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# Often times, Maran will omit from Shulchan Aruch a nunber of rulings cited in Beit Yosef, because, the Kenesset HaGedolah explains, he didn't find these rulings in those of other Poskim. They were cited in Beit Yosef, because the goal of Beit Yosef is to gather all the opinions. Others say he retracted his position<ref>Minchat Yitzchak vol. 8 Siman 31 extends to Rama also.</ref> While others yet insist that the content omitted is still accepted.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 4) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
# Often times, Maran will omit from Shulchan Aruch a nunber of rulings cited in Beit Yosef, because, the Kenesset HaGedolah explains, he didn't find these rulings in those of other Poskim. They were cited in Beit Yosef, because the goal of Beit Yosef is to gather all the opinions. Others say he retracted his position<ref>Minchat Yitzchak vol. 8 Siman 31 extends to Rama also.</ref> While others yet insist that the content omitted is still accepted.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 4) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
# Sometimes, Maran records rulings or customs in Shulchan Aruch that do not appear in Beit Yosef, because he discovered them after it was printed.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 5) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
# Sometimes, Maran records rulings or customs in Shulchan Aruch that do not appear in Beit Yosef, because he discovered them after it was printed.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 5) and Matnat Yado ad loc.</ref>
===== Methodology & Writing Style =====
# According to the Sma, even though Maran shows astonishment regarding a certain Rishon's opinion, he still records it in Shulchan Aruch despite his question.<ref>See Rav Berachot, Chukot HaChaim Siman 51, and Kol HaChaim Mem 62 where Rav Chaim Palagi and the Ben Ish Chai discuss this further.</ref> The Kenesset HaGedolah does not seem to assume this way, though. Ultimately, the Sdei Chemed<ref>Sdei Chemed Klalei HaPoskim 13:4</ref> does insist that if something that Maran questioned in Beit Yosef is omitted from Shulchan Aruch, it is an indication of nonacceptance.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 7), Matnat Yado fn. 25</ref>
# If Maran stipulates that something is only permissible given a certain parameter yet he himself elsewhere writes that that parameter isn't necessary, his intention here is just to say that with this additional factor everyone is lenient.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 8)</ref>
# When Maran writes "דברי פלוני נראין," he concurs to rule stringently but not for that Posek's reasoning. Additionally, "ויש לאסור כסברא פלוני" means he rules that way and agrees with reasoning, too.<ref>Yad Malachi (Klalei Shulchan Aruch 9)</ref>
===== Stam vaYesh and Yesh veYesh =====
===== Stam vaYesh and Yesh veYesh =====
See [[Tur#Stam vaYesh and Yesh veYesh]]
See [[Tur#Stam vaYesh and Yesh veYesh]]