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Being that a person's primary sustenance depends on bread,<ref>Devarim 8:3</ref> Chazal considered it to be of great importance. There are special laws pertaining to [[Brachot]] and respecting food that apply specifically to bread, as outlined below. Other related topics include [[Brachot on foods that are part of a meal]], [[Netilat Yadayim]], and [[Birkat HaMazon|Birkat Hamazon]].
Chazal considered bread to be a very important food as it is one of the primary sustenance of man. There are special laws in regards to [[Brachot]] and respecting food which are specific to bread, as outlined below. Other related topics include [[Brachot on foods that are part of a meal]], [[Netilat Yadayim]], and [[Birkat HaMazon]].

# There is no minimum requirement and one must make [[hamotzei]]. Even if one is eating less than a [[kezayit]] of bread, one recites Hamotzei.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 168:10, and 210:1 </ref> The amount of bread necessary in order to recite [[Netilat_Yadayim_for_a_meal|Netilat Yadayim]] and [[Birkat HaMazon|Birkat Hamazon]] are discussed in the articles about those topics.
# There is no minimum requirement and one must make [[Hamotzei]] even if one is eating less than a [[Kezayit]] of bread. <ref>S”A 168:10, 210:1 </ref> The amount of bread necessary in order to make [[Netilat_Yadayim_for_a_meal|Netilat Yadayim]] and [[Birkat HaMazon]] are discussed in the articles specific to those topics.  
# Bread of any size is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]], even if it is a crumb.<ref> Mishna Brurah 168:49 </ref>
# Bread of any size is [[HaMotzei]], even if it's crumbled into small pieces. <ref> Mishna Brurah 168:49 </ref>
# There's three ways that bread can cease to be bread and only require [[mezonot]]. The three ways include [[cooking]] bread, frying bread, and mixing it with a liquid, the details of which are delineated below.<ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 22, chapter 3) </ref>
# There's three ways that bread can loose it's status of bread and become a food which requires [[Mezonot]]. The three ways include [[cooking]] bread, frying bread, and mixing it with a liquid, the details of which are delineated below.<ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 22, chapter 3) </ref>

==Details in Making the Bracha==
==Details in Making the Beracha==

#As with any bracha, if others intend to fulfill their obligation (yotzei), they must intend to fulfill their obligation and respond [[Amen|Amen.]]<ref> Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:2 </ref> Additionally, the person [[making the Beracha|making the bracha]] should concentrate on the listeners' [[Amen]].<ref>Rama 167:2. Mishna Brurah 167:20 explains that this is based on the fact that the [[Amen]] response is part of the Beracha, and the Beracha is honored/made more important by having others respond [[Amen]], so it is proper for the Mevareich (person [[making the Beracha]]) to listen to the [[Amen]]. However, as the Be'ur Halacha shows, this requirement is extremely questionable. Either way, he quotes  Lechem Chamudos and Shiyarei Kenesses Hagedolah, who provide a practical reason for this in this context; since it is forbidden for one to break the bread until everyone finishes saying [[Amen]] it is important to listen to the amen. By concentrating in that case, the Mevareich will know when to break the bread. </ref>
#As with any Beracha, if others intend to be Yotzei, they must intend to be Yotzei and respond [[Amen]] <ref> Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:2 </ref>. Even the person [[making the Beracha]] should concentrate on the listeners' [[Amen]] (Rama 167:2) <ref> M.B: because responding [[Amen]] is part of the Beracha, and the Beracha is honored/made more important by having others respond [[Amen]], so it is proper for the Mevareich (person [[making the Beracha]]) to intend for the [[Amen]]. However, as the Be'ur Halacha shows, this requirement is extremely questionable. However, he does quote the Lechem Chamudos and Shiyarei Kenesses Hagedolah, who provide a practical reason for this: because it is forbidden for one to break the bread until everyone finishes saying [[Amen]]. By concentrating, then, the Mevareich will know when to break the bread </ref>.
#One must put a space between "lechem" and "min", when one says "hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz."<ref> Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:2. </ref> The same applies to any bracha where the letter at the end of one word is the same as the letter at the beginning of the next word.<ref> Mishna Brurah 167:21 </ref>
#One must put a space between "lechem" and "min", when one says "hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz" <ref> Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:3. </ref>. The same applies to any Beracha where the letter at the end of one word is the same as the letter at the beginning of the next word <ref> MB Ibid </ref>.
#One should grasp the bread with both hands and all 10 fingers, corresponding to several symbolisms associated with the number 10, such as the number of words in the bracha hamotzei or aynei kol eylecha.<ref> Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:4 </ref>.
#One should grasp the bread with both hands and all 10 fingers, corresponding to several symbolisms associated with the number 10 <ref> Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:4 </ref>.
# It is proper to ask permission from the others at the table before making hamotzei with the words "birshut mori v'robotay". Even if one is the household owner it is still a sign of humility to do such.<ref>Rama 167:14, Halacha Brurah 167:45</ref>
#One should try to bring salt to the table before making a hamotzee, because our table is like an alter, and the eating like an offering / Korban <ref> In the Holy Temple, all offerings were accompanied with salt (Vayikra 2:13). </ref>. This is because the bread one gives to the poor atones for one's sins <ref> M"B 167:30 </ref>.
#One should try to bring salt to the table before making a hamotzei, because our table is like an alter, and the eating like an offering / Korban.<ref> In the Holy Temple, all offerings were accompanied with salt (Vayikra 2:13). </ref> This is because the bread one gives to the poor atones for one's sins.<ref> Mishna Brurah 167:30 </ref>
#The Magen Avrohom writes that the Kabbalists write that one should dip one's bread in salt 3 times <ref> M"B 167:33 </ref>.
#According to Kabbalah one should dip one's bread in salt 3 times.<ref> Mishna Brurah 167:33 </ref>
#The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos says that two people who eat together and don't discuss words of Torah are an assembly of scoffers <ref> Avos 3:3 </ref>. One should at least try to say a psalm after bentching <ref> (Sha'ar Hatziyun 167:25) </ref>.
#The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos establishes that two people who eat together and don't discuss words of Torah are an assembly of scoffers.<ref> Avos 3:3 </ref> To fulfill this halacha one should at least try to say a psalm after bentching.<ref> (Sha'ar Hatziyun 167:25) </ref>
#One should never interrupt between [[making the Beracha]] and eating the food (see the page "Talking between the Beracha and Eating").
#One should never interrupt between [[making the Beracha|making the bracha]] and eating the food (see the page "[[Interruptions between the Bracha and Eating]]").

