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From Halachipedia
m (Text replacement - "Birkat HaLevana" to "Birkat Halevana")
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m (Text replace - "Shemonah Esrei" to "Shemoneh Esrei")
(60 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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<FONT size=3>Halacha Meets Wiki</FONT></H2>
* [[Morning Routine]]
** Going to Sleep
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*** [[Halachot of Sleep]]
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*** [[Waking up in the Middle of the Night]]
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#BEFFB9;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #00FA9A;text-align:left;color:#000000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;"><center>Welcome to! </center></h2>
**[[Waking Up]]
Our mission is to create the most comprehensive resource of Halacha online, for free, and easily accessible to all. With help from people like you, we can create an encyclopedic resource to benefit millions of Jews.
*** [[Waking Up]]
*** [[Netilat Yadayim upon Waking Up]]
We would greatly appreciate any contribution as Jews we all have a unique portion of Torah. Currently, anyone can create an account and contribute to Halachipedia. [[More about Getting Started| To learn more about how to contributing to Halachipedia click here]]. [[How to edit Halachipedia| To learn how to edit Halachipedia click here]] <font color=red>FYI</font>: This is for absolutely zero financial profit.
*** [[Netilat Yadayim in Preparation for Davening]] ([[Negal Vasser]])
*** [[Order of Getting Dressed]]
<font color=red>Caution</font>: This site is meant as a resource and one should be cautious about relying on it in practice. Consult your Rabbi before following any practices discussed here.|}
*** [[Modest Clothing]]
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*** [[Going to the Bathroom]]
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*** [[Birchat Asher Yatzar]]
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#FFE4E1;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #58B6FF;text-align:left;color:#00000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Popular Topics</h2>
*** [[Halachot of Brushing One's Teeth]]
* [[Tefillin]]
** Preparation for [[Davening]]
* [[Kiddush]]  
*** [[Kippah]]
* [[Borer]]
*** [[Tzitzit]]
* [[Muktzeh]]
*** [[When Should One Make a New Bracha on Tzitzit?]]
* [[Tzitzit]]
* [[Chanukah candle lighting]]
*** [[Details About the Tefillin Boxes and Straps]]
* [[Chol HaMoed]]  
*** [[Putting On and Removing Tefillin]]
* [[Bishul]]
*** [[Treating the Tefillin with Respect]]
*** [[Rabbenu Tam Tefillin]]
*** [[Who Is Obligated to Wear Tefillin?]]
*** [[When to Wear Tefillin]]
** Breakfast and the Rest of the Day
*** [[Eating Breakfast]]
*** [[Order of the Day]]
*** [[Proper Outlook on Life and Religious Cognizance]]
*** [[Respect for a Shul]]
*** [[How a Person Should Conduct Himself]]
* [[Prayer]]
