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==Beracha on Medication==
==Beracha on Medication==
# A beracha is not recited on food which is eaten to heal if one does not have enjoyment from the food. However, if one does have enjoyment from the food, a beracha rishona and achrona (see below) is recited.<ref>Mesechtas Berochos 38a, Tosfas Mesechtas Berochos 36a “k’von,” Meiri Mesechtas Berochos 35b, Tur 204, Shulchan Aruch 204:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 204:14, Chesed L’alafim 204-205:5, Igros Moshe O.C. 1:82. </ref> Even if one does not want the good tasting food and is only eating it because he is ill, since he has enjoyment from it a beracha is recited.<ref>Mishnah Berurah 43. </ref> Examples of medicines which require a beracha due to their pleasant taste are herbal teas and cough drops.<ref>V’sein Beracha page 200. Refer to Ateres Shlomo 8:page 110. This is the opinion and custom of Harav Pinchus Bodner Shlita (Personal telephone conversation with Harav Bodner Shlita). </ref>
# A beracha is not recited on food which is eaten to heal if one does not have enjoyment from the food. However, if one does have enjoyment from the food, a beracha rishona and achrona (see below) is recited.<ref>Mesechtas Berochos 38a, Tosfas Mesechtas Berochos 36a “k’von,” Meiri Mesechtas Berochos 35b, Tur 204, Shulchan Aruch 204:8, Shulchan Aruch Harav 204:14, Chesed L’alafim 204-205:5, Igros Moshe O.C. 1:82. </ref> Even if one does not want the good tasting food and is only eating it because he is ill, since he has enjoyment from it a beracha is recited.<ref>Mishna Brurah 43. </ref> Examples of medicines which require a beracha due to their pleasant taste are herbal teas and cough drops.<ref>V’sein Beracha page 200. Refer to Ateres Shlomo 8:page 110. This is the opinion and custom of Harav Pinchus Bodner Shlita (Personal telephone conversation with Harav Bodner Shlita). </ref>

==Medicine mixed with Sweeteners==
==Medicine mixed with Sweeteners==
# Some say even if the medicine itself does not have flavor, but is mixed with other ingredients (sweeteners) that have flavor, one still recites a beracha on the medicine.<ref>Opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita as expressed in Vezos Ha’beracha page 113. </ref> The reason for this opinion is because the mixture tastes pleasant and we do not look at the medicine before the taste was placed into it.<ref>Vezos Ha’beracha Birur Halacha page 310. </ref> This is the opinion of many poskim.<ref>Refer to Da’as Torah 204, Vezos Ha’beracha pages 310-311 in depth, opinion of Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlita quoted in Nishmas Avraham (English) page 89:footnote E. </ref>
# Some say even if the medicine itself does not have flavor, but is mixed with other ingredients (sweeteners) that have flavor, one still recites a beracha on the medicine.<ref>Opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita as expressed in Vezos Ha’beracha page 113. </ref> The reason for this opinion is because the mixture tastes pleasant and we do not look at the medicine before the taste was placed into it.<ref>Vezos Ha’beracha Birur Halacha page 310. </ref> This is the opinion of many poskim.<ref>Refer to Da’as Torah 204, Vezos Ha’beracha pages 310-311 in depth, opinion of Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlita quoted in Nishmas Avraham (English) page 89:footnote E. </ref>
# Some say if one consumes a medicine which contains sweeteners (and if not for the need of the medicine one would not consume the sweeteners, then no beracha is required.<ref>Opinion of Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l quoted in Vezos Ha’beracha pages 113-114, and in V’sein Beracha page 201:footnote 15.1. See explanation of this opinion in Vezos Ha’beracha page 312. Refer to Pnei Ha’shulchan page 151-152, Nishmas Avraham 1:204:page 91, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:footnote 191, Nishmas Avraham 1:page 90 (English), Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111. In the Halichos Shlomo [[Yom Kippur]] 5:footnote 42 it states that Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l retracted his previous position with regard to not reciting a beracha on sweetened medication. Refer to Vezos Ha’beracha page 356:9 notes of Harav Forst Shlita on Vezos Ha’beracha. The opinion of Harav Pinchus Bonder Shlita is that no beracha is recited on pleasant tasting cough syrup based on the pesak he heard from Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l (Personal telephone conversation with Harav Bodner Shlita). </ref> Others say no beracha is recited because such sweetener is only a tafel to the <br>actual medication and if no beracha is recited on the ikur, then one does not recite a beracha on the tafel.<ref>Opinion of Harav Neuwirth Shlita quoted in Nishmas [[Shabbos]] 4:204, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:footnote 191.  Refer to Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:pages 282-284 in depth. However, see Mishnah Berurah 174:39 and 212:1 who says the halacha is that a beracha is recited on the tafel.  