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==Kabbalat Shabbat==
==Kabbalat Shabbat==
==Friday night==
# In the Bracha of Hashkivenu (השכיונו) on Friday night the Sephardic minhag is that one doesn’t conclude the usual way rather starting from ובצל כנפיך תסתירנו one should add ופרוס סכת שלום עלינו ועל ירושלים עירך ברוך אתה ה' הפורס סכת שלום עלינו ועל כל עמו ישראל ועל ירושלים. <Ref>S”A 267:3 </ref>
# The minhag is to say VeShamru on Shabbat and VaYidaber Moshe on Yom Tov after the Brachot Kriyat Shema before Shemona Esreh. <ref>Mishna Brurah 267:9 </ref>
==Saying the weekday Shemona Esreh==
==Saying the weekday Shemona Esreh==
==Personal requests==
==Personal requests==