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===Tisha B'av that Falls Out on Thursday===
===Tisha B'av that Falls Out on Thursday===

#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, it is permitted to launder clothing, shave, take hair cuts, bathe, and shower immediately after Tisha B'av, even though it is before Chatzot on Friday, in honor of Shabbat.<ref>Mishna Brurah 558:3</ref>
#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, it is permitted to launder clothing, shave, take hair cuts, bathe, and shower immediately after Tisha B'av in honor of Shabbat.<ref>Magen Avraham 558:1, Mishna Brurah 558:3, Aruch Hashulchan 558:2, and Kaf Hachaim 558:6.</ref>
#In theory, it is even permitted Thursday night in honor of Shabbat, however, one can only shower or bathe in honor of Shabbat Thursday night if he isn't going to again shower or bathe before Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4. See Chazon Ovadia Arba Taniyot p. 417-8 who quotes many who are lenient even for Ashkenazim to shower or shave Friday morning or even immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday in honor of Shabbat. He cites Shelat Yavetz 1:96 who permits Thursday night and Eliya Rabba 559:31 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch who permit Friday morning. See further in Mechezeh Eliyahu 86, Lhorot Natan 2:38, and Moria 5729 Av p. 69.</ref>
#When Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday, one should not have meat or wine on Friday until Chatzot, like other years.<ref>Aruch Hashulchan 558:2, Chazon Ovadia (Arba Taniyot p. 419), and Piskei Teshuvot 558:4. Chazon Ovadia permits only for tasting the Shabbat food to check if it is prepared properly. Piskei Teshuvot fnt. 20 quotes Rabbi Levi Yitzchak from Barditchiv and Mechzeh Eliyahu who permitted even eating meat immediately after Tisha B'av when Tisha B'av falls out on Thursday.</ref>
#One shouldn't do laundry on Friday except for clothing that is needed for Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4</ref>
#Some poskim hold that one may only shower or bathe immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday if he's doing so to honor Shabbat. However, if he's going to shower or bathe again anyway before Shabbat then he may not shower or bathe immediately after Tisha B'av since that shower or bath isn't to honor Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4 quoting Az Nidbaru 8:40. See Chazon Ovadia (Arba Taniyot p. 417-8) who quotes many who are lenient even for Ashkenazim to shower or shave Friday morning or even immediately after Tisha B'av when it falls out on Thursday in honor of Shabbat. He cites Shelat Yavetz 1:96 who permits Thursday night and Eliya Rabba 559:31 and Kitzur Shulchan Aruch who permit Friday morning. See further in Mechezeh Eliyahu 86, Lhorot Natan 2:38, and Moria (5729 Av p. 69).</ref>
#One should not have meat or wine on Friday when it is the tenth of Av except for tasting the Shabbat food to check if it is prepared properly.<ref>Chazon Ovadia Arba Taniyot p. 419</ref>
#One shouldn't do laundry on Friday except for clothing that is needed for Shabbat.<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558:4</ref> Once he's running a load he can add more clothing even ones that aren't necessary for Shabbat.<Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 558 fnt. 19 quoting Shevet Hakehati 3:182</ref>

===Tisha B'av that Falls Out on Shabbat===
===Tisha B'av that Falls Out on Shabbat===
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