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# It is good to recite one's bracha out loud, to enable others to respond [[Amen]]; however, this is not an obligation.<ref> Sh"t Rivivot Ephraim 1:39:2 </ref>
# It is good to recite one's bracha out loud, to enable others to respond [[Amen]]; however, this is not an obligation.<ref> Sh"t Rivivot Ephraim 1:39:2 </ref>
# Some say that one can interrupt between the brachot and the learning, but it is correct not to do so. So the practice is the say the Parshat [[Birkat Cohanim]] right after the brachot.<ref> Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 47:9. Tosfot Brachot 11b s.v. Shkevar in name of the Ri, Rabbenu Yonah 5b, and Mordechai 31 hold an interruption is not a problem. Rambam (as understood by Bet Yosef) holds one may not make an interruption. Magen Avraham 47:8 says that one can say these psukim even before daylight unlike the Maharshal who says one does not read psukim of [[Birkat Cohanim]] at night. </ref>
# Some say that one can interrupt between the brachot and the learning, but it is correct not to do so. So the practice is the say the Parshat [[Birkat Cohanim]] right after the brachot.<ref> Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 47:9. Tosfot Brachot 11b s.v. Shkevar in name of the Ri, Rabbenu Yonah 5b, and Mordechai 31 hold an interruption is not a problem. Rambam (as understood by Bet Yosef) holds one may not make an interruption. Magen Avraham 47:8 says that one can say these psukim even before daylight unlike the Maharshal who says one does not read psukim of [[Birkat Cohanim]] at night. </ref>
# The order of the brachot isn't critical. If someone recite the bracha of Asher Bachar Banu first, they can just recite the other brachot afterwards.<ref>Siach Tefillah p. 323</ref>

==Interruptions That Would Require New Brachot==
==Interruptions That Would Require New Brachot==
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