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# According to Ashkenazim it’s forbidden to cut one’s hair for the entire three weeks, however, according to Sephardim one can cut hair until the week of Tisha BeAv. <Ref> The Gemara in Taanit 26b says that one shouldn’t cut one’s hair the week of Tisha BeAv. This Gemara is brought as Halacha by the Rambam (Taaniot 5:6). The Ramban (Torat HaAdam (Aveilut Yishana pg 346) explains that this prohibition applies to all hair on the body except the mustache if it interferes with eating. The Tur and S”A 551:3,12-13 rule like the Ramban that during the week of Tisha BeAv one is forbidden to cut any hair on one’s body except if there’s facial hair interfering with eating. Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158) writes that this is Sephardic custom. However, Rama 551:4 rules that Ashkenazim should be strict not to cut hair all three weeks like the Sefer Minhagim (pg 74).</ref>  
# According to Ashkenazim it’s forbidden to cut one’s hair for the entire three weeks, however, according to Sephardim one can cut hair until the week of Tisha BeAv. <Ref> The Gemara in Taanit 26b says that one shouldn’t cut one’s hair the week of Tisha BeAv. This Gemara is brought as Halacha by the Rambam (Taaniot 5:6). The Ramban (Torat HaAdam (Aveilut Yishana pg 346) explains that this prohibition applies to all hair on the body except the mustache if it interferes with eating. The Tur and S”A 551:3,12-13 rule like the Ramban that during the week of Tisha BeAv one is forbidden to cut any hair on one’s body except if there’s facial hair interfering with eating. Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158) writes that this is Sephardic custom. However, Rama 551:4 rules that Ashkenazim should be strict not to cut hair all three weeks like the Sefer Minhagim (pg 74).</ref>  
# For Sephardim it’s permitted to take a hair cut during the three weeks even a Sephardic Yeshiva Bachur in a Ashkenazi Yeshiva <Ref>Sh”t Yechave Daat 4:36, 3:39, Sh”t Yabea Omer 3:31:5, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 551(2):11) </ref> however, it’s preferable to be strict not to cut the entire three weeks. <Ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158-9) </ref>
# For Sephardim it’s permitted to take a hair cut during the three weeks even a Sephardic Yeshiva Bachur in a Ashkenazi Yeshiva <Ref>Sh”t Yechave Daat 4:36, 3:39, Sh”t Yabea Omer 3:31:5, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 551(2):11) </ref> however, it’s preferable to be strict not to cut the entire three weeks. <Ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 158-9) </ref>
# A women who needs to cut her hair in order to get married, all the more so if she's already engaged, or if a woman has the custom to cut her hair before going to the mikveh, it's permissible to do so during the three weeks. <Ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 163), Shalmei Moed (pg 477) </ref>
# A women who needs to cut her hair in order to get married, all the more so if she's already engaged, or if a woman has the custom to cut her hair before going to the mikveh, it's permissible to do so during the three weeks. <Ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 163), Shalmei Moed (pg 477), Iggerot Moshe YD 2:137, Halichot Shelomo 3:14, Devar Halachah 10.  </ref>
# If a woman’s hair is growing so long that it is becoming difficult for her to keep the hair under the head covering, she can cut it during the three weeks. <ref> Mishnah Berura 551:79 </ref>  
# If a woman’s hair is growing so long that it is becoming difficult for her to keep the hair under the head covering, she can cut it during the three weeks. <ref> Mishnah Berura 551:79 </ref>  
# The father of a baby boy, the sandak, and the mohel can all cut their hair on the day of a baby's [[brit milah]]. <ref> Shaar Hatziyun 551:4 quoting the Chatam Sofer 158 </ref>
# Women may shave their legs if necessary. <ref> Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 128 note 9, Kitzur Hilchot Bein hametzarim page 4. </ref>
# The father of a baby boy, the sandak, and the mohel can all cut their hair on the day of a baby's [[brit milah]]. <ref> Shaar Hatziyun 551:4 quoting the Chatam Sofer 158, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:15, Kaf ha-Chayim 551:10, Pitchei Teshuvah 551:1, She’arim Metzuyanim b'Halachah 122:16. Baer Heitev 551:3 is stringent.  </ref> It is forbidden to take a haircut for a bar mitzva. <ref> Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Moadei Yeshurun page 128 </ref>  
# If not cutting one's hair will cause great monetary loss, one is permitted to cut it during the three weeks but not during the nine days. If one will not lose money, even if the hair makes him uncomfortable he may not cut his hair. <ref> Iggerot Moshe OC 4:120 </ref>  
# If not cutting one's hair will cause great monetary loss, one is permitted to cut it during the three weeks but not during the nine days. If one will not lose money, even if the hair makes him uncomfortable he may not cut his hair. <ref> Iggerot Moshe OC 4:120 </ref>  
# A child under the age of six is permitted to get a haircut. <ref> Iggerot Moshe YD 1:224 and Aruch Hashulchan 551:31. Mishna Berura 551:81 and Shaar Hatziyun 551:91 as well as the Chayei Adam 133:18 bring two reasons that children should be included based on the Terumat Hadeshen 142. One being chinuch, in which case it would only apply to older than six and the other being "agmat nefesh," meaning it makes people feel more pain to see children mourning, in which case it would apply to even children under 6. </ref>
# Some poskim allow a child under the age of six to get a haircut. <ref> Iggerot Moshe YD 1:224 and Aruch Hashulchan 551:31. Mishna Berura 551:81 and Shaar Hatziyun 551:91 as well as the Chayei Adam 133:18 conclude that children even below 6 should not get haircuts and bring two reasons from the Terumat Hadeshen 142. One being chinuch, in which case it would only apply to older than six and the other being "agmat nefesh," meaning it makes people feel more pain to see children mourning, in which case it would apply to even children under 6. Chanoch lanaar 22:1 says that if an upsheren falls out during the three weeks one should either push it up or postpone it. </ref>
# It is permitted to comb and style one's hair during the Three Weeks and Nine Days and one doesn't have to worry that one will pull out hairs. <ref> Eliya Rabba 551:7, Shaare Teshuva 551:12, Mishna Berura 551:20, Aruch Hashulchan 551:15, Sh"t Yachava Daat 6:35 </ref>
# It is permitted to comb and style one's hair during the Three Weeks and Nine Days and one doesn't have to worry that one will pull out hairs. <ref> Eliya Rabba 551:7, Shaare Teshuva 551:12, Mishna Berura 551:20, Aruch Hashulchan 551:15, Sh"t Yachava Daat 6:35 </ref>
# It is permitted to pluck one’s eyebrows or eyelashes. <ref> Halichot Shelomo 3:14, Devar Halachah 9, Shalmei Moed page 477.  </ref>

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* (4) Monetary loss: (a)Sh”t Maharam Shik Y”D 371 writes that there is what to defend those who it’s difficult to do business with important people without shaving and during the year they regularly shave every 2-3 days to continue in the three weeks until the week of Tisha BeAv. (b) Sh”t Igrot Moshe C”M 1:93, O”C 4:102, 5:24:9 writes that by loosing a business deal or customers that will effect one’s income after Tisha BeAv, one can shave until the week of Tisha BeAv, but during the week of Tisha BeAv itself it’s only permissible to shave if one will not be able to make an income after Tisha BeAv or without working one needs to borrow money and it’s difficult to find someone to borrow from). (c) Maadenei Shlomo pg 51 brings Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach who says that if there’s a chance you’ll loose you’re job you can shave (even during the week of Tisha BeAv). Halichot Shlomo pg 414 brings Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach who says that it’s permissible for a person who is endanger of losing a lot of money or his job may shave during the three weeks. (d)Shearim Metsuyim BeHalacha brings the Taz 551:1 (brought by Mishna Brurah 551:12) that says nowadays we don’t decrease our business activity during this time since we have to pay government taxes and all income is included in our Parnasa and therefore here too if there’s a chance of losing Parnasa that can be considered a concern of loss of money.       
* (4) Monetary loss: (a)Sh”t Maharam Shik Y”D 371 writes that there is what to defend those who it’s difficult to do business with important people without shaving and during the year they regularly shave every 2-3 days to continue in the three weeks until the week of Tisha BeAv. (b) Sh”t Igrot Moshe C”M 1:93, O”C 4:102, 5:24:9 writes that by loosing a business deal or customers that will effect one’s income after Tisha BeAv, one can shave until the week of Tisha BeAv, but during the week of Tisha BeAv itself it’s only permissible to shave if one will not be able to make an income after Tisha BeAv or without working one needs to borrow money and it’s difficult to find someone to borrow from). (c) Maadenei Shlomo pg 51 brings Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach who says that if there’s a chance you’ll loose you’re job you can shave (even during the week of Tisha BeAv). Halichot Shlomo pg 414 brings Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach who says that it’s permissible for a person who is endanger of losing a lot of money or his job may shave during the three weeks. (d)Shearim Metsuyim BeHalacha brings the Taz 551:1 (brought by Mishna Brurah 551:12) that says nowadays we don’t decrease our business activity during this time since we have to pay government taxes and all income is included in our Parnasa and therefore here too if there’s a chance of losing Parnasa that can be considered a concern of loss of money.       
