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* The Gemara Kedushin 31a records Rabbi Yehoshua’s practice not to walk 4 [[Amot]] without a head covering so that he would be reminded of Shechina that’s above him. [[Shabbat]] 156b writes that Rav Nachman’s mother was careful that her son always wore a head covering so that he is always cognizant of the fear of Heaven.  
* The Gemara Kedushin 31a records Rabbi Yehoshua’s practice not to walk 4 [[Amot]] without a head covering so that he would be reminded of Shechina that’s above him. [[Shabbat]] 156b writes that Rav Nachman’s mother was careful that her son always wore a head covering so that he is always cognizant of the fear of Heaven.  
* There is a long standing dispute whether there is an obligation or it’s only a Midat Chasidut. The Zohar (Pinchas pg 245b, Naso pg 122b) implies that it’s an obligation for a Talmid Chacham but for everyone else it is only a Midat Chasidut to wear it. Rambam (Deot 5:6; Moreh Nevuchim 3:52), Kol Bo 11, Orchot Chaim (Tefiliah 48), and Tashbetz 547 quoting the Maharam imply that it’s only a Midat Chasidut for a non-Talmid Chacham. However, Sefer Manhig (Tefilah 49), Kitzur Piskei HaRosh (first perek of Kedushin), and Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 34, 165 write that it’s a obligation on every Jew to wear.  
* There is a long standing dispute whether there is an obligation or it’s only a Midat Chasidut. The Zohar (Pinchas pg 245b, Naso pg 122b) implies that it’s an obligation for a Talmid Chacham but for everyone else it is only a Midat Chasidut to wear it. Rambam (Deot 5:6; Moreh Nevuchim 3:52), Kol Bo 11, Orchot Chaim (Tefiliah 48), and Tashbetz 547 quoting the Maharam imply that it’s only a Midat Chasidut for a non-Talmid Chacham. However, Sefer Manhig (Tefilah 49), Kitzur Piskei HaRosh (first perek of Kedushin), and Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 34, 165 write that it’s a obligation on every Jew to wear.  
* S”A 2:6 writes "It’s forbidden to walk with an arrogant posture and one shouldn’t walk 4 [[Amot]] without a head covering". The language of Shulchan Aruch implies that wearing a Kippah is only a Midat Chasidut. See also Bet Yosef (Siman 8, 46, and 91). Many poskim agree that it is only a Midat Chasidut including the Darkei Moshe (2:3 and 8:4), Maharshal 72, Birkei Yosef 2:2, Magan Avraham 91:3, Buir HaGra 8:6, and Maamer Mordechai (2 and 91:5).  
* S”A 2:6 writes "It’s forbidden to walk with an arrogant posture and one shouldn’t walk 4 [[Amot]] without a head covering". The language of Shulchan Aruch implies that wearing a Kippah is only a Midat Chasidut. See also Bet Yosef (Siman 8, 46, and 91). Many poskim agree that it is only a Midat Chasidut including the Darkei Moshe (2:3 and 8:4), Maharshal 72, Birkei Yosef 2:2, Magen Avraham 91:3, Buir HaGra 8:6, and Maamer Mordechai (2 and 91:5).  
* However, the Taz 8:3 writes that it’s forbidden not to wear a Kippah because of [[Chukat Akum]]. (Even according to this opinion one can be lenient if one has a reason to take off the Kippah as per Bet Yosef Y”D 178 and Rama against the Gra who forbids Chukot HaGoyim even if there is a reason to take it off.) Pri Megadim A”A 2:6 and Sh”t Elef Lecha Shlomo O”C 3 differentiate between a complete head covering which is a Midat Chasidut and a partial head covering which is an obligation. However, Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:1 argues on this distinction and adds that perhaps one can make such a distinction within the opinion of the Taz. Rabbi Shalom Mashash in Shemesh U'Magen 2:58 writes that when walking outdoors or in a shul it is obligatory. Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 1:4, Sh”t Yabia Omer 6:15 (4-5), Sh”t Yachave Daat 4:1, and Yalkut Yosef 1:7 write that even if the halacha is that it is only a Midat Chasidut, nowadays, since wearing the Kippah is a symbol of a religious Jew, wearing a Kippah is somewhat more obligatory than a Midat Chasidut because there is a concern of [[Marit Ayin]] (suspicion) if one is seen without a Kippah. </ref>