See Pischei Halacha (Berochos) page 246 who disputes the claim that the reason why no beracha is recited here is because no beracha is recited on the tafel. Refer to  Rivevos Ephraim 4:54:39. </ref> Nonetheless, others disagree with this reasoning and maintain that a beracha should be recited even in this situation.<ref>Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Vezos Ha’beracha page 114, and in V’sein Beracha page 200:footnote 15, opinion of Harav Ovadia Yosef quoted in Yalkut Yosef 204:10:footnote 10, opinion of Harav Feinhandler Shlita (Avnei Yushfei in a personal e-[[mail]]).  Refer to Igros Moshe O.C. 1:82, Pischei Halacha (Berochos page 246).  Others say that it could be that Harav Elyashiv Shlita held this only in regard to medicine that is thoroughly enjoyed (Refer to Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 53:page 77:footnote 43).</ref> Since there is a dispute in this regard, one should recite a beracha on a different [[shehakol]] food and have in mind to exempt the medicine.<ref>Piskei Teshuvos 204:footnote 75. </ref>
# Some say if one consumes a medicine which contains sweeteners (and if not for the need of the medicine one would not consume the sweeteners, then no beracha is required.<ref>Opinion of Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l quoted in Vezos Ha’beracha pages 113-114, and in V’sein Beracha page 201:footnote 15.1. See explanation of this opinion in Vezos Ha’beracha page 312. Refer to Pnei Ha’shulchan page 151-152, Nishmas Avraham 1:204:page 91, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:footnote 191, Nishmas Avraham 1:page 90 (English), Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111. In the Halichos Shlomo [[Yom Kippur]] 5:footnote 42 it states that Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l retracted his previous position with regard to not reciting a beracha on sweetened medication. Refer to Vezos Ha’beracha page 356:9 notes of Harav Forst Shlita on Vezos Ha’beracha. The opinion of Harav Pinchus Bonder Shlita is that no beracha is recited on pleasant tasting cough syrup based on the pesak he heard from Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l (Personal telephone conversation with Harav Bodner Shlita). </ref> Others say no beracha is recited because such sweetener is only a tafel to the <br>actual medication and if no beracha is recited on the ikur, then one does not recite a beracha on the tafel.<ref>Opinion of Harav Neuwirth Shlita quoted in Nishmas [[Shabbos]] 4:204, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:footnote 191.  Refer to Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:pages 282-284 in depth. However, see Mishna Brurah 174:39 and 212:1 who says the halacha is that a beracha is recited on the tafel.  See Pischei Halacha (Berochos) page 246 who disputes the claim that the reason why no beracha is recited here is because no beracha is recited on the tafel. Refer to  Rivevos Ephraim 4:54:39. </ref> Nonetheless, others disagree with this reasoning and maintain that a beracha should be recited even in this situation.<ref>Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Vezos Ha’beracha page 114, and in V’sein Beracha page 200:footnote 15, opinion of Harav Ovadia Yosef quoted in Yalkut Yosef 204:10:footnote 10, opinion of Harav Feinhandler Shlita (Avnei Yushfei in a personal e-[[mail]]).  Refer to Igros Moshe O.C. 1:82, Pischei Halacha (Berochos page 246).  Others say that it could be that Harav Elyashiv Shlita held this only in regard to medicine that is thoroughly enjoyed (Refer to Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 53:page 77:footnote 43).</ref> Since there is a dispute in this regard, one should recite a beracha on a different [[shehakol]] food and have in mind to exempt the medicine.<ref>Piskei Teshuvos 204:footnote 75. </ref>
# According to all opinions, medicine for children which is sweet like candy would require a beracha.<ref>Pischei Halacha (Berochos) page 68:footnote 39 alef. </ref>
# According to all opinions, medicine for children which is sweet like candy would require a beracha.<ref>Pischei Halacha (Berochos) page 68:footnote 39 alef. </ref>

==No Beracha Required ==
==No Beracha Required ==
# One who is forced to eat or drink something does not recite a beracha even if it tastes pleasant since he was forced to do so.<ref>Shulchan Aruch ibid, Kaf Ha’chaim 49, see Magen Avraham 20 Taz 12, Aruch Ha’shulchan 19. Refer to Mishnah Berurah 204:44 who maintains if one is forced to eat bread and he is satisfied he should bentch since it is d’oraisa. </ref>
# One who is forced to eat or drink something does not recite a beracha even if it tastes pleasant since he was forced to do so.<ref>Shulchan Aruch {{ibid}}, Kaf Ha’chaim 49, see Magen Avraham 20 Taz 12, Aruch Ha’shulchan 19. Refer to Mishna Brurah 204:44 who maintains if one is forced to eat bread and he is satisfied he should bentch since it is d’oraisa. </ref>
# A bad tasting food does not require a beracha before eating it.<ref>Bais Yosef, Magen Avraham 19, Mishnah Berurah 43, Kaf Ha’chaim 48.  </ref>
# A bad tasting food does not require a beracha before eating it.<ref>Bais Yosef, Magen Avraham 19, Mishna Brurah 43, Kaf Ha’chaim 48.  </ref>
==How Much to Eat or Drink? ==
==How Much to Eat or Drink? ==
