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* However, Mikdash Me’at 286:39 strongly disagrees with the Chamudei Doniel. Yabia Omer 4:23:4-5 quotes Rav Shlomo Kluger (Kinat Sofrim 118), Teshuvot Lshoel 16, and Rav Chaim Zonenfeld in Salmat Chaim YD 105 disagreed with the Chamudei Doniel, while the Maharsham 3:154 agreed with the Chamudei Doniel. He concludes that the primary halacha is that the room is exempt. Shevet Halevi 2:152 and Agur Bohalecha 18:28 rule against the Chamudei Doniel.  
* However, Mikdash Me’at 286:39 strongly disagrees with the Chamudei Doniel. Yabia Omer 4:23:4-5 quotes Rav Shlomo Kluger (Kinat Sofrim 118), Teshuvot Lshoel 16, and Rav Chaim Zonenfeld in Salmat Chaim YD 105 disagreed with the Chamudei Doniel, while the Maharsham 3:154 agreed with the Chamudei Doniel. He concludes that the primary halacha is that the room is exempt. Shevet Halevi 2:152 and Agur Bohalecha 18:28 rule against the Chamudei Doniel.  
* Orchot Rabbenu v. 3 p. 165 quotes the Chazon Ish as holding that we do not hold like the Chamudei Doniel. See Agur Bohalecha who discusses this further but generally agrees that the Chazon Ish disregarded the Chamudei Doniel. [ Rabbi Simon in an article on mezuzot] agrees.</ref>
* Orchot Rabbenu v. 3 p. 165 quotes the Chazon Ish as holding that we do not hold like the Chamudei Doniel. See Agur Bohalecha who discusses this further but generally agrees that the Chazon Ish disregarded the Chamudei Doniel. [ Rabbi Simon in an article on mezuzot] agrees.</ref>
##Most poskim hold that an area that has 16 square amot, even if it doesn't have 4x4 amot in any one place, is obligated in a mezuzah<ref>The Rambam (Mezuzah 6:2) holds that an area that is 2x8 amot is obligated in a mezuzah as would any area that is larger than 16 square amot. The Rosh (Mezuzah no. 16) disagrees and holds that unless it is 4x4 amot square it isn’t obligated. Rashba (responsa 5:110) agrees. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 286:13 holds like the Rambam. Levush 286:13 agrees. The Shach 286:23 holds that it is obligated but the mezuzah should be put up without a bracha. Chayei Adam 15:6, Aruch Hashulchan YD 286:21, and Yalkut Yosef 285:24 agree. Rav Wosner (Kovetz Mbet Levi p. 129) agrees. Eliya Rabba 366:5 also seems to agree with the Shach.  
##Most poskim hold that an area that has 16 square amot, even if it doesn't have 4x4 amot in any one place, is obligated in a mezuzah<ref>The Rambam (Mezuzah 6:2) holds that an area that is 2x8 amot is obligated in a mezuzah as would any area that is larger than 16 square amot. The Rosh (Mezuzah no. 16) disagrees and holds that unless it is 4x4 amot square it isn’t obligated. Rashba (responsa 5:110) agrees. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 286:13 holds like the Rambam. Levush 286:13 agrees. The Shach 286:23 holds that it is obligated but the mezuzah should be put up without a bracha. Chayei Adam 15:6, Aruch Hashulchan YD 286:21, Halichot Olam v. 8. p. 282, and Yalkut Yosef 285:24 agree. Rav Wosner (Kovetz Mbet Levi p. 129) agrees. Eliya Rabba 366:5 also seems to agree with the Shach.  
*However, the Taz OC 634:1 argues that everyone holds it is exempt. Shulchan Aruch Harav OC 366:5, Chazon Ish OC 110:28, YD 169:5, Rav Nissim Karelitz in Chut Shani (Mezuzah p. 82), Steipler (Orchot Rabbenu v. 4 p. 239), Rav Yitzchak Abadi in Or Yitzchak 2:52, and [ Rabbi Baruch Simon] accept the Taz. Mishna Brurah 366:22 cites the dispute and in Shaar Hatziyun 366:13 he favors the opinion of the Taz.  
