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#One may not delay doing a certain work from before Chol HaMoed and do it on Chol HaMoed.<ref>S”A 536:1 </ref>
#One may not delay doing a certain work from before Chol HaMoed and do it on Chol HaMoed.<ref>S”A 536:1 </ref>
#Fixing a broken object is called a holiday need if the object will be needed, however, if there’s a replacement that can be used instead or one could easily borrow a replacement, fixing the object isn’t a holiday need.<ref>Based on Bet Yosef 534 and Magen Avraham 544:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 12) writes that if one can borrow a replacement one must not fix the broken object. </ref>
#Fixing a broken object is called a holiday need if the object will be needed, however, if there’s a replacement that can be used instead or one could easily borrow a replacement, fixing the object isn’t a holiday need.<ref>Based on Bet Yosef 534 and Magen Avraham 544:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 12) writes that if one can borrow a replacement one must not fix the broken object. </ref>
#It’s permissible to vacuum or wash floors that are usually cleaned at least once a week.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 19 and 34). Chazon Ovadia p. 194 quotes this same idea from Teshurat Shay 2:174. However, Chazon Ovadia himself is lenient to wash the floors even if it isn't washed every week. He cites Rav Shlomo Hacohen from Vilna who held that it is permitted to wash the floors since it is similar to flattening the ground that is permitted in the house (Moed Katan 10b, Rashi ktav yad s.v. adayta d'ara, Rabbenu Yerucham (4:5, cited by Bet Yosef 537:9), Shulchan Aruch O.C. 540:2, Magen Avraham 540:5). Rashi and Rabbenu Yerucham say that it is permitted to flatten the floors on Chol Hamoed so that a person doesn't trip. Magen Avraham 540:5 adds that it isn't a tircha. Pri Megadim E"A 540:5 writes that it isn't a tircha and also it is a tzorech hamoed. Mishna Brurah 540:7 agrees. However, Eshel Avraham 540:1 and Hilchot Chag Bchag 3:6 argue that it is permitted because it isn't tircha even though it isn't a tzorech hamoed. This is also how Atzi Shitim understood the Magen Avraham, though he disagreed with Magen Avraham (and held like Pri Megadim). </ref>
#It’s permissible to vacuum or wash floors that are usually cleaned at least once<ref>Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 19 is lenient if it is washed or vacuumed once a week to do so it on chol hamoed. However, [ Teshurat Shay 2:174] is only lenient if it is cleaned more often than that. </ref> a week.<ref>Chazon Ovadia p. 194, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 66:47, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 19 and 34), Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 233. They quote this same idea from [ Teshurat Shay 2:174] is lenient to clean only if it is regularly cleaned more than once a week. [ Kapei Aharon 41] explains those who are even stricter and don't wash at all. Minchat Yom Tov 104:2 quotes Rav Shlomo Hacohen as lenient in places where they generally wash the floors twice a week. However, Chazon Ovadia himself is lenient to wash the floors even if it isn't washed every week. The Debretziner (Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo teshuva 14) and Chazon Ovadia argue with the premise of the Teshurat Shay that washing the floor is included in the gezerah of laundering. However, Debretziner forbade vacuuming regularly because that involves tircha and uvda dchol.  </ref> It is permitted to sweep on chol hamoed.<ref>It is permitted to flatten the floor of the house on chol hamoed (Moed Katan 10b, Rashi ktav yad s.v. adayta d'ara, Rabbenu Yerucham (4:5, cited by Bet Yosef 537:9), Shulchan Aruch O.C. 540:2, Magen Avraham 540:5). Rashi and Rabbenu Yerucham write that it is permitted to flatten the floors on Chol Hamoed so that a person doesn't trip. Magen Avraham 540:5 adds that it isn't a tircha. Pri Megadim E"A 540:5 writes that it isn't a tircha and also it is a tzorech hamoed. Mishna Brurah 540:7 agrees. However, Eshel Avraham Mbuchach 540:1 and Hilchot Chag Bchag 3:6 argue that it is permitted because it isn't tircha even though it isn't a tzorech hamoed. This is also how Atzi Shitim understood the Magen Avraham, though he disagreed with Magen Avraham (and held like Pri Megadim).</ref>
#Some say it’s forbidden to nail a picture to a wall for decorative purposes, while others permit since it involves no skilled work or exertion.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 19-20) </ref>
#Some say it’s forbidden to nail a picture to a wall for decorative purposes, while others permit since it involves no skilled work or exertion.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 19-20) </ref>
#It’s forbidden to garden, plant, dewed, or move grass on Chol HaMoed.  Watering is only permitted if the plant is in danger of dying.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 537:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 21) </ref>
#It’s forbidden to garden, plant, dewed, or move grass on Chol HaMoed.  Watering is only permitted if the plant is in danger of dying.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 537:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 21) </ref>
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===Washing Machines===
===Washing Machines===
# The poskim hold that the prohibition against doing laundry on chol hamoed applies today even though it is easy to do laundry in a washing machine. The reason is that the prohibition wasn't because of working on chol hamoed. It was enacted in order to ensure that a person prepares for the holiday properly and has clean clothing and doesn't save the laundry for chol hamoed.<ref>[ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)]</ref>
# The poskim hold that the prohibition against doing laundry on chol hamoed applies today even though it is easy to do laundry in a washing machine. The reason is that the prohibition wasn't because of working on chol hamoed. It was enacted in order to ensure that a person prepares for the holiday properly and has clean clothing and doesn't save the laundry for chol hamoed.<ref>Rav Moshe Feinstein (Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo teshuva 9), Yabia Omer 7:48, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 66:65, Or Letzion 3:24:2, [ Rivevot Efraim 1:354:1], [ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)], Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 30. </ref>
# If someone did all of their laundry before the holiday and now they don't have clean clothing a minority opinion in the poskim allows doing laundry in a washing machine, while most forbid it.<ref>[ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)] quotes several who hold that if one cleaned all of one's clothing before chol hamoed and now they're dirty to be able to launder them on chol hamoed. These poskim include Chemda Genuza of R' Shalosh 2:55, Migdal Sofim 3:30, and Chevel Nachalato 11:19. He also quotes Rav Liyor in Dvar Chevron OC 545 who held this approach but is hesistant to rule like that without the approval of the gedolei hador. Peninei Halacha concludes that majority of the poskim do not allow it.</ref>
# If someone did all of their laundry before the holiday and now they don't have clean clothing a minority opinion in the poskim allows doing laundry in a washing machine, while most forbid it.<ref>[ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:4)] quotes several who hold that if one cleaned all of one's clothing before chol hamoed and now they're dirty to be able to launder them on chol hamoed. These poskim include [ Chemda Genuza of R' Shalosh 2:55], Migdal Sofim 3:30, and Chevel Nachalato 11:19. He also quotes Rav Liyor in Dvar Chevron OC 545 who held this approach but is hesistant to rule like that without the approval of the gedolei hador. Peninei Halacha concludes that majority of the poskim do not allow it.</ref>
===Adding to the Load===
===Adding to the Load===
# If someone is running a load of permitted clothing such as children clothing one may not add to the load more clothing that otherwise would be forbidden to clean.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 32) citing Rav Moshe Feinstein, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 66 fnt. 254, [ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:5)]. Peninei Halacha cites this from Rav Elyashiv in Mivakshei Torah p. 471, Or Letzion 3:24:2, Chazon Ovadia p. 199, Tefilla Lmoshe 2:24, Chut Shani p. 237, Piskei Teshuvot 534:32, and Chol Hamoed Khilchato 5:18. The only lenient opinion he quotes is Shevivei Esh Moadim v. 2 p. 294.</ref>
# If someone is running a load of permitted clothing such as children clothing one may not add to the load more clothing that otherwise would be forbidden to clean.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 32) citing Rav Moshe Feinstein, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 66 fnt. 254, Yabia Omer 7:48, [ Peninei Halacha (Moadim 11:11:5)]. Peninei Halacha cites this from Rav Elyashiv in Mivakshei Torah p. 471, Or Letzion 3:24:2, Chazon Ovadia p. 199, Tefilla Lmoshe 2:24, Chut Shani p. 237, Piskei Teshuvot 534:32, and Chol Hamoed Khilchato 5:18. The only lenient opinion he quotes is Shevivei Esh Moadim v. 2 p. 294.</ref>

