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This dictionary is for commonly used words in a shiur that is mostly in English but includes a handful of Yeshivish, Yiddish, Hebrew, and Aramaic.

This dictionary is meant to be used as a quick reference to lookup the definitions of yeshivish terms as they would be used in a shiur, sefer, or article.
== Commonly used Yeshivish/Yiddish Words ==
; avada
: of course

<nowiki>==Yeshivish Terms==</nowiki>
; ayid
: a Jew

; azoy
: really, so-so (sometimes a question)

<nowiki>;</nowiki> al kol ponim
; bissel
: a little

<nowiki>:</nowiki> either way, from all perspectives
; eppes
: a little

<nowiki>;</nowiki> avada
; farfaln
: hopeless, irretrievable

<nowiki>:</nowiki> of course
; farlozich
: rely upon, rely on

<nowiki>;</nowiki> ayid
; ginoy
: sure (derived from genau, German meaning exactly)

<nowiki>:</nowiki> a Jew
; gishmak
: delicious

<nowiki>;</nowiki> azoy
; grada
: certainly, as a matter of fact

<nowiki>:</nowiki> really, so-so (sometimes a question)
; grossa
: large

<nowiki>;</nowiki> aderaba
; punkt
: precisely, exactly, so happens to be

<nowiki>:</nowiki> the opposite is true
; punkt farr kert
: just the opposite

<nowiki>;</nowiki> bisel
; shprach
: enhancement

<nowiki>:</nowiki> a little
; shtoch
: affront (usually used to describe when one opinion proved the other wrong)

<nowiki>;</nowiki> chashivus
; shtup
: stuff in (usually used to describe when an explanation that doesn't fit the words)

<nowiki>:</nowiki> immense
; shver
: difficult

<nowiki>;</nowiki> chaval
; taka
: really, (usually used as a confirmation of fact, but sometimes used in question form)

<nowiki>:</nowiki> a waste
; teitch
: translate

<nowiki>;</nowiki> chaval al deovdin
; vayter
: continue, let's move on

<nowiki>:</nowiki> we are saddened by the loss of a person/work
;verlassen sich
: leave one, rely on
: something (usually used to describe something popular)

<nowiki>;</nowiki> eppes
: to be

<nowiki>:</nowiki> a little
: for sure

<nowiki>;</nowiki> farfaln
== Commonly Used Hebrew Words ==

<nowiki>:</nowiki> hopeless, irretrievable
;al kol ponim
: either way, from all perspectives

<nowiki>;</nowiki> farlozich
: importance

<nowiki>:</nowiki> rely upon, rely on
;kol tov
: all the best

<nowiki>;</nowiki> ginoy
;lehavdil, lehavdil elef alfey havdalot
: to distinguish (usually used to say that this concept is very different)

<nowiki>:</nowiki> sure (derived from genau, German meaning exactly)
;lehavdil bein hachayim vehachayim
: to distinguish between the living and those who have passed

<nowiki>;</nowiki> gishmak
: in reality, practically speaking

<nowiki>:</nowiki> delicious
; lichoira
: theoretically

<nowiki>;</nowiki> grada
: actually, actual, in actuality

<nowiki>:</nowiki> certainly, as a matter of fact
; maskim
: agreed

<nowiki>;</nowiki> kol tov
: obvious

<nowiki>:</nowiki> all the best
: simple explanation

<nowiki>;</nowiki> lemaysa
== Commonly Used Aramaic Words ==

<nowiki>:</nowiki> in reality, practically speaking
: the opposite is true

<nowiki>;</nowiki> lichoira
;chaval al deovdin
: we are saddened by the loss of a person/work

<nowiki>:</nowiki> theoretically
;chaval al deovdin v'einan mishtakchin
: we are saddened by the loss of a person/work who are never forgotten

<nowiki>;</nowiki> mamesh
;kal vechomer
:fortiori, if the greater nuance is true certainly the lesser one is as well

<nowiki>:</nowiki> actually, actual, in actuality
; kol sheken
: fortiori, if the greater nuance is true certainly the lesser one is as well

<nowiki>;</nowiki> maskim
;mee heychi teytee
: from where do you know that? (usually used as a negation of a conjecture)

<nowiki>:</nowiki> agreed
; pshita
: obvious (usually used as a question)
<nowiki>;</nowiki> punkt
<nowiki>:</nowiki> precisely, exactly, so happens to be
<nowiki>;</nowiki> punkt farr kert
<nowiki>:</nowiki> just the opposite
<nowiki>;</nowiki> shprach
<nowiki>:</nowiki> enhancement
<nowiki>;</nowiki> shtoch
<nowiki>:</nowiki> affront (usually used to describe when one opinion proved the other wrong)
<nowiki>;</nowiki> shtup
<nowiki>:</nowiki> stuff in (usually used to describe when an explanation that doesn't fit the words)
<nowiki>;</nowiki> shver
<nowiki>:</nowiki> difficult
<nowiki>;</nowiki> taka
<nowiki>:</nowiki> really, (usually used as a confirmation of fact, but sometimes used in question form)
<nowiki>;</nowiki> vayter
<nowiki>:</nowiki> continue, let's move on
<nowiki>;</nowiki> verlassen sich
<nowiki>:</nowiki> leave one, rely on
<nowiki>;</nowiki> teitch
<nowiki>:</nowiki> translate
<nowiki>;</nowiki> tisch
<nowiki>:</nowiki>  table
<nowiki>;</nowiki> zach
<nowiki>:</nowiki> something (usually used to describe something cool or popular)
<nowiki>;</nowiki> zayn
<nowiki>:</nowiki>  to be
<nowiki>;</nowiki> zicher
<nowiki>:</nowiki> for sure
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