**What One May Do before Davening
*** [[Greeting People before Davening]]
*** [[Eating before Davening]]
*** [[Netilat Yadayim in Preparation for Davening]]
*** [[Other Activities before Davening]]
*** [[Preparations for Davening]]
**Davening Times
*** [[When Is the Earliest and Latest Time to Pray?]]
**General Halachot of Davening
*** [[Answering Amen]]
*** [[Avoiding Davening After Drinking Intoxicating Beverages]]
*** [[Correcting a Bad Dream]]
*** [[Davening with a Minyan That Uses a Different Nusach]]
*** [[Dvarim SheBichtav]]
*** [[Kaddish]]
*** [[Kavanah necessary for Davening]] ([[Kavanah for Tefillah]])
*** [[Mitzvah to Daven]]
*** [[Prayers for Certain Occasions]]
*** [[Shaliach Tzibbur]]
*** [[Shomea KeOneh|Fulfilling One's Obligation by Listening to a Bracha]] ([[Shomea KeOneh]])
*** [[Someone who comes late to Davening]]
*** [[Turning to the Right and Left]]
*** [[What to do if one missed davening]] ([[Tashlumin]])
**Halachos of a Shul
*** [[Davening with a minyan]]
*** [[Respecting the sanctity of the Shul]]
*** [[Where Is It Permissible to Daven?]]
*** [[Acquiring Rights to a Mitzvah]]
*** [[Brov Am Hadrat Melech]]
**Specific parts of Davening
*** [[Birchot HaShachar]]
*** [[Birchot HaTorah]]
*** [[Korbanot]]
*** [[Kaddish]]
*** [[Pesukei DeZimrah]]
*** [[Barchu]]
*** [[Birchot Kriyat Shema]]
*** [[Kriyat Shema]]
*** [[Shmoneh Esrei]]
**** [[Mashiv HaRuach UMorid HaGeshem]]
**** [[Atta Chonen]]
**** [[Atta Chonantanu]]
**** [[Hashivenu]]
**** [[Slach Lanu]]
**** [[Refaenu]]
**** [[Barech Aleinu]] (VeTen Tal UMatar Lebracha)
**** [[Yaaleh VeYavo]] (insertion for [[Rosh Chodesh]])
**** [[Al Hanissim on Chanukah]]
**** [[Shemoneh_Esrei#Sim_Shalom |Sim Shalom]]
**** [[Taking Three Steps Back]]
*** [[Chazarat HaShatz]]
**** [[Kedusha]]
**** [[Birkat Cohanim]]
*** [[Havinenu]]
*** [[Kriyat HaTorah]]
**** [[Hagbah and Gelila]]
*** [[Hallel]]
*** [[Tachanun, Ashrei, Aleinu, Shir Shel Yom]]
*** [[Special prayer for travelers]] ([[Tefillat HaDerech]])
*** [[Mincha]]
*** [[Mariv/Arvit]]
*** [[Mussaf]]
*** [[Repeating Shema at night]]
*** [[Bedtime Shema]]
*** [[Tikkun Chatzot]]
* [[Brachot|Brachot]]
**[[Brachot on Food]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter A| A]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter B| B]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter C| C]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter D| D]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter E| E]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter F| F]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter G| G]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter H| H]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letters I or J| I- J]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter K| K]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter L| L]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter M| M]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter N| N]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letters O or P| O - P]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letters Q or R| Q - R]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter S| S]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letter T| T]]
