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* The opinion of Rav Nachman and Shmuel in Gemara [[Brachot]] 42b is the Bracha on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is [[Mezonot]] when eaten as a snack and [[HaMotzei]] when eaten as a meal. Rashi ([[Brachot]] 41b s.v. Pas) and the Rif 30a holds that if one eats [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] as a snack there’s either no [[Bracha Achrona]] at all or there’s only a [[Boreh Nefashot]] (see Rabbenu Yonah’s (29b s.v. Trisar) two explanations of the Rif and Tosfot’s (D”H Elah) explanation of Rashi). However, Tosfot (41b s.v. Elah) explains that the [[Bracha Achrona]] on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is [[Al HaMichya]] (if one doesn’t make it into a meal). The Rosh 6:30, Rashba s.v. Rav Huna, and Rambam ([[Brachot]] 3:9) agree with Tosfot and the Tur and S”A 168:6 codify this as halacha that for a snack one makes [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] and a meal one makes [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]].  
* The opinion of Rav Nachman and Shmuel in Gemara [[Brachot]] 42b is the Bracha on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is [[Mezonot]] when eaten as a snack and [[HaMotzei]] when eaten as a meal. Rashi ([[Brachot]] 41b s.v. Pas) and the Rif 30a holds that if one eats [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] as a snack there’s either no [[Bracha Achrona]] at all or there’s only a [[Boreh Nefashot]] (see Rabbenu Yonah’s (29b s.v. Trisar) two explanations of the Rif and Tosfot’s (D”H Elah) explanation of Rashi). However, Tosfot (41b s.v. Elah) explains that the [[Bracha Achrona]] on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is [[Al HaMichya]] (if one doesn’t make it into a meal). The Rosh 6:30, Rashba s.v. Rav Huna, and Rambam ([[Brachot]] 3:9) agree with Tosfot and the Tur and S”A 168:6 codify this as halacha that for a snack one makes [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] and a meal one makes [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]].  
'''What is considered a meal?'''
'''What is considered a meal?'''
* The Bet Yosef 168:6 quoting the Shibolei HaLeket (Siman 159), Magan Avraham 168:13, and Chaye Adam 54:14 in name of the Gra hold that the amount of meal for this halacha is the amount people normally eat at a regular meal in the morning and evening. (Mishna Brurah 168:24 and Shaar HaTziyun 19 also quote the Sefer Eshkol and Shagat Aryeh). However, the Birkei Yosef 186:4 and Kaf HaChaim 168:45 argue that the amount of a meal in this context is the same as a meal for Eruv Chatzerot which is either 3 or 4 [[KeBaytzim]].  
* The Bet Yosef 168:6 quoting the Shibolei HaLeket (Siman 159), Magen Avraham 168:13, and Chaye Adam 54:14 in name of the Gra hold that the amount of meal for this halacha is the amount people normally eat at a regular meal in the morning and evening. (Mishna Brurah 168:24 and Shaar HaTziyun 19 also quote the Sefer Eshkol and Shagat Aryeh). However, the Birkei Yosef 186:4 and Kaf HaChaim 168:45 argue that the amount of a meal in this context is the same as a meal for Eruv Chatzerot which is either 3 or 4 [[KeBaytzim]].  
* Ashkenazim: The Mishna Brurah 168:24 rules that the halacha follows the opinion that a meal is considered by a regular meal people eat but adds that it's proper to be strict for those who are strict to require 4 [[KeBaytzim]] (meaning, that preferably one should only eat less than 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] or more than the amount of a regular meal, Vezot HaBracha pg 29). VeZot HaBracha (chap 4, pg 31) writes that according to his calculation for a regular person for regular cake if one eats less than 230 grams that is considered a snack, if one eat more than 280 grams that is certainly a meal. He continues that if one did eat in between 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] and a certain meal, if one is not full make [[Al HaMichya]] and if one is full make [[Birkat HaMazon]], yet, in such a case it’s preferable to hear [[Birkat HaMazon]] (from someone who’s obligated to make [[Birkat HaMazon]]) or to eat bread (making [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]]). Halachos of [[Brachos]] (Rabbi Bodner, chap 27, pg 488-9) agrees to the above halachot and adds that if one wishes to have more than 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] and less than the amount of a regular meal one may do so but one should first wash and make [[Hamotzei]] on a [[Kezayit]] of bread.  