===Clothing, Towels, Tableclothes===
===Clothing, Towels, Tableclothes===
#It’s forbidden to launder clothing, towels, linens, or tablecloths on Chol HaMoed as the rabbis prohibited this so that people would prepare properly before the holiday.<ref>Gemara Moed Katan 14a, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 534:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 34). The Mishna (13b) states that it is forbidden to launder clothing on Chol HaMoed. Even though it should have been considered a need of the holiday and permitted, Chazal (Gemara Moed Katan 14a) made a specific gezerah not to do laundry on Chol HaMoed lest one neglect to prepare properly for the holiday and not launder his clothing until the holiday comes. Shulchan Aruch 534:1 codifies this as halacha. </ref> It’s also forbidden to launder clothing in a washing machine.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 30). Rav Ovadia Yosef (Yabia Omer 7:48:1) writes that it is forbidden to do laundry with a laundry machine on Chol HaMoed since the reason of Chazal, to prevent a person from being unprepared for the holiday, still applies whether or not it takes a lot of effort. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 66:63 agrees. </ref>
#It’s forbidden to launder clothing, towels, linens, or tablecloths on Chol HaMoed as the rabbis prohibited this so that people would prepare properly before the holiday.<ref>Gemara Moed Katan 14a, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 534:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 34). The Mishna (13b) states that it is forbidden to launder clothing on Chol HaMoed. Even though it should have been considered a need of the holiday and permitted, Chazal (Gemara Moed Katan 14a) made a specific gezerah not to do laundry on Chol HaMoed lest one neglect to prepare properly for the holiday and not launder his clothing until the holiday comes. Shulchan Aruch 534:1 codifies this as halacha. </ref> It’s also forbidden to launder clothing in a washing machine.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 30). Rav Ovadia Yosef (Yabia Omer 7:48:1) writes that it is forbidden to do laundry with a laundry machine on Chol HaMoed since the reason of Chazal, to prevent a person from being unprepared for the holiday, still applies whether or not it takes a lot of effort. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 66:63 agrees. </ref>