# Some poskim are of the opinion that one does not recite a beracha on a pleasant tasting medicine unless one ate a kezayis or drank a reviis of it. The reason for this is that just as one who tastes food does not recite a beracha unless a kezayis or reviis is consumed; the same applies for medications, since one does not have intent for eating.<ref>Refer to Shevet Ha’kehusi 3:84:3. </ref> Nonetheless, the poskim do not make this comparison and therefore, a beracha on pleasant tasting medicine would be required regardless of the amount being consumed since one's intent is to swallow the medicine as opposed to the "tasting" case where one does not intend to have enjoyment.<ref>Refer to Mikroei Kodesh [[Pesach]] 2:page 144, Halacha U’[[refuah]] page 278, Pischei Halacha (Berochos page 66:footnote 38), Chazzon Ovadia Berochos page 159:footnote 6.  </ref>
# Some poskim are of the opinion that one does not recite a beracha on a pleasant tasting medicine unless one ate a kezayis or drank a reviis of it. The reason for this is that just as one who tastes food does not recite a beracha unless a kezayis or reviis is consumed; the same applies for medications, since one does not have intent for eating.<ref>Refer to Shevet Ha’kehusi 3:84:3. </ref> Nonetheless, the poskim do not make this comparison and therefore, a beracha on pleasant tasting medicine would be required regardless of the amount being consumed since one's intent is to swallow the medicine as opposed to the "tasting" case where one does not intend to have enjoyment.<ref>Refer to Mikroei Kodesh [[Pesach]] 2:page 144, Halacha U’[[refuah]] page 278, Pischei Halacha (Berochos page 66:footnote 38), Chazzon Ovadia Berochos page 159:footnote 6.  </ref>

==Which Beracha Rishona?==
==Which Beracha Rishona?==
# The Rama<ref>204:11. Refer to Aruch Ha’shulchan 22. </ref> says any food which a healthy person does not eat requires a [[shehakol]] if taken as medication, regardless of the food's real beracha.<ref>Aruch Ha’shulchan 22. Refer to Mishnah Berurah 54. The Shar Ha’tzyion 45 says this applies to medicine which was made from the five grains as well. Refer to Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284. </ref> Others say one should recite the appropriate beracha.<ref>Magen Avraham 24, Mishnah Berurah 55, Igros Moshe O.C. 1:82. </ref> The Mishnah Berurah<ref>212:4-5. </ref> maintains that one should avoid this situation when possible.<ref>Some say one should eat the other food before the medicine and then consume the medicine (Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284). </ref>
# The Rama<ref>204:11. Refer to Aruch Ha’shulchan 22. </ref> says any food which a healthy person does not eat requires a [[shehakol]] if taken as medication, regardless of the food's real beracha.<ref>Aruch Ha’shulchan 22. Refer to Mishna Brurah 54. The Shar Ha’tzyion 45 says this applies to medicine which was made from the five grains as well. Refer to Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284. </ref> Others say one should recite the appropriate beracha.<ref>Magen Avraham 24, Mishna Brurah 55, Igros Moshe O.C. 1:82. </ref> The Mishna Brurah<ref>212:4-5. </ref> maintains that one should avoid this situation when possible.<ref>Some say one should eat the other food before the medicine and then consume the medicine (Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284). </ref>

==Beracha Achrona==
==Beracha Achrona==
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==Drinking Water for Medical Purposes ==
==Drinking Water for Medical Purposes ==
# When one is taking a pill that does not taste pleasant and wants to drink water to mask the bad taste, no beracha is recited on the water.<ref>Aruch Ha’shulchan 204:18, Pnei Ha’shulchan page 146, Piskei Teshuvos 204:footnote 64, Binyan Sholom (old print) page 96, Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111.  Refer to Sheilas Rav 2:18:5. If one places water in liquid medicine to make it taste better no beracha is recited on the water (Sharei Ha’beracha 18:footnote 76). If one needs to drink water for medical purposes and he is not thirsty he should recite a beracha on something else and have in mind to exempt the water from a beracha (Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Eishel Avraham Butchatch 204:7). </ref> The same is true if one is taking a pill and is not thirsty.<ref>Ben Ish Chai Mattos 1:12, Aruch Ha’shulchan 204:18, Miyum Ha’halacha 22, Rivevos Ephraim 6:76, Pischei Halacha Berochos 4:8, Oz Nedberu 10:22. Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l maintains one may drink more water than needed for a pill and a beracha would not be required on that water either (Ve’aleihu Lo Yeibol 1:pages 110-111). </ref>  
# When one is taking a pill that does not taste pleasant and wants to drink water to mask the bad taste, no beracha is recited on the water.<ref>Aruch Ha’shulchan 204:18, Pnei Ha’shulchan page 146, Piskei Teshuvos 204:footnote 64, Binyan Sholom (old print) page 96, Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111.  Refer to Sheilas Rav 2:18:5. If one places water in liquid medicine to make it taste better no beracha is recited on the water (Sharei Ha’beracha 18:footnote 76). If one needs to drink water for medical purposes and he is not thirsty he should recite a beracha on something else and have in mind to exempt the water from a beracha (Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Eishel Avraham Butchatch 204:7). </ref> The same is true if one is taking a pill and is not thirsty.