Halachot Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic: Difference between revisions

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# Some hold that one can kasher plastic, while others disagree. See on the [[Kashering_the_Kitchen_for_Pesach#Which_materials_can_be_kashered.3F]] page.
# Some hold that one can kasher plastic, while others disagree. See on the [[Kashering_the_Kitchen_for_Pesach#Which_materials_can_be_kashered.3F]] page.
==Pesach Davening==
==Pesach Davening==
''Hallel Pesach Night''
'''Hallel Pesach Night'''
# There is a custom of Sephardic and some Ashkenazic communities to recite Hallel Pesach night in Shul. However, being that the current situation demands that a person needs to remain inside there is no way to fulfill this minhag and should not recite Hallel after davening. Rather one should only recite it at the Seder.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/950285/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-9-hallel-on-pesach-night-and-tefillas-tal/ Rav Hershel Schachter (Piskei Corona #9)]</ref>
# There is a custom of Sephardic and some Ashkenazic communities to recite Hallel Pesach night in Shul. However, being that the current situation demands that a person needs to remain inside there is no way to fulfill this minhag and should not recite Hallel after davening. Rather one should only recite it at the Seder.<ref>[https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/950285/rabbi-hershel-schachter/piskei-corona-9-hallel-on-pesach-night-and-tefillas-tal/ Rav Hershel Schachter (Piskei Corona #9)]</ref>
''Shir Hashirim on Chol Hamoed''
''Shir Hashirim on Chol Hamoed''