==Cooked Bread==
==Cooked Bread==
# Bagels are hamotzei since they are made by boiling and then baking dough.<ref>Mieri Pesachim 3b s.v. Iysa, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 168:14, Pri Megadim (E"A 168:39), Kaf Hachaim 168:59, Vezot HaBracha p. 363</ref>
# Bagels which are made by boiling dough and then baking it are HaMotzei.<ref>Mieri Pesachim 3b s.v. Iysa, Shulchan Aruch 168:14, Vezot HaBracha p. 363</ref>
# Bread that was crumbled to a size of less than a [[kezayit]] and also cooked in a liquid (as opposed to baking) becomes [[mezonot]].<ref> Shulchan Aruch 168:10 </ref>
# Bread that was crumbled to a size of less than a [[Kezayit]] and also cooked in a liquid (as opposed to baking) it takes on the bracha of [[Mezonot]]. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 168:10 </ref>
# In order to be considered cooked the pieces of bread have to be in a hot pot (at least [[Yad Soledet Bo|yad soledet bo]]) on the fire or at least a pot that was removed from the fire (''Kli Rishon''), however, if it was heated in a ''Kli Sheni'' (a pot from which hot water was poured from a pot that was on the fire) the bread isn't considered cooked and the bracha is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]].<ref> Mishna Brurah 168:52, Vezot HaBracha (pg 22 note 3, chapter 3) </ref>  
# In order to be considered cooked the pieces of bread have to be in a hot pot (at least Yad Soldet Bo) on the fire or at least a pot that was removed from the fire (Kli Rishon), however, if it was heated in a Kli Sheni (a pot from which hot water was poured from a pot that was on the fire) the bread isn't considered cooked and the bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. <ref> Mishna Brurah 168:52, Vezot HaBracha (pg 22 note 3, chapter 3) </ref>  
# If hot water that was poured from a pot that was on the fire at one point, there's a doubt whether the bread is considered [[cooking]] and so in such a case one should make [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]] on real bread and eat it.<ref> Vezot (pg 23 note 3, chapter 3) </ref>
# If hot water that was poured from a pot that was on the fire at one point, there's a doubt whether the bread is considered [[cooking]] and so in such a case one should make [[HaMotzei]] on real bread and eat it. <ref> Vezot (pg 23 note 3, chapter 3) </ref>
# According to Ashkenazim who hold that [[matzah]] is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]] all year, if one dips matzah in a Kli Sheni (a cup of coffee which was poured from the water heater) the bracha is still [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]].<ref> See Vezot HaBracha (pg 23 note 3, chapter 3) </ref>
# According to Ashkenazim who hold that [[Matzah]] is [[HaMotzei]], if one dips Matzeh in a Kli Sheni (a cup of coffee which was poured from the water heater) the bracha is still [[HaMotzei]]. <ref> See Vezot HaBracha (pg 23 note 3, chapter 3) </ref>

