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==The extra oil and wicks==
==The extra oil and wicks==
# One can add oil to the leftover oil and wick from the previous day and reuse it.<Ref> Shulchan Aruch O.C. 677:4 writes that if there is leftover oil from one night of [[chanuka]], one may add oil and light it on another night of [[Chanukah]]. Rav Nassim Karlitz (cited by Piskei Shemuot pg 134) ruled that even if only the exact amount needed for the mitzvah was placed into the candles on one night and there is leftover oil, it is permitted to light with that oil on another night of [[chanuka]]. (Bei'ur Halacha 677:4 s.v. Min seems to support this.)</ref> If there’s leftover oil and wicks from the eighth day, it is forbidden and should be burned. That only applies if the oil and wicks were leftover before the mitzvah was fulfilled, meaning that the candle went out within the half hour of mitzvah, however, if the candles burnt for the half hour of mitzvah, the oil and wicks are permitted. Some poskim argue  that anything that is put into the Chanukia is assumed to be set aside for the mitzvah and is forbidden. To satisfy all opinions, when putting the oil into the Chanukia one should stipulate that only the oil needed for the half hour of mitzvah should set be aside for the mitzvah.<ref>  
# One can add oil to the leftover oil and wick from the previous day and reuse it. If there’s leftover from the eighth day, it’s forbidden from benefit and should be burned in a separate bonfire. That only applies if the oil and wicks were leftover before the mitzvah was fulfilled, meaning that the candle went out within the half hour of mitzvah. However if the candles burnt for the half hour of mitzvah, the oil and wicks are permitted. Some hold that anything that put in the Chanukia is assumed to be set aside for the mitzvah and is forbidden. To satisfy all opinions one should stipulate when putting in the oil that only the oil for the half hour of mitzvah should set be aside for the mitzvah. <ref> Midrash Tanchuma (Naso 29) says one can use oil from one day to the next but after the eighth day one has to burn the extra oil. Shiltot (Siman 27 Shielta 2), Pesikta Rabati 3 pg 22b, Tosfot (Shabbat 44a D”H Shebaner), Smag, Smak 280, Mordechai (Shabbat 265-6), Roke’ach 226, Sefer Eshkol (2 Chanuka pg 20), Rabbenu Yerucham 9:1, Rabbi David Avudraham (Tefilat Chanuka) and Ohel Moad (Chaunka 2) quote this midrash as halacha. Bet Yosef asks on the Tur 677:4 and Rosh(Shabbat 2:9) who quote this as halacha but also hold the opinion (Tur 672:1-2 and Rosh Shabbat 3) that if the candle lasts more than the required half hour it’s permitted to extinguish it or benefit from it. The Ran (9a D”H Iy Nami) clearly saw these two opinions as contradictory as he comments that the Rif 9a says one can benefits from the candle after the half hour argues on the Geonim who say that the oil is forbidden for benefit after the 8th day. [So it seems from Ramban, Rashba and Ritva (Shabbat 21a).] However Bet Yosef says it can’t be contradictory because the Tur rules like both and that the Tur and Rosh put these topics in very different simanim. Rather Bet Yosef  explains that in Tur 672 the case was when more than the required oil was added and so it’s permitted after the required time but 677 is a case where only the required oil was added and so the extra oil is set aside for the mitzvah and is forbidden. The same difference is clear in the Hagot Maimon (Chanuka 4:4), Mordechai 266, and Sefer Eshkol (2 Chanuka pg 20). S”A 677:4 rules like Tur and Rosh (and the Rif, Rambam and Shiltot according to his answer) that the required amount of oil would become forbidden but the oil more than that is permitted. Sh”t Maharshal 85, Darkei Moshe 676:5, and Taz 672:1 agree to the S”A. Bet Yosef quoted the Mahari Ahuvhav as a second answer that the oil is only permitted if one specifically set aside the required amount for the mitzvah but Stam(without any declaration) the extra oil is forbidden. Bach, Pri Chadash 677, Knesset Hagedolah agree with this second answer. Magan Avraham 677:6, Eliyah Raba 677:2, Chaye Adam 154:31, Mishna Brurah 672:7, 677:18 and Torat HaMoadim 5:25 say that one can hold like S”A but it’s preferable to stipulate clearly that it’s permitted to satisfy the opinion of the Bach. [Piskei Rid and Riaz(Shabbat 22a) and Rabbenu Yishaya Harishon (Shababt 45a) give a third answer that only on Chanuka it’s permitted and afterwards it’s forbidden.] </ref>
* The Pesikta Rabati (Pesikta 3) writes that if there is extra oil after the first night, one should add more oil and light it again on the second night. One can continue to add more oil and light each night, but after the last night, one should burn the leftover oil, since it is considered designated for the mitzvah. This Midrash is also found in Midrash Tanchuma (Naso 29). This Midrash is cited by the She’iltot (26), Tosfot ([[Shabbat]] 44a s.v. SheBaNer), Rosh ([[Shabbat]] 2:9), Smak 280, Mordechai ([[Shabbat]] 265-6), Roke’ach 226, Sefer Eshkol (2 [[Chanukah]] pg 20), Rabbenu Yerucham 9:1, Rabbi David Avudraham (Tefilat [[Chanukah]]), and Ohel Moad ([[Chanuka]] 2) quote this midrash as halacha. Tur, and S”A 677:4 concur.
