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Someone who eats a snack of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] makes [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] and one who eats a meal of Pas HaBah BeKisnin makes [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]]. <ref> S”A 168:6 </ref> The details of what's considered a meal will be explained B"H in this article.

==What is considered a meal for Pas Habah Bekisnin?==
==Koveh Seudah on Pat HaBah BeKisnin==
# If one makes a meal out of Pas HaBah BeKisnin one should wash, make the bracha of netilat yadim, HaMotzei, and after the meal to say Birkat HaMazon. <ref> S”A 168:6</ref>
# All food that’s eaten during a meal is included as long as one [[Kezayit]] of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is eaten within [[Kedi Achilat Pras]] (4 minutes). <ref> The Kaf HaChaim and Sh”t Korban Eshe write that one needs to have all of the 4 Kebayitzim in one [[Kedi Achilat Pras]]. However, Yalkut Yosef ([[Birkat HaMazon]] pg 130) writes that the strict halacha only requires that one have one [[Kezayit]] in a [[Kedi Achilat Pras]].  Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 4, pg 27) agrees with Yalkut Yosef. </ref>
# There is a dispute about how much one needs to have in order to be considered a Seudah, however one should be strict not to consider it a meal unless one ate 4 KeBaytzim, which according to the strict opinion is equivalent to 230 gram. <ref> There’s several layers of doubt on this issue but in order to remove oneself from all doubt one shouldn’t consider it a meal unless one has 8 keyatim. The first doubt is whether Koveh Seudah depends on the amount people normally eat at a regular meal or is it a set amount of a Seudah as by the laws of Eruv Chatzerot. The Bet Yosef in name of SHibolei HaLeket, Sefer Eshkol, Magan Avraham, Shagat Aryeh (quoted by Mishna Brurah Shaar Tzion 168:19), Chaye Adam in name of the Gra, and Shulchan Aruch HaGra write that the amount depends on the amount people normally eat at a regular meal. The amount needed for a Seduah by the laws of Eruv Chatzerot is also a dispute whether the amount is 3 or 4 KeBaytzim. The Mishna Brurah 168:24 writes that one should be strict for those who are strict to require 4 KeBaytzim (especially if there’s a safek whether it’s Pas HaBah BeKisnin, even though we are lenient to accept all definitions of Pas HaBah BeKisnin and make HaMotzei, still one should be sure to have 4 KeBaytzim) . </ref>
# One should preferably have the 4 KeBaytzim in one time period of Kedi Achilat Pras, however, halacha only requires that one Kezayit out of that amount is eaten in a Kedi Achilat Pras. <ref> S”A 168:6 writes that if one makes a meal out of Pat HaBah BeKisnin one makes HaMotzei and Birkat HaMazon. Mishna Brurah 168:25 adds that clearly one also makes Netilat Yadim. Kaf HaCHaim and Sh”t Korban Eshe write that one needs to have all of the 4 Kebayitzim in one Kedi Achilat Pras. However, Yalkut Yosef (Birkat HaMazon pg 130) writes that the strict halacha only requires that one have one Kezayit in a Kedi Achilat Pras. </ref>
# According to Ashkenazim if one makes a meal out of Pas HaBah BeKisnin one should wash with a bracha (of Al [[Netilat Yadayim]]) and make [[HaMotzei]]. However, Sephardim hold that one should wash without a bracha but one would have what to rely on to wash with a bracha. <ref>Mishna Brurah 158:8, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 168:8) </ref>
# According to Sephardim one only counts the actual Pat haBah BeKisnin , hwoever Ashkenazim include any other food that one ate at the meal. <ref> Kaf HaChaim 168:47 rules against the Magan Avraham and says that S”A implies that one must be the amount of a meal from the Pat itself. </ref>
===Amount of a meal when Pas Haba Bekisnin is eaten alone===
#There’s no difference between Shabbat and the rest of the week regarding the staus of the Pat habah BeKisnin. <ref> Kaf HaChaim 168:48. </ref>
##According to Ashkenazim, if one eats less than 8 kezaytim one should certainly make a [[Mezonot]]. If one eats the amount of a regular meal one should make [[HaMotzei]]. [For a regular person if one eats 280 grams of regular cake one certainly is having the amount of a regular meal and could make [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]].] Preferably, one shouldn't have in between 8 Kezayitim and the amount of a regular meal. After the fact (if one ate between 8 Kezayitim and a definite meal), if one is not full make [[Al HaMichya]] and if one is full make [[Birkat HaMazon]], yet, in such a case it’s preferable to hear [[Birkat HaMazon]] (from someone who’s obligated to make [[Birkat HaMazon]]) or to eat bread (making [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]]). [For background see footnote.]<ref>See next note </ref>
# If one started the meal thinking that one was going to have 8 Kezayitim and then changed his mind and couldn’t finish all 8 Kezayitim, one may finish eating based on his orginal HaMotzei and concludes with a Al HaMichya. <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 2:54 This quoted by the Yalkut Yosef (Birkat HaMazon pg 137). </ref>
##According to Sephardim, if one ate less than 6 Kezaytim one should make a [[Mezonot]]. If one eats more than 8 Kezayitim one should make [[HaMotzei]]. Preferably one shoudln't eat between 6 and 8 Kezaytim and if one did then one should just make [[Al HaMichya]]. [For background see footnote.]<ref>
# If one made a Mezonot thinking that one was only going to have a few Kezayitim and then changed his mind to end up having 8 Kezayitim, if one plans on having another 8 Kezayitim one should stop and wash with a bracha and make HaMotzei.  
