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==Repeating Aliyot==
==Repeating Aliyot==
# One shouldn't repeat pesukim one just read for one aliyah for another aliyah, rather one should read new pesukim or add on new pesukim.<ref>Rama 282:2 writes that it is forbidden to repeat pesukim for one aliyah that one just read for another aliyah. Mishna Brurah 282:10 and Aruch HaShulchan 282:8 confirm this position as well. Although Shulchan Aruch 282:2 permits, the Kaf HaChaim 282:19 writes that one shouldn't do so, though a community which has such a practice has what to rely upon.</ref>
# One shouldn't repeat pesukim one just read for one aliyah for another aliyah, rather one should read new pesukim or add on new pesukim.<ref>Rama 282:2 writes that it is forbidden to repeat pesukim for one aliyah that one just read for another aliyah. Mishna Brurah 282:10 and Aruch HaShulchan 282:8 confirm this position as well. Although Shulchan Aruch 282:2 permits, the Kaf HaChaim 282:19 writes that one shouldn't do so, though a community which has such a practice has what to rely upon. See Shu"t Heichal Yitzchak (Orach Chaim Siman 6),
Yabia Omer (vol. 6 Orach Chaim Siman 26:4, vol. 9 Orach Chaim Siman 27), and Chazon Ovadia (Shabbat vol. 2 page 222). See Nehar Mitzrayim (Orach Chaim Hilchot Tefilah) for a humorous anecdote about how the Egyptian community used to go overboard with extra aliyot on a Simcha and then make the Chazzan do Mussaf beKol Ram because of the lateness of the hour. The first time Chacham Refael Aharon ben Shimon experienced this as rav of a Kehillah, he went over to the Baal Simcha who was attempting to persuade the Shaliach Tzibbur to do Mussaf beKol Ram and told him that "You gave everyone else an Aliyah. Now Hashem wants one, too." After that,
there was no more Mussaf beKol Ram in his shul.</ref>
# Even those who are lenient to allow repeating pesukim for an aliyah can't consider it to be one of the seven aliyot of Shabbat.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 137:6, Mishna Brurah 282:9, Aruch HaShulchan 282:8</ref>
# Even those who are lenient to allow repeating pesukim for an aliyah can't consider it to be one of the seven aliyot of Shabbat.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 137:6, Mishna Brurah 282:9, Aruch HaShulchan 282:8</ref>
# Some have the minhag not to add any aliyot when there’s a double parsha.<ref>Nefesh Harav p. 139 cites Rav Moshe Solovietchik that one shouldn't add any hosafot when there's a double parsha to avoid the dispute of how they should be added.</ref>
# Some have the minhag not to add any aliyot when there’s a double parsha.<ref>Nefesh Harav p. 139 cites Rav Moshe Solovietchik that one shouldn't add any hosafot when there's a double parsha to avoid the dispute of how they should be added.</ref>