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==Learning at day and night==
==Learning at day and night==
# One should establish a fixed time to learn after davening. One should make certain that that time is fixed and one doesn't miss it even if one thinks one can make a lot of money by missing it. If one has a great need that one needs to leave for, one should learn at least one pasuk or one halacha. After finishing whatever was pressing one should complete one's daily standard amount. <reF>Kitzur S"A 27:1</ref>
# One should establish a fixed time to learn after davening. One should make certain that that time is fixed and one doesn't miss it even if one thinks one can make a lot of money by missing it. If one has a great need that one needs to leave for, one should learn at least one pasuk or one halacha. After finishing whatever was pressing one should complete one's daily standard amount. <reF>Kitzur S"A 27:1</ref>
#It’s important to learn at night and not waste it all with sleep, eating, and talking because one accomplishes most of his learning at night <ref> Rambam (Talmud Torah 3:13). S"A 238:1 rules this with the language one must be very careful to learn torah at night, more careful than the day! </ref>, that learning is not easily forgotten and is considered like the Avoda of the Korbanot. The joy of Torah is specifically felt for learning at night and Hashem grants a special Chesed for one who learns at night. <ref>Avoda Zara 3b </ref>.  
#It’s important to learn at night and not waste it all with sleep, eating, and talking because one accomplishes most of his learning at night <ref> Rambam (Talmud Torah 3:13). S"A 238:1 rules this with the language one must be very careful to learn torah at night, more careful than the day! </ref>, that learning is not easily forgotten and is considered like the Avoda of the Korbanot. The joy of Torah is specifically felt for learning at night and Hashem grants a special Chesed for one who learns at night. <ref>Avoda Zara 3b. The gemara in Eruvin 65a says that night was created specifically for Torah study. The gemara in Chagigah 12b says that one who studies Torah at night will enjoy Hashem’s grace by day, as the pasuk in Psalms 42:9 says “By day, G-d will direct His grace, and at night, His song is with me.” </ref>.  
#There's a special practice to "join the day and night" with learning or davening by learning during sunset and sunrise. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S"A 1:6), Bear Hetiev 238:1, and Mishna Brurah 1:2 in of the Shlah HaKadosh </ref>
#There's a special practice to "join the day and night" with learning or davening by learning during sunset and sunrise. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S"A 1:6), Bear Hetiev 238:1, and Mishna Brurah 1:2 in of the Shlah HaKadosh in fulfillment of the pasuk in Yehoshua 1:8 "you shall meditate on it day and night." </ref>
# If one has a certain daily schedule of learning and hasn't completed it yet, one should finish it at night. However, preferably one should make a stipulation not to accept the daily schedule as a neder, but rather bli neder incase one misses a day. <ref> S"A 238:2, Mishna Brurah 238:5 </ref>
# If one has a certain daily schedule of learning and hasn't completed it yet, one should finish it at night. However, preferably one should make a stipulation not to accept the daily schedule as a neder, but rather bli neder in case one misses a day. <ref> S"A 238:2, Mishna Brurah 238:5, Kitzur S"A 71:1 </ref>
==Learning Tanach at night==
==Learning Tanach at night==
# According to the Kabbalah, it's preferable not to learn Tanach at night. <Ref> Birkei Yosef 1:13, 238:2 in name of the Arizal, Ben Ish Chai Pekudei #7, Kaf HaChaim 237:9. </ref> However, some argue that one may be lenient. <ref> Shaar HaTzion 238:1 in name of the Pri Megadim. </ref> However, since it's not forbidden but only preferable, if not learning Tanach will cause [[Bitul Torah]] (Chas VeShalom) one may learn Tanach. <ref> Piskei Teshuvot 238:1 </ref>
# According to the Kabbalah, it's preferable not to learn Tanach at night. <Ref> Birkei Yosef 1:13, 238:2 in name of the Arizal, Ben Ish Chai Pekudei #7, Kaf HaChaim 237:9. </ref> However, some argue that one may be lenient. <ref> Shaar HaTzion 238:1 in name of the Pri Megadim. </ref> However, since it's not forbidden but only preferable, if not learning Tanach will cause [[Bitul Torah]] (Chas VeShalom) one may learn Tanach. <ref> Piskei Teshuvot 238:1 </ref>