# Extra oil in the container that wasn’t poured into the Chanukia or oil poured into the Chanukia that was never lit is permitted. <ref>According to the opinions in the last halacha that extra oil that was lit is permitted certainly permit in our case. And even the opinions that forbid extra oil that lit in our case may permit because it was only set aside for the mitzvah and never used. The Kaf HaChaim 677:28 in name of Berot Mayim 27 that extra oil in the container is permitted. So says Ikrei HaDaat 35:32, Biur Halacha 677 (D”H HaTzarich), and Torat HaMoadim 5:26. [Sh”t Bet Av P”C 98 says that originally Peni Yehuda forbad it and then retracted.] Olot Shabbat 672 based on the Rama says one shouldn’t use oil that was put in the Chanukia and not lit. However Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 51, Sharei Knesset HaGedolah 673:8,  Magan Avraham 673:8, Eliyah Raba 673:11, Erech Hashulchan 672:5, Chazon Ovadyah (Chanuka pg 160) hold it’s not forbidden because it’s just designated but not set aside specifically for that purpose. Seemingly a stipulation should permit it according to all opinions as in the case where the extra oil after it was lit for a half hour is permitted with a stipulation (See Mishna Brurah 677:28). Torat HaMoadim points out that for Sephardim it’s certainly permitted because S”A disagrees with Rama that was the basis for the Olot Shabbat. </ref>
* The Mordechai ([[Shabbat]] 266) wonders why the oil from the [[chanuka]] candles would be forbidden if one may blow out the candles after a half hour (S”A 677:2 based on Rif and Rosh 2:3). He quotes the Maharam, who answers that the oil would be forbidden only if the leftover oil would have been necessary for the candle to burn for a half hour had it not gone out. Hagahot Maimon ([[Chanukah]] 4:4), Sefer Eshkol (2 [[Chanukah]] pg 20), Bet Yosef 677:4, Sh”t Maharshal 85, and Darkei Moshe 676:5 agree. [The Ran (9a s.v. Iy Nami) seems to have understood these two opinions as contradictory as he comments that the Rif 9a who says one can benefit from the candle after the half hour argues on the Geonim who say that the oil is forbidden for benefit after the 8th day. However, from the Rosh and Tur who quote who halachot seem to think that these opinions are not contradictory.]
# One who has forbidden oil should burn it and not keep it around until next Chanuka. Some have the Minhag to keep it until the burning of Chametz. <ref> Tur 677 in name of Maharam MeRotenburg says not to keep it until next Chanuka because someone may come to use the forbidden oil. Brought down by the Achronim including Mishna Brurah 677:19, and Torat HaMoadim 5:27. Halichot Yosef pg 499 writes that the Minhag Balza is to use it for burning chametz. </ref>
* Alternatively, the Mahari Avuhav (cited by the Beit Yosef 677:4) answers that if one puts in the oil without any stipulation, all of it is considered set aside for the mitzvah. If, however, one stipulates that only the oil that is necessary for the mitzvah will be set aside, then one may derive benefit from it after a half hour. The Bach 677:4, Pri [[Chadash]] 677, and Knesset Hagedolah agree. [Piskei Rid and Riaz ([[Shabbat]] 22a) and Rabbenu Yishaya Harishon (Shababt 45a) give a third answer that only on [[Chanukah]] it’s permitted and afterwards it’s forbidden.]
