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# One should take the bottom Matzah and eat it together with Maror and dip it in Charoset and then wipe the Charoset off. <Ref>S”A 475:1, Mishna Brurah 475:17 </ref> Some say not to dip the Korech in Charoset. <Ref>Rama 475:1. Mishna Brurah 475:19 writes that most Achronim hold like S”A, however those who have the minhag should continue the minhag. </ref>
[[Korech]] is the eating of the [[Matzah]] with [[Maror]] (known as the Hillel Sandwich) on [[Pesach]] during the [[Seder]].<ref> [http://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/pesach_cdo/aid/1797/jewish/Korech.htm Chabad.org] </ref>
# One should not make a interruption not related to the mitzvot from the Bracha on Matzah until eating the Korech. <Ref>S”A 475:1 </ref> After the fact if one made an interruption one still doesn’t make a Bracha on Korech. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 475:24, Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:41 </ref>
# Sephardim should say the words “Zecher LeMikdash KeHillel”. <Ref>S”A 475:1, Buir Halacha 475:1 D”H VeOmer asks on the source for this practice and says that perhaps there’s no reason to say it but leaves it unresolved. However, Sh”t Yachava Daat 1:19 and Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:41 writes that this is the proper practice. </ref> Ashkenazim should say זֵכֶר לְמִקְדָּשׁ כְּהִלֵּל. כֵּן עָשָׂה הִלֵּל בִּזְמַן שבֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הָיָה קַיָים: הָיָה כּוֹרֵךְ מַצָּה וּמָרוֹר וְאוֹכֵל בְּיַחַד <ref>Mishna Brurah 475:21 </ref>
# One should eat the Korech while leaning. <Ref>S”A 475:1 </ref> If one didn’t lean and it’s difficult to repeat it one doesn’t have to. <Ref>Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:40, Mekor Chaim 475, S”A HaRav  </ref>

==What is Included?==
# One should take the bottom [[Matzah]] and eat it together with [[Maror]] and dip it in Charoset and then wipe the Charoset off. <Ref>S”A 475:1, Mishna Brurah 475:17, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour.
* '''Source:''' The Gemara in Pesachim 115a records a dispute about how the Mitzvot of [[Matzah]] and [[Maror]] were fulfilled in the times that the temple stood. Chachamim say each thing was eaten on its own. Hillel held that you should wrap them up together into a sandwich to fulfill the Pasuk in Bamidbar 9:11 ,עַל-מַצּוֹת וּמְרֹרִים, יֹאכְלֻהוּ. Rambam Hilchot Chametz U'[[Matzah]] 8:7-8 brings this down. According to Rashi and Rashbam Pesachim 115a this sandwich included the korban [[Pesach]]. The gemara concludes that since there is no ruling on who we should hold like, the practice is to recite the bracha on [[matza]] and eat the [[matza]], recite the beracha on [[maror]] and eat the [[maror]], and then eat them together without a beracha, as a zecher lamikdash kihillel. Shulchan Aruch 475:1 codifies this. Mishna Brurah 475:16-18
* '''Shaking off Charoset''': Shulchan Aruch mentions shaking off the Charoset with [[Maror]] but doesn't mention it with korech and this is the opinion that he quotes in Beit Yosef 475 "Vichen Katav" in the name of the Maharil. Mishna Brurah 475:17 quotes the Maamar Mordechai that one should shake it off. Kaf Hachayim 475:32 says if you want to eat the Korech without shaking it off that you can. Yalkut Yosef Moadim pg. 405 agrees, as does [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour.  </ref> Some say not to dip the Korech in Charoset at all.