***[[Brachot On Foods That Start With The Letters U - Z| U - Z]]
**General Concepts
*** [[Having Kavana for Mitzvot]]
*** [[Delaying Mitzvot]]
*** [[Kavana During Brachot]]
*** [[Shomea KeOneh]]
*** [[Safek Brachot LeHaKel]]
*** [[Making one hundred Brachot daily]]
*** [[Shiur of K'zayis]] ([[Kazayis]])
*** [[Interruptions to a Bracha]] ([[Hefsek]])
*** [[Location Change]] ([[Shinui Makom]])
*** [[Food that comes during a meal]]
*** [[Brachot on Food One Eats Before a Meal]]
*** [[Order of Brachot]]
*** [[Correcting a Mistaken Bracha]]
**Making the Bracha Properly
*** [[Amen]]
*** [[Before the Bracha]]
*** [[Bracha Achrona]]
*** [[Bracha Rishona]]
*** [[Brachot Through a Microphone]]
*** [[Interruptions between the Bracha and Eating]]
*** [[Making the Beracha]]
*** [[Talking between the Beracha and eating]]
*** [[Respecting foods]]
*** [[Where Is It Permissible to Recite Brachot?]]
**[[Brachot on Specific Foods]]
***[[Bread]] ([[HaMotzei]])
***[[Breakfast Cereals]]
***[[Grape Juice and Wine]] ([[HaGafen]])
*** [[Ikar and Tofel]] (Combination of Ingredients)
***[[Shehakol]] (drinks, candies)
***[[Wheat and grain products]] (noodle, cake, pastry)
***[[Rice and rice products]] (rice, rice cake, rice crispies)
***[[Pas Haba Bikisnin]] (cookies, cakes, crackers)
***[[Making a meal on Mezonot]]
**[[HaEtz and HaAdama]]
***[[Fruits and Vegetables]]
***[[Processed fruits and vegetables]] (jelly, jam, peanut butter)
***[[Corn and potato products]] (corn chip, mashed potato)
***[[Raw or roasted grain]] (granola, puffed wheat)
**[[Bracha Achrona]]
***[[Al HaMichya]]
***[[Boreh Nefashot]]
**[[Birkat Hamazon]]
***[[Netilat Yadayim for a meal]]
***[[Proper Conduct of a Meal]] ([[Derech Eretz of a meal]])
***[[Mayim Achronim]]
***[[Birkat HaMazon]]
***[[Yaaleh VeYavo]]
**[[Brachot on Mitzvot]]
***[[Birchot Kriyat Shema]]
***[[Bracha of Sukkah]]
**[[Brachot of Praise]]
*** [[Birkat HaGomel]]
***[[Birchot HaShachar]]
***[[Birchas Asher Yasar]]
**[[Brachot on Special Occasions]]
***[[Brachot on a nice smell]]
***[[Brachot on Sights]]
***[[Bracha For Seeing Natural Wonders]]
***[[Oseh Maaseh Beresheet]]
***[[Bracha for seeing a rainbow]]
***[[Bracha for a miracle]]
***[[Bracha for an unusual creature]]
***[[Bracha for good or bad news]]
***[[Birchat Ilanot]]
***[[Birkat Halevana]]
***[[Birkat HaChamah]] ([[Bircas HaChammah]])
* [[Learning Torah]]
* [[Learning Torah]]
**Mitzvot of Talmud Torah
* [[Pas Haba Bikisnin]]
*** [[Laws of Learning Torah]]
*** [[Shenayim Mikrah]] ([[Reading The Weekly Torah Portion]])
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*** [[Special Tefilla to Say Before and After Learning]]
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#FFE4E1;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #FF69B4;text-align:left;color:#00555;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Pages that need improvement</h2>
*** [[Where Is It Permissible to Learn Torah?]]
* [[Techum]]
