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# If a person who does maintenance on air conditioning units and is asked to fix one in a church and if he doesn't do so would lose a significant amount of money should not enter a church. He can hire a non-Jew to hire another non-Jew to enter in order to fix it.<ref>[]. Rav Ovadia's footnotes printed in the new edition of Yabia Omer YD 2:11 makes this same point as well.</ref>
# If a person who does maintenance on air conditioning units and is asked to fix one in a church and if he doesn't do so would lose a significant amount of money should not enter a church. He can hire a non-Jew to hire another non-Jew to enter in order to fix it.<ref>[]. Rav Ovadia's footnotes printed in the new edition of Yabia Omer YD 2:11 makes this same point as well.</ref>
# It is permitted to enter a church to save one's life.<Ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 157:3 following the Rosh as opposed to the Rashba.</ref>
# It is permitted to enter a church to save one's life.<Ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 157:3 following the Rosh as opposed to the Rashba.</ref>
# Some say that it is permitted to pray in a non-denominational prayer room.<ref> argues that just like it is forbidden to enter a church it is forbidden to enter a non-denominational prayer room and the entire concept of having such a room is against the first two dibrot that religions are exclusive. Rav Moshe Feinstein in Mesoret Moshe v. 1 p. 46 is quoted by Rav Elimelech Bluth that it is permitted to pray in a non-denominational prayer room since it isn't designated for Christians specifically.</ref>
# Some say that it is permitted to pray in a non-denominational prayer room.<ref>Shevet Hakehati 6:83 forbids davening in an interfaith chapel in an airport. His proof is from Biur Halacha 154:11 s.v. nerot that once the place is used for avoda zara it may not be used for davening to Hashem. Also, argues that just like it is forbidden to enter a church it is forbidden to enter a non-denominational prayer room and the entire concept of having such a room is against the first two dibrot that religions are exclusive. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein in Mesoret Moshe v. 1 p. 46 is quoted by Rav Elimelech Bluth that it is permitted to pray in a non-denominational prayer room since it isn't designated for Christians specifically.</ref>
# It is permitted to sit or walk in the shade of a church.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:10 writes that it is permitted to walk in the shade of a building of avoda zara but not inside or near the entrance. The Shach 142:22 explains that the building wasn't made for shade on the outside of the building so it is permitted. Shach adds that even sitting in the shade of a church is permitted.</ref>
# It is permitted to sit or walk in the shade of a church.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:10 writes that it is permitted to walk in the shade of a building of avoda zara but not inside or near the entrance. The Shach 142:22 explains that the building wasn't made for shade on the outside of the building so it is permitted. Shach adds that even sitting in the shade of a church is permitted.</ref>
==Benefitting from Avoda Zara==
# It is forbidden to look at a beautiful Avoda Zara or even artwork or decorations of Avoda Zara.<ref>Rabbenu Yerucham 17:5, Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:15</ref> Religious artwork which is not meant to decorate an avoda zara and is not served is not forbidden from benefit and can be looked at.<Ref>Shach 142:33</ref>
# It is forbidden to listen to musical instruments that are used to play for religious Avoda Zara services<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:15</ref> or even people singing songs in honors of avoda zara.<ref>Bet Hillel 142:2 based on Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:15</ref>
# It is permitted to walk in a place that one might see artwork for the avoda zara or hear songs for the avoda zara as long as one doesn't intend to benefit.<ref>Pesachim 25b, Rama Y.D. 142:15. Shach 142:34 adds that if it is a pesik reisha and inevitable that he will benefit from the sights or songs it is forbidden to go. Since it is possible to close one's eyes and ears it is not a pesik reisha. This is the opinion of Tosfot and Rosh, however, Ran Chullin 32a s.v. abaye that there is no concept of pesik reisha when discussing benefitting from something forbidden. If one intends to benefit it is forbidden, and if not it is permitted.</ref>
#It is forbidden to play music in front of avoda zara even if one is hired and paid for it.<ref>Darkei Teshuva 142:29 citing Chaim Byad 28</ref>