<ref>Ben Ish Chai Mattos 1:12, Aruch Ha’shulchan 204:18, Miyum Ha’halacha 22, Rivevos Ephraim 6:76, Pischei Halacha Berochos 4:8, Oz Nedberu 10:22. Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l maintains one may drink more water than needed for a pill and a beracha would not be required on that water either (Ve’aleihu Lo Yeibol 1:pages 110-111). </ref>  
# Before a woman goes for an ultra sound/sonogram she is asked to drink water. No beracha is recited on the water.<ref>Refer to Yufei Leleiv 204:10, Sdei Chemed Berochos 33:page 260, Me’am Loez Yisro 247:page 580, Pnei Ha’shulchan page 146, Sharei Ha’beracha 18:footnote 76. </ref> It would seem that a nursing woman, who needs to drink a lot of water, would not recite a beracha on the water if she is not thirsty.<ref>Refer to Toras Hayoledes 62:3,  Beracha Achrona page 196:5.</ref> However, others maintain that she should take food whose beracha is [[shehakol]] and exempt the beracha on the water.<ref>Toras Hayoledes ibid. </ref>  
# Before a woman goes for an ultra sound/sonogram she is asked to drink water. No beracha is recited on the water.<ref>Refer to Yufei Leleiv 204:10, Sdei Chemed Berochos 33:page 260, Me’am Loez Yisro 247:page 580, Pnei Ha’shulchan page 146, Sharei Ha’beracha 18:footnote 76. </ref> It would seem that a nursing woman, who needs to drink a lot of water, would not recite a beracha on the water if she is not thirsty.<ref>Refer to Toras Hayoledes 62:3,  Beracha Achrona page 196:5.</ref> However, others maintain that she should take food whose beracha is [[shehakol]] and exempt the beracha on the water.<ref>Toras Hayoledes {{ibid}}. </ref>  
# Many times, after one brushes his teeth or rinses with mouthwash, he drinks water to rinse out his mouth, one does not recite a beracha on such water.<ref>Sharei Ha’beracha 18:footnote 76.</ref>
# Many times, after one brushes his teeth or rinses with mouthwash, he drinks water to rinse out his mouth, one does not recite a beracha on such water.<ref>Sharei Ha’beracha 18:footnote 76.</ref>
# If one has a sore throat and drinks water to clear his throat, it would seem that a beracha is not recited.<ref>Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita.</ref> (In all the above situations, if one is thirsty, a beracha is recited). One who drinks a tasty beverage to take his pill would recite a beracha on the beverage.<ref>Chesed L’alafim 204-205:4, Mishnah Berurah 204:42, Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111, Yalkut Yosef 204:page 436.  </ref>
# If one has a sore throat and drinks water to clear his throat, it would seem that a beracha is not recited.<ref>Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita.</ref> (In all the above situations, if one is thirsty, a beracha is recited). One who drinks a tasty beverage to take his pill would recite a beracha on the beverage.<ref>Chesed L’alafim 204-205:4, Mishna Brurah 204:42, Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111, Yalkut Yosef 204:page 436.  </ref>

==Medicine mixed with a food or water==
==Medicine mixed with a food or water==
# It is very common to take a powdered medicine and mix it with a food or water. Some may say that since the food which the medicine is mixed into is a tafel, no beracha is recited. Nonetheless, others say one should recite a beracha on the mixture.<ref>Refer to Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 53:pages 78-79. </ref> If the food (not medicine) is not a [[shehakol]],<ref>For example chunky applesauce. </ref> the Rama<ref>212:1. </ref> holds the beracha is a [[shehakol]] regardless of the beracha of the food, while others argue with this ruling.<ref>Refer to Magen Avraham 4, Gr’a,  Mishnah Berurah 4-5, 10, see Taz 7. Refer to Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284. </ref> The Mishnah Berurah<ref>212:4-5. </ref> maintains that one should avoid this situation when possible.<ref>Some say one should eat the other food before the medicine and then consume the medicine (Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284). </ref>
# It is very common to take a powdered medicine and mix it with a food or water. Some may say that since the food which the medicine is mixed into is a tafel, no beracha is recited. Nonetheless, others say one should recite a beracha on the mixture.<ref>Refer to Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 53:pages 78-79. </ref> If the food (not medicine) is not a [[shehakol]],<ref>For example chunky applesauce. </ref> the Rama<ref>212:1. </ref> holds the beracha is a [[shehakol]] regardless of the beracha of the food, while others argue with this ruling.<ref>Refer to Magen Avraham 4, Gr’a,  Mishna Brurah 4-5, 10, see Taz 7. Refer to Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284. </ref> The Mishna Brurah<ref>212:4-5. </ref> maintains that one should avoid this situation when possible.<ref>Some say one should eat the other food before the medicine and then consume the medicine (Halacha U’[[refuah]] 3:page 284). </ref>

==Medicine taken during a Meal==
==Medicine taken during a Meal==