* However, the Taz 8:3 writes that it’s forbidden not to wear a Kippah because of [[Chukat Akum]]. (Even according to this opinion one can be lenient if one has a reason to take off the Kippah as per Bet Yosef Y”D 178 and Rama against the Gra who forbids Chukot HaGoyim even if there is a reason to take it off.) Pri Megadim A”A 2:6 and Sh”t Elef Lecha Shlomo O”C 3 differentiate between a complete head covering which is a Midat Chasidut and a partial head covering which is an obligation. However, Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 1:1 argues on this distinction and adds that perhaps one can make such a distinction within the opinion of the Taz. Rabbi Shalom Mashash in Shemesh U'Magen 2:58 writes that when walking outdoors or in a shul it is obligatory. Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 1:4, Sh”t Yabia Omer 6:15 (4-5), Sh”t Yachave Daat 4:1, and Yalkut Yosef 1:7 write that even if the halacha is that it is only a Midat Chasidut, nowadays, since wearing the Kippah is a symbol of a religious Jew, wearing a Kippah is somewhat more obligatory than a Midat Chasidut because there is a concern of [[Marit Ayin]] (suspicion) if one is seen without a Kippah. </ref>
# It is a proper and praiseworthy practice to wear a Kippah even when one walks less than 4 [[Amot]] <ref> Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 34 permits if one walks less than 4 [[Amot]]. However the Bach 2 implies from Rambam (Deot 5:6; More Nevuchim 3:52) that less than 4 [[Amot]] is also forbidden. Taz 8:3, Bchor Shor ([[Shabbat]] 118b), and Birkei Yosef 2:3 concur. Magan Avraham 2:6 writes that it’s only a Midat Chasidut to wear it for walking less than 4 [[Amot]]. </ref> or one stands or sits for the time it takes to walk 4 [[Amot]] <ref> Sh”T Mahari MeBruna 34 permits if one is just sitting and Magan Avraham 282:8 permits whether one is sitting or standing. Bechor Shor ([[Shabbat]] 118b), Birkei Yosef 2:3, Halacha Brurah 2:11 are strict as long as one waits the time it takes to walk 4 [[Amot]]. </ref>, whether one is outside or indoors. <ref> Sh”t Maharshal 72 permits one not to wear a Kippah indoors. Knesset Hagedolah 2, Bear Heteiv 2:5, and Olat Tamid 2:5 quote the Maharshal. However, the Bach 2 argues on this distinction. Eliyah Rabba 2:4, Mishna Brurah 2:10, and Halacha Brurah 2:11 concur. </ref>
# It is a proper and praiseworthy practice to wear a Kippah even when one walks less than 4 [[Amot]] <ref> Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 34 permits if one walks less than 4 [[Amot]]. However the Bach 2 implies from Rambam (Deot 5:6; More Nevuchim 3:52) that less than 4 [[Amot]] is also forbidden. Taz 8:3, Bchor Shor ([[Shabbat]] 118b), and Birkei Yosef 2:3 concur. Magen Avraham 2:6 writes that it’s only a Midat Chasidut to wear it for walking less than 4 [[Amot]]. </ref> or one stands or sits for the time it takes to walk 4 [[Amot]] <ref> Sh”T Mahari MeBruna 34 permits if one is just sitting and Magen Avraham 282:8 permits whether one is sitting or standing. Bechor Shor ([[Shabbat]] 118b), Birkei Yosef 2:3, Halacha Brurah 2:11 are strict as long as one waits the time it takes to walk 4 [[Amot]]. </ref>, whether one is outside or indoors. <ref> Sh”t Maharshal 72 permits one not to wear a Kippah indoors. Knesset Hagedolah 2, Bear Heteiv 2:5, and Olat Tamid 2:5 quote the Maharshal. However, the Bach 2 argues on this distinction. Eliyah Rabba 2:4, Mishna Brurah 2:10, and Halacha Brurah 2:11 concur. </ref>
# One isn’t allowed to make [[Brachot]] without a Kippah, but if by accident (for example, the kippah fell off and one didn’t notice) one made a bracha without a Kippah, the bracha is acceptable after the fact. <ref>Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 1:5 say that since the Rosh (on [[Brachot]] 60b), Rambam (Tefilah 7:4), and S”A 4 hold that the order of the [[Brachot]] is precise and Oter [[Israel]] BeTifarah is made for having a head covering, implying that the other [[Brachot]] can be made without a Kippah (Gra 8:6 makes similar implication from Rif). Nonetheless, Masechet Soferim has a dispute whether one can say Hashem’s name without a Kippah and Rabbenu Yerucham (quoted by Bet Yosef 91:3), Or Zaruha 2:43, S”A 91:3 rule stringently. Lechem Yehuda (Tefilah 5:5) argues that it seems that S”A 91:5 holds that one in [[Shemoneh Esrei]] is forbidden not to have a Kippah. Perhaps S”A (retracting from his ruling in Bet Yosef like Rabbenu Yerucham) rules with the term “Yesh Omrim” and then an anonymous opinion and so we should follow the anonymous opinion. Yet, Sh”t Yabia Omer O”C 6:15(3) rejects this because S”A 206:3 is very clear that one can’t say Hashem’s name without a Kippah and S”A 91:5 meant there’s an added reason to wear a Kippah in Shemona Esrah. Sh”t Maharshal 72 says that perhaps from halacha it’s permitted but since the Minhag is not to say a bracha without a Kippah one shouldn’t be lenient (Chida in Sh”t Chaim Shaal 2:35 and Kiseh Rachamim (Masechet Soferim 14) writes similarly). Gra (Biur HaGra 8:6 and Meorei Or (Bear Sheva 15b)) writes it’s only a Midat Chasidut and if there’s a bracha which one will miss if he gets a Kippah (such as if he just heard thunder) he can make the bracha. Sh”t Yabia Omer 6:15(6) says Bedieved one fulfills his bracha. