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##Talmud Torah or poor sick people<ref>Maharik 128 learns from the Tashbetz’s version of the Yerushalmi that it is better to spend on Talmud Torah and poor sick people than for building a shul. Maharam Rotenberg (Pragua responsa 692) writes that it is better to give tzedaka to sick people than for the lights of the shul.</ref>
##Talmud Torah or poor sick people<ref>Maharik 128 learns from the Tashbetz’s version of the Yerushalmi that it is better to spend on Talmud Torah and poor sick people than for building a shul. Maharam Rotenberg (Pragua responsa 692) writes that it is better to give tzedaka to sick people than for the lights of the shul.</ref>
##Building the shul<ref>Maharik 128</ref>
##Building the shul<ref>Maharik 128</ref>
##Hachnasat Kallah, helping the poor make a wedding for their daughter.<ref>Maharik 123 writes that the greatest thing within tzedaka to give to is helping orphaned girls get married. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 249:15 codifies this.</ref>
##Hachnasat Kallah, helping the poor make a wedding for their daughter.<ref>Maharik 123 writes that the greatest thing within tzedaka to give to is helping orphaned girls get married. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 249:15 codifies this. Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:560:17 quotes from Rav Penes from the Gra that the greatest use for tzedaka is for making a wedding for a poor girl or boy. He limits this to the basic expenses of a wedding and not extras such as paying for an expensive apartment for the couple to live in afterwards. Those expenses don't have precedence over other tzedaka's.</ref>
##General tzedaka to poor people<ref>Maharik 128 writes that giving to general poor comes after the needs of building a shul. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 249:16 codifies this.</ref>
##General tzedaka to poor people<ref>Maharik 128 writes that giving to general poor comes after the needs of building a shul. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 249:16 codifies this.</ref>