'''What’s the Bracha on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]]?'''
# If one made Mezonot planning to have a few Kezyitim, and then changes to have another few Kezayitim and in total all he ate will add up to 8 Kezayitim one shouldn’t make any new bracha upon changing one’s mind, however, if one started thinking that one would not have more than a certain amount and now clearly changes his mind about that, one should make a new Mezonot. Nonetheless, one concludes with Birkat HaMazon. <ref> Mishan Brurah 168:25 writes that if one changed one’s mind one doesn’t make a new HaMotzei if one doesn’t plan on eating more than 8 Kezayitim. Mishna Brurah (Shaar Tzion 168:21) writes that one shouldn’t make a new Mezonot unless one clearly changed one’s mind such as if when he started he thought that he will not eat more than a certain amount, however, if one didn’t clearly retract his opinion then one doesn’t make a new Mezonot. </ref>
* The opinion of Rav Nachman and Shmuel in Gemara [[Brachot]] 42b is the Bracha on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is [[Mezonot]] when eaten as a snack and [[HaMotzei]] when eaten as a meal. Rashi ([[Brachot]] 41b s.v. Pas) and the Rif 30a holds that if one eats [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] as a snack there’s either no [[Bracha Achrona]] at all or there’s only a [[Boreh Nefashot]] (see Rabbenu Yonah’s (29b s.v. Trisar) two explanations of the Rif and Tosfot’s (D”H Elah) explanation of Rashi). However, Tosfot (41b s.v. Elah) explains that the [[Bracha Achrona]] on [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] is [[Al HaMichya]] (if one doesn’t make it into a meal). The Rosh 6:30, Rashba s.v. Rav Huna, and Rambam ([[Brachot]] 3:9) agree with Tosfot and the Tur and S”A 168:6 codify this as halacha that for a snack one makes [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] and a meal one makes [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]].  
'''What is considered a meal?'''
* The Bet Yosef 168:6 quoting the Shibolei HaLeket (Siman 159), Magen Avraham 168:13, and Chaye Adam 54:14 in name of the Gra hold that the amount of meal for this halacha is the amount people normally eat at a regular meal in the morning and evening. (Mishna Brurah 168:24 and Shaar HaTziyun 19 also quote the Sefer Eshkol and Shagat Aryeh). However, the Birkei Yosef 186:4 and Kaf HaChaim 168:45 argue that the amount of a meal in this context is the same as a meal for Eruv Chatzerot which is either 3 or 4 [[KeBaytzim]].  
* Ashkenazim: The Mishna Brurah 168:24 rules that the halacha follows the opinion that a meal is considered by a regular meal people eat but adds that it's proper to be strict for those who are strict to require 4 [[KeBaytzim]] (meaning, that preferably one should only eat less than 8 Kezayitim or more than the amount of a regular meal, Vezot HaBracha pg 29). VeZot HaBracha (chap 4, pg 31) writes that according to his calculation for a regular person for regular cake if one eats less than 230 grams that is considered a snack, if one eat more than 280 grams that is certainly a meal. He continues that if one did eat in between 8 Kezayitim and a certain meal, if one is not full make [[Al HaMichya]] and if one is full make [[Birkat HaMazon]], yet, in such a case it’s preferable to hear [[Birkat HaMazon]] (from someone who’s obligated to make [[Birkat HaMazon]]) or to eat bread (making [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]]).  