* <div id="shavingforkavodshabbos"></div> (4) Kavod [[Shabbat]]: (a) Magan Avraham 551:14 and Mishna Brurah 551:32 write that the prohibition of cutting hair applies even for Kavod [[Shabbat]] (unlike laundering which is relaxed for Kavod [[Shabbat]] for someone who doesn't have other clothes, because people don't cut their hair either way weekly). Yet, Pri Megadim (A”A 551:14) writes that according to Rama one can shave in honor of [[Shabbat]] until [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av. However, Mateh Yehuda 551:4 writes that even in honor of [[Shabbat]] one can’t shave during the three weeks. (b) On this dispute, Kaf HaChaim 551:66 writes that in this regard in depends on the minhag of the place (to follow the Pri Megadim or not), and Rabbi Moshe Karp in Hilchot UMinhagei Ben HaMeysarim (pg 25) writes that the Pri Megadim was more in line with minhag Ashkenaz than the Mateh Yehuda and there’s a lot to rely on to follow Pri Megadim. (c) Even on the original position of the Magan Avraham, the Hagot Rabbi Akiva Eiger and Buir Halacha 551:3 D”H VeChen (based on Tosfot Tanit and the Yerushalmi) argue that cutting hair should be permissible for Kavod [[Shabbat]] even for [[Shabbat]] Chazon. [However, the Rishonim themselves don’t all agree with Tosfot including the Kol Bo (quoted in Bet Yosef 551:4) who wouldn’t shave before [[Shabbat]] chazon and the Bet Yosef (who argues on Tosfot that it’s impossible to think that it’s permissible to cut hair on Tisha BeAv for Kavod [[Shabbat]]).] (d) Ashkenazim: Sh”t Ner Ezra (vol 2 pg 155-8) concludes that one can be lenient to shave for Kavod [[Shabbat]] and quotes Rav Aharon Lichtenstein who agrees. [ Weekly Parsha Halacha by Rabbi Neustadt] writes that since many do shave regularly (more than once a week) there is a basis for the lenient minhag (based on the logic of the Magan Avraham). Nonetheless, the Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 42:52 writes simply like the Mishna Brurah not to shave during the three weeks even for Kavod [[Shabbat]]. (e)Sephardim: Rav Ovadyah Yosef (Sh"t Yachava Daat 3:39, Sh”t Yabea Omer 3:31:5; Chazon Ovadyah pg 162) writes that there is what to rely on to shave Friday of [[Shabbat]] Chazon if ones beard is uncomfortable, and certainly there’s what to rely on for Ashkenazim to shave for Kavod [[Shabbat]] during the rest of the three weeks. (e) Someone in doubt: Rabbi Robinowitz (quoted in Peninei Halacha by 156) says that a person should follow the minhag of his father so as not to appear more lenient or strict that his father. </ref>
* <div id="shavingforkavodshabbos"></div> (4) Kavod [[Shabbat]]: (a) Magan Avraham 551:14 and Mishna Brurah 551:32 write that the prohibition of cutting hair applies even for Kavod [[Shabbat]] (unlike laundering which is relaxed for Kavod [[Shabbat]] for someone who doesn't have other clothes, because people don't cut their hair either way weekly). Yet, Pri Megadim (A”A 551:14) writes that according to Rama one can shave in honor of [[Shabbat]] until [[Rosh Chodesh]] Av. However, Mateh Yehuda 551:4 writes that even in honor of [[Shabbat]] one can’t shave during the three weeks. (b) On this dispute, Kaf HaChaim 551:66 writes that in this regard in depends on the minhag of the place (to follow the Pri Megadim or not), and Rabbi Moshe Karp in Hilchot UMinhagei Ben HaMeysarim (pg 25) writes that the Pri Megadim was more in line with minhag Ashkenaz than the Mateh Yehuda and there’s a lot to rely on to follow Pri Megadim. (c) Even on the original position of the Magan Avraham, the Hagot Rabbi Akiva Eiger and Buir Halacha 551:3 D”H VeChen (based on Tosfot Tanit and the Yerushalmi) argue that cutting hair should be permissible for Kavod [[Shabbat]] even for [[Shabbat]] Chazon. [However, the Rishonim themselves don’t all agree with Tosfot including the Kol Bo (quoted in Bet Yosef 551:4) who wouldn’t shave before [[Shabbat]] chazon and the Bet Yosef (who argues on Tosfot that it’s impossible to think that it’s permissible to cut hair on Tisha BeAv for Kavod [[Shabbat]]).] (d) Ashkenazim: Sh”t Ner Ezra (vol 2 pg 