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==Friday afternoon==
==Friday Afternoon==
# At [[Mincha]] on Friday there’s no [[Tachanun]] even if one prays [[Mincha]] Gedolah (six and a half hours). <Ref>S”A 267:1, Mishna Brurah 267:1 </ref>
# At [[Mincha]] on Friday, there’s no [[Tachanun]] even if one prays [[Mincha]] Gedolah (six and a half hours).<Ref>S”A 267:1, Mishna Brurah 267:1 </ref>
# If one has a meal after midday on Friday should say [[Shir HaMaalot]] and not [[Al Neharot Bavel]]. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 267:1 </ref> (but see [[Having a meal on Erev Shabbat]]; this may not be allowed)
# If one has a meal after midday on Friday should say [[Shir HaMaalot]] and not [[Al Neharot Bavel]].<Ref>Mishna Brurah 267:1 </ref> (But see [[Having a meal on Erev Shabbat]] regarding when this is allowed.)

==Kabbalat Shabbat==
==Kabbalat Shabbat==
# It is the minhag of klal Yisrael to say certain paragraphs of Tehillim and other tefillot to prepare for Shabbat. This is called Kabbalat Shabbat and an application of the mitzvah of honoring Shabbat.<ref>Rav Schachter ['oneg (Shabbat Shiur #37 min 8)] quoting Rav Soloveitchik</ref>
===Shir Hashirim===
===Shir Hashirim===
# Many sepharadim have the minhag to read the megilla of Shir Hashirim every Friday night.<ref> [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] see there for potential reasons and importance of reciting shir hashirim on Friday night.</ref>  
# Many Sephardim have the minhag to read the megilla of Shir Hashirim every Friday night.<ref> [ Rabbi Eli Mansour] see there for potential reasons and importance of reciting shir hashirim on Friday night.</ref>  
===Bameh Madlikin===
===Bameh Madlikin===
# The minhag is to say Bemeh Madlikin before [[Arvit]] on Friday night.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C .270:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 76:9</ref>
# The minhag is to say Bemeh Madlikin before [[Arvit]] on Friday night.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C .270:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 76:9</ref>
# Bemeh Madlikin isn't said if [[Yom Tov]] falls on Friday or [[Shabbat]] or on [[Shabbat]] [[Chol HaMoed]].<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 76:9</ref>Sephardim don't say Bemeh Madlikin on [[Shabbat]] [[Chanuka]], and if [[Yom Kippur]] falls out on [[Shabbat]]. <ref> Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (comments to Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 76:11)</ref>
# Bemeh Madlikin isn't said if [[Yom Tov]] falls on Friday or [[Shabbat]] or on [[Shabbat]] [[Chol HaMoed]].<ref>Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 76:9</ref> Sephardim don't say Bemeh Madlikin on [[Shabbat]] [[Chanuka]], and if [[Yom Kippur]] falls out on [[Shabbat]]. <ref> Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (comments to Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 76:11)</ref>
===Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat===
===Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat===
# The minhag is to say Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat and Hashem Melech at the end of Kabbalat Shabbat.<Ref>Rivevot Efraim 1:188 writes that saying Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat and Hashem Melech isn't found in the sources that describe kabbalat shabbat including Rav Moshe Kardevero, Yosef Ometz, and the Aruch Hashulchan. However, it is in the Siddur Yavetz. Sh"t Rambam (Blau n. 168) records a minhag to recite Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat Friday night and it sounds like it is said before [[Maariv]].</ref>
# The minhag is to say Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat and Hashem Melech at the end of Kabbalat Shabbat.<Ref>Rivevot Efraim 1:188 writes that saying Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat and Hashem Melech isn't found in the sources that describe kabbalat shabbat including Rav Moshe Kardevero, Yosef Ometz, and the Aruch Hashulchan. However, it is in the Siddur Yavetz. Sh"t Rambam (Blau n. 168) records a minhag to recite Mizmor Shir Lyom Hashabbat Friday night and it sounds like it is said before [[Maariv]].</ref>
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