===Undergarments and Socks===

#It is permitted to launder socks and stockings on chol hamoed if they got dirty. It is better to buy new ones and wash the dirty ones. It is better to wash them by adding them to a load with children clothing rather than wash them by themselves.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchato 66:66, Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 225</ref>
#It is permitted to launder socks and stockings on chol hamoed if they got dirty. It is better to buy new ones and wash the dirty ones. It is better to wash them by adding them to a load with children clothing rather than wash them by themselves.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchato 66:66, Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 225, Shraga Hameir 7:43. This also seems to be the view of Chazon Ovadia p. 198. However, Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 32 quotes the Debretziner who was strict not to launder even socks and underwear. He writes that usually the only recourse for someone whose clothing got dirty is to buy new ones. In a case where a person doesn't have enough he should ask a competent posek. </ref>
#Some poskim allow cleaning an adult's undergarments if they were all cleaned before the holiday and then because they frequently get sweaty or dirty need to be laundered and there aren't any other available, can be washed in the washing machine on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:8 based on Magen Avraham 534:2 and Shraga Hameir 7:43:3. Chazon Ovadia p. 198 permits laundering undershirts if a person changes them daily if he doesn't have clean ones. </ref> However, some poskim are strict and forbid laundering undershirts.<ref>Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 226 quotes that Rav Elyashiv forbade laundering undershirts which get dirty every day and he should just buy new ones.</ref>
#Some poskim allow cleaning an adult's undergarments if they were all cleaned before the holiday and then because they frequently get sweaty or dirty need to be laundered and there aren't any other available, can be washed in the washing machine on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:8 based on Magen Avraham 534:2 and Shraga Hameir 7:43:3. Chazon Ovadia p. 198 permits laundering undershirts if a person changes them daily if he doesn't have clean ones. Shevet Halevi 8:124:2 writes that he would only permit laundering undershirts on chol hamoed if a person is really bothered by not having the undershirt laundered, such as by having worn it for a few days without laundering it. [ Chevel Nachalato 11:19:2] argues that today many people are bothered to wear an undershirt that they already wore once.  </ref> However, some poskim are strict and forbid laundering undershirts.<ref>Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 226 quotes that Rav Elyashiv forbade laundering undershirts which get dirty every day and he should just buy new ones.</ref>
#Similarly, a niddah who needs to change her white underwear for [[Shiva Nekiyim]] and doesn't have enough can launder it on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:6 based on Meiri Moed Katan 14a</ref>
#Similarly, a niddah who needs to change her white underwear for [[Shiva Nekiyim]] and doesn't have enough can launder it on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Yalkut Yosef 534:6 based on Meiri Moed Katan 14a</ref>