155-8) concludes that one can be lenient to shave for Kavod [[Shabbat]] and quotes Rav Aharon Lichtenstein who agrees. [ Weekly Parsha Halacha by Rabbi Neustadt] writes that since many do shave regularly (more than once a week) there is a basis for the lenient minhag (based on the logic of the Magan Avraham). Nonetheless, the Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 42:52 writes simply like the Mishna Brurah not to shave during the three weeks even for Kavod [[Shabbat]]. (e)Sephardim: Rav Ovadyah Yosef (Sh"t Yachava Daat 3:39, Sh”t Yabea Omer 3:31:5; Chazon Ovadyah pg 162) writes that there is what to rely on to shave Friday of [[Shabbat]] Chazon if ones beard is uncomfortable, and certainly there’s what to rely on for Ashkenazim to shave for Kavod [[Shabbat]] during the rest of the three weeks. (e) Someone in doubt: Rabbi Robinowitz (quoted in Peninei Halacha by 156) says that a person should follow the minhag of his father so as not to appear more lenient or strict that his father. </ref>
# A mourner who completed his mourning period during the Three Weeks, may take a haircut and a shave. <ref> Mishnah Berurah 551:87. </ref>
# Dancing is forbidden during the three weeks. <Ref> Magan Avraham 551:10 says that it is forbidden to dance during the three weeks. This is brought as Halacha in the Achronim including Eliya Rabba 551:6, Baer Hetiev 551:11, Mishna Brurah 551:16, Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 560, Kitzur S”A 551:9), and Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taaniyot pg 149). </ref>
# Dancing is forbidden during the three weeks. <Ref> Magan Avraham 551:10 says that it is forbidden to dance during the three weeks. This is brought as Halacha in the Achronim including Eliya Rabba 551:6, Baer Hetiev 551:11, Mishna Brurah 551:16, Yalkut Yosef (Moadim pg 560, Kitzur S”A 551:9), and Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taaniyot pg 149). </ref>
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# One shouldn’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of Sheva Asar BeTamuz, however, is there’s great need, there’s what to rely on. <Ref> Sh”t Sh”t Chaim Shal 1:24, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, Sdei Chemed 5:page 277, Biur Halacha 551:2 and Ikrei HaDaat O”C 27:9 write that one shouldn’t say [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of Sheva Aser BeTamuz. However, Nechamat Yisrael (pg 40) permits in case of great need based on Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:168 (so is explicit in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:100) and Mishnat Yacov (pg 168) permits [[Shehecheyanu]] at night even without any need. </ref>
# One shouldn’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of Sheva Asar BeTamuz, however, is there’s great need, there’s what to rely on. <Ref> Sh”t Sh”t Chaim Shal 1:24, Kaf HaChaim 551:207, Sdei Chemed 5:page 277, Biur Halacha 551:2 and Ikrei HaDaat O”C 27:9 write that one shouldn’t say [[Shehecheyanu]] on the night of Sheva Aser BeTamuz. However, Nechamat Yisrael (pg 40) permits in case of great need based on Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:168 (so is explicit in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 3:100) and Mishnat Yacov (pg 168) permits [[Shehecheyanu]] at night even without any need. </ref>
# A person should recite a shehechiyanu upon the birth of a baby girl during the three weeks because that Bracha can't wait until after the three weeks. <ref> Nitai Gavriel 17:19 based on Maharil 31 who says the restriction of saying shehecheyanu is only on a beracha that can wait until after. </ref>Similarly, at a Pidyon HaBen one should make a Shehechiyanu even during the three weeks. <ref>Nitai Gavriel 17:20 </ref>
# A person should recite a shehechiyanu upon the birth of a baby girl during the three weeks because that Bracha can't wait until after the three weeks. <ref> Nitai Gavriel 17:19 based on Maharil 31 who says the restriction of saying shehecheyanu is only on a beracha that can wait until after. </ref>Similarly, at a Pidyon HaBen one should make a Shehechiyanu even during the three weeks. <ref>Nitai Gavriel 17:20 </ref>
# One may say the Bracha of HaTov VeHaMeitiv during the three weeks.<ref>Nitai Gavriel 17:22</ref>
# One may say the Bracha of HaTov VeHaMeitiv during the three weeks.<ref>Nitai Gavriel 17:22, Shaare Teshuvah 551:10</ref>
==Eating a new fruit or wearing new clothing==