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==Reciting a Tefilla before taking Medication ==
==Reciting a Tefilla before taking Medication ==
# Some have a custom before taking medication to recite a yehi ratzon that all should be well.<ref>Refer to Shulchan Aruch 230:4, Magen Avraham 6, Mishnah Berurah 6. Some say saying the yihiy ratzon exempts one from the beracha that one would recite on a sweet medication (Refer to Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111, Nishmas Avraham 204:page 91). </ref> This [[tefilla]] may be recited on [[Shabbos]] and is not a concern of asking for personal needs on [[Shabbos]].<ref>Refer to Shar Ha’tzyion 230:8, Bakashas B’[[Shabbos]] page 27:footnote 15. See Betzel Hachuchma 5:41.</ref>
# Some have a custom before taking medication to recite a yehi ratzon that all should be well.<ref>Refer to Shulchan Aruch 230:4, Magen Avraham 6, Mishna Brurah 6. Some say saying the yihiy ratzon exempts one from the beracha that one would recite on a sweet medication (Refer to Ateres Shlomo 8:page 111, Nishmas Avraham 204:page 91). </ref> This [[tefilla]] may be recited on [[Shabbos]] and is not a concern of asking for personal needs on [[Shabbos]].<ref>Refer to Shar Ha’tzyion 230:8, Bakashas B’[[Shabbos]] page 27:footnote 15. See Betzel Hachuchma 5:41.</ref>

==Medicine after Candle Lighting before [[Kiddush]] ==
==Taking Medicine on Shabbos ==
# One is permitted to drink water while taking a pill on [[Shabbos]] after candle lighting before [[Kiddush]].<ref>Refer to Minchas Yitzchok 8:18, Shevet Ha’kehusi 1:109, Nishmas [[Shabbos]] 2:9. </ref>
see [[Medicine on Shabbat]]
==Carrying a Pill==
# One who needs to carry a pill on [[Shabbos]] in a place which does not have an eiruv should ask his Rav before doing so.<ref>Refer to Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:7, Tzitz Eliezer 13:34. </ref>
==Cutting Pills on Shabbos==
# One is permitted to cut a tablet in half on [[Shabbos]], and there is no concern of "mechatech" (cutting) on [[Shabbos]].<ref>Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 33:4, Shulchan Shlomo 314:13:3, Avnei Yushfei 4:58 quoting the opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita. Refer to ibid:footnote 30 for the reason. </ref>
==Taking Medicine on Shabbos <ref> The same halacha applies to the first day of [[Yom Tov]] (Refer to Magen Avraham 532:2, Chai Adom 23:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 98:33, Mishnah Berurah 532:5, [[Yom Tov]] Shenei K’hilchoso 1:22, Nishmas Avraham 1:pages 275-276) and both days of [[Rosh Hashana]]h (Nishmas Avraham 1:600:1, see Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchoso 31:28, [[Yom Tov]] Shenei K’hilchoso 1:22:footnote 76, Shevet Ha’kehusi 1:156 ) </ref> ==
# There are different categories of people who may not feel well on [[Shabbos]]. We will only deal with the category of people who do not feel well on [[Shabbos]], but are not in danger (sakana). One who may have a headache or a runny nose (slight discomfort) is not permitted to take medication.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 328:1, see Nishmas Avraham 1:328:page 163. </ref>
# Chazal made a gezeirah that one is not allowed to take medications on [[Shabbos]] because one may come to grind it which is forbidden because of tochain.<ref>Refer to Mesechtas [[Shabbos]] 52b, Tur O.C. 328, Shulchan Aruch 328:1. In regard to taking mouthwash on [[Shabbos]] see Be’er Moshe 1:page 78, Rivevos Ephraim 2:page 192:23, 3:536:6, 4:97:5, 6:195,  Nishmas [[Shabbos]] 5:318, Cheshev Ha’efod 2:59. Refer to Shevet Ha’kehusi 2:151 if one recited a beracha on medicine on [[Shabbos]] and then realized he is not allowed to take it. In regard to the idea that today may be different because we do not crush medicine in our homes but only in a pharmacy etc see Ketzos Ha’shulchan 134:badi 7:2, Tzitz Eliezer 8:15:15:1,4. </ref>
# Many times one is prescribed medication for more than a week's time for a slight ailment in which case he would have to take the medicine on [[Shabbos]] as well. The question is if one is permitted to take his medication even on [[Shabbos]]? The opinion of many poskim is that when one is prescribed medication for more than a week's time one is permitted to continue taking it on [[Shabbos]] as well, even if he would otherwise not be permitted to take medicine on [[Shabbos]].<ref>Refer to Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 34:footnote 76, chelek 3:34:footnote 76, Da’as Chazzon Ish 7:19, Dinim V’hanhugos Chazzon Ish 15:1, Shulchan Shlomo 328:59, Be’er Moshe 1:33:8, 4:31, Avnei Yushfei 1:90:3, Rivevos Ephraim 3:227, 4:97:54, 5:202, Oz Nedberu 1:31:5, 4:24, Tzitz Eliezer 8:15:15:17:pages 147-148. Refer to Rivevos Ephraim 1:222:10 in regard to taking a suppository on [[Shabbos]]. </ref>  Others are more lenient and permit one to take the medication on [[Shabbos]] even if he started taking the medication a day or two prior to [[Shabbos]].<ref>Refer to Kovetz Teshuvos (Harav Elyashiv Shlita) 1:40:2, Chut Shuni 4:page 153. </ref> The opinion of Harav Moshe Feinstein zt"l<ref>Igros Moshe O.C. 3:53.  Refer to Da’as Torah 328:37 who is stringent. </ref> is to be stringent with this and he does not permit the taking of any medications in the aforementioned situation (unless one is in danger).
