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==Eating before Kiddish==
==Eating before Kiddish==
# Kiddush has to be made before eating/drinking because the Pasuk says "VeKarasa LiShabbos Oneg" <ref> Isiah </ref> "And you shall call to the [[Shabbos]] a delight", which the Rabbanan learn to mean that there has to be a "calling" to the [[Shabbos]], meaning saying Kiddush, prior to it being "a delight", refering to eating/drinking. <ref> Tosfot and Rosh Pesachim 110a</ref>
# Kiddush has to be made before eating/drinking because the Pasuk says "VeKarasa LiShabbos Oneg" <ref> Isiah </ref> "And you shall call to the [[Shabbos]] a delight", which the Rabbanan learn to mean that there has to be a "calling" to the [[Shabbos]], meaning saying Kiddush, prior to it being "a delight", refering to eating/drinking. <ref> Tosfot and Rosh Pesachim 110a</ref>
# It's Rabbinically <ref> Mishna Berurah 271:11 writes that the prohibition is only Rabbinic. </ref> forbidden to eat anything even water <ref> [[Maggid]] Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5) explains that the Rambam holds drinking water before [[Kiddish]] is permitted, while the Rashba (Sh"t 3:264) forbids it. Hagahot Maimon 29:5 in name of Maharam as well as the Tur 271:4 also forbid. Bet Yosef says that the Rambam is unclear and may hold that even water is forbidden. S"A 271:4 rules that even water is forbidden. </ref> before making [[Kiddish]] once the time for [[Kiddish]] has come. <ref> Pesachim 106b records a dispute whether one who tasted food before [[Kiddish]] can still make [[Kiddish]]. Bet Yosef 271:4 implies from there that Lechatchila, it's forbidden to eat or drink before [[Kiddish]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5), Tur and S"A 271:4 all rule that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]]. </ref> This applies to the nighttime and daytime Kiddush.<ref>Kitzur S"A 77:13</ref>
# It's Rabbinically <ref> Mishna Brurah 271:11 writes that the prohibition is only Rabbinic. </ref> forbidden to eat anything even water <ref> [[Maggid]] Mishna (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5) explains that the Rambam holds drinking water before [[Kiddish]] is permitted, while the Rashba (Sh"t 3:264) forbids it. Hagahot Maimon 29:5 in name of Maharam as well as the Tur 271:4 also forbid. Bet Yosef says that the Rambam is unclear and may hold that even water is forbidden. S"A 271:4 rules that even water is forbidden. </ref> before making [[Kiddish]] once the time for [[Kiddish]] has come. <ref> Pesachim 106b records a dispute whether one who tasted food before [[Kiddish]] can still make [[Kiddish]]. Bet Yosef 271:4 implies from there that Lechatchila, it's forbidden to eat or drink before [[Kiddish]]. Rambam (Hilchot [[Shabbat]] 29:5), Tur and S"A 271:4 all rule that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]]. </ref> This applies to the nighttime and daytime Kiddush.<ref>Kitzur S"A 77:13</ref>
# If one takes [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early, it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]]. <ref> Magan Avraham in name of the Bach writes that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]] if one accepted [[Shabbat]] early.  </ref> Therefore, one can accept [[Shabbat]] early, make [[Kiddish]], and eat even before praying [[Arvit]] as long as it's not within a half hour of the time to say [[Arvit]]. <ref> Magan Avraham 271:5 writes that one is allowed to accept [[Shabbat]] early, and then make [[Kiddish]] to permit eating, all before praying [[Arvit]]. Beir Heitev 271:4 quotes this as halacha. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:4 and Mishna Brurah 271:11 limit the permit to eat to when one is more than a half hour before nightfall as is the halacha everyday of not eating before [[Arvit]]. </ref>
# If one takes [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early, it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]]. <ref> Magan Avraham in name of the Bach writes that it's forbidden to eat before making [[Kiddish]] if one accepted [[Shabbat]] early.  </ref> Therefore, one can accept [[Shabbat]] early, make [[Kiddish]], and eat even before praying [[Arvit]] as long as it's not within a half hour of the time to say [[Arvit]]. <ref> Magan Avraham 271:5 writes that one is allowed to accept [[Shabbat]] early, and then make [[Kiddish]] to permit eating, all before praying [[Arvit]]. Beir Heitev 271:4 quotes this as halacha. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:4 and Mishna Brurah 271:11 limit the permit to eat to when one is more than a half hour before nightfall as is the halacha everyday of not eating before [[Arvit]]. </ref>
# If one doesn't pray or take [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early The time that the prohibition begins from [[Ben HaShemashot]]. <ref> Magan Avraham 271, Mishna Berurah 271:11 and Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 write that the prohibition begins at [[Ben HaShemashot]]. </ref>  
# If one doesn't pray or take [[Shabbat]] upon oneself early The time that the prohibition begins from [[Ben HaShemashot]]. <ref> Magan Avraham 271, Mishna Brurah 271:11 and Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 write that the prohibition begins at [[Ben HaShemashot]]. </ref>  
# Rinsing out one's mouth is permitted since one doesn't intend to get benefit from the water. <ref> Magan Avraham 271:5 writes that rinsing out one's mouth is permitted as it isn't called drinking. Bear Hetiev 271:4 and Mishna Brurah agree. However, Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 is more stringent and only permits if one was fasting and only during [[Ben HaShemashot]]. </ref>
# Rinsing out one's mouth is permitted since one doesn't intend to get benefit from the water. <ref> Magan Avraham 271:5 writes that rinsing out one's mouth is permitted as it isn't called drinking. Bear Hetiev 271:4 and Mishna Brurah agree. However, Ben Ish Chai Beresheet 17 is more stringent and only permits if one was fasting and only during [[Ben HaShemashot]]. </ref>