*** [[Bitul Torah]] ([[Not Wasting Time From Learning]])
* [[Folding clothes/talit on Shabbat]]
*** [[Breaking up Pesukim and Paragraphs of Torah]]
* [[Using Electricity on Shabbat]]
*** [[Mitzvah to Learn Torah]]
* [[Negal Vasser]]
*** [[Writing a Sefer Torah]]
* [[Mochek]]
**Kavod HaTorah (Respect for Torah)
*** [[Standing for a Talmid Chacham and for the elderly]]
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*** [[Loving Torah Scholars (Talmidei Chachamim)]]
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#FFE4E1;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #FF69B4;text-align:left;color:#000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Brachot</h2>
*** [[Respect for a Shul]]
[[Image:Berachot.gif‎ | 100px | link=Brachot | right]]
*** [[Respecting Holy Books]] ([[Kedushat Sefarim]])
* [[Brachot on Food]]
*** [[Respecting a Sefer Torah]]
* [[Brachot on Mitzvot]]
*** [[Geniza]] ([[Sheimos]]/[[Discarding Holy Material]])
* [[Brachot of Praise]]
**Klalim (Rules)
* [[Brachot on Special Occasions]]
***[[Klalei HaTalmud]] ([[Talmudic Methodology]])
* [[Birkat HaGomel]]
***[[Klalei HaPoskim]]
* [[Mitzvot need Kavana]]
***[[Klalei HaPsak (Halachic Decision Making)]]
* [[Shabbat]]
**Mitzvot of Shabbat
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*** [[Blessing for new moon]] ([[Birkat Halevana]]/[[Kiddush Levana]])
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*** [[Enjoying Shabbat]] ([[Kavod and Oneg Shabbat|Oneg Shabbat]])
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#FFE4E1; font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #58B6FF;text-align:left;color:#000000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">[[Shabbat]]</h2>
*** [[Fourth meal of Shabbat]] ([[Melaveh Malka]])
[[Image:[[Shabbat]].gif | 100px | link=[[Shabbat]] | right]]
*** [[Havdalah]] ([[Sanctifying the conclusion of Shabbat]])
Mitzvot of the Day
*** [[Having a meal on Friday]] ([[Having a meal on Erev Shabbat]])
* [[Preparation for Shabbat]]
*** [[Kiddush]] ([[Sanctifying Shabbat]])
* [[Oneg Shabbat]]
*** [[Lighting Shabbat candles]]
* [[Shabbat Candles]]
*** [[Making early Shabbat]] ([[Tosefet Shabbat]])
* [[Tosfet Shabbat]]
*** [[Making one hundred Brachot on Shabbat]]
* [[Kiddush]]
*** [[Preparing foods on Shabbat]]
* [[Havdalah]]
*** [[Preparing for Shabbat]] ([[Erev Shabbat]])
Permitted and Forbidden Activities
*** [[Reading the weekly Torah portion]] ([[Shenayim Mikra VeEchad Targum|Shenayim Mikrah]])
* [[Kotaiv]](writing)
*** [[Respecting Shabbat]] ([[Kavod and Oneg Shabbat|Kavod Shabbat]])
* [[Koshair]] (tying)
*** [[Shabbat prayers]] ([[Shabbos Davening]])
* [[Bishul]](cooking)
*** [[The meals of Shabbat]] ([[Seudat Shabbat]])
* [[Borer]] (separating)
*** [[Third meal of Shabbat]] ([[Seudat Shelishit]])
* [[Uvda DeChol]]
*** [[Two loaves of bread]] ([[Lechem Mishneh]])
* [[Games on Shabbat]]
*** [[When does Shabbat end?]] ([[Motzei Shabbat]])
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*** [[When does Shabbat start?]]