# The halacha is that a food which is not necessarily meant for [[refuah]], but is taken by healthy people may be consumed on [[Shabbos]] by a person who has a slight ailment.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 328:37, Aruch Ha’shulchan 48. Refer to Mishnah Berurah 117-118. See Ketzos Ha’shulchan 134:16:pages 31-32 in depth on what constitutes a health persons food. </ref> Many poskim are of the opinion that Tylenol® and other aspirin should not be taken even though healthy people may take them as well.<ref>Minchas Yitzchok 3:35:2, Be’er Moshe 1:33:5, 2:32, 6:39, Shraga Hameir 2:40, Refuas Yisroel page 16:footnote 42. Refer to Divrei Chachumim pages 137-138:389 who quotes a lenient opinion. </ref> However, if one is in great pain then taking them is permitted.<ref>Minchas Yitzchok ibid, Be’er Moshe ibid, Refuas Yisroel page 16:footnote 42. </ref>
# Some say that a multi-vitamin that one takes everyday is permitted since it is a food and not a [[refuah]].<ref>Opinion of Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l quoted in Divrei Chachumim page 137:footnote 389, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 34:footnote 85. In regard to regular vitamins see Divrei Chachumim pages 137-138, Igros Moshe O.C. 3:54, Nishmas Avraham 1:328:pages 212-213, Shulchan Shlomo 328:58, Tzitz Eliezer 14:50, Oz Nedberu 6:72, Be’er Moshe 1:33, Shalmei Yehuda 10:footnote 51. In regard to the [[muktzah]] status of pills and other medications see Minchas [[Shabbos]] 88:footnote 77, Har Tzvi tal harim tochain 2, Shalmei Yehuda 10:15:footnote 46, Zera Yaakov 13:page 153, Nachlas Yisroel pages 633-650 in depth, Shulchan Shlomo 318:7:2:page 298, Ohr Yisroel 6:pages 17-20, Aruch Ha’shulchan 308:59, Bais Avi 3:52, Avnei Yushfei 5:62. see also [[ Halacha Yomit]] </ref>
==Ripping the Packaging of a Medicine==
# According to the opinion of some poskim, on [[Shabbos]] one should rip the wrapping around a medication by destroying it and making it useless.<ref>Nishmas Avraham 1:340:5:page 245. </ref>

==Taking Pills on a Fast Day ==
==Taking Pills on a Fast Day ==
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==The Gelatin has changed ==
==The Gelatin has changed ==
# The Mishnah Berurah<ref>O.C. 216:7, see Magen Avraham 3. See OU document P-86 who says that fermentations are not considered kitniyos sh’nishtana. </ref> and others<ref>Shiurei Knesses Hagedolah 216:7, Rosh (Teshuvos) klal 24:6, Buei Chai Y.D. 103. </ref> say regarding "musk," which is a byproduct of blood that is found in the neck of a deer, we can consider it "changed," since the blood is turned into a new entity. Many poskim follow this opinion.<ref>Refer to Rosh Mesechtas Berochos 6:38, Mishnah Berurah ibid. Refer to Magen Avraham O.C. 216:3, Taz 2. </ref> Using the same line of reasoning, some poskim permit the use of [[gelatin]] since it is totally changed from it original state.<ref>Refer to Yabia Omer Y.D. 8:11:15, Tzitz Eliezer’s opinion expressed in the introduction to volume 4, see Melamed L’hoyel 2:35. </ref> Others are not convinced that one can draw a parallel between musk and [[gelatin]].<ref>Refer to Achi Ezer 3:33:5, Tzitz Eliezer ibid quoting the opinion of Harav Yecheskel Abramsky zt”l, opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Yeishiv Moshe page 165. </ref>
# The Mishna Brurah<ref>O.C. 216:7, see Magen Avraham 3. See OU document P-86 who says that fermentations are not considered kitniyos sh’nishtana. </ref> and others<ref>Shiurei Knesses Hagedolah 216:7, Rosh (Teshuvos) klal 24:6, Buei Chai Y.D. 103. </ref> say regarding "musk," which is a byproduct of blood that is found in the neck of a deer, we can consider it "changed," since the blood is turned into a new entity. Many poskim follow this opinion.<ref>Refer to Rosh Mesechtas Berochos 6:38, Mishna Brurah {{ibid}}. Refer to Magen Avraham O.C. 216:3, Taz 2. </ref> Using the same line of reasoning, some poskim permit the use of [[gelatin]] since it is totally changed from it original state.<ref>Refer to Yabia Omer Y.D. 8:11:15, Tzitz Eliezer’s opinion expressed in the introduction to volume 4, see Melamed L’hoyel 2:35. </ref> Others are not convinced that one can draw a parallel between musk and [[gelatin]].<ref>Refer to Achi Ezer 3:33:5, Tzitz Eliezer {{ibid}} quoting the opinion of Harav Yecheskel Abramsky zt”l, opinion of Harav Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Yeishiv Moshe page 165. </ref>

==Dried out Stomach / Gelatin ==
==Dried out Stomach / Gelatin ==
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==Gel Caps - Not in the Normal Manner==
==Gel Caps - Not in the Normal Manner==
# One who is sick is permitted to eat a non-kosher food (which is normally ossur b'achilah) in an unusual manner.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 155:3, Shach 14, Mishnah Berurah O.C. 466:1. An example of this is giving someone non-kosher food through intravenous. </ref> Based on this, the opinion of some poskim is that swallowing a pill made from a [[gelatin]] coating is permitted, since it is for a <u>sick person</u> and it is not the usual manner of eating.<ref>Opinion of Harav Henkin zt”l quoted in Edos L’Yisroel page 132, opinion of Harav Shachter Shlita as expressed in OU document I-97. He adds that the gel-caps have no taste to them and are nifsal from feeding to a dog. </ref> However, there are poskim who maintain that swallowing a pill is the regular manner of consumption.