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#It is a very great mitzvah to redeem a Jew in captivity.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 252:1</ref>
#It is a very great mitzvah to redeem a Jew in captivity.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 252:1</ref>
#Someone in captivity who doesn't want to be saved should be redeemed against his will.<ref>[ Bet Yakov 148] writes that someone who is in captivity and doesn't want to be freed can be freed against his will and the one who paid for his freedom should be repaid for that person's assets. See Yad Eliyahu 74 s.v. v’ein who seems to disagree. Pitchei Teshuva 252:9 cites this dispute.</ref>
#Someone in captivity who doesn't want to be saved should be redeemed against his will.<ref>[ Bet Yakov 148] writes that someone who is in captivity and doesn't want to be freed can be freed against his will and the one who paid for his freedom should be repaid for that person's assets. See Yad Eliyahu 74 s.v. v’ein who seems to disagree. Pitchei Teshuva 252:9 cites this dispute.</ref>
#If a person says he's giving money to tzedaka he doesn't mean to include redeeming captives and therefore it can't be redistributed without the consent of the people of the city.<Ref>Maharik 7 writes that if a person says he's giving money to tzedaka he doesn't mean to include redeeming captives. Rama 252:1 codifies this. Taz 256:4 and Gra 252:4 disagree but the Nekudat Hakesef 252 defends the Rama.</ref>
#Some say that the practice today is to redeem captives even for more than their worth.<ref>Radvaz 1:40 writes that nowadays the practice is to redeem captives even more than their worth. He gives three justifications of this practice: 1) The worth is determined by the worth of other captives and not the slave market. Since it is possible than a non-Jewish captive would go for this same worth even though they're stronger. 2) A talmid chacham is permitted to redeem for more than his worth. 3) A child who might be assimilated can be redeemed for more than his worth. Shach 252:4 quotes the Bach that the practice today is to redeem captives for more than their worth because of the opinion of the Ran who allows it if it isn’t a strain on the public funds such as if the money comes from relatives.</ref>
#A person can free himself from captivity even though it might mean that the others will be treated worse.<ref>Chavot Yair 213 writes that a person can free himself from jail even if that means that the others left in jail will have worse treatment.</ref>

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