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# Women are exempt from counting since it’s a Mitzvah Aseh SheZman Grama. <Ref>Rambam (Temidin UMusafin 7:24) rules that women are exempt from counting Sefirah. (Rambam is also found in the Sefer Hamitzvot #161). This is brought in Bet Yosef 489:1 D”H VeTzarich. So rules Magan Avraham 489:1 (who also quotes Zohar Titzaveh pg 319 to show women are exempt) and Mishna Brurah 489:3. [Interestingly, Ramban (Kedushin 34a) holds women are obligated and the Shitat HaKadmonim (last page of Bava Kama) brings the son the Maharam Challavah who explains that Sefirah isn’t Zman Grama since the time doesn’t cause Sefirah, but the Korban HaOmer.]  
# Women are exempt from counting since it’s a Mitzvah Aseh SheZman Grama. <Ref>Rambam (Temidin UMusafin 7:24) rules that women are exempt from counting Sefirah. (Rambam is also found in the Sefer Hamitzvot #161). This is brought in Bet Yosef 489:1 D”H VeTzarich. So rules Magan Avraham 489:1 (who also quotes Zohar Titzaveh pg 319 to show women are exempt) and Mishna Brurah 489:3. [Interestingly, Ramban (Kedushin 34a) holds women are obligated and the Shitat HaKadmonim (last page of Bava Kama) brings the son the Maharam Challavah who explains that Sefirah isn’t Zman Grama since the time doesn’t cause Sefirah, but the Korban HaOmer.]  
* Shulchan Shlomo 489:3 writes that women shouldn't count sefirat haomer with a bracha because they might forget to count one night and they won't know the halacha (that they're supposed to continue without a bracha). </ref>
* Shulchan Shlomo 489:3 writes that women shouldn't count sefirat haomer with a bracha because they might forget to count one night and they won't know the halacha (that they're supposed to continue without a bracha). </ref>
==A child who became Bar Mitzvahed during Sefirah==
==A child who became [[Bar Mitzvah]]ed during Sefirah==
# A child who became Bar Mitzvahed during Sefirah should continue counting without a bracha. <ref> Sh"t Yabea Omer 3:27-28. Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik quoted in Eretz Hatzvi 3:6-7 says that according to the Behag quoted in Tosafot 66a "zecher" the bar-mitzva boy should be allowed to continue with a beracha because the mitzva is dependent on the consecutiveness of the 49 nights, which he fulfills even before becoming of age. </ref>
# A child who became [[Bar Mitzvah]]ed during Sefirah should continue counting without a bracha. <ref> Sh"t Yabea Omer 3:27-28. Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik quoted in Eretz Hatzvi 3:6-7 says that according to the Behag quoted in Tosafot 66a "zecher" the bar-mitzva boy should be allowed to continue with a beracha because the mitzva is dependent on the consecutiveness of the 49 nights, which he fulfills even before becoming of age. </ref>
==Language of the Sefirah==
==Language of the Sefirah==
# Lechatchila, one should know the number of the day when you make the bracha. Bedieved, if one said the bracha with intent to hear the number of the day from his friend and paused to hear his friend after his bracha, he’s Yotsei. <ref> S”A 489:5 writes that if one said the bracha with in mind that one will say the Hayom that his friend says, he fulfills his obligation. Yet, Taz 489:8 writes that implied from S”A is that Lechatchila one should say the bracha only when you know the number of the day. Mishna Brurah 489:29 adds that Lechatchila it’s forbidden to pause for more than Toch Kedi Dibbur. </ref>
# Lechatchila, one should know the number of the day when you make the bracha. Bedieved, if one said the bracha with intent to hear the number of the day from his friend and paused to hear his friend after his bracha, he’s Yotsei. <ref> S”A 489:5 writes that if one said the bracha with in mind that one will say the Hayom that his friend says, he fulfills his obligation. Yet, Taz 489:8 writes that implied from S”A is that Lechatchila one should say the bracha only when you know the number of the day. Mishna Brurah 489:29 adds that Lechatchila it’s forbidden to pause for more than Toch Kedi Dibbur. </ref>
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===Making Shehecheyanu===
===Making Shehecheyanu===
# If something occurs that would require a shehecheyanu, one should recite it as usual. <ref> Mishna Berura 493:2. The minhag not to is quoted in the Eliyahu Zuta 493:1 quoting Rabbeinu Yerucham and Leket Yosher page 97 quoting the Terumat Hadeshen. </ref>
# If something occurs that would require a shehecheyanu, one should recite it as usual. <ref> Mishna Berura 493:2. The minhag not to is quoted in the Eliyahu Zuta 493:1 quoting Rabbeinu Yerucham and Leket Yosher page 97 quoting the Terumat Hadeshen. </ref>
# It is preferable not to wear new clothing which would require one to make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Sefira, however, if there's a need one should do it on a [[Shabbat]], at a Simcha of a Bar Mitzvah or [[Brit Milah]]. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 433). Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Aleihu Lo Yibol 286 and Shalmei Moed page 441 rules that it is completely permissible to buy new clothing if it is not your minhag not to. See Taamei Haminhagim page 251.  </ref> The accepted Sephardic minhag is to make [[Shehecheyanu]] as usual. <Ref> Maamer Mordechai of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Sefirat HaOmer #55) </ref> If one thought it was prohibited to recite shehecheyanu but later found out that it is not, doesn't need a hatarat nedarim to start saying shehecheyanu during sefira. <ref> Yechave Daat 1:24. </ref>
# It is preferable not to wear new clothing which would require one to make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Sefira, however, if there's a need one should do it on a [[Shabbat]], at a Simcha of a [[Bar Mitzvah]] or [[Brit Milah]]. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 433). Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Aleihu Lo Yibol 286 and Shalmei Moed page 441 rules that it is completely permissible to buy new clothing if it is not your minhag not to. See Taamei Haminhagim page 251.  </ref> The accepted Sephardic minhag is to make [[Shehecheyanu]] as usual. <Ref> Maamer Mordechai of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Sefirat HaOmer #55) </ref> If one thought it was prohibited to recite shehecheyanu but later found out that it is not, doesn't need a hatarat nedarim to start saying shehecheyanu during sefira. <ref> Yechave Daat 1:24. </ref>
# It is permissible to eat a new fruit which would require one to make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Sefira. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 434), Rav Elyashiv quoted in Mivakshei Torah 19 </ref>
# It is permissible to eat a new fruit which would require one to make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Sefira. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 434), Rav Elyashiv quoted in Mivakshei Torah 19 </ref>
# It is permissible to move into a new apartment and make the requisite [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Sefira. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 434) </ref>
# It is permissible to move into a new apartment and make the requisite [[Shehecheyanu]] during the Sefira. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 434) </ref>