<ref>Rama 475:1. Tur 475 quotes the Raavya 525 that we shouldn't dip the Korech in the Charoset because we already fulfill the obligation to dip when we eat [[Maror]], and the Charoset which is optional nullifies the obligation to fulfill [[Matzah]] and [[Maror]] according to Hillel (This logic is also brought by Rabbeinu Yonah (seder [[pesach]] pg. 274). He adds that dipping here would be adding to the two dippings that we mention is Ma Nishtana. There is also no danger from the [[Maror]] because the [[Matzah]] nullifies the bitterness. Tur 475 quotes the Rosh Pesachim 10:27 that we should dip, and this is the opinion of the Or Zarua 2:256, and Haghot Maimoniyot Hilchot Chametz u'[[Matzah]] 8:7 as well. Mishna Brurah 475:19 writes that most Achronim hold like S”A, but those who have the Minhag should continue the Minhag. Chazon Ovadia 1: pg. 736 rejects the objections quoted in the Tur and concludes that we should dip in Charoset. </ref> If one forgot to dip in charoset, and finds it difficult to repeat, he may be lenient. Even then, however, one should eat at least a small quantity of [[Matza]] and [[Maror]] with Charoset <ref> Chazon Ovadia – Laws of [[Pesach]], pg. 101, Seder Hearuch pg. 528, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour.  </ref> 
#One should have a [[Kezayit]] of [[Matzah]] and of [[Maror]] for Korech.<ref> Mishna Brurah 475:16, Kaf Hachayim 475:30, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour, Sh”t Chazon Ovadia 1:42 all write that one should eat a [[kezayit]] of [[matza]] and a [[kezayit]] of [[maror]] in the korech. Shaagat Aryeh 100 says that according to the Rosh who says that you should only eat a [[Kezayit]] when you say a Bracha, then there would be no need for a [[Kezayit]] here. He concludes himself though that one should eat a [[Kezayit]]. </ref>
# One shouldn’t mix anything into the Korech besides the [[matza]], [[maror]], and charoset.<ref> Yalkut Yosef Moadim pg. 406, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour </ref>
==How to combine them==
#Some say that the [[Maror]] should be placed on top of the [[Matzah]]<ref> Moadim U'Zmanim Haggada page 107 because the Gemara says he wraps the [[Matzah]] and [[Maror]], not that he wraps one in the other. </ref>, some say to wrap the [[Matzah]] in [[Maror]]<ref> Rabbeinu Chananel Pesachim 115a, Sefer Hachinuch mitzva 21 </ref>, while some say to place the [[Maror]] between the [[Matzah|Matzot]].<ref> Aruch Hashulchan 475:7, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 119:7. </ref> All of these methods are valid.<ref> Haggadat Moadim U'Zmanim page 107, Kitzur S”A 119:7, Aruch Hashulchan 475:7, Seder Hearuch pg. 527. see Haggadat Moadim Uzmanim pg. 107 for other opinions. The Mishnat Yaakov 475 explains that the reason the custom changed from wrapping the [[Matzah]] in [[Maror]] to putting the [[Maror]] between the [[Matzah|Matzot]] is that people started to use horseradish for [[Maror]] instead of romaine lettuce. </ref>
==How to Eat?==
# One should not make a interruption that is unrelated to the Mitzvot from the time that he makes the [[Brachot]] on [[Matzah]] and [[Maror]] until eating the Korech. <Ref>S”A 475:1, Yalkut Yosef Moadim pg. 405, Tur 475 quoting the Sefer Hamanhig Hilchot [[Pesach]] 84. see [http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/723317/Rabbi_Zvi_Sobolofsky/Brocha_on_Korech Brocha on Korech] by Rav Zvi Sobolofsky, where he explains that the reason we don’t recite a beracha on korech in the first place is because we assume that the [[berachot]] for [[matza]] and [[maror]] separately cover it </ref> After the fact if one made an interruption one still doesn’t make a Bracha on Korech . <Ref> Mishna Brurah 475:24, Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:41, Yalkut Yosef Moadim pg. 405 </ref>
# One should eat the Korech while leaning. <Ref>S”A 475:1, , Ben Ish Chai Tzav:34, Kaf Hachaim 475:36, Mishna Brura 475:23, Chazon Ovadia [[Pesach]] 5763 pg. 100, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour </ref> If one didn’t lean and it’s difficult to repeat it one doesn’t have to. <Ref>Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:40, Kaf Hachaim 475:36, Mekor Chaim 475, S”A HaRav 475:20, Pri [[Chadash]] 475:1, [http://www.dailyhalacha.com/m/halacha.aspx?id=1411 Dailyhalacha] by Rabbi Eli Mansour </ref>
==What to Say==