===Sheets and Towels===
===Sheets and Towels===

#One may launder guests' sheets and towels on Chol HaMoed.<ref>[ Weekly Hilchos Shabbos Shemini] quoting Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (66 note 263). Mishna Brurah 534:6 explains that it is permitted to launder clothing that get dirty all the time since it is evident that even if one were to clean in advance of the holiday, they would need to be cleaned again on the holiday. Similarly, Chaye Adam adds that it is permitted to clean a handkerchief that gets dirty frequently. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (66 no. 263) writes that as an application of this Mishna Brurah one is permitted to launder towels and guest sheets on the holiday since those are frequently cleaned on a regular basis. Interestingly, Shevet HaLevi 8:124 is hesitant to permit laundering undergarments which become dirty frequently on Chol HaMoed if one can wear them again without great discomfort.</ref>
#One may launder guests' sheets and towels on Chol HaMoed if he had guests the first days and he needs them clean for more guests for chol hamoed or the second days.<ref>[ Beer Moshe 7:8] permits cleaning guests' sheets if they are necessary for more guests on the second days. He adds that it is proper to buy new sheets for the guests for the second days rather than do laundry on the sheets from the first days. Similarly, [ Weekly Hilchos Shabbos Shemini] based on Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (66 note 263). Mishna Brurah 534:6 explains that it is permitted to launder clothing that get dirty all the time since it is evident that even if one were to clean in advance of the holiday, they would need to be cleaned again on the holiday. Similarly, Chaye Adam adds that it is permitted to clean a handkerchief that gets dirty frequently. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (66 no. 263) writes that as an application of this Mishna Brurah one is permitted to launder towels and guest sheets on the holiday since those are frequently cleaned on a regular basis. Interestingly, Shevet HaLevi 8:124 is hesitant to permit laundering undergarments which become dirty frequently on Chol HaMoed if one can wear them again without great discomfort. </ref>
#It is permitted to clean sheets in a hospital and hotels on chol hamoed.<ref>Chazon Ovadia p. 198</ref>
#It is permitted to clean sheets in a hospital and hotels on chol hamoed.<ref>Chazon Ovadia p. 198</ref>
#It is permitted to clean towels in a mikveh on chol hamoed.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 66:67</ref>

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#Chazal made a few exceptions and permitted certain people to do laundry on Chol HaMoed including a person who was released from prison on the holiday or late on Erev [[Yom Tov]], one who arrives from over seas on Erev [[Yom Tov]] and was unable to do laundry all of Erev [[Yom Tov]], and someone who was a mourner for a relative other than a parent, whose seventh day of [[mourning]] occurred on Erev [[Yom Tov]] which was [[Shabbat]] (and so he was unable to do laundry before the holiday).<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 534:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 30) </ref> Those who Chazal permitted to cut one’s hair should do so in private.<ref>Rama 534:1 </ref>
#Chazal made a few exceptions and permitted certain people to do laundry on Chol HaMoed including a person who was released from prison on the holiday or late on Erev [[Yom Tov]], one who arrives from over seas on Erev [[Yom Tov]] and was unable to do laundry all of Erev [[Yom Tov]], and someone who was a mourner for a relative other than a parent, whose seventh day of [[mourning]] occurred on Erev [[Yom Tov]] which was [[Shabbat]] (and so he was unable to do laundry before the holiday).<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 534:1, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 30) </ref> Those who Chazal permitted to cut one’s hair should do so in private.<ref>Rama 534:1 </ref>
#If someone has only one suit and it got dirty on the first days of yom tov he can clean it for Shabbat or the second days of Yom Tov.<ref>Or Letzion 3:24:3, Hilchot Chag Bchag (p 222 5:19 fnt. 27). The logic is that wearing weekday clothing on Shabbat and Yom Tov is not considered an alternative. Therefore, it is considered as though he only has one clothing, in which case chazal permitted him to launder his clothing (Moed Katan 18a, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 534:1). Although some rishonim forbade this nowadays since it isn't clear that he only has one clothing, some are lenient (see Mishna Brurah 534:9).</ref>