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo Tefilla 2:16) agrees that one need not repeat it. </ref> Others require that you repeat the bracha. <ref>Sh"t Iggerot Moshe OC 4:40:14</ref>
# One isn’t allowed to make [[Brachot]] without a Kippah, but if by accident (for example, the kippah fell off and one didn’t notice) one made a bracha without a Kippah, the bracha is acceptable after the fact. <ref>Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 1:5 say that since the Rosh (on [[Brachot]] 60b), Rambam (Tefilah 7:4), and S”A 4 hold that the order of the [[Brachot]] is precise and Oter [[Israel]] BeTifarah is made for having a head covering, implying that the other [[Brachot]] can be made without a Kippah (Gra 8:6 makes similar implication from Rif). Nonetheless, Masechet Soferim has a dispute whether one can say Hashem’s name without a Kippah and Rabbenu Yerucham (quoted by Bet Yosef 91:3), Or Zaruha 2:43, S”A 91:3 rule stringently. Lechem Yehuda (Tefilah 5:5) argues that it seems that S”A 91:5 holds that one in [[Shemoneh Esrei]] is forbidden not to have a Kippah. Perhaps S”A (retracting from his ruling in Bet Yosef like Rabbenu Yerucham) rules with the term “Yesh Omrim” and then an anonymous opinion and so we should follow the anonymous opinion. Yet, Sh”t Yabia Omer O”C 6:15(3) rejects this because S”A 206:3 is very clear that one can’t say Hashem’s name without a Kippah and S”A 91:5 meant there’s an added reason to wear a Kippah in Shemona Esrah. Sh”t Maharshal 72 says that perhaps from halacha it’s permitted but since the Minhag is not to say a bracha without a Kippah one shouldn’t be lenient (Chida in Sh”t Chaim Shaal 2:35 and Kiseh Rachamim (Masechet Soferim 14) writes similarly). Gra (Biur HaGra 8:6 and Meorei Or (Bear Sheva 15b)) writes it’s only a Midat Chasidut and if there’s a bracha which one will miss if he gets a Kippah (such as if he just heard thunder) he can make the bracha. Sh”t Yabia Omer 6:15(6) says Bedieved one fulfills his bracha. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo Tefilla 2:16) agrees that one need not repeat it. </ref> Others require that you repeat the bracha. <ref>Sh"t Iggerot Moshe OC 4:40:14</ref>
# One is allowed to think about Torah even if he's not wearing a Kippah, such as if he’s in bed (although not if one just awoke and has yet to say the [[Birkat Hatorah]]) or by a pool. <ref> Sh”t Yabia Omer 6:15(7), Sherit Yosef 2 pg 370 </ref>
# One is allowed to think about Torah even if he's not wearing a Kippah, such as if he’s in bed (although not if one just awoke and has yet to say the [[Birkat Hatorah]]) or by a pool. <ref> Sh”t Yabia Omer 6:15(7), Sherit Yosef 2 pg 370 </ref>
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==Who’s obligated to wear a Kippah?==
==Who’s obligated to wear a Kippah?==
# Children also should wear a Kippah to inspire Yirat Shamayim. <Ref> Magan Avraham 2:6 proves from the Gemara that a child doesn’t need a Kippah but it’s correct for them to have a Kippah to inspire Yirat Shamayim.  Eliyah Rabba 2:4, Shulchan Aruch HaRav 2:7, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 3:6, Mishna Brurah 2:11, Artzot HaChaim 6, and Halacha Brurah 2:19 concur. </ref> It is forbidden for even a small boy to recite any [[prayers]] or [[blessings]] if his head is uncovered. <ref> Children in Halacha pg. 14 </ref>
# Children also should wear a Kippah to inspire Yirat Shamayim. <Ref> Magen Avraham 2:6 proves from the Gemara that a child doesn’t need a Kippah but it’s correct for them to have a Kippah to inspire Yirat Shamayim.  Eliyah Rabba 2:4, Shulchan Aruch HaRav 2:7, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 3:6, Mishna Brurah 2:11, Artzot HaChaim 6, and Halacha Brurah 2:19 concur. </ref> It is forbidden for even a small boy to recite any [[prayers]] or [[blessings]] if his head is uncovered. <ref> Children in Halacha pg. 14 </ref>
# The minhag is that unmarried women don't cover their heads, yet it’s correct for them to wear a head covering during [[Shemoneh Esrei]]. Those who don’t wear a covering at all have what to rely on. <Ref> Yalkut Yosef (91:8, Tefilah pg 318, Sherit Yosef 2 pg 368), Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 1:5, Tzitz Eliezer 12:13, [[Tefilla]] KeHilchata quoting Echad MeGedolei HaDor </ref>
# The minhag is that unmarried women don't cover their heads, yet it’s correct for them to wear a head covering during [[Shemoneh Esrei]]. Those who don’t wear a covering at all have what to rely on. <Ref> Yalkut Yosef (91:8, Tefilah pg 318, Sherit Yosef 2 pg 368), Sh”t Otzrot Yosef 1:5, Tzitz Eliezer 12:13, [[Tefilla]] KeHilchata quoting Echad MeGedolei HaDor </ref>