==Fried Bread==
==Fried bread==
# There's a doubt regarding bread which was crumbled to pieces smaller than a [[kezayit]] that was fried there's a doubt whether the bracha is [[mezonot]] or is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]].<ref> Mishna Brurah 168:56, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3) </ref> According to Sephardim, the bracha is [[mezonot]].<ref> Yalkut Yosef (vol 3, pg 127) </ref>
# There's a doubt regarding bread which was crumbled to pieces smaller than a [[Kezayit]] that was fried there's a doubt whether the bracha is [[Mezonot]] or is [[HaMotzei]]. <ref> Mishna Brurah 168:56, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3) </ref> According to Sephardim, the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. <ref> Yalkut Yosef (vol 3, pg 127) </ref>
# French Toast is usually [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]] because it remains in pieces larger than a [[kezayit]], however, if the bread is broken into small pieces and then fried, there's a doubt about the bracha and one should eat it in a meal.<ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3) </ref>
# French Toast is usually [[HaMotzei]] because it remains in pieces larger than a [[Kezayit]], however, if the bread is broken into small pieces and then fried, there's a doubt about the bracha and one should eat it in a meal. <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3) </ref>
===Matzah Brei===
===Matzah Brei===
[[Image:Matzah brei.png|right|200px]]
[[Image:Matzah brei.png|right|200px]]
# [[matzah]] Brei, if the matzah is broken to pieces smaller than a [[Kezayit]] and then fried (with enough oil to give a taste to the Matzeh), there's a doubt about the bracha and so it should be eaten in a meal, however if it's deep fried the bracha is [[mezonot]].<ref>  
# [[Matzah]] Brei, according to Ashkenazim who hold Matzeh is [[HaMotzei]] all year, if it's broken to pieces smaller than a [[Kezayit]] and then fried (with enough oil to give a taste to the Matzeh), there's a doubt about the bracha and so it should be eaten in a meal, however if it's deep fried the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. <ref>  
* Many Ashkenazic poskim write that the [[matza]] which is crumbled and fried is the same as bread which is crumbled and fried and according to the Mishna Brurah 168:56 there is a dispute whether frying is like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is in doubt. Therefore, one should eat it in a meal. However, if the pieces are deep fried then certainly the bracha is [[mezonot]] (based on Rama 168:14). This is the opinion of Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 6:234, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 475, chapter 26), The laws of [[Brachos]] (Rabbi Binyamin Forst; chapter 8, pg 266 and pg 263 note 111), Rabbi Yisrael Belsky in [ Halachically Speaking (vol 3, Issue 13, note 57)], and [ Rabbi Abadi].  
* Many Ashkenazic poskim write that the [[matza]] which is crumbled and fried is the same as bread which is crumbled and fried and according to the Mishna Brurah 168:56 there is a dispute whether frying is like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is in doubt. Therefore, one should eat it in a meal. However, if the pieces are deep fried then certainly the bracha is [[mezonot]] (based on Rama 168:14). This is the opinion of Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 6:234, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 475, chapter 26), The laws of [[Brachos]] (Rabbi Binyamin Forst; chapter 8, pg 266 and pg 263 note 111), Rabbi Yisrael Belsky in [ Halachically Speaking (vol 3, Issue 13, note 57)], and [ Rabbi Abadi].  
* There is a minority opinion of the Chazon Ish OC 26:9, Shoneh Halachot 168:32, and Teshuvot VeHanhagot 3:143(5) who hold that frying is certainly not considered like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is [[Hamotzei]].  
* There is a minority opinion of the Chazon Ish OC 26:9, Shoneh Halachot 168:32, and Teshuvot VeHanhagot 3:143(5) who hold that frying is certainly not considered like [[cooking]] and so the bracha is [[Hamotzei]].  
* See Sh"t Sheilat Shlomo 1:74 who holds that the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. See also Sh"t Shevet Ha’Levi 7:27(4), Minchas Osher pages 44-46, V’haish Mordechai pages 259-261, Shalmei Moed page 344, Kaf HaChaim 168:85, Avnei Yushfei 1:39:2, and </ref> Sephardim hold that the bracha on matzah brei is mezonot.<ref>Yalkut Yosef (Brachot 168:4, p. 127) and Halacha Brurah 168:34 write that frying is like cooking and clarify that frying matzah or bread pieces less than a kezayit make them mezonot. Rav Moshe Halevi in Birkat Hashem 2:2:26 agrees. See Piskei Teshuvot (168 fnt. 120) who writes that Sephardim should hold it is mezonot for the fact that they usually make mezonot on it all year so on Pesach it can also be mezonot if it can't be used for the mitzvah, but Chazon Ovadia Brachot p. 65 rejects that suggestion.</ref>
* See Sh"t Sheilat Shlomo 1:74 who holds that the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. See also Sh"t Shevet Ha’Levi 7:27(4), Minchas Osher pages 44-46, V’haish Mordechai pages 259-261, Shalmei Moed page 344, Kaf HaChaim 168:85, Avnei Yushfei 1:39:2, and </ref> According to Sephardim, some say that [[Matzah]] Brei on [[Pesach]] is [[Mezonot]]. <ref> See
# However, if it’s fried with a little oil, just enough to prevent it from burning, the Bracha is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]]. <Ref>Rama 168:14, Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 471:5) </ref>
Chazon Ovadyah ([[Brachot]] pg 65) writes that if the pieces are larger than a [[Kezayit]] the bracha is [[hamotzei]]. Piskei Teshuvot (168 note 120) writes that for Sephardim who consider [[Matza]] all year round to be [[Mezonot]] also can consider [[Matza]] Brei to be [[Mezonot]] on [[Pesach]]. </ref>However, if it’s fried with a little oil, just enough to prevent it from burning, the Bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. <Ref>Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 471:5) </ref>