<ref>Refer to Nodeh B’Yehdua Y.D. 35, Pischei Teshuva Y.D. 155:6, Har Tzvi Y.D. 97, opinions of Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l and Harav Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Medicines and Kashrus page 57:footnote 17, Yeishiv Moshe page 165, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:footnote 169, Halichos Shlomo Moadim ([[Pesach]]) 1:page 69. This is the opinion of Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita quoting the opinion of Harav Henkin zt”l, see </ref> Others are lenient and maintain that swallowing a pill is considered an unusual manner.<ref>Halichos Shlomo 1:17:1 (although he is quoted in the footnote above as saying otherwise), see Toras Chaim (Chullin 120) who is lenient</ref> In addition, even those who are stringent by [[gelatin]], it would not apply to medicines. However, according to the stringent opinion above regarding [[gelatin]], one who only has a headache<ref>Refer to Halichos Shlomo Moadim ([[Pesach]]) pages 71-72 who is unsure if this should be permitted with a slight pain. See Minchas Shlomo 1:17:3. </ref> or slight discomfort<ref>This does not apply to one who is bedridden (Halichos Shlomo Moadim [[Pesach]]) pages 71-72:8. The Shach 13 says this heter of the Rama is even for a healthy person. See Mishnah L’melech Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah 5:8 in depth, Zera Emes 2:48. Refer to Pri Megadim M.Z. O.C. 328:11, Shagas Aryeh 74, Binas Adom 52:page 86, Shevet Ha’Levi 7:135 who argue. Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita maintains if one has a headache he should not swallow gel-caps without wrapping it in a tissue. </ref> should take a pill which has no [[gelatin]] or wrap the gel-cap in a tissue (in the next issue we will iy"h continue our discussion on gel-caps).<ref>Refer to Mesora 14:page 92. Others say the custom is to be lenient with one who has even a headache (Chai Ha’Levi 3:111:2). </ref>
# One who is sick is permitted to eat a non-kosher food (which is normally ossur b'achilah) in an unusual manner.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 155:3, Shach 14, Mishna Brurah O.C. 466:1. An example of this is giving someone non-kosher food through intravenous. </ref> Based on this, the opinion of some poskim is that swallowing a pill made from a [[gelatin]] coating is permitted, since it is for a <u>sick person</u> and it is not the usual manner of eating.<ref>Opinion of Harav Henkin zt”l quoted in Edos L’Yisroel page 132, opinion of Harav Shachter Shlita as expressed in OU document I-97. He adds that the gel-caps have no taste to them and are nifsal from feeding to a dog. [ Rav Schachter (Brachot Shiur 73 min 18-30)] ruled that strictly speaking it is permitted to take non-kosher pills. If kosher ones are available he should get those to avoid the spiritual determinants of non-kosher like Rama about sucking non-kosher milk. He explained that certainly if a person is a choleh shein bo sakana it is permitted since it is shelo kderech achilato. But furthermore, the gelatin pills are permitted since it is nifsal machila and even if it is reconstituted it isn’t considered non-kosher (Chavot Daat YD 103). There's no achshevei since it is eaten in a reconstituted form and not when it is mixed with other ingredients (Rav Chaim Ozer 3:31). That's in Rav Schachter's opinion why Rav Soloveitchik was lenient to take non-kosher pills. Also, [ Rabbi Yitzchak Abadi in Or Yitzchak 1:24] permits all medicines that are bitter or don't have a taste since they aren't food and are considered nifsal machila.
* See Yachava Daat 2:60 who assumes it is shelo kderech achilato if it doesn't taste good and not nifsal machila.
* [ Rav Belsky] held that hard capsules can be eaten by a choleh and the soft capsules can be eaten in a tissue paper. This is only when there are no alternatives.</ref> However, there are poskim who maintain that swallowing a pill is the regular manner of consumption.<ref>Refer to Nodeh B’Yehuda Y.D. 35, Pischei Teshuva Y.D. 155:6, Har Tzvi Y.D. 97, opinions of Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l and Harav Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Medicines and Kashrus page 57:footnote 17, Yeishiv Moshe page 165, Shemiras [[Shabbos]] K’hilchoso 40:footnote 169, Halichos Shlomo Moadim ([[Pesach]]) 1:page 69. This is the opinion of Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita quoting the opinion of Harav Henkin zt”l, see </ref> Others are lenient and maintain that swallowing a pill is considered an unusual manner.<ref>Halichos Shlomo 1:17:1 (although he is quoted in the footnote above as saying otherwise), see Toras Chaim (Chullin 120) who is lenient</ref> In addition, even those who are stringent by [[gelatin]], it would not apply to medicines. However, according to the stringent opinion above regarding [[gelatin]], one who only has a headache<ref>Refer to Halichos Shlomo Moadim ([[Pesach]]) pages 71-72 who is unsure if this should be permitted with a slight pain. See Minchas Shlomo 1:17:3. </ref> or slight discomfort<ref>This does not apply to one who is bedridden (Halichos Shlomo Moadim [[Pesach]]) pages 71-72:8. The Shach 13 says this heter of the Rama is even for a healthy person. See Mishnah L’melech Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah 5:8 in depth, Zera Emes 2:48. Refer to Pri Megadim M.Z. O.C. 328:11, Shagas Aryeh 74, Binas Adom 52:page 86, Shevet Ha’Levi 7:135 who argue. Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlita maintains if one has a headache he should not swallow gel-caps without wrapping it in a tissue. </ref> should take a pill which has no [[gelatin]] or wrap the gel-cap in a tissue.<ref>Refer to Mesora 14:page 92. Others say the custom is to be lenient with one who has even a headache (Chai Ha’Levi 3:111:2). </ref>
