Netilat Yadayim upon Waking Up: Difference between revisions

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==When to make the bracha==
==When to make the bracha==
# The minhag is to make the Bracha of Al Netilat Yadiyim between washing and drying one’s hands. <Ref> S”A 158:11 writes that the Bracha of [[Netilat Yadayim]] is like most other Brachot that have to be made prior to completing the mitzvah. Therefore concludes S”A the practice is to rub one’s hands to clean them (so one can make the Bracha), then make the Bracha prior to washing. However, Mishna Brurah 158:41 writes that the minhag of the world is to make the Bracha after washing but before drying like the Rama writes is permissible. </ref>
# The minhag is to make the Bracha of Al Netilat Yadiyim between washing and drying one’s hands. <Ref> S”A 158:11 writes that the Bracha of [[Netilat Yadayim]] is like most other Brachot that have to be made prior to completing the mitzvah. Therefore concludes S”A the practice is to rub one’s hands to clean them (so one can make the Bracha), then make the Bracha prior to washing. However, Mishna Brurah 158:41 writes that the minhag of the world is to make the Bracha after washing but before drying like the Rama writes is permissible. </ref>
# If one forgot to make the Bracha of Al [[Netilat Yadayim]] before drying one’s hands, according to Ashekazim one is permitted to make a Bracha of [[Netilat Yadayim]] until one makes the Hamotzei. However, Sephardim hold that once one’s hands are totally dry one may not make the Bracha. <Ref> Rama 158:11 writes that if one forgot to make a Bracha before drying one’s hand one can make the Bracha after drying. Mishna Brurah 158:44 supports the Rama by saying that [[Netilat Yadayim]] is different than other Brachot and may be made after the mitzvah is completed. Mishna Brurah writes that even thgouh the Taz forbids making the Bracha after drying hands, since most achronim hold like the Rama one should act according to the Rama, but one should be careful to avoid such a situation. </ref>
# If one forgot to make the Bracha of Al [[Netilat Yadayim]] before drying one’s hands, according to Ashekazim one is permitted to make a Bracha of [[Netilat Yadayim]] until one makes the Hamotzei. However, Sephardim hold that once one’s hands are totally dry one may not make the Bracha. <Ref> Rama 158:11 writes that if one forgot to make a Bracha before drying one’s hand one can make the Bracha after drying. Mishna Brurah 158:44 supports the Rama by saying that [[Netilat Yadayim]] is different than other Brachot and may be made after the mitzvah is completed. Mishna Brurah writes that even though the Taz forbids making the Bracha after drying hands, since most achronim hold like the Rama one should act according to the Rama, but one should be careful to avoid such a situation. For Sephardim Ben Ish Chai Shemini:Halacha 7 and Chacham Ovadia Yosef in Halichot Olam 1:page 317 rule that once you dry your hands you can no longer make the beracha. </ref>
==Interruptions (chatzita) Between the Hand and Water==
==Interruptions (chatzita) Between the Hand and Water==
#Anything that is considered an interruption between the body and water for tevilla is also for netilat yadayim. The two qualifications that would make it interrupt are that 1. that it covers most of the skin. 2. that it is something you don't want to always be there. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 161:1 based on gemara chullin 106b. </ref>
#Anything that is considered an interruption between the body and water for tevilla is also for netilat yadayim. The two qualifications that would make it interrupt are that 1. that it covers most of the skin. 2. that it is something you don't want to always be there. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 161:1 based on gemara chullin 106b. </ref>