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===Tzedaka Priorities===
===Tzedaka Priorities===
# The order of priorities where one should allocate one's tzedaka is as follows from the highest priority to lowest priority:
# The order of priorities where one should allocate one's tzedaka is as follows from the highest priority to lowest priority:
## A poor relative,<ref>The Ran (Nedarim 65b s.v. elah) says there is an obligation to support relatives in need based on the pasuk of וחי אחיך עמך (Vayikra 25:35).</ref>
## A poor relative,<ref>The Ran (Nedarim 65b s.v. elah) says there is an obligation to support relatives in need based on the pasuk of וחי אחיך עמך (Vayikra 25:35). How far does the category of relatives go? Teshuvot Vehanhagot 1:560:13 writes that the primary relatives for tzedaka are those who a person would be invalid for testimony. </ref>
### A poor parent,
### A poor parent,
### A poor child,<ref>Tana Dvei Eliyahu (Ish Shalom ch. 25) writes that one should give priority to give tzedaka to one's parents, siblings, children, neighbors, poor of the city, poor Jews everywhere else. Gra 251:4 quotes this. Other sources that indicate that priority is given to one's parents before one's children is Yerushalami Peah 1:1 (cited by Hagahot Vhaarot 251:15). Tur and Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 251:3 rule that tzedaka to one's parents comes before tzedaka to one's children.</ref>
### A poor child,<ref>Tana Dvei Eliyahu (Ish Shalom ch. 25) writes that one should give priority to give tzedaka to one's parents, siblings, children, neighbors, poor of the city, poor Jews everywhere else. Gra 251:4 quotes this. Other sources that indicate that priority is given to one's parents before one's children is Yerushalami Peah 1:1 (cited by Hagahot Vhaarot 251:15). Tur and Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 251:3 rule that tzedaka to one's parents comes before tzedaka to one's children.</ref>