==Kneaded with a Liquid==
==Kneaded with a liquid==
# If the bread is crumbled and stuck together using a liquid and now has no look of bread is considered [[mezonot]].<ref> Shulchan Aruch 168:10 </ref>
# If the bread is crumbled and stuck together using a liquid and now has no look of bread is considered [[Mezonot]]. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 168:10 </ref>
# Therefore, according to Ashkenazim who hold [[matzah]] is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]] all year, [[matzah]] meal that was mixed with liquid is [[mezonot]].<ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 24, chapter 3) </ref>
# Therefore, according to Ashkenazim who hold [[Matzah]] is [[HaMotzei]] all year, [[Matzah]] meal that was mixed with liquid is [[Mezonot]]. <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 24, chapter 3) </ref>
===Practical Examples===
===Practical examples===
# Chocolate covered [[matzah]] is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]], according to Ashkenazim who hold that matzah is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]] all year. According to Sephardim, on [[Pesach]] it is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]].<ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 24, chapter 3) </ref>
# Chocolate covered [[Matzah]] is [[HaMotzei]] according to Ashkenazim who hold that it's [[HaMotzei]] all year and according to Sephardim on [[Pesach]] then it's [[HaMotzei]]. <ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 24, chapter 3) </ref>
# [[Matzah]] balls is [[mezonot]] because they are crumbled and then cooked. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3) </ref>
# [[Matzah]] balls is [[Mezonot]] because they are crumbled and then cooked. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3) </ref>
# [[Challah]] Kugel which is made from pieces of [[challah]] and kneaded together (and the bread is unrecognizable) and then baked, if it was just kneaded with water, the bracha is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]], if it was made with water and a little oil, sugar, honey, or fruit juice, then there's a doubt as to it's proper bracha and so it should be eaten in a meal, and lastly, if it was made with a lot of sugar, oil, honey, or fruit juice then the bracha is [[mezonot]].<Ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 474, chapter 26) </ref>
# [[Challah]] Kugel which is made from pieces of [[challah]] and kneaded together (and the bread is unrecognizable) and then baked, if it was just kneaded with water, the bracha is [[HaMotzei]], if it was made with water and a little oil, sugar, honey, or fruit juice, then there's a doubt as to it's proper bracha and so it should be eaten in a meal, and lastly, if it was made with a lot of sugar, oil, honey, or fruit juice then the bracha is [[Mezonot]]. <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 474, chapter 26) </ref>
# [[Matzah]] meal cakes are [[mezonot]] when the dough was made from majority of sweeteners as opposed to water (as is the usual case).<Ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3) </ref>
# [[Matzah]] meal cakes are [[Mezonot]] when the dough was made from majority of sweeteners as opposed to water (as is the usual case). <Ref> Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3) </ref>