# It is forbidden to sit in the shade of avoda zara. If one is walking without intending to benefit from the shade it is permissible to pass by in the shade.<ref>Ran Avoda Zara 21a cited by Bet Yosef, Rama Y.D. 142:9</ref>
#It is forbidden to look at icons of avoda zara.<ref>Rivevot Efraim 3:497 based on Zohar 3:84 and Vayikra 19:4. He ponders whether it is permitted even to look at a picture of an icon of avoda zara found in a history book or encyclopedia.</ref>
#It is forbidden to look at icons of avoda zara.<ref>Rivevot Efraim 3:497 based on Zohar 3:84 and Vayikra 19:4. He ponders whether it is permitted even to look at a picture of an icon of avoda zara found in a history book or encyclopedia.</ref>
# It is forbidden to look at and benefit from anything artistic or decorative that is meant to beatify avoda zara. If a person is passing by such art or decorations and one does not intend to look to benefit from it he may pass that way.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:15, Shach 142:34</ref> Some say that he needs to actually close his eyes while walking there.<ref>Chachmat Adam 84:16 understands the Rosh Pesachim 2:2 to mean that indeed the person needs to actually close his eyes from seeing the decorations of avoda zara since otherwise it is a pesik reisha that he'll benefit from it. Halichot Shlomo (Nissan 14:12 p. 80) favors this approach rather than that of the Chafetz Chaim (Lashon Hara 6:14) who permits leaving one's eyes open.</ref>
# It is forbidden to look at and benefit from anything artistic or decorative that is meant to beatify avoda zara. If a person is passing by such art or decorations and one does not intend to look to benefit from it he may pass that way.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 142:15, Shach 142:34</ref> Some say that he needs to actually close his eyes while walking there.<ref>Chachmat Adam 84:16 understands the Rosh Pesachim 2:2 to mean that indeed the person needs to actually close his eyes from seeing the decorations of avoda zara since otherwise it is a pesik reisha that he'll benefit from it. Halichot Shlomo (Nissan 14:12 p. 80) favors this approach rather than that of the [ Chafetz Chaim (Lashon Hara 6:14)] who permits leaving one's eyes open. Moadim Uzmanim 7:204 questions the Chafetz Chaim but has another approach to be lenient for other prohibitions besides avoda zara. See Shalmei Chayim Pesachim ch. 9 who explains this Chafetz Chaim. See Ritva Yoma 39a s.v. vim and Tosfot Yeshanim Yoma 39a s.v. hanashim who quote a dispute that seems to be relevant to this question.</ref>
==Related Links==
* [ Rabbi Ezra Schwartz on]

==To Save Your Life==
==To Save Your Life==
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See further [[Violating_Torah_to_Save_Your_Life#The_Big_Three]].
See further [[Violating_Torah_to_Save_Your_Life#The_Big_Three]].

==Using a Name of Avoda Zara==
#It is forbidden to use the name of an Avoda Zara whether there is or isn't a specific need.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 147:1. See Chavot Yair 1 hasaga 11-12</ref>
# It is permitted to use the name of a Saint or another person who was defied since it was originally a mundane name that was then used for Avoda Zara. However, it is only permitted to do so not the same way non-Jews call that individual, which ascribes that individual honor. For example, it is permitted to say Nicholas but not Saint Nicholas.<Ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 147:2 quoting Rabbenu Yerucham</ref> Practically, some poskim permit saying a place that begins San, Sao, or Saint since it refers to a place and not the Avoda Zara itself.<Ref>Rav Yakov Yisrael Fisher in Umka Dparsha 5770 p. 172 and Banei Banim 3:35:4</ref>
==Owning Symbols of Other Religions==
==Owning Symbols of Other Religions==
See [[Drawing_or_Sculpting_Forbidden_Images]]
See [[Drawing_or_Sculpting_Forbidden_Images]]
==Related Links==
* [ Rabbi Ezra Schwartz (Avoda Zara in the Western World) on]
[[Category:Avoda Zara]]
[[Category:Avoda Zara]]