*However, the Taz OC 634:1 argues that everyone holds it is exempt. Shulchan Aruch Harav OC 366:5, Chazon Ish OC 110:28, YD 169:5, Rav Nissim Karelitz in Chut Shani (Mezuzah p. 82), Steipler (Orchot Rabbenu v. 4 p. 239), Rav Yitzchak Abadi in Or Yitzchak 2:52, and [ Rabbi Baruch Simon] accept the Taz. Mishna Brurah 366:22 cites the dispute and in Shaar Hatziyun 366:13 he favors the opinion of the Taz.  
* Chatom Sofer YD 280 and Maamar Mordechai 634:2 defend the Shulchan Aruch against the Taz. Gra 286:13 understands the Rambam like the Rosh but holds like the Rosh. Maharalbach 110 rules like the Rambam. Magen Avraham 366:6 assumes like the Shulchan Aruch, while Magen Avraham 398:6 assumes like the Taz. Additionally, according to the Chamudei Doniel obviously an area that is 2x8 is obligated if it is usable since according to his opinion if it is usable it is obligated even if it is less than 4x4.</ref> going into the closet without a bracha.<ref> In light of the Rabbi Akiva Eiger the closet should have a mezuzah on the right going out of the closet, but since according to the Rambam this closet needs a mezuzah going into the closet and the Chamudei Doniel would also have the mezuzah placed going in, many poskim hold that the mezuzah is placed going into the closet. This is the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited by Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha ch. 3 fnt. 19), Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:653, and Agur Bohalecha 19:7.</ref> It doesn't matter what shape it is in as long as it is usable.<ref>Rishon Letzion Sukkah 3a and 8a writes that obviously even for the Rambam it has to be usable. Therefore, a 1x16 amot house isn't obligated in a mezuzah since it is unusable, however, a 2x8 house is obligated. He also has a nuance that for a rectangle we calculate total area, but for a circle or other shapes we have to inscribe a rectangle inside that shape and use the area of that rectangle. However, the other poskim quoted in the previous footnote in understanding the Rambam did not make such a distinction.</ref>
* Chatom Sofer YD 280 and Maamar Mordechai 634:2 defend the Shulchan Aruch against the Taz. Gra 286:13 understands the Rambam like the Rosh but holds like the Rosh. Maharalbach 110 rules like the Rambam. Magen Avraham 366:6 assumes like the Shulchan Aruch, while Magen Avraham 398:6 assumes like the Taz. Additionally, according to the Chamudei Doniel obviously an area that is 2x8 is obligated if it is usable since according to his opinion if it is usable it is obligated even if it is less than 4x4.</ref> going into the closet without a bracha.<ref> In light of the Rabbi Akiva Eiger the closet should have a mezuzah on the right going out of the closet, but since according to the Rambam this closet needs a mezuzah going into the closet and the Chamudei Doniel would also have the mezuzah placed going in, many poskim hold that the mezuzah is placed going into the closet. This is the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited by Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha ch. 3 fnt. 19), Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:653, and Agur Bohalecha 19:7.</ref> It doesn't matter what shape it is in as long as it is usable.<ref>Rishon Letzion Sukkah 3a and 8a writes that obviously even for the Rambam it has to be usable. Therefore, a 1x16 amot house isn't obligated in a mezuzah since it is unusable, however, a 2x8 house is obligated. He also has a nuance that for a rectangle we calculate total area, but for a circle or other shapes we have to inscribe a rectangle inside that shape and use the area of that rectangle. However, the other poskim quoted in the previous footnote in understanding the Rambam did not make such a distinction.</ref>
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* Orchot Rabbenu v. 3 p. 165 quotes the Steipler ruled like the Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Shevet Halevi 2:152 understands that the Bet Meir 289 agrees with Rabbi Akiva Eiger.  