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#FFE4E1;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #FF69B4;text-align:left;color:#000000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Prayer</h2>
**Practical Laws of Shabbat
[[Image:Prayer.jpg‎  | 140px | link=Prayer | right]]
*** [[Allowing Carrying Using an Eruv Chatzerot]]
* [[Brachot HaShachar]]
*** [[Animals on Shabbat]]
* [[Korbanot]]
*** [[Asking a Jew to work on Shabbat]]
* [[Pesukei DeZimrah]]
*** [[Asking a non-Jew to work on Shabbat]] ([[Amirah LeNochri]])
* [[Birchot Kriyat Shema]]
*** [[Benefiting from a Violation of Shabbat]] ([[Maaseh Shabbat]])
* [[Kriyat Shema]]
*** [[Books, notebooks, and papers]]
* [[Shemoneh Esrei]]
*** [[Brushing Teeth on Shabbat]]
* [[Tachanun, Ashrei, Aleinu, Shir Shel Yom]]
*** [[Building a structure on Shabbat]] ([[Boneh]])
* [[Mincha]]
*** [[Carrying on Shabbat]]
* [[Mariv/Arvit]]
*** [[Cleaning the dishes]]
* [[Tikkun Chatzot]]
*** [[Cleaning and Folding Garments on Shabbat]]
*** [[Clearing the table]]
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*** [[Ofeh and Bishul|Cooking]] ([[Ofeh and Bishul]])
<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#FFE4E1;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #afa3bf;text-align:left;color:#000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Holidays</h2>
*** [[Cosmetics on Shabbat]]
[[Image:Holidays.jpg‎ | 130px | link=Holidays | right]]
*** [[Dancing and clapping on Shabbat]]
*** [[Electricity on Shabbat]]
*[[Rosh Hashana]]
*** [[Games on Shabbat]]
*[[Yom Kippur]]
*** [[Getting dressed on Shabbat]]
*** [[Giving birth on Shabbat]]
*** [[Grinding]] ([[Tochen]])
*** [[Handling objects on Shabbat]] ([[Muktzeh]])
*** [[Infants on Shabbat]]
*[[Sefirat HaOmer]]
*** [[Introduction to the Modern Eruv]]
*** [[Kneading]] ([[Lash]])
*[[Yom Tov]]
*** [[Mail on Shabbat]]
*[[Chol HaMoed]]
*** [[Medicine on Shabbat]] ([[Refuah on Shabbat]])
*[[Rosh Chodesh]]
*** [[Melacha That Begins Before Shabbat]]
*[[Three Weeks]]
*** [[Opening bottles and containers]] ([[Boneh]])
*[[Fast Days]]
*** [[Plants on Shabbat]] ([[Zoreah]])
<!-- *restored a previous version* -->
*** [[Preparing for after Shabbat]] ([[Hachana]])
*** [[Reading on Shabbat]] ([[Daber Davar]])
*** [[Recreation on Shabbat]]
*** [[Separating mixtures]] ([[Borer]])
*** [[Squeezing fruits]] ([[Sechita]])
*** [[Speaking on Shabbat]] ([[Daber Davar]])
*** [[Taking a cruise over Shabbat]]
*** [[Taking measurements on Shabbat]]
*** [[Transactions on Shabbat]]
*** [[Transportation on Shabbat]]
*** [[Wages on Shabbat]] ([[Sachar Shabbat]])
*** [[Washing one’s body on Shabbat]]
**Concepts of Melacha
***[[Introduction to Melechet Machshevet]]
***[[Marbeh Bshiurim]]
**[[39 Melachot]]
***Order of making bread
****[[Choresh]] ([[Plowing]])
****[[Zoreah]] ([[Planting]])
****[[Kotzer]] ([[Harvesting]])
****[[Me'amer]] ([[Gathering]])
****[[Dosh]] ([[Threshing]])
****[[Zoreh]] ([[Winnowing]])
****[[Borer]] ([[Separating]])
****[[Merakaid]] ([[Sifting]])
****[[Lash]] ([[Kneading]])
****[[Ofeh and Bishul]] ([[Baking and Cooking]])
***Order of making garments
****[[Gozez]] ([[Shearing]])
****[[Melabain]] ([[Laundering]])
****[[Menapaitz]] ([[Combing]])
****[[Tzoveya]] ([[Dyeing]])
****[[Toveh]] ([[Spinning]])
****[[Maisach]] ([[Mounting warp threads]])
****[[Oseh Shtei Batei Nirin]] ([[Making two loops]])
****[[Oraig]] ([[Weaving]])
****[[Potzeya]] ([[Unraveling fabric]])
****[[Koshair]] ([[Tying]])
****[[Matir]] ([[Untying]])
****[[Tofer]] ([[Gluing, taping, or stapling]])
****[[Koreah]] ([[Ripping]])
***Order of making hides
****[[Tzad]] ([[Trapping]])
****[[Shochet]] ([[Slaughtering]])
****[[Mafshit]] ([[Skinning]])
****[[Maabaid]] ([[Tanning]])
****[[Memachaik]] ([[Smoothing]])
****[[Mesartait]] ([[Scoring]])
****[[Mechataich]] ([[Cutting precisely]])
***Order of Construction
****[[Kotaiv]] ([[Writing]])
****[[Mochek]] ([[Erasing]])
****[[Boneh]] ([[Building]])
****[[Sosair]] ([[Demolishing]])
****[[Makeh BePatish]] ([[Completing a vessel]])
****[[Mechabeh]] ([[Extinguishing a flame]])
****[[Mavir]] ([[Kindling a fire]])
****[[Hotzah]] ([[Carrying]])
* [[Holidays]]
