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#REDIRECT [[Reading on Shabbat]]
==Learning secular subjects on Shabbat==
# According to Sephardim, one should only learn Torah on Shabbat and one may not learn secular subjects. According to Ashkenazim, many are lenient to allow learning secular wisdom on Shabbat but a pious person should refrain. <Ref>
* Mishna Shabbat 148b writes that one may not count the number of guests from a list on Shabbat. Abaye in the Gemara 149a explains that this is a rabbinic restriction so as not to come to read a Shatar Hedyot on Shabbat. What is a Shatar Hedyot which one may not read on Shabbat? Rashi 116b D”H Shatar explains it to be financial calculations or letters. The Rambam (Pirush Mishnayot Shabbat 23:2) also explains Shatar Hedyot to mean letters and the reason for this is that on Shabbat one may only read Navi and it’s explanations and not even a book of wisdom and science. Bet Yosef 307:17 quotes the Baal HaMoer (43a D”H VeHa) who agrees.
* However, the Rashba (149a D”H VeLeInyan) explains Shatar Hedyot as a business documents. Therefore, Sh”t Rashba 7:288 rules that it’s permitted to read books of wisdom and medicine and quotes the Ramban who agreed. [Bet Yosef 307:17 learns this out from another Teshuva of the Rashba 1:772 where he says that one may analyze an astrological tool called the Istrolav.]
* S”A 307:17 rules like the Rambam who says that on Shabbat one should only learn Torah and not books of other wisdoms, however, he mentions that some are lenient. Mishna Brurah 307:65 writes that the minhag is like the Rashba, however, a pious person (Yireh Shamayim) should be strict. [ Rav Aviner] holds like the Mishna Brurah. 39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 982) uses a stricter language saying strictly speaking pleasure reading is permitted but it’s best to refrain from any secular books.
* Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 29:49 extends the Mishna Brurah even to permit reading professional literature, journals that does not include any business, and textbooks. He notes that Rav Shlomo Zalman (Nishmat Avraham 307:5) is quoted to say that a doctor could learn medicine on Shabbat but a medical student may not.
* However, Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat vol 2, pg 214, 626) rules like Shulchan Aruch that one should only learn Torah on Shabbat and is only lenient to allow a medical student who has a test after Shabbat and is pressured for time to study medicine (except for the study of surgery) on Shabbat. Menuchat Ahava (vol 1, pg 234) writes that the halacha follows Shulchan Aruch but one doesn’t have to protest those who are lenient because they have what to rely on.
* It's interesting to note that the Rama (Sh"t Rama 7) writes that he only studied philosophy from Moreh Nevuchim on Shabbat and Yom Tov when others were taking walks. </ref>
# Concerning studying for a secular test on Shabbat see [[Hachana#Study Torah and other subjects|Hachana]].
==Bus schedule==
# One shouldn’t read a bus schedule on Shabbat. <ref>Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 197) </ref>
# One is permitted to read street signs on Shabbat. <ref>Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 197) </ref>
==Reading captions of pictures==
#It is forbidden to read the captions of pictures on Shabbat. <ref> Gemara Shabbat 149 </ref> However, if is a caption underneath the picture of a rabbi then you may have room to be lenient. <ref> Rav Moshe Halevi in Menuchat Ahava 1 page 236 cites some rabbis who allow it since it enhances your fear of G-d but nevertheless says one should be strict even in this. </ref>
==Advertisements or business==
#It is forbidden to read a catalogue of advertisements or anything that has any bearing on finances on shabbat. <ref> Mishna Berura 307:63, Rav Yisrael Belsky in Shulchan Halevi page 90, as well as Menuchat Ahava (vol 1, pg 233) who says this prohibition even applies if your a shopping for a mitzva related item such as the arba minim. </ref>
==Sad stories==
#It is preferable not to read sad things that may bring the reader to tears such as holocaust stories. <ref> Mishnah Berurah 307:3; Ketzot Hashulchan 107:43. </ref>

Revision as of 21:02, 3 January 2012

Learning secular subjects on Shabbat

  1. According to Sephardim, one should only learn Torah on Shabbat and one may not learn secular subjects. According to Ashkenazim, many are lenient to allow learning secular wisdom on Shabbat but a pious person should refrain. [1]
  2. Concerning studying for a secular test on Shabbat see Hachana.