# Even though one isn’t allowed to nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila, after the fact if forbidden oil was mixed with 60 times that amount of permitted oil, the forbidden oil is nullified. If some oil was already added, then one is permitted to add more permitted oil to nullify it. Some say that even in that case one can’t nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila. <ref> See Chazon Ovadyah (Chanuka pg 160-6) and Torat HaMoadim 5:28 at length. </ref>
* Although the S”A 677:4 and Taz 672:1 agree with the Maharam, the Magen Avraham 677:10 and Mishna Brurah 672:7 write that it’s proper to make a stipulation that only the amount necessary should become forbidden in order to satisfy all opinions. Eliyah Raba 677:2, Chaye Adam 154:31, Torat HaMoadim 5:25 agree with the Magen Avraham.</ref>
# Oil that was leftover after the 8th day of Chanuka can’t be used and must be burnt in a separate fire <ref> S”A 677:4 </ref> or can be thrown out. <Ref> Piskei Shemuot pg 135 in name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky </ref> Some have the minhag to or together with one’s Biyur Chametz. <Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 677:9 </ref>
# Many Poskim rule that it is permitted to discard the leftover oil in a “respectful” way even if the candles did not last for a half hour. <Ref>
* Tosfot ([[Shabbat]] 44a s.v. SheBaNer) ask why the oil isn’t permitted after [[chanuka]] just like other tashmishei mitzvah, such as the wood from a [[sukkah]], are permitted after the mitzvah is finished ([[Megillah]] 26b). Tosfot answer that since [[chanuka]] candles are so beloved and a person is not waiting for them to be extinguished, he sets aside all of the oil for the mitzvah, and it is considered tashmishei mitzvah even past the time of the mitzvah. Similarly, the Ran (9a s.v. Iy) answers that since the oil usually is used up completely, a person automatically sets it aside for the mitzvah.  
* On the other hand, the Avudraham (Seder Hadlakat Ner [[Chanukah]]) explains that the leftover oil is considered like a tashmishei [[kedusha]] because the candles are a zeicher of the candles in the beit hamikdash, which themselves are hekdesh. See also Sdei Chemed (Maarechet [[Chanukah]] 9:1), who first quotes Rav Shlomo of Vilna as having originated this idea and then says that he later found this explicit in the Me’iri (21a).  
* Nitei Gavriel ([[Chanukah]] responsa #9) explains that according to Tosfot, the primary prohibition is not to derive benefit from it, but one may dispose of it respectfully. Even according to the Avudraham, he argues, one need not burn the oil and it is sufficient to bury it like other tashmishei [[kedusha]]. Similarly, Rav Hershel Schachter (Halachipedia Article 5773 #12) quoted Rav Schwab as saying that our minhag is not to burn it but rather to put it in a bag and discard it. Rav Chaim Kanievsky (cited by Piskei Shemuot p. 240) and Rav Shlomo Aviner (kimizion.org/maamar/wjw72a.doc) agree. See, however, Piskei Teshuvot 677:9, who writes on his own that one should burn the leftover wicks and may not simply throw them out. </ref>
# This only applies if the amount of oil was placed in the cup and it turned out that there was extra, however, if one originally filled the cups with extra oil it’s permissible. However, some are strict unless one made a stipulation that the extra oil is permissible. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 677:18 </ref>
# This only applies if the amount of oil was placed in the cup and it turned out that there was extra, however, if one originally filled the cups with extra oil it’s permissible. However, some are strict unless one made a stipulation that the extra oil is permissible. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 677:18 </ref>
==Extra oil in the container==
# Oil left in the container is totally permissible. <Ref>Biur Halacha D”H HaTzarich </ref>
# The unused oil left in the container, which wasn't poured into the Chanukia, is totally permitted.<Ref>Bei’ur Halacha 677:4 s.v. HaTzarich writes that everyone agrees that if there is leftover oil in the container it is permitted. Not only according to Shulchan Aruch who holds that only the first half hour of oil is forbidden here is it permitted, but even according to the Bach that any oil that was placed in the cup to the burned is forbidden, here it is certainly permitted because it was never put in a candle to be burned. Berot Mayim 27, Kaf HaChaim 677:28, Ikrei HaDaat 35:32, Yalkut Yosef 677:14 agrees. [Sh”t Bet Av P”C 98 says that originally Peni Yehuda disagreed and then retracted.] See, however, Nitei Gavriel 57:1 who quotes some who disagree. </ref>
# The wicks have the same halacha as the oil. <Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 677:9 </ref>
# Many say that it also permitted if it was poured into the Chanukiya but never lit.