==Respecting Bread==
==Respecting bread==
<!--If one changes this sections, please change it as well on the [[Respecting foods]] page-->
# One should show respect to bread because of it’s importance. Therefore, it’s forbidden to throw bread even if it will not get ruined. <Ref> S”A 171:1. Mishna Brurah 171:9 and Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 156), Halacha Brurah 9:49, Peri Megadim Eshel Avraham 167:38 add that it’s forbidden to throw even if the bread won’t get ruined (if it falls). </ref>
# One may not throw out a [[Kezayit]] of bread into a garbage. However, one should place it in a separate bag and then throw it out. <Ref> Bayit Baruch 54:22, Vezot HaBracha pg 16 rule that one may not throw out a [[Kezayit]] of bread based on S”A 180:4 who says one may not ruin bread the size of [[Kezayit]] by letting water touch it. Rather, Vezot HaBracha quotes Rabbi Yehuda Yisrael Fisher, Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Sheinburg, and Rabbi Shalom Elyashiv who say that one should throw it out in a seperate bag. Vezot HaBracha also quotes Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu who says to throw out bread in a plastic bag and then wrap that with paper. </ref>

==Microwave or sun baked bread==
==Microwave or sun baked bread==
# If bread is baked in an oven or microwave the bracha is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]], however, if it's cooked in the sun the bracha is [[mezonot]]. However, some poskim write that one should eat the bread cooked in a microwave in a meal and exempt it with another [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]].<ref> Shulchan Aruch 168:16 writes that bread which was made for a Kutach dish and the bread was cooked in the sun has the bracha of [[Mezonot]]. Pitchei Teshuvot 168:22 explains that the bracha is [[mezonot]] because that's an unusual way of [[cooking]] it and the same is true of way bread cooked in the sun. Regarding bread cooked in a microwave the Pitchei Halacha (chapter 8 note 91) is in doubt as to whether the bracha should be [[mezonot]] or [[hamotzei]], while the Shevut Yitzchak (Dinei Microwave chapter 8) writes that he showed Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv and they agreed that the bracha is [[HaMotzei|hamotzei]]. </ref>
# If bread is baked in an oven or microwave the bracha is [[HaMotzei]], however, if it's cooked in the sun the bracha is [[Mezonot]], however others say that one should eat the bread cooked in a microwave in a meal and exempt it with another [[HaMotzei]]. <ref> Shulchan Aruch 168:16 writes that bread which was made for a Kutach dish and the bread was cooked in the sun has the bracha of [[Mezonot]]. Pitchei Teshuvot 168:22 explains that the bracha is [[mezonot]] because that's an unusual way of [[cooking]] it and the same is true of way bread cooked in the sun. Regarding bread cooked in a microwave the Pitchei Halacha (chapter 8 note 91) are in doubt as to whether the bracha should be [[mezonot]] or [[hamotzei]], while the Shevut Yitzchak (Dinei Microwave chapter 8) writes that he showed Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv and they agreed that the bracha is [[HaMotzei]]. </ref>

Revision as of 01:26, 27 May 2015

Chazal considered bread to be a very important food as it is one of the primary sustenance of man. There are special laws in regards to Brachot and respecting food which are specific to bread, as outlined below. Other related topics include Brachot on foods that are part of a meal, Netilat Yadayim, and Birkat HaMazon.


  1. There is no minimum requirement and one must make Hamotzei even if one is eating less than a Kezayit of bread. [1] The amount of bread necessary in order to make Netilat Yadayim and Birkat HaMazon are discussed in the articles specific to those topics.
  2. Bread of any size is HaMotzei, even if it's crumbled into small pieces. [2]
  3. There's three ways that bread can loose it's status of bread and become a food which requires Mezonot. The three ways include cooking bread, frying bread, and mixing it with a liquid, the details of which are delineated below.[3]

