out on a Friday one should fast until tzet hakovachim even though the fast would carry into [[shabbat]]. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 249:4. Rama there quotes an opinion that if you pray early and finish [[Mariv/Arvit|Arvit]] before [[Tzet HaKochavim]] you should eat, but then says that nevertheless on a public fast one should fast until [[Tzet HaKochavim]] and on a private fast, eat after [[davening]]. </ref>
# Even if Asara b'tevet falls out on a Friday one should fast until tzet hakovachim even though the fast would carry into [[shabbat]]. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 249:4. </ref> It is permitted to recite [[Kabbalat Shabbat]] and [[Arvit]] earlier than usual so that people can begin [[kiddush]] at home at tzet hakochavim. <ref> Nitei Gavriel [[Chanuka]] 63:6: notes 9-10. In 63:7 he adds that some poskim are even more lenient with the time of tzet hakochavim than they usually are. Rama 249:4 quotes an opinion that if you pray early and finish [[Mariv/Arvit|Arvit]] before [[Tzet HaKochavim]] you should eat, but then says that nevertheless on a public fast one should fast until [[Tzet HaKochavim]] and on a private fast, eat after [[davening]]. </ref>
# If [[Asara BeTevet]] falls out on Friday, one shouldn’t be strict and rather should wash oneself because of Kavod [[Shabbat]]. <ref>Mishna Brurah 550:6 </ref>
# If [[Asara BeTevet]] falls out on Friday, one shouldn’t be strict and rather should wash oneself because of Kavod [[Shabbat]]. <ref>Mishna Brurah 550:6 </ref>
# If Asara Bitevet falls out on friday, [[shacharit]] is prayed as usual. For [[Mincha]], the torah and haftara are read, aneinu is recited during the amida. [[Tachanun]] and avinu malkenu are not said. <ref>Aruch Hashulchan 550:2. see there about a custom that existed to omit torah reading </ref>
# If Asara Bitevet falls out on friday, [[shacharit]] is prayed as usual. For [[Mincha]], the torah and haftara are read, aneinu is recited during the amida. [[Tachanun]] and avinu malkenu are not said. <ref>Aruch Hashulchan 550:2. see there about a custom that existed to omit torah reading </ref>
# One should try to say [[mincha]] earlier on asara bitevet that falls out on a friday. <ref> Nitei Gavriel 62:3 says that it is not proper to pray mournful [[prayers]] while dressed in [[Shabbat]] clothing so one should [[prayer]] earlier. He adds in the name of the Dvar Yehoshua 3:63  it is also good to distance the mournful [[prayers]] as far as possible from the [[Shabbat]]. </ref>
# Those who wear [[tefillin]] during [[mincha]] on a fast day, should recite [[mincha]] early on friday so as not to have his [[tefillin]] on too close to [[Shabbat]] <ref> Nitei Gavriel [[Chanuka]] 62:4 </ref>  
# Those who wear [[tefillin]] during [[mincha]] on a fast day, should recite [[mincha]] early on friday so as not to have his [[tefillin]] on too close to [[Shabbat]] <ref> Nitei Gavriel [[Chanuka]] 62:4 </ref>  
# If [[Asara BeTevet]] falls out to be on Friday one may taste the food if one spits it out and doesn’t swallow. <Ref>Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata 42:61 based on S"A 567:1, Mishna Berura 567:6, Kaf Hachaim 567:10 </ref>
# If [[Asara BeTevet]] falls out to be on Friday one may taste the food if one spits it out and doesn’t swallow. <Ref>Shemirat [[Shabbat]] KeHilchata 42:61 based on S"A 567:1, Mishna Berura 567:6, Kaf Hachaim 567:10 </ref>