**[[Chodesh Elul]]
**[[Rosh Hashana]]
**[[Aseret Yimei Teshuva]]
**[[Yom Kippur]]
**[[Shemini Aseret]]
**[[Simchat Torah]]
**[[Tu BiShevat]]
**[[Purim Katan]]
**[[Yom HaAtzmaut]]
**[[Lag BaOmer]]
**[[Sefirat HaOmer]]
**[[Yom Tov]]
**[[Chol HaMoed]]
**[[Rosh Chodesh]]
**[[Three Weeks]]
**[[Nine Days]]
**[[Fast Days]]
**[[Tisha BeAv]]
* [[Lifecycles]]
**[[Shalom Zachor]]
**[[Brit Milah]] ([[Bris]])
**[[Pidyon HaBen]]
**[[Bar Mitzvah]]
**[[Bat Mitzvah]]
**[[Having Children]]
**[[Raising Children]]
* [[Kashrut]]
** [[General overview of Kashrut]]
** [[Basar SheNitalem Min HaAyin]]
** [[Bishul Akum]]
** [[Checking for Bugs]]
** [[Dairy Bread]]
** [[Eating Dairy and Meat at the Same Table]]
** [[Gelatin]]
** [[Glatt Kosher Meat]]
** [[Grape Juice and Wine]]
** [[Items That Cannot Be Nullified]]
** [[Kosher Cheese]]
**[[Kosher Milk]] ([[Chalav Yisrael]])
** [[Koshering a Kitchen]]
** [[Medications]]
** [[Milk and Meat in the Kitchen]]
** [[Non-Dairy Milk]]
** [[Nullification]] (Bitul BeRov)
** [[Pas Palter]]
** [[Tevilat Keilim|Dipping vessels in the Mikveh]] ([[Tevilat Keilim]])
** [[Transferring Taste]]
** [[Tzaar Baalei Chayim]]
** [[Waiting between meat and dairy]]
** [[Yashan]]
* [[Women]]
**Mitzvot Performed by Women
*** [[Positive Time Bound Commandments]] ([[Mitzvot Aseh SheHazman Grama]])
*** [[Challah]]
*** [[Shabbat Candles]]
*** [[Mitzvah to Learn Torah]]
*** [[Writing a Sefer Torah]]
**Degrees of Separation Between Genders for Modesty
*** [[Listening to a woman's voice]] ([[Kol Isha]])
*** [[Seclusion of men and women]] ([[Yichud]])
*** [[Negiah]]
*** [[Modesty]] ([[Tzniut]])
***How a Woman Becomes a Niddah
**** [[Attributing Blood to a Wound]] ([[Dam Macah]])
**** [[Bedika Clothes]] ([[Maarot]])
**** [[Hargasha]]
**** [[Ketamim]] (Finding a Stain)
**** [[Petichat Hamekor]]
**** [[Veset]] (Anticipating the Period)
***When a Woman is a Niddah
**** [[Harchakot of Niddah]] (Separation while she's a Niddah)
***How a Woman Becomes Pure
**** [[The Purification Process of Niddah]] ([[Hefsek Tahara and Shiva Nekiyim]])
**** [[Preparing for the Mikveh]]
**** [[Going to the Mikveh]]
**** [[Chatzitza]] ([[Interpositions Between One's Body and the Mikveh]])
***Niddah Before and After the Wedding
**** [[Preparing for the Wedding]] (Dam Chimud)
**** [[The Night of the Wedding]] (Beilat Mitzvah)
**** [[Chupat Niddah]] (If a woman is Niddah at the time of the Wedding)
**** [[Bedikot after Marriage]]
***Pregnancy and Giving Birth
**** [[Pregnancy and Labor]]
**** [[Giving Birth on Shabbat]]
**** [[A Woman who Gave Birth]] (Yoledet)
**** [[Halachot of Nursing]]
**** [[Modesty During Tashmish]]
**** [[Abortion]]
* [[Contemporary Issues]]
**[[Bracha on Coffee and Tea]]
**[[Bracha on smacks|Bracha on wheat puffs-smacks]]
**[[Bracha on granola bars|Bracha on Granola Bars]]
**[[Drawing or sculpting forbidden images]]
**[[Is our Milk Kosher?]]
**[[Listening to Music]]
**[[Writing a secular date]]
**[[Dina D'Malchusa Dina]]
**[[Secular Court]] (Arkaos)
**[[Intellectual & Digital Property]]
**[[Tattoos & Body Piercing]]
**[[Internet, TV, Social Media]]
**[[Medical Ethics]]
* [[Miscellaneous]]