* Some authorities (Machatzis Ha’shekel S”A O.C. 168:13) derive it from the halacha of eiruv t’chumin (4 eggs), and some (S”A Harav 168:8) maintain that a “normal meal” should be calculated according to the manna that the Jews ate in the desert (21 eggs). 
* Ashkenazim: Most poskim (Gra 168, Mishna Brurah 168:24, Igros Moshe O.C. 3:32) maintain that the amount is measured by the normal eating habits of each country. The Mishna Brurah 168:24 rules that the halacha follows the opinion that a meal is considered by a regular meal people eat but adds that it's proper to be strict for those who are strict to require 4 [[KeBaytzim]] (meaning, that preferably one should only eat less than 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] or more than the amount of a regular meal, Vezot HaBracha pg 29). VeZot HaBracha (chap 4, pg 31) writes that according to his calculation for a regular person for regular cake if one eats less than 230 grams that is considered a snack, if one eat more than 280 grams that is certainly a meal. He continues that if one did eat in between 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] and a certain meal, if one is not full make [[Al HaMichya]] and if one is full make [[Birkat HaMazon]], yet, in such a case it’s preferable to hear [[Birkat HaMazon]] (from someone who’s obligated to make [[Birkat HaMazon]]) or to eat bread (making [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]]). Halachos of [[Brachos]] (Rabbi Bodner, chap 27, pg 488-9) agrees to the above halachot and adds that if one wishes to have more than 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] and less than the amount of a regular meal one may do so but one should first wash and make [[Hamotzei]] on a [[Kezayit]] of bread.  
* Sephardim: Halacha Brurah 168:16 (explained in Otzorot Yosef Siman 9) writes that Sephardim hold like the Chida that if one ate 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] one should make [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]], and if one ate less than that one should make [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] but it's preferable that one shouldn't eat in between 6 and 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]].  This is also the ruling in Ben Ish Chai Pinchas 19, Kaf Hachayim 168:45, Sh"t Shemesh U'magen 2: hashmatot page 318, and Chazon Ovadia [[Berachot]] page 56. </ref>
* Sephardim: Halacha Brurah 168:16 (explained in Otzorot Yosef Siman 9) writes that Sephardim hold like the Chida that if one ate 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]] one should make [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]], and if one ate less than that one should make [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] but it's preferable that one shouldn't eat in between 6 and 8 [[Measurements#Kezayit|Kezayitim]].  This is also the ruling in Ben Ish Chai Pinchas 19, Kaf Hachayim 168:45, Sh"t Shemesh U'magen 2: hashmatot page 318, and Chazon Ovadia [[Berachot]] page 56. </ref>

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===First category===
===First category===
# According to Ashkenazim, if there’s a majority (51%) of sweeteners such as fruit juice, oil, egg, margarine, sugar, honey, or the like in comparison to the amount of water added to the flour, then the Bracha is [[mezonot]]. <Ref> Rama 168:7, Mishna Brurah 168:33 writes that such is the minhag of Ashkenazim. </ref>However, water mixed into the sweeteners such as diluted fruited juice or margarine (usually 15% water) isn’t included in the calculations of sweeteners to water. <Ref>VeZot HaBracha (pg 17) in name of [[Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach]] and Sh”t Shevet HaLevi 9:44 </ref>
# According to Ashkenazim, if there’s a majority (51%) of sweeteners such as fruit juice, oil, egg, margarine, sugar, honey, or the like in comparison to the amount of water added to the flour, then the Bracha is [[mezonot]]. <Ref> Rama 168:7, Mishna Brurah 168:33 writes that such is the minhag of Ashkenazim. </ref>However, water mixed into the sweeteners such as diluted fruited juice or margarine (usually 15% water) isn’t included in the calculations of sweeteners to water. <Ref>VeZot HaBracha (pg 17) in name of [[Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach]] and Sh”t Shevet HaLevi 9:44 </ref>
# To be considered pat habaa bikisnin, the filling must not be a “meal” food, for example meat, fish, cheese, or vegetables (unless the pastry is clearly made to be eaten as a snack). <ref> S”A O.C. 168:17 </ref>
# According to Sephardim, if the taste of the sweeteners is recognizable in the dough, then the Bracha is [[mezonot]]. <Ref>S”A 168:7, Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 129, Kitzur S”A 168:7) </ref>
# According to Sephardim, if the taste of the sweeteners is recognizable in the dough, then the Bracha is [[mezonot]]. <Ref>S”A 168:7, Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 129, Kitzur S”A 168:7) </ref>

===Second category===