* Orchot Rabbenu v. 3 p. 165 quotes the Steipler ruled like the Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Shevet Halevi 2:152 understands that the Bet Meir 289 agrees with Rabbi Akiva Eiger.  
* There is a possibility that the mezuzah should be placed from the big room into the small room. That is an idea Sfat Emet YD 289 suggested and Agur Bohalecha 19:6 in fact posits is the opinion of Rabbi Akiva Eiger. In practice, he agrees with the Chazon Ish to put the mezuzah going into the big room.</ref> Either way, the mezuzah is put up without a bracha.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 19:6 and Teshuvot Vehanahgot 1:653 unlike Shevet Halevi 2:152 who writes that one can recite a bracha following Rabbi Akiva Eiger.</ref>
* There is a possibility that the mezuzah should be placed from the big room into the small room. That is an idea Sfat Emet YD 289 suggested and Agur Bohalecha 19:6 in fact posits is the opinion of Rabbi Akiva Eiger. In practice, he agrees with the Chazon Ish to put the mezuzah going into the big room.</ref> Either way, the mezuzah is put up without a bracha.<ref>Agur Bohalecha 19:6 and Teshuvot Vehanahgot 1:653 unlike Shevet Halevi 2:152 who writes that one can recite a bracha following Rabbi Akiva Eiger.</ref>
#A closet that is less than 4x4 amot according to Ashkenazim the closet is primarily exempt from mezuzah and as such the mezuzah is placed on the right side coming out of the closet.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited by Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha ch. 3 fnt. 19)</ref> However, according to Sephardim the mezuzah is placed on the right side going into the closet since the closet might be obligated and even if it isn’t it might require a mezuzah on the right side.<ref>Or Letzion YD 1:14 writes that he partially rejects the Chamudei Doniel, but through his understanding of the topic, agrees in practice to place a mezuzah on the right going into a balcony that is exempt because it is less than 4x4 amot or isn't roofed. His reasoning is that according to the Rosh the balcony should be obligated since it is useful and the Chikrei Lev argues with Rabbi Akiva Eiger that the mezuzah is not place on the right side coming off the balcony. Yabia Omer 4:23:6 also writes that strictly speaking the balcony that is less than 16 square amot is exempt, but if one wants to be strict one should put it on the right side. going into the house.</ref>
#A closet that is less than 4x4 amot according to Ashkenazim the closet is primarily exempt from mezuzah, but to be strict a mezuzah is placed on the right side coming out of the closet.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited by Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha ch. 3 fnt. 19)</ref> However, according to Sephardim the closet is exempt.<ref>Halichot Olam v. 8 p. 282 and Yalkut Yosef 285:21 writes that a room that is less than 4x4 amot is exempt. Therefore, Mezuzah Vhilchoteha writes that a walk-in closet that isn't 4x4 amot is completely exempt for Sephardim. If one wanted to be strict, this could be related to the discussion of a balcony that is less than 4x4. Or Letzion YD 1:14 writes that he partially rejects the Chamudei Doniel, but through his understanding of the topic, agrees in practice to place a mezuzah on the right going into a balcony that is exempt because it is less than 4x4 amot or isn't roofed. His reasoning is that according to the Rosh the balcony should be obligated since it is useful and the Chikrei Lev argues with Rabbi Akiva Eiger that the mezuzah is not place on the right side coming off the balcony. Yabia Omer 4:23:6 also writes that strictly speaking the balcony that is less than 16 square amot is exempt, but if one wants to be strict one should put it on the right side. going into the house.</ref>
# A closet that you do not walk into is exempt from a mezuzah.<ref>Shaarei Hamezuzah 10:16, Agur Bohalecha 19:10, Mezuzah Vehilchoteha 3:8</ref>
# A closet that you do not walk into is exempt from a mezuzah.<ref>Shaarei Hamezuzah 10:16, Agur Bohalecha 19:10, Mezuzah Vehilchoteha 3:8</ref>