Tisha BeAv: Difference between revisions

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# The custom is to read the megilla of Eicha, Lamentations, on Tisha B'av. <ref> S"A 559:2, Masechet Sofrim 18:5, and Eicha Rabbah Parsha 3. Mishna Brurah 559:2 notes that although the prevalent tradition is read to Eicha at night, it is preferable to read Eicha privately during the daytime as well. </ref> # Women are required to read the megilla of eicha as well. <ref> Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:250 says that since women are obligated in all other halachot of [[mourning]] on tisha b'av, they are also obligated halachos of aveilus of Tisha B'Av, they are also required to hear Eicha. He says that if they cannot make it to shul, they made read it on the floor in their own homes. </ref>
# The custom is to read the megilla of Eicha, Lamentations, on Tisha B'av. <ref> S"A 559:2, Masechet Sofrim 18:5, and Eicha Rabbah Parsha 3. Mishna Brurah 559:2 notes that although the prevalent tradition is read to Eicha at night, it is preferable to read Eicha privately during the daytime as well. </ref> # Women are required to read the megilla of eicha as well. <ref> Teshuvot Vihanhagot 2:250 says that since women are obligated in all other halachot of [[mourning]] on tisha b'av, they are also obligated halachos of aveilus of Tisha B'Av, they are also required to hear Eicha. He says that if they cannot make it to shul, they made read it on the floor in their own homes. </ref>
# According to Sephardim, one recites aneinu at night on tisha b’av. <ref> Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536 </ref>
# According to Sephardim, one recites aneinu at night on tisha b’av. <ref> Yalkut Yosef Moadim page 536, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/displayRead.asp?readID=2732 Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
# On Tisha B’Av, we add in the Shemoneh Esreh a prayer for the rebuilding of Jerusalem, which begins with the word nachem. Some have the custom to insert the beracha of nachem into the beracha of tishkon bitoch yerushalayim only during mincha. <ref> [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/displayRead.asp?readID=2732 Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
# If one forgot to recite nachem during the amida and only remembered after finishing, he should not go back and recite the amida again. <ref> [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/displayRead.asp?readID=2732 Rabbi Eli Mansour] </ref>
# Some have the minhag not to put on [[Tefillin]] for [[Shacharit]] of Tisha BeAv and only put it on for [[Mincha]] <ref>S"A 551:1</ref>
# Some have the minhag not to put on [[Tefillin]] for [[Shacharit]] of Tisha BeAv and only put it on for [[Mincha]] <ref>S"A 551:1</ref>
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# Tefillin are worn during mincha on Tisha B'av. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 555:1 </ref>
# Tefillin are worn during mincha on Tisha B'av. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 555:1 </ref>
# There is a discussion if one should recite keriat shema during mincha with tefillin. <ref> Mishna Brura 555:5 says that one should not. However, Rabbi Soloveitchik (Quoted by Rabbi Menachem Genack in Gan Shoshanim Chelek 1, 1:3) thought one should. </ref>  
# There is a discussion if one should recite keriat shema during mincha with tefillin. <ref> Mishna Brura 555:5 says that one should not. However, Rabbi Soloveitchik (Quoted by Rabbi Menachem Genack in Gan Shoshanim Chelek 1, 1:3) thought one should. </ref>  
==Sitting on the Floor==# Though normally, one should refrain from sitting in a normal chair on Tisha B'av until midday, one who is driving may sit normally in the seat. <ref> Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:48 </ref>
==Sitting on the Floor==
# Though normally one should refrain from sitting in a normal chair on Tisha B'av until midday, one who is driving may sit normally in the seat. <ref> Mikraei Kodesh by Rabbi Moshe Harari 7:48 </ref>

==Saying Hello==
==Saying Hello==