Asking a Jew to Work on Shabbat: Difference between revisions

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# Just as observant Jews do not violate [[Shabbat]], they equally have a responsibility to prevent other Jews from violating [[Shabbat]] when it is in their control. Asking a Jew to do work is a more serious transgression than asking a non-Jew, as it causes someone who is obligated to keep [[Shabbat]] to violate it. By asking a fellow Jew to violate [[Shabbat]], the requester violates "[[Lifnei Iver]] lo Titen Michshal" - the issur forbidding a Jew to cause another Jew to violate a law he is obligated in. <ref> 39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat; vol 1, pg 91, footnote 354)
# Just as observant Jews do not violate [[Shabbat]], they equally have a responsibility to prevent other Jews from violating [[Shabbat]] when it is in their control. Asking a Jew to do work is a more serious transgression than asking a non-Jew, as it causes someone who is obligated to keep [[Shabbat]] to violate it. By asking a fellow Jew to violate [[Shabbat]], the requester violates "[[Lifnei Iver]] lo Titen Michshal" - the issur forbidding a Jew to cause another Jew to violate a law he is obligated in. <ref> 39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat; vol 1, pg 91, footnote 354)
* Radvaz 4:258 explains that there should be a problem of Amira LiYisrael, which should be no more allowed than asking a non-Jew. </ref>
* Radvaz 4:258 explains that there should be a problem of Amira LiYisrael, which should be no more allowed than asking a non-Jew. </ref>
# One should make sure neighbors one may sometimes ask favors from on [[Shabbat]] are in fact not Jewish and not merely not religious. <ref>{{NoSource}}</ref>
# One should make sure neighbors that one may sometimes ask favors from on [[Shabbat]] are in fact not Jewish and not merely not religious Jews. <ref>{{NoSource}}</ref>
# see Hitorirut Teshuva 1:134
==Practical cases==
==Practical cases==
===Asking them to do something you hold is forbidden===
===Asking them to do something you hold is forbidden===
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# It is forbidden to have one's young child do any violation of [[Shabbat]] such as turning on a light. <Ref>[ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] (OU Kosher Webcast, min 18-19) rules that this is a biblical violation of [[Shabbat]]. </ref>
# It is forbidden to have one's young child do any violation of [[Shabbat]] such as turning on a light. <Ref>[ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] (OU Kosher Webcast, min 18-19) rules that this is a biblical violation of [[Shabbat]]. </ref>
# If a child turns on a light on his own and for his own benefit, there's room to be lenient to benefit from that violation of [[Shabbat]]. <Ref>[ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] (OU Kosher Webcast, min 18-19) says that there's room to be lenient since the child is like mitasek and if he did it for himself then it's not forbidden from benefit like a non-Jew who did work for himself. </ref>
# If a child turns on a light on his own and for his own benefit, there's room to be lenient to benefit from that violation of [[Shabbat]]. <Ref>[ Rabbi Hershel Schachter] (OU Kosher Webcast, min 18-19) says that there's room to be lenient since the child is like mitasek and if he did it for himself then it's not forbidden from benefit like a non-Jew who did work for himself. </ref>
===If One Brought in Shabbat Early===
===If One Accepted Shabbat Early===
# One who accepted [[shabbat]] early is permitted to ask his friend who didn’t to do melacha for him. <ref> Yalkut Yosef 261:3 </ref>  
# One who accepted [[shabbat]] early is permitted to ask his friend who didn’t, to do melacha for him. <ref> Yalkut Yosef 261:3. Mishna Berura 263:64 says that this is permitted but adds that if it is close to sunset, one should be stringent since most Jews probably accepted [[shabbat]] at that point. Rashba [[Shabbat]] 151A “Amar R’ yehuda” quotes that since the gemara allows you to ask a Jew to watch fruit which is outside of your [[techum]], since it is inside of his, that Tosfot hold that a Jew who accepted [[Shabbat]] before sunset can ask a Jew who didn’t yet, to do work for him even though he can’t do it for himself. Ritva there agrees. Chatam Sofer [[Shabbat]] 151a writes that the Ran on the Rif 64b disagrees and rejects the proof. S”A 263:17 writes that yesh omrim that somebody who accepted [[shabbat]] early can ask his friend to do work for him. Rama there adds that one can surely benefit from that melacha after the fact. In Darchei Moshe 263:8 he adds that this would be true even according to the Rama. Taz 263:3 is lenient and says that the Ran didn't necessarily disagree, he was just rejected the proof brought by the Rashba. Magen Avraham 263:33 is lenient as well. </ref>  
===Yom Tov Sheni===
===Yom Tov Sheni===
# For whether someone holding two days of [[Yom Tov]] can ask a Jew who is only keep one day to do work for him, see [[|Asking an Israeli to do work on Yom Tov Sheni]]
# For whether someone holding two days of [[Yom Tov]] can ask a Jew who is only keep one day to do work for him, see [[|Asking an Israeli to do work on Yom Tov Sheni]]