# Sephardim should say the words “Zecher LeMikdash KeHillel." <Ref>S”A 475:1, Chazon Ovadia [[Pesach]] 5763 pg. 100, Darchei Moshe 475:3 quoting the Maharil. Beiur Halacha 475:1 s.v. VeOmer asks on the source for this practice, and says that perhaps there’s no reason. He also wonders why this is not considered a break, which the Shulchan Aruch writes one shouldn't have between the Hamotzi before the first [[Matzah]] eating and the Korech. He gives two potential answers to this. According to the first answer, really the Shulchan Aruch wasn't careful with the order he put it in, and one should really eat and then say it. The second answer is that we should change the language of the Shulchan Aruch and you're not really supposed to say it at all. He leaves both questions unresolved. However, Sh”t Yechave Daat 1:19 and Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:41 writes that this is the proper practice. Seder Hearuch pg. 528 and Piskei Teshuvot 475:6 say that even ashkenazim have the minhag to say it against the MB. Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik quoted in Harirei Kedem 2:93 explains that really Korech isn't part of the obligations of [[Matzah]] and [[Maror]] but is just an independent expression of remembering the temple and there would then be no problem of a break. He says though, that Rav Chaim Soloveitchik would not interrupt between Motzi [[Matzah]] and the [[Matzah]] of Afikoman in accordance with the ruling of the Shl"a. [http://koltorah.org/ravj/ZecherLemikdashKehillel.htm Rabbi Chaim Jachter] says that Rav Soloveitchik would recite it after eating Korech. </ref> Ashkenazim should say זֵכֶר לְמִקְדָּשׁ כְּהִלֵּל. כֵּן עָשָׂה הִלֵּל בִּזְמַן שבֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הָיָה קַיָים: הָיָה כּוֹרֵךְ מַצָּה וּמָרוֹר וְאוֹכֵל בְּיַחַד <ref>Mishna Brurah 475:21, Shulchan Aruch Harav 475:18.  </ref>
* [http://koltorah.org/ravj/ZecherLemikdashKehillel.htm Zecher Lemikdash Kehillel] by Rabbi Jachter
* [http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/733678 Korech: The Matzah and Maror Sandwich] by Rabbi Josh Flug

Revision as of 20:24, 4 April 2011

  1. One should take the bottom Matzah and eat it together with Maror and dip it in Charoset and then wipe the Charoset off. [1] Some say not to dip the Korech in Charoset. [2]
  2. One should not make a interruption not related to the mitzvot from the Bracha on Matzah until eating the Korech. [3] After the fact if one made an interruption one still doesn’t make a Bracha on Korech. [4]
  3. Sephardim should say the words “Zecher LeMikdash KeHillel”. [5] Ashkenazim should say זֵכֶר לְמִקְדָּשׁ כְּהִלֵּל. כֵּן עָשָׂה הִלֵּל בִּזְמַן שבֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הָיָה קַיָים: הָיָה כּוֹרֵךְ מַצָּה וּמָרוֹר וְאוֹכֵל בְּיַחַד [6]
  4. One should eat the Korech while leaning. [7] If one didn’t lean and it’s difficult to repeat it one doesn’t have to. [8]


  1. S”A 475:1, Mishna Brurah 475:17
  2. Rama 475:1. Mishna Brurah 475:19 writes that most Achronim hold like S”A, however those who have the minhag should continue the minhag.
  3. S”A 475:1
  4. Mishna Brurah 475:24, Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:41
  5. S”A 475:1, Buir Halacha 475:1 D”H VeOmer asks on the source for this practice and says that perhaps there’s no reason to say it but leaves it unresolved. However, Sh”t Yachava Daat 1:19 and Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:41 writes that this is the proper practice.
  6. Mishna Brurah 475:21
  7. S”A 475:1
  8. Sh”t Chazon Ovadyah 1:40, Mekor Chaim 475, S”A HaRav