<Ref>Torat HaMoadim 5:26 permits the extra oil even if it was poured into the Chanukiya but was never lit. He cites Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 51, Sharei Knesset HaGedolah 673:8,  Magen Avraham 673:8, Eliyah Raba 673:11, and Erech Hashulchan 672:5 as his support in opposition to the Olot [[Shabbat]] 672 who based on the Rama says one shouldn’t use oil that was put in the Chanukia and not lit. Chazon Ovadyah ([[Chanukah]] pg 160) agrees. </ref>
# Oil that was leftover from one day of Chanuka and only the precise amount of oil was put into the Chanukkya one may use that oil the next day even for only the additional candles. <Ref>Piskei Shemuot pg 134 in name of Rav Nassim Karlitz </ref>
==Keeping the leftover oil around==
# One who has forbidden oil should burn it and not keep it around until next [[Chanukah]]. Some, however, have the Minhag to keep it until the burning of Chametz.<ref> Tur 677 in name of Maharam MeRotenburg says not to keep it until next [[Chanukah]] because someone may come to use the forbidden oil. Mishna Brurah 677:19 and Torat HaMoadim 5:27 agree. Halichot Yosef (pg 499) and Piskei Teshuvot 677:9, however, write that the Minhag Balza is to use it for burning the chametz. </ref>
# Even though one isn’t allowed to [[Nullification#Intentional_Bitul|nullify a forbidden object initially]] (Heb. אין מבטלין איסור לכתחלה; trans. ''ein mevatlin isur lechatchila''), after the fact if forbidden oil was mixed with 60 times that amount of permitted oil, the forbidden oil is nullified. If some oil was already added, then one is permitted to add more permitted oil to nullify it. Some say that even in that case one can’t nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila.<ref> Shulchan Aruch O.C. 677:4. See Chazon Ovadyah ([[Chanukah]] pg 160-6) and Torat HaMoadim 5:28 at length. </ref>
# The wicks have the same halacha as the oil. <Ref> The Tur 677:4 writes that the prohibition of the leftover oil applies also to the leftover wicks. Kitzur S”A 139:20, Aruch Hashulchan 677:6, Piskei Teshuvot 677:9, and Nitei Gavriel 57:1 concur. [https://www.halachipedia.com/documents/5773/12.pdf Rav Hershel Schachter (Halachipedia Article 5773 #12)] said that it is ineffective to make a stipulation for the wicks because they themselves are used for the mitzvah. See, however, Shevet HaKehati 1:200, who writes that since the wicks are burnt the same amount whether they burn for a short or long time, they may be used even if they go out within a half hour. </ref>
==Related Pages==
==Related Pages==
# [[Chanukah candle lighting]]
# [[Chanuka candle lighting]]
* [http://www.hebrewbooks.org/56810 Yalkut Yosef Hilchot Chanukah (Hebrew 5773)]

Revision as of 05:03, 8 November 2011

The extra oil and wicks

  1. One can add oil to the leftover oil and wick from the previous day and reuse it. If there’s leftover from the eighth day, it’s forbidden from benefit and should be burned in a separate bonfire. That only applies if the oil and wicks were leftover before the mitzvah was fulfilled, meaning that the candle went out within the half hour of mitzvah. However if the candles burnt for the half hour of mitzvah, the oil and wicks are permitted. Some hold that anything that put in the Chanukia is assumed to be set aside for the mitzvah and is forbidden. To satisfy all opinions one should stipulate when putting in the oil that only the oil for the half hour of mitzvah should set be aside for the mitzvah. [1]
  2. Extra oil in the container that wasn’t poured into the Chanukia or oil poured into the Chanukia that was never lit is permitted. [2]
  3. One who has forbidden oil should burn it and not keep it around until next Chanuka. Some have the Minhag to keep it until the burning of Chametz. [3]
  4. Even though one isn’t allowed to nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila, after the fact if forbidden oil was mixed with 60 times that amount of permitted oil, the forbidden oil is nullified. If some oil was already added, then one is permitted to add more permitted oil to nullify it. Some say that even in that case one can’t nullify a forbidden object Lechatchila. [4]
  5. Oil that was leftover after the 8th day of Chanuka can’t be used and must be burnt in a separate fire [5] or can be thrown out. [6] Some have the minhag to or together with one’s Biyur Chametz. [7]
  6. This only applies if the amount of oil was placed in the cup and it turned out that there was extra, however, if one originally filled the cups with extra oil it’s permissible. However, some are strict unless one made a stipulation that the extra oil is permissible. [8]