* Sephardim: Halacha Brurah 168:16 (explained in Otzorot Yosef Siman 9) writes that Sephardim hold like the Chida that if one ate 8 Kezayitim one should make [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]], and if one ate less than that one should make [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]] but it's preferable that one shouldn't eat in between 6 and 8 Kezayitim. </ref>
===Amount of a meal when eaten together with other foods===
# According to Sephardim even if Pas Haba BeKisnin is eaten with other foods those other foods are not taken into consideration when considering the amount of a meal. <ref>Kaf HaChaim 168:47 rules against the Magen Avraham 168:13 and says that S”A implies that one must be the amount of a meal from the Pat itself. </ref> However, according to Ashkenazim the following laws apply:
# One shouldn’t eat a [[Kezayit]] of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] together with other foods (any food even if it’s not Melaftim Et HaPat) if altogether there’s a shuir of 8 [[Kezayit]]im whether one has in mind to establish a meal or not. <ref> Mishna Brurah 168:24, Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 4, pg 32-3). Vezot HaBracha (pg 33) adds that there’s what to rely on to eat less than 8 [[Kezayit]]im of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] together with food that’s not Melafet HaPat (rice, couscous, noodles, fruit, or sweets but not meat, fish, cheese, or vegetables) and make a [[Mezonot]] and [[Al HaMichya]]. </ref>
# A practical advice is to eat the [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]], make Al Hamichya, and then eat the other foods, or eat the other foods, make [[Bracha Achrona]], and then eat the [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]]. However, this advice isn’t applicable if the other foods include [[mezonot]] (such as rice or noodles) because of making an unnecessary Bracha. <ref> Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 4, pg 33). Vezot HaBracha (Birur 7 pg 234) adds that if the other foods are Tavshil [[Mezonot]] (like rice and noodles) and the above advice isn’t applicable, there’s what to rely on to eat [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] at the end of the meal after one ate the other foods (without making a Bracha achrona on the other foods). </ref>
# After the fact, if one ate less than 8 [[Kezayit]]im of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] even if one’s full, one should make an Al Hamichya, Similarly, if one ate more than 8 kezaytim of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] together with foods that don’t accompany bread (such as farfel, rice, fruit, or sweets) and if full from everything together, one should make a [[Al HaMichya]] unless one was full from the [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] alone in which case one should make [[Birkat HaMazon]]. If one ate more than 8 kezaytim of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] together with foods that accompany bread (such as meat, fish, cheese, or vegetables) and if full from everything together, one should make [[Birkat HaMazon]]. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 4, pg 33 note 11) </ref>
# The only way to make a [[HaMotzei]] without a doubt is to:1)eat bread, 2)have 20 kezaytim of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] alone, or 3)have 8 kezaytim of [[Pas HaBah Bekisnin]] together with foods that accompany bread (such as meat, fish, cheese, vegetables). <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 4, pg 31 and pg 33 note 11) </ref>

==Changing one's mind==
# If one started the meal thinking that one was going to have 8 Kezayitim and then changed his mind and couldn’t finish all 8 Kezayitim, one may finish eating based on his orginal [[HaMotzei]] and concludes with a [[Al HaMichya]]. <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 2:54, Yalkut Yosef ([[Birkat HaMazon]] pg 137). </ref>
# If one made a [[Mezonot]] thinking that one was only going to have a few Kezayitim and then changed his mind to end up having 8 Kezayitim, if one plans on having another 8 Kezayitim one should stop and wash with a bracha and make [[HaMotzei]].