==Children's Medication==
# Children's medicine liquid medicine are generally sweet. If it contains glycerin and one doesn't have information that it is the kosher type of glycerin one shouldn't use the medicine until one first dilutes it 12 ml of another food to 1 ml of medicine.<ref>Rabbi Dovid Heber in [ Kosher Kurrents 2005] wrote that glycerin in medicines is a safek deoritta since much of it is made from animals even though some of it is made from plants. However, since it is only a safek it is permitted to mevatel it. One can do so if one dilutes the medicine 1 to 12 of another food without lossing the potency of the medicine. See Mesorah Journal v. 7 pp. 91-97 by Rabbi Dovid Heber for a potential justification of giving medicines to children even if there are non-kosher ingredients. His argument is as follows: Feeding an isur derabbanan to a child is a machloket rashba and rambam (Bet Yosef OC 343). It might only be an isur derabbanan if it is a chatzi shiur in a tarovet. Also the isur is only a safek isur. Therefore, possibly there's a safek safeka, safek if it is a muter glycerin and if it is asur perhaps it is derabbanan (chatzi shiur btarovet). On the rabbinic level it is muter since it is a safek derabbanan. Additionally, a child is a choleh for whom some allow feeding a derabbanan isur. Either way it is a leniency based on complex factors.
* [רפואות-שנתערבו-בהם-גליצערי-ן/ Rabbi Daniel Stein] in an article permits children medicines with glycerins for a number of reasons: 1) If the taste is bad even though there's other flavors added and it leaves a bad aftertaste perhaps that's considered nifsal machila. It seems difficult because donkey urine, ear wax, and mucus aren't considered nifsal machila (RSZA in Minchat Shlomo 1:17, Halichot Shlomo Nissan ch. 4 Dvar Halacha 9 p. 72). 2) Though it might be shelo kderech achila since it isn't taste good. Then for a sick person it is muter. 3) They're safek made from plants. 4) Isur Shenishtana since it changed from the taste and look from animal fat. 5) Maybe made inedible in the processing. 6) If its taste is masked by the other flavors you only need bitul brov since it doesn't have any taam and we can use kefilah. 7) It is only chatzi shiur of isur in a taarovet and for a sick person perhaps it is muter. He quotes Rav Schachter and Rav Willig as agreeing with him.</ref> However, the [ Star-K has an updated list] of kosher children's medicines which as of December 2018 includes Infant and Children's Advil and Tylenol. See [ here] for more brands or medicines.
==Toothpaste and Mouthwash==
# There are ingredients in some toothpaste which are non-kosher animal products such as glycerin. Nonetheless, many poskim are lenient to allow a person to use such toothpastes since the non-kosher ingredients are inedible, mixed with kosher ingredients, and a person doesn't intend to eat the toothpaste but rather to brush with it, which is the halachic equivalent of tasting.<ref>Har Tzvi 95 was lenient with non-kosher toothpastes because the ingredients were processed so that they were inedible, they were mixed with kosher ingredients, and also a person is justing tasting the toothpaste and spitting it out. [] quotes Ama Dvar p. 155 quoting Rav Mordechai Eliyahu who agreed. They also quote Mishneh Halachot 9:153 who disagreed. [ OU] wrote that some rabbis don't feel one can rely on the Har Tzvi today since the toothpastes have a good taste. But others still rely on the Har Tzvi. They cited Rav Henkin responsa 75 who mostly agreed with the Har Tzvi but wouldn't be lenient with toothpastes with glycerin.</ref>
# Some say that one shouldn't use mouthwash with glycerin in it since one might swallow some and glycerin can be made from teref animals.<ref>Rav Belsky (cited in article "Kashrut Rulings From Rabbi Belsky ZT"L" p. 37) held that since sometimes a person swallows some mouthwash it is forbidden to use it if there's an ingredient in it that isn't kosher such as glycerin (similar to Taz 98:2). He didn't consider mouthwash to be considered inedible.</ref> Others are lenient but still recommend getting a kosher one if available. See [ CRC's list] for recommended mouthwashes and toothpastes.<ref> [,Answer%3A,not%20require%20a%20kosher%20symbol. The OK] is lenient on mouthwash and lipstick since they are not consumed. [ CRC] quotes Rav Gedalya Dov Schwartz as holding that mouthwash doesn't need a hechsher but it is preferable to get one if it is possible. [ Rav Jachter] quotes Rav Schachter as holding that mouthwash is considered inedible and therefore permitted even without a hechsher.</ref>
# Special thanks to Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits Rabbinical Administrator for KOF-K Kosher Supervision and author of Halachically Speaking for this article. To reach the author please email
# Special thanks to Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits Rabbinical Administrator for KOF-K Kosher Supervision and author of Halachically Speaking for this article. To reach the author please email
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