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* Many Ashkenazic poskim write that the [[matza]] which is crumbled and fried is the same as bread which is crumbled and fried and according to the Mishna Brurah 168:56 there is a dispute whether frying is like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is in doubt. Therefore, one should eat it in a meal. However, if the pieces are deep fried then certainly the bracha is [[mezonot]] (based on Rama 168:14). This is the opinion of Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 6:234, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 475, chapter 26), The laws of [[Brachos]] (Rabbi Binyamin Forst; chapter 8, pg 266 and pg 263 note 111), Rabbi Yisrael Belsky in [ Halachically Speaking (vol 3, Issue 13, note 57)], and [ Rabbi Abadi].  
* Many Ashkenazic poskim write that the [[matza]] which is crumbled and fried is the same as bread which is crumbled and fried and according to the Mishna Brurah 168:56 there is a dispute whether frying is like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is in doubt. Therefore, one should eat it in a meal. However, if the pieces are deep fried then certainly the bracha is [[mezonot]] (based on Rama 168:14). This is the opinion of Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 6:234, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 475, chapter 26), The laws of [[Brachos]] (Rabbi Binyamin Forst; chapter 8, pg 266 and pg 263 note 111), Rabbi Yisrael Belsky in [ Halachically Speaking (vol 3, Issue 13, note 57)], and [ Rabbi Abadi].  
* There is a minority opinion of the Chazon Ish OC 26:9, Shoneh Halachot 168:32, and Teshuvot VeHanhagot 3:143(5) who hold that frying is certainly not considered like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is [[Hamotzei]].  
* There is a minority opinion of the Chazon Ish OC 26:9, Shoneh Halachot 168:32, and Teshuvot VeHanhagot 3:143(5) who hold that frying is certainly not considered like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is [[Hamotzei]].  
* See Sh"t Sheilat Shlomo 1:74 who holds that the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. See also Sh"t Shevet Ha’Levi 7:27(4), Minchas Osher pages 44-46, V’haish Mordechai pages 259-261, Shalmei Moed page 344, Kaf HaChaim 168:85, Avnei Yushfei 1:39:2, and </ref> According to Sephardim, some say that [[Matzah]] Brei on [[Pesach]] is [[Mezonot]]. <ref> See Chazon Ovadyah ([[Brachot]] pg 65) who writes that if the pieces are larger than a [[Kezayit]] the bracha is [[hamotzei]]. Maharsham 8:81 quotes the Gan Hamelech who suggests the possibility that even for Ashekanazim the bracha on fried matzah would be mezonot since it is only hamotzei since it is designated as a meal food for the mitzvah of matzah but fried matzah which isn't fit for the mitzvah of matzah might be mezonot. Piskei Teshuvot (168 note 120) discusses the Maharsham and adds that the Chazon Ish seems to totally ignore this consideration. He writes that for Sephardim who consider [[Matza]] all year round to be [[Mezonot]] also can consider [[Matza]] Brei to be [[Mezonot]] on [[Pesach]]. He doesn't source this other than the Yalkut Yosef (Brachot p. 127) who simply writes that the minhag of Sephardim not on Pesach is to recite mezonot but doesn't mention matzah brei.</ref>However, if it’s fried with a little oil, just enough to prevent it from burning, the Bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref>Rama 168:14, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 471:5) </ref>
* See Sh"t Sheilat Shlomo 1:74 who holds that the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. See also Sh"t Shevet Ha’Levi 7:27(4), Minchas Osher pages 44-46, V’haish Mordechai pages 259-261, Shalmei Moed page 344, Kaf HaChaim 168:85, Avnei Yushfei 1:39:2, and </ref>  
# However, if it’s fried with a little oil, just enough to prevent it from burning, the Bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref>Rama 168:14, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 471:5) </ref>

==Kneaded with a liquid==
==Kneaded with a liquid==