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# Pipes which have a receptacle of any size create sheuvim and invalidate a mikveh.<ref>The Mishna Mikvaot 4:3 establishes that a pipe which has a receptacle is invalid. If it made of earthenware it only creates sheuvim if it can hold a reviyit of water but if it is wood any amount is sufficient. Rosh Mikvaot n. 6, Rambam Mikvaot 6:6, Tur and Shulchan Aruch YD 201:36 codify this.</ref>
# Pipes which have a receptacle of any size create sheuvim and invalidate a mikveh.<ref>The Mishna Mikvaot 4:3 establishes that a pipe which has a receptacle is invalid. If it made of earthenware it only creates sheuvim if it can hold a reviyit of water but if it is wood any amount is sufficient. Rosh Mikvaot n. 6, Rambam Mikvaot 6:6, Tur and Shulchan Aruch YD 201:36 codify this.</ref>
# Pipes which didn’t have any receptacle when it was detached from the ground and after it was attached a receptacle is created is valid, but if the receptacle is created before it is attached it is invalid.<Ref>Gemara Bava Batra 66a establishes that a stone isn’t considered a vessel unless it has a receptacle. If that receptacle was created only after it was attached to the ground it isn’t considered a vessel with respect to that it doesn’t create drawn water. Ran and Ramban Bava Batra 65b, Rosh Mikvaot n. 6, Rambam Mikvaot 6:6, Tur and Shulchan Aruch 201:36, and Shach 201:21 codify this distinction.</ref>
# Pipes which didn’t have any receptacle when it was detached from the ground and after it was attached a receptacle is created is valid, but if the receptacle is created before it is attached it is invalid.<Ref>Gemara Bava Batra 66a establishes that a stone isn’t considered a vessel unless it has a receptacle. If that receptacle was created only after it was attached to the ground it isn’t considered a vessel with respect to that it doesn’t create drawn water. Ran and Ramban Bava Batra 65b, Rosh Mikvaot n. 6, Rambam Mikvaot 6:6, Tur and Shulchan Aruch 201:36, and Shach 201:21 codify this distinction.</ref>
# Pipes which widen and thin out in order to manipulate the water pressure and speed don’t invalidate the mikveh as the receptacle wasn’t made to hold water.<ref>Mishna Mikvaot 4:3 establishes that a pipe which has a thin part and widens doesn’t create sheuvim since it wasn’t made to hold water but just to manage the water pressure. Rambam Mikvaot 6:2 accepts this. Even though the Raavad 8:7 disagrees with the Rambam about bent pipes regarding the pipe that widens he doesn’t disagree with the Rambam. Divrei Chaim 201:33 and Rav Chaim Mikvaot 6:4 make this point.</ref>
# Pipes which widen and thin out in order to manipulate the water pressure and speed don’t invalidate the mikveh as the receptacle wasn’t made to hold water.<ref>Mishna Mikvaot 4:3 establishes that a pipe which has a thin part and widens doesn’t create sheuvim since it wasn’t made to hold water but just to manage the water pressure. Rambam Mikvaot 6:2 codifies this Mishna. Even though the Raavad 8:7 disagrees with the Rambam about bent pipes regarding the pipe that widens he doesn’t disagree with the Rambam. Divrei Chaim 201:33 and Rav Chaim Mikvaot 6:4 note that even Raavad holds from this Mishna that a pipe used to create water pressure is not considered sheuvim. Raavad in a teshuva (Baalei Hanefesh p. 157 fnt. 31) writes that the Mishna is discussing a depression in the pipe and not a pipe that just widens on the sides. This is also evident from the picture of Rambam in Pirush Mishnayot. However, Gra (Eliyahu Rabba 4:3) explains the Mishna to be about a pipe that has no depression. Otherwise if there was a depression it automatically creates sheuvim.</ref>
# A bent pipe that could hold water is valid. There is a minority opinion that it is invalid. Some say that it is invalid only if the angle created is less than 90 degrees and water could be held in that bend, however, a bent pipe that is 90 degrees or more and just directs the water flow doesn’t create sheuvim. Others explain that according to the strict opinion any bent pipe is an issue even to direct water flow. A possible solution is to have one pipe flow into another pipe at an angle but not actually connect them and make them into one pipe.<ref>The Raavad Mikvaot 8:7 cites the Tosefta 5:4 that holds that bent pipes create sheuvim. He explains that even though they aren’t susceptible to tumah they nonetheless create sheuvim. Kesef Mishna (Mikvaot 8:7) disagrees because the bent pipes weren't made to hold water and shouldn't make sheuvim (Mishna Mikvaot 4:3). Rash (Mikvaot 6:8) and Meiri (Mikvaot 6:8) interpret the Tosefta to be discussing a case where the bend makes the pipe have a receptacle to hold water.
# A bent pipe that could hold water is valid. There is a minority opinion that it is invalid. Some say that it is invalid only if the angle created is less than 90 degrees and water could be held in that bend, however, a bent pipe that is 90 degrees or more and just directs the water flow doesn’t create sheuvim. Others explain that according to the strict opinion any bent pipe is an issue even to direct water flow. A possible solution is to have one pipe flow into another pipe at an angle but not actually connect them and make them into one pipe.<ref>The Raavad Mikvaot 8:7 cites the Tosefta 5:4 that holds that bent pipes create sheuvim. He explains that even though they aren’t susceptible to tumah they nonetheless create sheuvim. Kesef Mishna (Mikvaot 8:7) disagrees because the bent pipes weren't made to hold water and shouldn't make sheuvim (Mishna Mikvaot 4:3). Rash (Mikvaot 6:8) and Meiri (Mikvaot 6:8) interpret the Tosefta to be discussing a case where the bend makes the pipe have a receptacle to hold water.
*Do we hold like the Raavad? The Raavad isn’t quoted by the Shulchan Aruch, Rama, Shach, or Taz. Chelkat Binyamin 539 quotes the Bet Shlomo 2:66 who is strict.
*Do we hold like the Raavad? The Raavad isn’t quoted by the Shulchan Aruch, Rama, Shach, or Taz. Chelkat Binyamin 539 quotes the Bet Shlomo 2:66 who is strict.
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