# If one made [[Mezonot]] planning to have a few Kezyitim, and then changes to have another few Kezayitim and in total all he ate will add up to 8 Kezayitim one shouldn’t make any new bracha upon changing one’s mind, however, if one started thinking that one would not have more than a certain amount and now clearly changes his mind about that, one should make a new [[Mezonot]]. Nonetheless, one concludes with [[Birkat HaMazon]]. <ref> Mishan Brurah 168:25 writes that if one changed one’s mind one doesn’t make a new [[HaMotzei]] if one doesn’t plan on eating more than 8 Kezayitim. Mishna Brurah (Shaar Tzion 168:21) writes that one shouldn’t make a new [[Mezonot]] unless one clearly changed one’s mind such as if when he started he thought that he will not eat more than a certain amount, however, if one didn’t clearly retract his opinion then one doesn’t make a new [[Mezonot]]. </ref>
[[file:Koveh Seudah.png]]
==Keviut Seduah on Shabbat==
#There’s no difference between [[Shabbat]] and the rest of the week regarding the status of the Pat habah BeKisnin. <ref> Kaf HaChaim 168:48. </ref>
# If a Sephardi is eating at an Ashkenazic family who is having sweet [[challah]] for [[Hamotzei]], ideally, one should eat 8 or at least 6 kezaytim of [[mezonot]] in order to be able to make [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]], however, since that's usually very difficult there is what to rely on to make a [[HaMotzei]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]] even if one only eats a [[Kezayit]] of the sweet [[Challah]]. <ref> Vezot HaBracha (Chapter 4, pg 39) in name of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu and Rav Elyashiv paskening for Sephardim</ref>
==Related Topics==
[[Pas Haba Bekisnin]]

Revision as of 05:09, 4 July 2010

Koveh Seudah on Pat HaBah BeKisnin

  1. If one makes a meal out of Pas HaBah BeKisnin one should wash, make the bracha of netilat yadim, HaMotzei, and after the meal to say Birkat HaMazon. [1]
  2. There is a dispute about how much one needs to have in order to be considered a Seudah, however one should be strict not to consider it a meal unless one ate 4 KeBaytzim, which according to the strict opinion is equivalent to 230 gram. [2]
  3. One should preferably have the 4 KeBaytzim in one time period of Kedi Achilat Pras, however, halacha only requires that one Kezayit out of that amount is eaten in a Kedi Achilat Pras. [3]
  4. According to Sephardim one only counts the actual Pat haBah BeKisnin , hwoever Ashkenazim include any other food that one ate at the meal. [4]
  5. There’s no difference between Shabbat and the rest of the week regarding the staus of the Pat habah BeKisnin. [5]
  6. If one started the meal thinking that one was going to have 8 Kezayitim and then changed his mind and couldn’t finish all 8 Kezayitim, one may finish eating based on his orginal HaMotzei and concludes with a Al HaMichya. [6]
  7. If one made a Mezonot thinking that one was only going to have a few Kezayitim and then changed his mind to end up having 8 Kezayitim, if one plans on having another 8 Kezayitim one should stop and wash with a bracha and make HaMotzei.
  8. If one made Mezonot planning to have a few Kezyitim, and then changes to have another few Kezayitim and in total all he ate will add up to 8 Kezayitim one shouldn’t make any new bracha upon changing one’s mind, however, if one started thinking that one would not have more than a certain amount and now clearly changes his mind about that, one should make a new Mezonot. Nonetheless, one concludes with Birkat HaMazon. [7]


  1. S”A 168:6
  2. There’s several layers of doubt on this issue but in order to remove oneself from all doubt one shouldn’t consider it a meal unless one has 8 keyatim. The first doubt is whether Koveh Seudah depends on the amount people normally eat at a regular meal or is it a set amount of a Seudah as by the laws of Eruv Chatzerot. The Bet Yosef in name of SHibolei HaLeket, Sefer Eshkol, Magan Avraham, Shagat Aryeh (quoted by Mishna Brurah Shaar Tzion 168:19), Chaye Adam in name of the Gra, and Shulchan Aruch HaGra write that the amount depends on the amount people normally eat at a regular meal. The amount needed for a Seduah by the laws of Eruv Chatzerot is also a dispute whether the amount is 3 or 4 KeBaytzim. The Mishna Brurah 168:24 writes that one should be strict for those who are strict to require 4 KeBaytzim (especially if there’s a safek whether it’s Pas HaBah BeKisnin, even though we are lenient to accept all definitions of Pas HaBah BeKisnin and make HaMotzei, still one should be sure to have 4 KeBaytzim) .
  3. S”A 168:6 writes that if one makes a meal out of Pat HaBah BeKisnin one makes HaMotzei and Birkat HaMazon. Mishna Brurah 168:25 adds that clearly one also makes Netilat Yadim. Kaf HaCHaim and Sh”t Korban Eshe write that one needs to have all of the 4 Kebayitzim in one Kedi Achilat Pras. However, Yalkut Yosef (Birkat HaMazon pg 130) writes that the strict halacha only requires that one have one Kezayit in a Kedi Achilat Pras.
  4. Kaf HaChaim 168:47 rules against the Magan Avraham and says that S”A implies that one must be the amount of a meal from the Pat itself.
  5. Kaf HaChaim 168:48.
  6. Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 2:54 This quoted by the Yalkut Yosef (Birkat HaMazon pg 137).
  7. Mishan Brurah 168:25 writes that if one changed one’s mind one doesn’t make a new HaMotzei if one doesn’t plan on eating more than 8 Kezayitim. Mishna Brurah (Shaar Tzion 168:21) writes that one shouldn’t make a new Mezonot unless one clearly changed one’s mind such as if when he started he thought that he will not eat more than a certain amount, however, if one didn’t clearly retract his opinion then one doesn’t make a new Mezonot.