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# If one counted during the day (before Plag Mincha) one has not fulfilled one’s obligation even if one Davened Mariv early and one must count it again that night with a Bracha. <Ref>S”A 489:2, Mishna Brurah 489:13, Biur Halacha 489:3 D”H MeBeOd Yom</ref>However, because of a minority opinion who says one did fulfill one's obligation, some say one should count again at night without a bracha. <ref>Kaf HaChaim 489:47</reF>
# If one counted during the day (before Plag Mincha) one has not fulfilled one’s obligation even if one Davened Mariv early and one must count it again that night with a Bracha. <Ref>S”A 489:2, Mishna Brurah 489:13, Biur Halacha 489:3 D”H MeBeOd Yom</ref>However, because of a minority opinion who says one did fulfill one's obligation, some say one should count again at night without a bracha. <ref>Kaf HaChaim 489:47</reF>
# If one said Mariv before Shekiyah after Plag Mincha one shouldn’t count then but rather wait until at least [[Ben HaShemashot]], However if one did so then one should count again at night without a Bracha unless one didn’t daven mariv before Shekiyah in which case one should count again with a Bracha. <Ref>Hilchot Chag BaChag (pg 29) </ref>
# If one said Mariv before Shekiyah after Plag Mincha one shouldn’t count then but rather wait until at least [[Ben HaShemashot]], However if one did so then one should count again at night without a Bracha unless one didn’t daven mariv before Shekiyah in which case one should count again with a Bracha. <Ref>Hilchot Chag BaChag (pg 29) </ref>
# If someone is insistent on saying Kriyat Shema at night after [[Tzet HaKochavim]] of Rabbenu Tam, one should also wait until [[Tzet HaKochavim]] in order to count Sefirat HaOmer. <Ref>Piskei Shemuot (Shavuot pg 40-1) in name of Rav Nassim Karlitz </ref>
# If someone is insistent on saying [[Kiryat Shema]] at night after [[Tzet HaKochavim]] of Rabbenu Tam, one should also wait until [[Tzet HaKochavim]] in order to count Sefirat HaOmer. <Ref>Piskei Shemuot (Shavuot pg 40-1) in name of Rav Nassim Karlitz </ref>
# One shouldn’t rely on the minhag to count after Plag Mincha. <Ref>Rav Elyashiv in Kovetz Teshuvot (vol 3, end of chapter 4) quoted by Piskei Shemuot (Shavuot pg 42), Biur Halacha 489:3 D”H MeBeOd Yom </ref>
# One shouldn’t rely on the minhag to count after Plag Mincha. <Ref>Rav Elyashiv in Kovetz Teshuvot (vol 3, end of chapter 4) quoted by Piskei Shemuot (Shavuot pg 42), Biur Halacha 489:3 D”H MeBeOd Yom </ref>
==If one forgot to count==
==If one forgot to count==