==Eating a new fruit or wearing new clothing==
# Because one shouldn’t make a Shehecheyanu, one shouldn’t eat a new fruit or wear a new clothing because these actions require a Shehecheyanu. <Ref> Sh”t Chaim Shal O”C 7 and Ketonet Yosef 11 (quoted in Kaf HaChaim 551:207) writes that even though one can’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the 3 weeks, one can eat a new fruit or wear new clothes without a Bracha. However, the Sefer Chasidim 840, Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 551:52, Bach 551e, Maamer Mordechai 551:14, Yometz Ometz 56, Bear Heitev 551:20, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 write that one is not allowed to have a new fruit during the three weeks without a Bracha, since having a new fruit requires a Bracha and it can’t be made during the three weeks. </Ref>
# Because one shouldn’t make a Shehecheyanu, one shouldn’t eat a new fruit or wear a new clothing because these actions require a Shehecheyanu. <Ref> Sh”t Chaim Shal O”C 7 and Ketonet Yosef 11 (quoted in Kaf HaChaim 551:207) writes that even though one can’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] during the 3 weeks, one can eat a new fruit or wear new clothes without a Bracha. However, the Sefer Chasidim 840, Shaarei Knesset HaGedolah 551:52, Bach 551e, Maamer Mordechai 551:14, Yometz Ometz 56, Bear Heitev 551:20, and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 122:2 write that one is not allowed to have a new fruit during the three weeks without a Bracha, since having a new fruit requires a Bracha and it can’t be made during the three weeks. Birkei Yosef 551:12 says that a shehecheyanu may be recited if by mistake the Borei pri haetz was already said over a new fruit. </Ref> A new fruit that will not be available after the Three Weeks may be eaten and a shehecheyanu recited. <ref>  Rama OC 551:17 </ref>  
# Since nowadays we don’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on buying new clothes but only for wearing new clothes, some permit buying new clothes and some forbid. <Ref> Halichot Shlomo pg 411 brings from the Talmidim of Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach that it’s permissible to buy new clothes since nowadays we don’t make a Bracha on buying clothes. see Nechamet Yisrael pg40 </ref>
# Since nowadays we don’t make a [[Shehecheyanu]] on buying new clothes but only for wearing new clothes, some permit buying new clothes and some forbid. <Ref> Halichot Shlomo pg 411 brings from the Talmidim of Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach that it’s permissible to buy new clothes since nowadays we don’t make a Bracha on buying clothes. This is the ruling of Mishna Berura 441:45 and Kaf Hachayim 551:88. see Nechamet Yisrael pg 40 </ref>

==Listening to Music==
==Listening to Music==
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# Many authorities forbid listening to recorded music (music with instruments) during the three weeks. <Ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim, 5748 edition, pg 554), Nitay Gavriel 15:1, Penieni Halacha (pg 144), Sh"t Shevet Halevi 6:69 and 8:127:2, Tzitz Eliezer 15:33:2, Divrei Shalom 3:118, Az Nidberu 8:58 and 10:23:2, Rivevot Ephraim 4:177, Halichot Shlomo Moadim 2:14:3 note 4, Or Litzion 3:25:2, Sh"t Iggerot Moshe OC 1:166 and 3:87, Torat Hamoadim 5:2, Sh”t Yachave Daat 6:34 and 3:30, Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 151), and [ Rabbi Mansour in Daily Halacha] hold that recorded music is forbidden during the three weeks. See also Sh"t Igrot Moshe YD 2:137, Minchat Yitzchak 1:111, Shalmat Chaim 29:1, Mishnat Sachir 2:145, Sh”t Ohel Yisachar 39. </ref>