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#Many poskim permit cleaning a stain in clothing that one needs to wear on the moed.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33). Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igrot Moshe 5:36:1) writes that cleaning a stain is considered a simple task (melechet hedyot) and does not constitute actual laundry which Chazal forbade. However, giving clothing to a laundromat is forbidden even if it is a simple task. Chazon Ovadia (Yom Tov p. 200) agrees. Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 66:72 and Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg. 33) also allow one to clean a stain if one does not have other suitable clean clothing. Rav Nissim Karelitz in Chut HaShani (Chol HaMoed p. 238) however, does not allow one to wash out a stain unless one is wearing the clothes and one does not have other clothes to wear. Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 214 quotes Rav Elyashiv as lenient. Chol Hamoed Khilchato (ch. 5 fnt. 86) quotes Rav Wosner as strict. </ref>
#Many poskim permit cleaning a stain in clothing that one needs to wear on the moed.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33). Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igrot Moshe 5:36:1) writes that cleaning a stain is considered a simple task (melechet hedyot) and does not constitute actual laundry which Chazal forbade. However, giving clothing to a laundromat is forbidden even if it is a simple task. Chazon Ovadia (Yom Tov p. 200) agrees. Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 66:72 and Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg. 33) also allow one to clean a stain if one does not have other suitable clean clothing. Rav Nissim Karelitz in Chut HaShani (Chol HaMoed p. 238) however, does not allow one to wash out a stain unless one is wearing the clothes and one does not have other clothes to wear. Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 214 quotes Rav Elyashiv as lenient. Chol Hamoed Khilchato (ch. 5 fnt. 86) quotes Rav Wosner as strict. </ref>
#If a garment has a tough stain that won’t be removed if one waits until after the holiday, cleaning is permissible.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33) </ref>
#If a garment has a tough stain that won’t be removed if one waits until after the holiday, cleaning is permissible.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33), Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 66:72 </ref>

===Ironing and Pleats===
===Ironing, Making Pleats, and Polishing===

#Ironing is permissible but pressing by a profession is forbidden.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33-4) </ref>
#Ironing is permissible but pressing by a professional is forbidden.<ref>Or Letzion 3:24:4, Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33-4) </ref>
#Making pleats in a skirt or pants is forbidden.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33) </ref>
#Making pleats in a skirt or pants is forbidden.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 33) </ref>
#There is a dispute whether it’s permissible to polish one’s shoes on Chol HaMoed, while everyone agrees one may brush it off.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 34) </ref>
#Many poskim permit polishing one's shoes on Chol HaMoed, though some forbid it. Everyone permits brush them off.<ref>Rav Moshe Feinstein (Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo teshuva 4), Yabia Omer 1:32, and Or Letzion 3:24:4 permit polishing shoes on Chol Hamoed. Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 34) quotes that most poskim permitted polishing shoes. </ref>