===Second category===
# Dough which is filled with sweeteners such as nuts, chocolate, or the like and is cooked together with the dough, and the taste is recognizable, the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 168:7, Mishna Brurah 168:33, Vezot HaBracha (pg 19, chapter 3) </ref>
# Dough which is filled with sweeteners such as nuts, chocolate, or the like and is cooked together with the dough, and the taste is recognizable, the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 168:7, Mishna Brurah 168:33, Vezot HaBracha (pg 19, chapter 3) </ref>
# # To be considered pat habaa bikisnin, the filling must not be a “meal” food, for example meat, fish, cheese, or vegetables (unless the pastry is clearly made to be eaten as a snack). <ref> S”A O.C. 168:17 </ref>

===Third category===
===Third category===
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# If the pancakes were made with very little oil (just enough to prevent it from getting burned) then it is considered [[Pas Haba Bikisnin]]. If the pancakes were made with a significant amount of oil, there's a doubt whether it's considered [[Pas Haba Bekisnin]] or not and so if one intends to eat a the amount of a normal meal (see [[Making a meal on Mezonot]]) one should eat it in a meal. If the pancakes were deep fried then the bracha is [[Mezonot]] even if the amount of a normal meal is consumed. <ref> Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 493-4, chapter 27) </ref>
# If the pancakes were made with very little oil (just enough to prevent it from getting burned) then it is considered [[Pas Haba Bikisnin]]. If the pancakes were made with a significant amount of oil, there's a doubt whether it's considered [[Pas Haba Bekisnin]] or not and so if one intends to eat a the amount of a normal meal (see [[Making a meal on Mezonot]]) one should eat it in a meal. If the pancakes were deep fried then the bracha is [[Mezonot]] even if the amount of a normal meal is consumed. <ref> Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 493-4, chapter 27) </ref>
# Toasted bread is hamotzi. <ref> For Sephardim, Kaf HaChaim 168:58, Or Letzion (vol 2, 12:4), and Chazon Ovadyah (Brachot pg 55) based on Shulchan Aruch 168:7 rule that sweet challah is Mezonot if one can taste the sweetness in the challah. </ref>
====French Toast====
====French Toast====
#French Toast has the status of bread and requires [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 3, pg 20,21,23) </ref>
#French Toast has the status of bread and requires [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 3, pg 20,21,23) </ref>
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# [[Mezonot]] that fall into the category of filled dough or crumbling hard dough, if that food is meant to be eaten to fill oneself, one should make a [[HaMotzei]] regardless of how much one ate. However, foods that fall into the category of sweet dough, even if it’s meant to be eaten to satisfy hunger, one should make a [[Mezonot]]. <Ref> S”A 168:17 rules that bread filled with meat or fish has the Bracha of [[HaMotzei]]. Magan Avraham 168:44 explains that this Bracha is made even if one doesn’t have a keviyut sueda because regarding sweets that fill the bread such as fruit there’s room to say that such fillers make the bread into a temporary snack, however, a substantial filler such as meat, fish, or cheese don’t make the bread change from [[HaMotzei]] to [[Mezonot]]. This is also the opinion of the Mishna Brurah 168:94 and Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 125, Kitzur S”A 168:3). However, the Taz 168:20 argues that for filled bread the Bracha is [[Mezonot]] like in S”A 168:7 unless there’s a keviyut sueda. [Interestingly, the Ben Ish Chai (Pinchas 20), Kaf HaChaim 168:137, and Halacha Brurah 168:49 are concerned for the opinion of the Taz and hold that one should make sure to have more than a keviyut sueda, however if one doesn’t have enough and one doesn’t have bread, one should make a [[mezonot]].] The VeZot HaBracha (pg 17 note 1) rules like Mishna Brurah that for bread that’s filled and is meant to fill one up the bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. </ref>
