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# One shouldn’t write Divrei Chol in Ktav Ashurit (block-print font of Hebrew as is written in the Torah). <Ref> Rama Y”D 284:2 writes in name of the Sh”t HaRambam 7 (brought in the Bet Yosef 284) that it’s disgraceful to write Divrei Chol in the Ktav Ashurit since it’s the lettering as the Torah was given. Even though the Tashbetz 1:2 permits writing Divrei Chol in Ktav Ashurit, most poskim hold like the Rambam including the Orchot Chaim (Talmid Torah 1:9), Sh”t Radvaz (quoted by Pitchei Teshuva 283:3), Sh”t Chovot Yair 109, Sh”t Rav Poalim 4:32, and Aruch HaShulchan 284:8. </ref>
# Divrei Torah that’s written in any font or language needs Geniza. <Ref> S”A 154:5 </ref>
# However, Divrei Torah written in mirror image fonts doesn’t need Geniza. <Ref> Kaf HaChaim O”C 154:38 writes that letters that are written backwards making up a Dvar Torah don’t need geniza as it’s not considered letters. So rules the Maharsham 3:39 and Ginizei HaKodesh 11:7 in name of Rav Elyashiv. </ref>
# Divrei Torah written in Brail needs Geniza. <Ref> Ginizei HaKodesh 11:7 in name of Rav Elyashiv </ref>
# Divrei Torah written in microscopic font, some say it doesn’t need Geniza, but some are lenient if there’s no name of Hashem. <Ref> Ginizei HaKodesh 11:7 in name of Rav Elyashiv says that microscopic font doesn’t need Geniza, while Rabbi Karlitz holds it does need Geniza. </ref>
==Erasing Hashem's name==
# Erasing Hashem’s name is learned from the juxtaposition of VeAvadtem Et Shemam and Lo TaAsun Ken LaHashem. In general, it’s forbidden to erase even one letter of any of the 7 names of Hashem: Yud Hay Vav Hay, Adonai, Elohah, El, Elokim, Shaddai, Tzivaot. <Ref>S”A Y”D 276:9 </ref>
# Many authorities permit erasing Torah or names of Hashem in electronic form. <Ref> Sh”t Yachava Daat 4:50, Sh”t Igrot Moshe 1:173 are lenient because the electronic encryption is illegible but says that it’s preferable to be strict. </ref>
# There is a dispute regarding printing a paper with Divrei Torah which was done without intent of making it Kadosh. <Ref> Rav Asher Weiss (quoted by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz on is lenient because of the expense </ref>
# Many poskim permit erasing the name of God written in languages other than Hebrew. <ref> Mishna Brurah 85:10 and Shach YD 179:10 both hold that it is permitted to erase the name of God in languages other than Hebrew.</ref>