# Many authorities forbid listening to recorded music (music with instruments) during the three weeks. <Ref> Yalkut Yosef (Moadim, 5748 edition, pg 554), Nitay Gavriel 15:1, Penieni Halacha (pg 144), Sh"t Shevet Halevi 6:69 and 8:127:2, Tzitz Eliezer 15:33:2, Divrei Shalom 3:118, Az Nidberu 8:58 and 10:23:2, Rivevot Ephraim 4:177, Halichot Shlomo Moadim 2:14:3 note 4, Or Litzion 3:25:2, Sh"t Iggerot Moshe OC 1:166 and 3:87, Torat Hamoadim 5:2, Sh”t Yachave Daat 6:34 and 3:30, Chazon Ovadyah (Arba Taniyot pg 151), and [ Rabbi Mansour in Daily Halacha] hold that recorded music is forbidden during the three weeks. See also Sh"t Igrot Moshe YD 2:137, Minchat Yitzchak 1:111, Shalmat Chaim 29:1, Mishnat Sachir 2:145, Sh”t Ohel Yisachar 39. </ref>
# If one is driving and is scared of falling asleep, he may listen to music.  <ref>  Or Litzion 3:25:2, Shevet Halevi 8:127:2. </ref>  
# If one is driving and is scared of falling asleep, he may listen to music.  <ref>  Or Litzion 3:25:2, Shevet Halevi 8:127:2. </ref>  
# Programs or other occasions where the musical accompaniment is incidental to the main event may be attended or viewed. <ref> Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in Ohalei Yeshurun page 128. </ref> 
===Live A cappella (singing without instruments)===
===Live A cappella (singing without instruments)===
# Some say that one may listen to vocal music (voices singing) during the three weeks but not the 9 days. <Ref> Mekor Chaim 551:1 and Or letzion 3:25:2 write that during the 9 days one shouldn’t listen to even vocal music. This is brought as halacha in the Halachot UMinhagei Ben HaMesarim (by Rabbi Moshe Karp pg 25) and Nachmat Yisrael 3:3. Chazon Ovadyah (pg 151-4) and Torat Hamoadim 5:2 are lenient with vocal song that are praise to Hashem (especially for [[Shabbat]] including [[Shabbat]] Chazon). </ref>  
# Some say that one may listen to vocal music (voices singing) during the three weeks but not the 9 days. <Ref> Mekor Chaim 551:1 and Or letzion 3:25:2 write that during the 9 days one shouldn’t listen to even vocal music. This is brought as halacha in the Halachot UMinhagei Ben HaMesarim (by Rabbi Moshe Karp pg 25) and Nachmat Yisrael 3:3. Chazon Ovadyah (pg 151-4) and Torat Hamoadim 5:2 are lenient with vocal song that are praise to Hashem (especially for [[Shabbat]] including [[Shabbat]] Chazon). </ref>  
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# One is permitted to shine their shoes for Kavod of Shabbat. <ref> Iggerot Moshe 3:80 </ref>
# One is permitted to shine their shoes for Kavod of Shabbat. <ref> Iggerot Moshe 3:80 </ref>
==Cutting Nails==
==Cutting Nails==
# Cutting nails is permitted during the three weeks up until the week in which Tisha B’Av falls out. <ref> Mishnah Berura 551:20 based on the Taz 551:13. Magen Avraham 551:13 permits cutting nails even during the week of, as does the Kitzur S"A 122:5</ref>   
# Cutting nails is permitted during the three weeks up until the week in which Tisha B’Av falls out. <ref> Mishnah Berura 551:20 based on the Taz 551:13, Kitzur S"A 122:5. Magen Avraham 551:13 permits cutting nails even during the week of. </ref>   
# Even according to those who prohibit cutting nails during the week of tisha b'av permit cutting nails on the friday preceding tisha B'av, if tisha b'av falls on shabbat. <ref> Mishna Berura 551:20 </ref> According to some Poskim only one who cuts his nails every Friday for shabbat may cut his nails on the friday preceding Tisha B'av. <ref> Eliya Rabbah 551, Yad Efraim 551, Kaf Hachaim 551:48, Piskei Teshuvot 551:19 </ref>
# Even according to those who prohibit cutting nails during the week of tisha b'av permit cutting nails on the friday preceding tisha B'av, if tisha b'av falls on shabbat. <ref> Mishna Berura 551:20 </ref> According to some Poskim only one who cuts his nails every Friday for shabbat may cut his nails on the friday preceding Tisha B'av. <ref> Eliya Rabbah 551, Yad Efraim 551, Kaf Hachaim 551:48, Piskei Teshuvot 551:19 </ref>
# A mohel is permitted to cut his nails in order to perform a bris. <ref> Kaf Hachaim 551:49 </ref>
# A mohel is permitted to cut his nails in order to perform a bris. <ref> Kaf Hachaim 551:49 </ref>