Bus schedule

  1. One shouldn’t read a bus schedule on Shabbat. [2]
  2. One is permitted to read street signs on Shabbat. [3]

Reading captions of pictures

  1. It is forbidden to read the captions of pictures on Shabbat. [4] However, if is a caption underneath the picture of a rabbi then you may have room to be lenient. [5]

Advertisements or business

  1. It is forbidden to read a catalogue of advertisements or anything that has any bearing on finances on shabbat. [6]

Sad stories

  1. It is preferable not to read sad things that may bring the reader to tears such as holocaust stories. [7]


    • Mishna Shabbat 148b writes that one may not count the number of guests from a list on Shabbat. Abaye in the Gemara 149a explains that this is a rabbinic restriction so as not to come to read a Shatar Hedyot on Shabbat. What is a Shatar Hedyot which one may not read on Shabbat? Rashi 116b D”H Shatar explains it to be financial calculations or letters. The Rambam (Pirush Mishnayot Shabbat 23:2) also explains Shatar Hedyot to mean letters and the reason for this is that on Shabbat one may only read Navi and it’s explanations and not even a book of wisdom and science. Bet Yosef 307:17 quotes the Baal HaMoer (43a D”H VeHa) who agrees.
    • However, the Rashba (149a D”H VeLeInyan) explains Shatar Hedyot as a business documents. Therefore, Sh”t Rashba 7:288 rules that it’s permitted to read books of wisdom and medicine and quotes the Ramban who agreed. [Bet Yosef 307:17 learns this out from another Teshuva of the Rashba 1:772 where he says that one may analyze an astrological tool called the Istrolav.]
    • S”A 307:17 rules like the Rambam who says that on Shabbat one should only learn Torah and not books of other wisdoms, however, he mentions that some are lenient. Mishna Brurah 307:65 writes that the minhag is like the Rashba, however, a pious person (Yireh Shamayim) should be strict. Rav Aviner holds like the Mishna Brurah. 39 Melachos (Rabbi Ribiat, vol 4, pg 982) uses a stricter language saying strictly speaking pleasure reading is permitted but it’s best to refrain from any secular books.
    • Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 29:49 extends the Mishna Brurah even to permit reading professional literature, journals that does not include any business, and textbooks. He notes that Rav Shlomo Zalman (Nishmat Avraham 307:5) is quoted to say that a doctor could learn medicine on Shabbat but a medical student may not.
    • However, Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat vol 2, pg 214, 626) rules like Shulchan Aruch that one should only learn Torah on Shabbat and is only lenient to allow a medical student who has a test after Shabbat and is pressured for time to study medicine (except for the study of surgery) on Shabbat. Menuchat Ahava (vol 1, pg 234) writes that the halacha follows Shulchan Aruch but one doesn’t have to protest those who are lenient because they have what to rely on.
    • It's interesting to note that the Rama (Sh"t Rama 7) writes that he only studied philosophy from Moreh Nevuchim on Shabbat and Yom Tov when others were taking walks.
  1. Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 197)
  2. Yalkut Yosef (Shabbat, vol 2, pg 197)
  3. Gemara Shabbat 149
  4. Rav Moshe Halevi in Menuchat Ahava 1 page 236 cites some rabbis who allow it since it enhances your fear of G-d but nevertheless says one should be strict even in this.
  5. Mishna Berura 307:63, Rav Yisrael Belsky in Shulchan Halevi page 90, as well as Menuchat Ahava (vol 1, pg 233) who says this prohibition even applies if your a shopping for a mitzva related item such as the arba minim.
  6. Mishnah Berurah 307:3; Ketzot Hashulchan 107:43.