# [[Mezonot]] that fall into the category of filled dough or crumbling hard dough, if that food is meant to be eaten to fill oneself, one should make a [[HaMotzei]] regardless of how much one ate. However, foods that fall into the category of sweet dough, even if it’s meant to be eaten to satisfy hunger, one should make a [[Mezonot]]. <Ref> S”A 168:17 rules that bread filled with meat or fish has the Bracha of [[HaMotzei]]. Magan Avraham 168:44 explains that this Bracha is made even if one doesn’t have a keviyut sueda because regarding sweets that fill the bread such as fruit there’s room to say that such fillers make the bread into a temporary snack, however, a substantial filler such as meat, fish, or cheese don’t make the bread change from [[HaMotzei]] to [[Mezonot]]. This is also the opinion of the Mishna Brurah 168:94 and Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 125, Kitzur S”A 168:3). However, the Taz 168:20 argues that for filled bread the Bracha is [[Mezonot]] like in S”A 168:7 unless there’s a keviyut sueda. [Interestingly, the Ben Ish Chai (Pinchas 20), Kaf HaChaim 168:137, and Halacha Brurah 168:49 are concerned for the opinion of the Taz and hold that one should make sure to have more than a keviyut sueda, however if one doesn’t have enough and one doesn’t have bread, one should make a [[mezonot]].] The VeZot HaBracha (pg 17 note 1) rules like Mishna Brurah that for bread that’s filled and is meant to fill one up the bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. </ref>
====Mezonot Rolls====
====Mezonot Rolls====
# Since '[[Mezonot]]' rolls are primarily eaten as part of a meal, many say that the bracha is [[HaMotzei]] (even if one eats a little) <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 19, chapter 19 and pg 386) in name of Rav Elyashiv, Rav Nassim Karlitz, and Or Letzion (Vol 2, 12:4). Many American rabbis ruled that the bracha is [[HaMotzei]] including Rabbi Avraham Bik, Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rav Moshe Shtern, Rabbi Yisrael Belsky, Rabbi Avrham Bloomenkrantz, and Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 498-9, chapter 27) in name of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman regarding America. </ref> and some say the bracha is [[Mezonot]] <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 18, chapter 3) in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman and the rabbis on the Badatz Edah Charedit </ref>. Therefore, one should eat it as part of a meal and make [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref> is the OU's position based on a [[Teshuva]] of Rabbi Yisrael Belsky which is that if a [[Mezonot]] roll is eaten as part of the meal the bracha is [[HaMotzei]], see [[Making a meal on Mezonot]]. This is also the opinion of the Star-K </ref> However, if that’s impossible, one has what to rely on to make a [[HaMotzei]], and one has what to rely on to make a [[Mezonot]]. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (Birur 56, pg 352) </ref>  
# Since '[[Mezonot]]' rolls are primarily eaten as part of a meal, many say that the bracha is [[HaMotzei]] (even if one eats a little) <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 19, chapter 19 and pg 386) in name of Rav Elyashiv, Rav Nissim Karelitz, and Or Letzion (Vol 2, 12:4). Many American rabbis ruled that the bracha is [[HaMotzei]] including Rabbi Avraham Bik, Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rav Moshe Shtern, Rabbi Yisrael Belsky, Rabbi Avrham Bloomenkrantz, and Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 498-9, chapter 27) in name of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman regarding America. </ref> and some say the bracha is [[Mezonot]] <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 18, chapter 3) in name of Rav Shlomo Zalman and the rabbis on the Badatz Edah Charedit </ref>. Therefore, one should eat it as part of a meal and make [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref> is the OU's position based on a [[Teshuva]] of Rabbi Yisrael Belsky which is that if a [[Mezonot]] roll is eaten as part of the meal the bracha is [[HaMotzei]], see [[Making a meal on Mezonot]]. This is also the opinion of the Star-K </ref> However, if that’s impossible, one has what to rely on to make a [[HaMotzei]], and one has what to rely on to make a [[Mezonot]]. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (Birur 56, pg 352) </ref>
# Regular pizza (no with fruit juice), according to Sephardim has the Bracha of [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref>  
# Regular pizza (no with fruit juice), according to Sephardim has the Bracha of [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref>  
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==Related topics==
==Related topics==
[[Making a meal on Mezonot]]
[[Making a meal on Mezonot]]
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