**Ritual Practices
***[[Burying Religious Articles]] ([[Shaimos]])
***[[Conversion]] ([[Gerut]])
***[[Counting Jewish People]] ([[Issur LeSpor Yisrael]])
***[[Cutting One's Nails]]
***[[Drawing or Sculpting Forbidden Images]]
***[[Entering a Church]]
***[[General Laws of Traveling]]
***[[Not Cutting One's Sideburns]] ([[Payis]])
***[[Not Following the Ways of the Goyim]] ([[Chukot Akum]])
***[[Not Saying Hashem's Name in Vain]] ([[Lo Tisa]])
***[[Not wearing the other gender's clothing]] ([[Beged Ishah]])
***[[Sending away the Mother Bird]] ([[Shiluach HaKan]])
***[[Shatnez]] (Checking for Linen and Wool)
***[[Shaving]] ([[Peot HaZaken]])
***[[Shichvat Zera Levatala]]
***[[Standing for a Talmid Chacham and for the elderly]]
***[[Sterilization]] (Sirus)
***[[Vows and Oaths]] ([[Nedarim and Shevuot]])
***[[Zecher LeChurban]] (Practices to Remember the Destruction of the Temple)
**[[Business Halacha]]
***Laws of Monetary Interactions
**[[Acquisition]] ([[Kinyanim]])
**[[Being Careful With Other People's Money]] ([[Gezel]])
** [[Deceitful Practices]] ([[Genivat Daat]]) ([[Onat Devarim]])
**[[Taking Interest]] ([[Ribbit]])
**[[Emuna & Business]] ([[Masa u'matan b'emuna]])
** [[Unfair Competition]] ([[Hasagat Gevul]])
** [[Overcharging]]  ([[Onaat Mamon]])
** [[Subletting]] ([[Shechirut]])
** [[Beit Din and Dayanim]] ([[Jewish Court and Judges]])
***Halachos for Professionals
**** [[Halachos of Marketing]]
**** [[Halachos for Lawyers]]
**** [[Halachos of Insurance]]
**** [[Halachos for Accountants]]
**** [[Halachos for Real Estate Agents]]
**** [[Halachos for Brokers, Investors, and Hedge Fund Agents]]
**** [[Halachos for Bankers]]
**** [[Halachos for Chefs]]
**** [[Halachos for Educators]]
**** [[Halachos for Psychologists]]
***General Laws for Professionals
**** [[Halachos of Interviews]]
**** [[Cheating Clients or Employees]]
**** [[Taking Breaks at Work]]
**** [[Explaining Orthodox Practice to Non-Jews]]
**** [[False Advertising and Disclaimers]]
**** [[Ribbis]] ([[Taking Interest]])
**** [[Yichud]] ([[Seclusion of Men and Women]])
**** [[Nivul Peh]] ([[Inappropriate Speech]])
**** [[Parnasa]]
**** [[Bitachon and Hishtadlut]]
**** [[Unfair Competition]] ([[Hasagat Gevul]])
**** [[Overcharging]]  ([[Onaat Mamon]])
**** [[Paying Workers on Time]]
**[[Land of Israel]]
***[[Going on Har Habayit]]
***[[Living in Israel]] ([[Yishuv Eretz Yisrael]])
***[[Shemitat Kesafim]] ([[Dissolving Loans during Shemittah]])
***[[Terumot and Maaserot]]
***[[Yom HaAtzmaut]]
**Between Man and His Fellow
***[[Building a Fence Around One's Roof]] ([[Maakeh]])
***[[Charity]] ([[Tzedaka]])
***[[Comforting the Mourners]] ([[Nichum Aveilim]])
***[[Community Obligations]]
***[[Embarrassing Others]] ([[Malbin Peni Chavero]])
***[[Honoring one's parents]] ([[Kibud Av V'Em]])
***[[How to Relate to Those Who Are Different than Oneself]]
***[[Hurting Others' Feelings]] ([[Onaat Devarim]])
***[[Loving your friend]] ([[Ahavat Re'im]])
***[[Mitzvah of Rebuke]] ([[Tochacha]])
***[[Not Speaking Negatively About One's Fellow]] ([[Lashon Hara]])
***[[Perfecting Middot]] ([[Positive Character Traits]])
***[[Prohibition to Lie]] ([[Sheker]])
***[[Returning Lost Objects]] ([[Hashavat Aviedah]])
*** [[Revenge and Bearing a Grudge (Lo Tikom veLo Titor)]]
***[[Using Clean Speech]] ([[Lashon Naki]])
***[[Visiting the Sick]] ([[Bikur Cholim]])
***[[Welcoming Guests]] ([[Hachnasat Orchim]])
**Between Man and Himself
***[[Human Dignity]] ([[Kavod Habriyot]])
***[[Hygiene & Health]]
***[[Mindset]] ([[De'ot]])
***[[Not Wasting]] ([[Baal Tashchit]])
***[[Suspicious actions]] ([[Marit Ayin]])
***[[Teshuva]] ([[Returning from sin]])
***[[Simcha]] ([[Happiness]])
***[[Biographical Dictionary of Rabbis]] ([[Shem HaGedolim]])
***[[Halachic Dictionary]]
***[[Halachos of Lefties]]
***[[Reference of Measurements in Halacha]] ([[Shiurim]])
***[[Text of Brachot]]
***[[Which Mitzvot take precedence?]]
***[[Hak Tochot]]
***[[Writing a Sefer Torah]]
* [[How to Edit Halachipedia]]

Revision as of 04:35, 20 June 2012

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