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# Even if one is not going to make Kiddish oneself but rather hear it from someone else one should still cover the challahs. <ref> Rav Moshe Feinstein (quoted in back of Radiance of Shabbos, Siman 1) </ref>
# Even if one is not going to make Kiddish oneself but rather hear it from someone else one should still cover the challahs. <ref> Rav Moshe Feinstein (quoted in back of Radiance of Shabbos, Siman 1) </ref>
==Having two loaves of Challah==
==Having two loaves of Challah==
# For the Shabbat meals one should have Lechem Mishna meaning that one needs to make Hamotzei over two loaves of bread on Shabbat and Yom Tov in commemoration of the double portion of Maan that fell before Shabbat and Yom Tov. <ref>S”A 274:1, Mishna Brurah 274:1 </ref>
# For the Shabbat meals one should have Lechem Mishna meaning that one needs to make Hamotzei over two loaves of bread on Shabbat and Yom Tov in commemoration of the double portion of Maan that fell before Shabbat and Yom Tov. <ref>S”A 274:1, Mishna Brurah 274:1. The poskim have a debate of whether this obligation is from the torah or the rabbis. The Taz OC 678:2, Chatam Sofer OC no. 46, and Aruch Hashulchan 274:1 all say it is from the torah while the Magen Avraham 254:23 says that it is only rabbinic.  </ref>
# Women are also obligated in Lechem Mishneh. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 274:1, Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat vol 2, pg 172) </ref>Some say that the women should hear the Bracha from the one making HaMotzei on the two loaves, while others defend the minhag of those who don’t hear the HaMotzei and make HaMotzei on the piece given to them. <Ref>Sh”t Kinyan Torah 1:88 and Eshel Avraham (siman 274) defend the minhag, while Sh”t Bear Moshe quotes the חתם סופר who was insistent on having the women hear the Bracha of HaMotzei from the one making it over two loaves. Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat vol 2, pg 172) writes that the one making Hamotzei should wait for everyone to sit in order to fulfill Lechem Mishna.</ref>
# Women are also obligated in Lechem Mishneh. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 274:1 and Biur Halacha 291 "nashim", Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat vol 2, pg 172). Aruch Hashulchan 274:4. </ref>Some say that the women should hear the Bracha from the one making HaMotzei on the two loaves, while others defend the minhag of those who don’t hear the HaMotzei and make HaMotzei on the piece given to them. <Ref>Sh”t Kinyan Torah 1:88 and Eshel Avraham (siman 274) defend the minhag, while Sh”t Bear Moshe quotes the חתם סופר who was insistent on having the women hear the Bracha of HaMotzei from the one making it over two loaves. Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat vol 2, pg 172) writes that the one making Hamotzei should wait for everyone to sit in order to fulfill Lechem Mishna.</ref>
#Some have the custom to cut a little bit of the challah before reciting the beracha. <ref> Mishna Berura 274:5 quoting the Magen Avraham 274:1. Aruch Hashulchan 274:6. The Tzlach on Berachot 39b says that this is an incorrect practice. </ref>
#Some have the custom to recite "birshus"-(with your permission) before reciting the beracha. <ref> Rama 167:14, Aruch Hashulchan 167:29 and Mishna Berura 274:2. The Vilna Gaon (Maaseh Rav 78)however views this as a hefsek and says it should not be recited.
==What kind of challah should be used==
#Both challahs should be complete. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 274:1. Arukh Ha-shulchan 274:5 says that if a whole one is not available then the mitzva can nevertheless be fulfilled with two broken ones.  </ref> Even if part of the challah is burnt it is still considered whole. <ref> Mishna Berura 274:2. </ref>
# Preferably both loaves should be fresh but if one is frozen after the fact they may be used for making the Bracha of HaMotzei. <Ref>Sh”t Yabea Omer 7:32, Or Letzion (vol 2, chapter 21:2) </ref>
# Preferably both loaves should be fresh but if one is frozen after the fact they may be used for making the Bracha of HaMotzei. <Ref>Sh”t Yabea Omer 7:32, Or Letzion (vol 2, chapter 21:2) </ref>
# If two pieces of bread stuck together in the oven and then were separated gently each one is considered whole for the mitzvah of Lechem Mishna. <ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 176) </ref>
#The challahs should not be in a bag or wrapped up during the beracha. <ref> MB 167:23, Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita volume 2,55:11:38, and Rav Scheinberg quoted in The Radiance of Shabbos page 79 footnote 18. </ref>
# If one only has one loaf of bread one may use [[Pas habah BeKisnin]] for the second loaf to fulfill Lechem Mishna. <ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 185) </ref>  
# If two pieces of bread stuck together in the oven and then were separated gently each one is considered whole for the mitzvah of Lechem Mishna. <ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 176). </ref>
#The challahs used should preferably be larger than a kezayit. <ref> Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita vol. 2, 55:5, Rav Scheinberg quoted in The Radiance of Shabbos page 79 footnote 15. </ref>
# If one only has one loaf of bread one may use [[Pas habah BeKisnin]] for the second loaf to fulfill Lechem Mishna. <ref>Chazon Ovadyah (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 185), Shemirat Shabbat Kihilchita volume 2, 55:16 and Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted in The Radiance of Shabbos page 78 footnote 13. </ref>
#Preferably pas yisrael should be used, meaning bread that was baked by a Jew, but if this isn't possible then any kosher bread can be used. <ref> Mishna Berura 242:6. </ref>
==Passing the Challah==
==Passing the Challah==
# One shouldn’t give the Challah directly into the hands of someone else but rather one should place it down on a plate or the table to pass it to someone else. <Ref>Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat vol 1 pg 312), Piskei Teshuvot (Siman 274 note 7) </ref>
# One shouldn’t give the Challah directly into the hands of someone else but rather one should place it down on a plate or the table to pass it to someone else. <Ref>Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat vol 1 pg 312), Piskei Teshuvot (Siman 274 note 7) </ref>