===Children's Clothing===
===Children's Clothing===
#If a child’s clothing are insufficient because they are soiled frequently it’s permissible to launder them on Chol HaMoed.<ref>Mishna Brurah 534:11 and Aruch HaShulchan 534:8. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Shulchan Shlomo 534:3 says that this age is until at most 6 or 7 years old. </ref>
#If children’s clothing got dirty, it is permissible to launder the clothing that is necessary for the moed.<ref>Mishna Brurah 534:11 and Aruch HaShulchan 534:8. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Shulchan Shlomo 534:3 says that this age is until at most 6 or 7 years old. Tiferet 534:7 quotes Rav Sheinberg (Avnei Yishpeh 1:104) who said that there's no specific age and it depends on the child. </ref>
#If one is running a load of children's clothing which are necessary one may fill up the load of children’s clothing even those which aren't as necessary. However, one may not add adult's clothing.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 32)</ref> It is permitted to clean the children's clothing that are necessary for the rest of the moed all together in one load rather than one clean the ones that are necessary right then.<ref>Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 229-230. He explains that it is minimizing the tircha and melacha by doing it together. Even though Rama 534:6 writes that a person should only clean the children's clothing one at a time as necessary, here it is permitted since doing it one at a time will be more tircha and melacha.</ref>
#It is permitted to clean the children's clothing that are necessary for the rest of the moed all together in one load, rather than one clean the ones that are necessary right then.<ref>Minchat Yitzchak 8:50:2, Yabia Omer 7:48, Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 32, Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 229-230. He explains that it is minimizing the tircha and melacha by doing it together and that's better than only doing what is immediately necessary. Even though Rama 534:6 writes that a person should only clean the children's clothing one at a time as necessary, here it is permitted since doing it one at a time will be more tircha and melacha. Rav Ovadia permits doing all the clothing in one load because it minimizes tircha and melacha and also the children's clothing get dirty quickly.</ref>
#If someone is going with their children to their parents or another place some poskim hold that one should bring as many of the children's clothing as they own in order that they won't have to launder them on chol hamoed,<ref>Beer Moshe 7:9</ref> while others are lenient if it is a difficulty.<ref>Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 66 fnt. 255 citing Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo quoting Rav Moshe Feinstein</ref>
#If someone is going with their children to their parents or another place some poskim hold that one should bring as many of the children's clothing as they own in order that they won't have to launder them on chol hamoed,<ref>[ Beer Moshe 7:9], Rav Nissim Karelitz (cited by Tiferet 534:9)</ref> while others are lenient if it is a difficulty.<ref>Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo quoting Rav Moshe Feinstein (teshuva 7-8), Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata ch. 66 fnt. 255, Rav Meir Mazuz (cited by Tiferet 534:9)</ref>
#It isn't necessary to buy extra clothing before the moed to avoid having to launder children's clothing on chol hamoed.<ref>Rav Moshe Feinstein (Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo teshuva 7), [ Beer Moshe 7:9]</ref>

==Moving Houses==
==Moving Houses==
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#One may purchase or sell something that is generally bought or sold for the festival even in public.<ref>S.A 539:10. Chol HaMoed By Rabbi Dovid Zucker/ Rabbi Moshe Francis p105 quotes a machloket regarding whether one is allowed to buy more than is necessary for the festival.  </ref>
#One may purchase or sell something that is generally bought or sold for the festival even in public.<ref>S.A 539:10. Chol HaMoed By Rabbi Dovid Zucker/ Rabbi Moshe Francis p105 quotes a machloket regarding whether one is allowed to buy more than is necessary for the festival.  </ref>
#One may not return an item unless one would not be able to return the item after the festival.<ref>Chol HaMoed p. 108 cites Rav Moshe Feinstein who says that one may not return for a refund. However, if by waiting one will no longer be able to return the object this is considered a dvar heaved and may be returned. </ref>
#One may not return an item unless one would not be able to return the item after the festival.<ref>Chol HaMoed p. 108 cites Rav Moshe Feinstein who says that one may not return for a refund. However, if by waiting one will no longer be able to return the object this is considered a dvar heaved and may be returned. </ref>
#One should not shop online during Chol HaMoed unless there is no money is being paid.<ref>Chol HaMoed p. 108 </ref>
#One should not shop online during Chol HaMoed unless no money is being paid.<ref>Chol HaMoed p. 108 </ref>
#If one traveled during the moed and found a unique object that he will not be able to find when he returns from his trip, he may purchase such an item.<ref>Chol Hameod p 106-107 Rav Moshe Feinstein says that this is considered a dvar heaved because it will save him the trip in the future. However, Rav Moshe says that it is better for one to extend his trip until after the Chag. This leniency only applies if he will not be returning to this city after the festival. Similarly, if a child is visiting a parent during Chol HaMoed and the parent will buy the item for the child, whereas if the parent does not purchase the item, the child will have to buy it himself this is considered a dvar heaved and one may allow his parents to buy it for him on Chol HaMoed.</ref>
#If one traveled during the moed and found a unique object that he will not be able to find when he returns from his trip, he may purchase such an item.<ref>Chol Hameod p 106-107 Rav Moshe Feinstein says that this is considered a dvar heaved because it will save him the trip in the future. However, Rav Moshe says that it is better for one to extend his trip until after the Chag. This leniency only applies if he will not be returning to this city after the festival. Similarly, if a child is visiting a parent during Chol HaMoed and the parent will buy the item for the child, whereas if the parent does not purchase the item, the child will have to buy it himself this is considered a dvar heaved and one may allow his parents to buy it for him on Chol HaMoed.</ref>
#One is permitted to undergo a sale if he is poor and the sale will provide him with more money that he can spend for the moed.<ref>Shulchan Aruch OC 539:4. Here the S.A is discussing someone who does not have enough money to spend for Yom Tov, not merely someone who has stingy, but would spend more if he had more money. </ref>
#One is permitted to make a sale if he is poor and the sale will provide him with more money that he can spend for the moed.<ref>Shulchan Aruch OC 539:4. Here the S.A is discussing someone who does not have enough money to spend for Yom Tov, not merely someone who has stingy, but would spend more if he had more money. </ref>

