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There is a rabbinic obligation on the father to educate his child to fulfill mitzvot even before he is Bar Mitzvah'ed or she is Bat Mitzvah'ed. The age at which this obligation begins varies according to the mitzvah. Below are the details of this mitzvah.
There is a rabbinic obligation on the father to educate his child to fulfill mitzvot even before he is Bar Mitzvah'ed or she is Bat Mitzvah'ed.<ref>Sefer Chinuch Yisrael (p. 59) writes that chinuch is a rabbinic mitzvah, and quotes the Chaye Adam (66:1) who writes that this is a mitzvah midivrei kabbalah (institution of the nevi'im). </ref> The age at which this obligation begins varies according to the mitzvah. Below are the details of this mitzvah.
==Who is obligated in Chinuch?==
# While the majority of the poskim hold that chinuch only applies to the father, some say it also applies to the mother. <ref>Sefer Chinuch Yisrael (p. 61). See further in the Magen Avraham 343, S"A HaRav 343, Mishna Brurah 616:5, Aruch HaShulchan 343, and Pri Megadim E"A 225:5. </ref> 
==Daily Mitzvot==
# Regarding a child's obligation to pray, see the [[Obligation_to_pray#Children]] page.
# Some say that children from the age of 6 should say Birkat Hamazon. <ref>[ Rabbi Mansour on] writes that parents should ensure that children from the age of 6 say Birkat HaMazon.</ref>
# Some say that children from the age of 6 should say Birkat Hamazon. <ref>[ Rabbi Mansour on] writes that parents should ensure that children from the age of 6 say Birkat HaMazon.</ref>