  7. Oil left in the container is totally permissible. [9]
  8. The wicks have the same halacha as the oil. [10]
  9. Oil that was leftover from one day of Chanuka and only the precise amount of oil was put into the Chanukkya one may use that oil the next day even for only the additional candles. [11]

Related Pages

  1. Chanuka candle lighting


  1. Midrash Tanchuma (Naso 29) says one can use oil from one day to the next but after the eighth day one has to burn the extra oil. Shiltot (Siman 27 Shielta 2), Pesikta Rabati 3 pg 22b, Tosfot (Shabbat 44a D”H Shebaner), Smag, Smak 280, Mordechai (Shabbat 265-6), Roke’ach 226, Sefer Eshkol (2 Chanuka pg 20), Rabbenu Yerucham 9:1, Rabbi David Avudraham (Tefilat Chanuka) and Ohel Moad (Chaunka 2) quote this midrash as halacha. Bet Yosef asks on the Tur 677:4 and Rosh(Shabbat 2:9) who quote this as halacha but also hold the opinion (Tur 672:1-2 and Rosh Shabbat 3) that if the candle lasts more than the required half hour it’s permitted to extinguish it or benefit from it. The Ran (9a D”H Iy Nami) clearly saw these two opinions as contradictory as he comments that the Rif 9a says one can benefits from the candle after the half hour argues on the Geonim who say that the oil is forbidden for benefit after the 8th day. [So it seems from Ramban, Rashba and Ritva (Shabbat 21a).] However Bet Yosef says it can’t be contradictory because the Tur rules like both and that the Tur and Rosh put these topics in very different simanim. Rather Bet Yosef explains that in Tur 672 the case was when more than the required oil was added and so it’s permitted after the required time but 677 is a case where only the required oil was added and so the extra oil is set aside for the mitzvah and is forbidden. The same difference is clear in the Hagot Maimon (Chanuka 4:4), Mordechai 266, and Sefer Eshkol (2 Chanuka pg 20). S”A 677:4 rules like Tur and Rosh (and the Rif, Rambam and Shiltot according to his answer) that the required amount of oil would become forbidden but the oil more than that is permitted. Sh”t Maharshal 85, Darkei Moshe 676:5, and Taz 672:1 agree to the S”A. Bet Yosef quoted the Mahari Ahuvhav as a second answer that the oil is only permitted if one specifically set aside the required amount for the mitzvah but Stam(without any declaration) the extra oil is forbidden. Bach, Pri Chadash 677, Knesset Hagedolah agree with this second answer. Magan Avraham 677:6, Eliyah Raba 677:2, Chaye Adam 154:31, Mishna Brurah 672:7, 677:18 and Torat HaMoadim 5:25 say that one can hold like S”A but it’s preferable to stipulate clearly that it’s permitted to satisfy the opinion of the Bach. [Piskei Rid and Riaz(Shabbat 22a) and Rabbenu Yishaya Harishon (Shababt 45a) give a third answer that only on Chanuka it’s permitted and afterwards it’s forbidden.]
  2. According to the opinions in the last halacha that extra oil that was lit is permitted certainly permit in our case. And even the opinions that forbid extra oil that lit in our case may permit because it was only set aside for the mitzvah and never used. The Kaf HaChaim 677:28 in name of Berot Mayim 27 that extra oil in the container is permitted. So says Ikrei HaDaat 35:32, Biur Halacha 677 (D”H HaTzarich), and Torat HaMoadim 5:26. [Sh”t Bet Av P”C 98 says that originally Peni Yehuda forbad it and then retracted.] Olot Shabbat 672 based on the Rama says one shouldn’t use oil that was put in the Chanukia and not lit. However Sh”t Mahari MeBruna 51, Sharei Knesset HaGedolah 673:8, Magan Avraham 673:8, Eliyah Raba 673:11, Erech Hashulchan 672:5, Chazon Ovadyah (Chanuka pg 160) hold it’s not forbidden because it’s just designated but not set aside specifically for that purpose. Seemingly a stipulation should permit it according to all opinions as in the case where the extra oil after it was lit for a half hour is permitted with a stipulation (See Mishna Brurah 677:28). Torat HaMoadim points out that for Sephardim it’s certainly permitted because S”A disagrees with Rama that was the basis for the Olot Shabbat.
  3. Tur 677 in name of Maharam MeRotenburg says not to keep it until next Chanuka because someone may come to use the forbidden oil. Brought down by the Achronim including Mishna Brurah 677:19, and Torat HaMoadim 5:27. Halichot Yosef pg 499 writes that the Minhag Balza is to use it for burning chametz.
  4. See Chazon Ovadyah (Chanuka pg 160-6) and Torat HaMoadim 5:28 at length.
  5. S”A 677:4
  6. Piskei Shemuot pg 135 in name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky
  7. Piskei Teshuvot 677:9
  8. Mishna Brurah 677:18
  9. Biur Halacha D”H HaTzarich
  10. Piskei Teshuvot 677:9
  11. Piskei Shemuot pg 134 in name of Rav Nassim Karlitz