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# One who usually learns in a Bet Midrash doesn't have to learn in a Sukkah. <ref>S"A HaRav 639:4, Kaf HaChaim 639:63, Natai Gavriel 58:6 </ref>
# One who usually learns in a Bet Midrash doesn't have to learn in a Sukkah. <ref>S"A HaRav 639:4, Kaf HaChaim 639:63, Natai Gavriel 58:6 </ref>
# One should pray in a shul and not in one's Sukkah even if one can get a minyan in the Sukkah. If there's no shul in one's city if one is able to concentrate in the Sukkah one should pray in the Sukkah. <ref>S"A 639:4 writes that if one wants one may pray in the Sukkah. The Mishna Brurah 639:30 explains that in the place where one  has greater kavanah (concentration) one should pray unless there is a shul in the city in which case one should go there (because during the rest of the year one would leave one's house to go to the shul. Pri Megadim (M"Z 639:14), Kaf HaChaim 639:67, and Natai Gavriel 58:8 add that one should pray in the established shul even if one can get a minyan in the Sukkah. </ref>
# One should pray in a shul and not in one's Sukkah even if one can get a minyan in the Sukkah. If there's no shul in one's city if one is able to concentrate in the Sukkah one should pray in the Sukkah. <ref>S"A 639:4 writes that if one wants one may pray in the Sukkah. The Mishna Brurah 639:30 explains that in the place where one  has greater kavanah (concentration) one should pray unless there is a shul in the city in which case one should go there (because during the rest of the year one would leave one's house to go to the shul. Pri Megadim (M"Z 639:14), Kaf HaChaim 639:67, and Natai Gavriel 58:8 add that one should pray in the established shul even if one can get a minyan in the Sukkah. </ref>
# If one usually does Havdalah at home during Sukkot one should do it in the Sukkah. However, those who listen to Havdalah in the shul can do so also on Sukkot. <ref>Mishna Brurah 639:30, Shaar HaTzion 639:57, Kaf HaChaim 639:66 </ref>
# If one usually does Havdalah at home during Sukkot one should do it in the Sukkah. However, those who listen to Havdalah in the shul can do so also on Sukkot. <ref>Mishna Brurah 639:30, Shaar HaTzion 639:57, Kaf HaChaim 639:66. </ref> If one does it in the succah there is a discussion if you should recite the beracha. <ref> Shevet ha-Levi 6:42 says no beracha of leshev basuccah is recited because it isn't a keviat seuda, see above. However, Chazon Ish quoted in Rivevos Efrayim 1:428 and 3:424 rules that since it is wine for havdala it elevates the level of drinking to keviat seuda, and therefore would require the beracha. Rav Elyashiv in Succas Chayim page 202 rules that this applies only to wine and not to grape juice. The steipler in Orchos Rabbeinu 2: page 228 as well as Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchita 58:22 recommend eating bread immediately after havdala to avoid any doubts, and recite leseh basuccah Shemirat Shabbat kihilchita recommends reciting the leshev basuccah before the boreh pri hagefen. </ref> 
# A community committee meeting can take place as usual and doesn't have to be in the Sukkah. <ref>Natai Gavriel 58:10 who explains that the Sukkah is supposed to replace one's home but anyway for the meeting one always leaves one's home to go another place and also that they wouldn't be able to concentrate as well in the Sukkah. </ref>
# A community committee meeting can take place as usual and doesn't have to be in the Sukkah. <ref>Natai Gavriel 58:10 who explains that the Sukkah is supposed to replace one's home but anyway for the meeting one always leaves one's home to go another place and also that they wouldn't be able to concentrate as well in the Sukkah. </ref>