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===Bracha Achrona===
===Bracha Achrona===
# After the fact if one recited Birkat Hamazon on wine or dates one fulfills one's obligation.<ref>Rabbenu Yonah (Brachot 6a s.v. iy nami) proves from Brachot 12a that birkat hamazon exempts dates and from Brachot 35b that it covers wine. He reiterates the point in Brachot 29b s.v. miyhu. Rosh (Brachot 1:14 and Pesachim 10:10) and Rashba (Brachot 42a s.v. yayain) agree. (See Pri Chadash 208:17 who writes that the Rashba only meant that wine is exempt when it is part of the meal.) Rashba (Brachot 41b s.v. heviyu) shows that the Yerushalmi and Bahag hold that birkat hamazon doesn't exempt dates. Shuchan Aruch OC 208:17 rules like the Rabbenu Yonah, Rosh, and Rashba.</ref>
{{Mistaken Bracha Achrona}}
# After the fact if one recited Birkat Hamazon on mezonot, even though there is a dispute whether one fulfilled one's obligation one should not recite a new bracha since according to many poskim one fulfilled one's obligation.<ref>Based on 41b, both the Rabbenu Yonah (Brachot 29b s.v. lacher) and Rashba (Brachot 48a s.v. ha, 41b s.v. meha, 42a s.v. yayin) write that birkat hamazon doesn't exempt mein shalosh even after the fact. Tosfot Pesachim 103a s.v. ana and Rosh Pesachim 10:10 agree. Shulchan Aruch OC 208:17 codifies their opinion. Bear Hagolah and Pri Chadash 208:17 argue with Shulchan Aruch for all mezonot foods since they are filling. Rabbi Akiva Eiger 208:17 comments that for pat haba bkisnin certainly birkat hamazon does exempt it. Mishna Brurah 208:75 concludes that since many achronim disagree with the Shulchan Aruch and hold that birkat hamazon exempts any mezonot since they are more filling than dates which the birkat hamazon covers. He adds that certainly we accept Rabbi Akiva Eiger regarding pat haba bkisnin. Birkat Hashem 2:3:22 agrees.</ref>
# After the fact if one recited Birkat Hamazon on shivat haminim one doesn't fulfill one's obligation.<ref>Even though the Rashbam
Pesachim 103b writes that if mein shalosh is effective on a food then certainly birkat hamazon is effective. This is also found in the Baal Hameor Pesachim 24b but Ramban rejects it. Additionally, Tosfot Pesachim 103a s.v. ana rejects this types of kal vchomer. Tosfot Rabbenu Yehuda Brachot 41b s.v. maskana, Rashba Brachot 42a s.v. yayin, and Rosh Pesachim 10:10 agree with the Tosfot against the Rashbam. Rabbenu Yonah Brachot 29b s.v. lachar quotes Tosfot. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 208:17 follows the Tosfot unlike the Rashbam. The Mishna Brurah 208:75 accepts this ruling of Shulchan Aruch. Aruch Hashulchan 208:27 explains that the reason it doesn't work is because only the original bracha that chazal instituted for that food works and nothing else. The only exceptions are when the bracha would have been relevant even according to chazal but practically didn't establish it for some reason (such as for wine and dates).</ref>
# After the fact if one recited Al Hamichya in place of Birkat Hamazon for bread, according to many poskim one fulfills one's obligation.<ref>Raah (Brachot 44a) explains that since Al Hamichya is Biblical and the pasuk which indicates the obligation for Birkat Hamazon includes the obligation for Al Hamichya if one says Al Hamichya in place of Birkat Hamazon after the fact one fulfills one's obligation. This is also the opinion of the Bet Yosef 168:6 who rules that for all forms of pat haba bkisnin one should recite Al Hamichya even though potentially it could be bread. Ginat Veradim 1:24, Birkei Yosef 167:10, Birkat Hashem 2:3:18, Aruch Hashulchan 168:23, and Kaf Hachaim 187:1 agree. The Ginat Veradim explains that this idea is based on the Kesef Mishna Brachot 2:1 who quotes the Rambam and Ramban that Birkat Hamazon is deoritta but the number of brachot are derabbanan. Yabia Omer OC 2:12 has a lengthy teshuva proving that Al Hamichya after the fact exempts Birkat Hamazon.</ref> Some poskim hold that one doesn't fulfill his obligation.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 187:2 citing Bach and Drisha 168, Eliya Rabba 168:18, Chaye Adam Nishmat Adam 47:1, Teshurat Shay 1:571, Maharshag 1:34, Dvar Yehoshua YD 3:70, Az Nidbaru 5:31.  Yabia Omer 2:12 quotes Ritva Brachot 2:21 to support this approach.</ref>
# After the fact if one recited Al Hamichya for Boreh Nefashot one doesn't fulfill one's obligation.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 208:13</ref>