=== Bringing Items to and back from a Professional ===
=== Bringing Items to and back from a Professional ===
#One should not pick up an item from a store even if one ordered it before the holiday and even if the store is a non-Jewish store.<ref>Gemara Moed Katan 13b, Shulchan Aruch 534:3, Mishna Brurah 534:16 explains that some say it is because of tircha (unnecessary effort) to pick up something at the store and some say it is because it is going to look like it was commissioned to be done on chol hamoed. According to the last reason it is forbidden even if it is at a non-Jewish store. Chol HaMoed p. 107 agrees.</ref> If the item is necessary for the holiday it can be picked up on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Gemara Moed Katan 13b, Shulchan Aruch 534:3</ref> If it is necessary for a mitzvah item even if it isn't a tzorech hamoed it can be picked up on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Mishna Brurah 534:15 citing the Pri Megadim</ref>
#One should not pick up an item from a store even if one ordered it before the holiday and even if the store is a non-Jewish store.<ref>Gemara Moed Katan 13b, Shulchan Aruch 534:3, Mishna Brurah 534:16 explains that some say it is because of tircha (unnecessary effort) to pick up something at the store and some say it is because it is going to look like it was commissioned to be done on chol hamoed. According to the last reason it is forbidden even if it is at a non-Jewish store. Chol HaMoed p. 107 agrees.</ref> If the item is necessary for the holiday it can be picked up on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Gemara Moed Katan 13b, Shulchan Aruch 534:3</ref> If it is necessary for a mitzvah item even if it isn't a tzorech hamoed it can be picked up on Chol Hamoed.<ref>Mishna Brurah 534:15 citing the Pri Megadim</ref>
#It is forbidden to bring an item to a profession
#It is forbidden to bring an item to a professional on chol hamoed even if it is something that is necessary for the moed.<ref>Bach 534 is strict to forbid bringing a kli to a professional on chol hamoed even if it is necessary for the moed. [ Shita Talmid L'Ri Mparis 13b] and Meiri 13b agree. Mishna Brurah 534:15 quotes this from Bach and Eliya Rabba 534:6. Hilchot Chag Bchag p. 345 agrees. Therefore, Hilchot Chag Bchag and Tiferet 534:14 quoting Chiko Mamtakim write that it is forbidden to bring a car to a mechanic on chol hamoed. However, Maamar Mordechai 534:4 argues that it is permitted since it is a tzorech hamoed. Kaf Hachaim 534:21 quotes Maamar Mordechai.
Why is there a prohibition to bring kelim to a bet hauman on the moed for a tzorech hamoed? Hilchot Chag Bchag explains that it is a concern that people will think that you asked the uman to do melacha for after the moed. Hilchot Chol Hamoed Khilchato (ch. 8 fnt. 61) writes that there's a concern that people will think you asked the uman to do melacha in a prohibited fashion, such as maaseh uman for tzorech hamoed. The practical difference between these approaches is that Hilchot Chol Hamoed Kehilchato would permit bringing to an uman kelim for ochel nefesh since there maaseh uman is permitted.
See Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo p. 102 who permits bringing clothing to a dry cleaner on chol hamoed to do for after the moed. However, seemingly this is in contradiction to Mishna Brurah 534:15. </ref>

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