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The details of the bracha on grape juice and wine and how they can be diluted are discussed below.

#The Bracha on wine is [[HaGefen]]. <ref>Mishna [[Brachot]] 35a, Shulchan Aruch 202:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 49:1</ref>
#The Bracha on wine is [[HaGefen]].<ref>Mishna [[Brachot]] 35a, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 202:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 49:1</ref>
#The Bracha on grape juice is [[HaGefen]]. However, pasteurized grape juice made from grape juice is Shehakol and unfit for kiddush.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Minchat Shlomo 1:4 explains that really wine is only hagefen if it can be intoxicating as we see by the laws of Nesachim (and is understood from the pasuk Bamidbar 28:7). However, grape juice that was pasteurized and can't be intoxicating is nonetheless hagefen since the cooking is considered a positive change that leaves it as edible and not something that would remove its bracha. However, once the pasteurized grape juice is diluted it can't be hagefen since that’s not wine. The idea that diluted wine is still hagefen (Rama 204:5) only applies to wine which is intoxicating. He explains that the same should be true for kiddush that diluted pasteurized grape juice is unfit since it was changed by cooking and the dilution can’t grant it the status of reconstituted wine since diluting doesn’t make it as good as pure juice. Halichot Shlomo v. 2 p. 218 9:12 writes that Rav Shlomo Zalman had a doubt whether grape juice from concentrate is shehakol.</ref>
#The Bracha on grape juice, whether or not it is pasteurized, is [[HaGefen]]. Diluted pasteurized grape juice is Shehakol and unfit for kiddush.<ref>Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Minchat Shlomo 1:4 explains that really wine is only hagefen if it can be intoxicating as we see by the laws of Nesachim (and is understood from the pasuk Bamidbar 28:7). However, grape juice that was pasteurized and can't be intoxicating is nonetheless hagefen since the cooking is considered a positive change that leaves it as edible and not something that would remove its bracha. However, once the pasteurized grape juice is diluted it can't be hagefen since that’s not wine. The idea that diluted wine is still hagefen (Rama 204:5) only applies to wine which is intoxicating. He explains that the same should be true for kiddush that diluted pasteurized grape juice is unfit since it was changed by cooking and the dilution can’t grant it the status of reconstituted wine since diluting doesn’t make it as good as pure juice. Halichot Shlomo v. 2 p. 218 9:12 writes that Rav Shlomo Zalman had a doubt whether grape juice from concentrate is shehakol.</ref>
#If one wishes to mix grape juice with wine for kiddush, he may do so, even mixing 3 times more grape juice than wine.<ref>R. Elyashiv, Shevut Yitzchok 4., p. 128., quoted in Mishna Berura / Dirshu 272:6.</ref>
#If one wishes to mix grape juice with wine for kiddush, he may do so, even mixing 3 times more grape juice than wine.<ref>Rav Elyashiv (Shevut Yitzchok v. 4 p. 128 quoted in Dirshu 272:6).</ref>
#Grape juice from concentrate according to some poskim is hagefen<ref>The Laws of Brachos p. 316 concludes that one should recite hagefen on reconstituted grape juice but shouldn’t use it for kiddush.</ref>, while according to most other poskim the bracha is shehakol.<ref>Minchat Shlomo 1:4 concludes that diluted grape juice is shehakol. Or Letzion 2:20:21 writes that grape juice from concentrate is shehakol since once it is turned into a syrup it is no longer hagefen. Vezot Habracha p. 393 concludes that grape juice from concentrate or reconstituted is shehakol. He cites the Minchat Shlomo. The Halachos of Brachos p. 445 seems to agree.</ref>
#Grape juice from concentrate according to some poskim is hagefen<ref>The Laws of Brachos p. 316 concludes that one should recite hagefen on reconstituted grape juice but shouldn’t use it for kiddush.</ref>, while according to most other poskim the bracha is shehakol.<ref>Minchat Shlomo 1:4 concludes that diluted grape juice is shehakol. Or Letzion 2:20:21 writes that grape juice from concentrate is shehakol since once it is turned into a syrup it is no longer hagefen. Vezot Habracha p. 393 concludes that grape juice from concentrate or reconstituted is shehakol. He cites the Minchat Shlomo. The Halachos of Brachos p. 445 seems to agree.</ref>
#Diluted grape juice even with a little water according to some poskim is shehakol<ref>Minchat Shlomo 1:4. Vezot Habracha c. 12 p. 116 quotes that Rav Elyashiv agreed and explained that adding even a little water can make it shehakol. However, adding a few drops doesn't change the bracha.</ref>, while according to others is hagefen as long as the taste is still like regular grape juice excluding any added sugars or flavors.<ref>Or Letzion 2:20:18 writes that grape juice is like wine for dilution and is still hagefen as the taste didn't change without the aid of any added sugars or flavors.</ref>
#Diluted grape juice even with a little water according to some poskim is shehakol<ref>Minchat Shlomo 1:4. Vezot Habracha c. 12 p. 116 quotes that Rav Elyashiv agreed and explained that adding even a little water can make it shehakol. However, adding a few drops doesn't change the bracha.</ref>, while according to others is hagefen as long as the taste is still like regular grape juice excluding any added sugars or flavors.<ref>Or Letzion 2:20:18 writes that grape juice is like wine for dilution and is still hagefen as the taste didn't change without the aid of any added sugars or flavors.</ref>
#Diluted wine is hagefen according to Ashkenazim as long as it still has 16% of pure wine.<ref>Rama 204:5</ref> However, Sephardim hold that the bracha is shehakol unless there is a majority of undiluted wine.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 204:5, Kaf Hachaim 204:33 based on Pri Megadim E"A 16</ref>
#Diluted wine is hagefen according to Ashkenazim as long as it still has 16% of pure wine.<ref>Rama 204:5, Mishna Brurah 204:31-32</ref> However, Sephardim hold that the bracha is shehakol unless there is a majority of undiluted wine.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 204:5, Kaf Hachaim 204:33 based on Pri Megadim E"A 16</ref>

==Mevushal (Cooked Wine)==
==Mevushal (Cooked Wine)==
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