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=== Doing Laundry before Shabbat ===
=== Doing Laundry before Shabbat ===
# It’s Kavod [[Shabbat]] to do one’s laundry from Thursday prior to [[Shabbat]] so that one’s clothes are clean and fresh for [[Shabbat]].<ref> S”A 242:1, Mishna Brurah 242:5, Yalkut Yosef 242:8 </ref> Laundry should be done before Friday so that one has time to prepare for [[Shabbat]].<ref> S”A 242:1 writes that laundry should be done on Thursday. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (42 note 13) writes in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman that one may do laundry earlier in the week. Additionally, Mishna Brurah 242:5 explains that it should not be done on Friday so that one has time to prepare for [[Shabbat]]. However, Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (42 note 13) suggests that perhaps nowadays that it’s easy and quick to do laundry it’s permitted to do it on Friday. This is also the opinion of Yalkut Yosef ([[Shabbat]] 242:8, vol 1 pg 13), Chazon Ovadia [[Shabbat]] volume 1 page 24, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv quoted in Avnei Yashfei 1:49, Sh"t Or Litzion 2:16:1, Shevet Hakehati 2:104:4 and Piskei Teshuvot 242:3 writes that such is the Minhag. However, Rav Menashe Klein (author of Mishneh Halachot) in back of Piskei Teshuvot vol 3 writes that nowadays one should still do it on Thursday and not Friday and Chut Hashani 3:1 adds that this is true even if it is done by a non-jew it shouldn't be done on Friday. Ben Ish Chai Parashat Lech Lecha Halacha 8 says if one didn't have a chance for whatever reason to do laundry prior to friday they can certainly be lenient. </ref>
# It’s Kavod [[Shabbat]] to do one’s laundry from Thursday prior to [[Shabbat]] so that one’s clothes are clean and fresh for [[Shabbat]].<ref> Shulchan Aruch O.C. 242:1, Mishna Brurah 242:5, Yalkut Yosef 242:8 </ref> Laundry should be done before Friday so that one has time to prepare for [[Shabbat]].<ref> Shulchan Aruch O.C. 242:1 writes that laundry should be done on Thursday. Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata (ch. 42 fnt. 13) writes in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman that one may do laundry earlier in the week. Additionally, Mishna Brurah 242:5 explains that it should not be done on Friday so that one has time to prepare for Shabbat. However, Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (42 note 13) suggests that perhaps nowadays that it’s easy and quick to do laundry it’s permitted to do it on Friday. This is also the opinion of Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat 242:8, vol 1 pg 13), Chazon Ovadia Shabbat volume 1 page 24, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv quoted in Avnei Yashfei 1:49, Sh"t Or Litzion 2:16:1, Shevet Hakehati 2:104:4 and Piskei Teshuvot 242:3 writes that such is the Minhag. However, Rav Menashe Klein (author of Mishneh Halachot) in back of Piskei Teshuvot vol 3 writes that nowadays one should still do it on Thursday and not Friday and Chut Hashani 3:1 adds that this is true even if it is done by a non-jew it shouldn't be done on Friday. Ben Ish Chai (Parashat Lech Lecha Halacha 8) writes if one didn't have a chance for whatever reason to do laundry prior to Friday they can certainly be lenient. </ref>
# One should check one's clothing on Friday to make sure that there's not a needle left stuck in them or something in the pockets so that one doesn't come to carry on [[Shabbat]] and even if there's an eiruv one should still check to make sure that there's nothing [[Muktzeh]] in the clothes.<ref>The Briatta in Gemara [[Shabbat]] 12a states that one should check one's clothing on Friday. Rashi explains that one should check to make sure there aren't things attached to the clothing so that one doesn't come to carry on [[Shabbat]]. Shulchan Aruch 252:7 codifies this as halacha. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 72:23 adds that even if there's an eiruv one should check to make sure that there's nothing [[Muktzeh]] in the clothes. </ref>
# One should check one's clothing on Friday to make sure that there's not a needle left stuck in them or something in the pockets so that one doesn't come to carry on [[Shabbat]] and even if there's an eiruv one should still check to make sure that there's nothing [[Muktzeh]] in the clothes.<ref>The Briatta in Gemara [[Shabbat]] 12a states that one should check one's clothing on Friday. Rashi explains that one should check to make sure there aren't things attached to the clothing so that one doesn't come to carry on [[Shabbat]]. Shulchan Aruch 252:7 codifies this as halacha. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 72:23 adds that even if there's an eiruv one should check to make sure that there's nothing [[Muktzeh]] in the clothes. </ref>

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# If wearing a nice tie or jacket on Shabbat in the summer makes a person very hot and uncomfortable some say that it is preferable to wear fancy respectable clothing but not be uncomfortable than to be even fancier and uncomfortable.<ref>Chashukei Chemed Shabbat 25b quotes the Chazon Ish as saying that if a person feels that wearing a tie on Shabbat will make him hot and uncomfortable then it isn't a fulfillment of Kavod Shabbat, honoring Shabbat, if it won't also fulfill Oneg Shabbat, enjoying Shabbat. Or Avraham Brachot siman 79 quotes this as well from the Maaseh Ish p. 134. Chut Shani Shabbat ch. 1 fnt. 2 is cited to agree with the Chazon Ish and explain that it isn't a condition in Kavod Shabbat to be Oneg Shabbat but that it isn't a violation to Kavod Shabbat to remove the uncomfortable clothing when it isn't Oneg Shabbat. Rivevot Efraim 3:554 agrees. See Shalmei Yohanatan 242:1 p. 32 who poses the question whether it preferable to use challah that is store bought and nicer since it is more Kavod Shabbat or the tastier homemade bread since it is more Oneg Shabbat.</ref>
# If wearing a nice tie or jacket on Shabbat in the summer makes a person very hot and uncomfortable some say that it is preferable to wear fancy respectable clothing but not be uncomfortable than to be even fancier and uncomfortable.<ref>Chashukei Chemed Shabbat 25b quotes the Chazon Ish as saying that if a person feels that wearing a tie on Shabbat will make him hot and uncomfortable then it isn't a fulfillment of Kavod Shabbat, honoring Shabbat, if it won't also fulfill Oneg Shabbat, enjoying Shabbat. Or Avraham Brachot siman 79 quotes this as well from the Maaseh Ish p. 134. Chut Shani Shabbat ch. 1 fnt. 2 is cited to agree with the Chazon Ish and explain that it isn't a condition in Kavod Shabbat to be Oneg Shabbat but that it isn't a violation to Kavod Shabbat to remove the uncomfortable clothing when it isn't Oneg Shabbat. Rivevot Efraim 3:554 agrees. See Shalmei Yohanatan 242:1 p. 32 who poses the question whether it preferable to use challah that is store bought and nicer since it is more Kavod Shabbat or the tastier homemade bread since it is more Oneg Shabbat.</ref>

=== Cleaning the house for Kavod Shabbat ===
=== Cleaning the House for Kavod Shabbat ===
# One should try to clean and sweep the house for [[Shabbat]].<ref> Yalkut Yosef 242:7 </ref>
# One should try to clean and sweep the house for [[Shabbat]].<ref> Yalkut Yosef 242:7 </ref>
# One should place a tablecloth on the table special for [[Shabbat]] for the duration of the [[Shabbat]], on all the tables of the home and the shul.<ref> Yalkut Yosef 242:7 </ref>
# One should place a tablecloth on the table special for [[Shabbat]] for the duration of the [[Shabbat]], on all the tables of the home and the shul.<ref> Yalkut Yosef 242:7 </ref>
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