Details in Making the Beracha

  1. As with any Beracha, if others intend to be Yotzei, they must intend to be Yotzei and respond Amen [4]. Even the person making the Beracha should concentrate on the listeners' Amen (Rama 167:2) [5].
  2. One must put a space between "lechem" and "min", when one says "hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz" [6]. The same applies to any Beracha where the letter at the end of one word is the same as the letter at the beginning of the next word [7].
  3. One should grasp the bread with both hands and all 10 fingers, corresponding to several symbolisms associated with the number 10 [8].
  4. One should try to bring salt to the table before making a hamotzee, because our table is like an alter, and the eating like an offering / Korban [9]. This is because the bread one gives to the poor atones for one's sins [10].
  5. The Magen Avrohom writes that the Kabbalists write that one should dip one's bread in salt 3 times [11].
  6. The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos says that two people who eat together and don't discuss words of Torah are an assembly of scoffers [12]. One should at least try to say a psalm after bentching [13].
  7. One should never interrupt between making the Beracha and eating the food (see the page "Talking between the Beracha and Eating").

Cooked Bread

  1. Bagels which are made by boiling dough and then baking it are HaMotzei.[14]
  2. Bread that was crumbled to a size of less than a Kezayit and also cooked in a liquid (as opposed to baking) it takes on the bracha of Mezonot. [15]
  3. In order to be considered cooked the pieces of bread have to be in a hot pot (at least Yad Soldet Bo) on the fire or at least a pot that was removed from the fire (Kli Rishon), however, if it was heated in a Kli Sheni (a pot from which hot water was poured from a pot that was on the fire) the bread isn't considered cooked and the bracha is HaMotzei. [16]
  4. If hot water that was poured from a pot that was on the fire at one point, there's a doubt whether the bread is considered cooking and so in such a case one should make HaMotzei on real bread and eat it. [17]
  5. According to Ashkenazim who hold that Matzah is HaMotzei, if one dips Matzeh in a Kli Sheni (a cup of coffee which was poured from the water heater) the bracha is still HaMotzei. [18]

Fried bread

  1. There's a doubt regarding bread which was crumbled to pieces smaller than a Kezayit that was fried there's a doubt whether the bracha is Mezonot or is HaMotzei. [19] According to Sephardim, the bracha is Mezonot. [20]
  2. French Toast is usually HaMotzei because it remains in pieces larger than a Kezayit, however, if the bread is broken into small pieces and then fried, there's a doubt about the bracha and one should eat it in a meal. [21]

Matzah Brei

Matzah brei.png
  1. Matzah Brei, according to Ashkenazim who hold Matzeh is HaMotzei all year, if it's broken to pieces smaller than a Kezayit and then fried (with enough oil to give a taste to the Matzeh), there's a doubt about the bracha and so it should be eaten in a meal, however if it's deep fried the bracha is Mezonot. [22] According to Sephardim, some say that Matzah Brei on Pesach is Mezonot. [23]However, if it’s fried with a little oil, just enough to prevent it from burning, the Bracha is HaMotzei. [24]

Kneaded with a liquid

  1. If the bread is crumbled and stuck together using a liquid and now has no look of bread is considered Mezonot. [25]
  2. Therefore, according to Ashkenazim who hold Matzah is HaMotzei all year, Matzah meal that was mixed with liquid is Mezonot. [26]

Practical examples

  1. Chocolate covered Matzah is HaMotzei according to Ashkenazim who hold that it's HaMotzei all year and according to Sephardim on Pesach then it's HaMotzei. [27]
  2. Matzah balls is Mezonot because they are crumbled and then cooked. [28]
  3. Challah Kugel which is made from pieces of challah and kneaded together (and the bread is unrecognizable) and then baked, if it was just kneaded with water, the bracha is HaMotzei, if it was made with water and a little oil, sugar, honey, or fruit juice, then there's a doubt as to it's proper bracha and so it should be eaten in a meal, and lastly, if it was made with a lot of sugar, oil, honey, or fruit juice then the bracha is Mezonot. [29]
  4. Matzah meal cakes are Mezonot when the dough was made from majority of sweeteners as opposed to water (as is the usual case). [30]

Respecting bread

  1. One should show respect to bread because of it’s importance. Therefore, it’s forbidden to throw bread even if it will not get ruined. [31]
  2. One may not throw out a Kezayit of bread into a garbage. However, one should place it in a separate bag and then throw it out. [32]

Microwave or sun baked bread

  1. If bread is baked in an oven or microwave the bracha is HaMotzei, however, if it's cooked in the sun the bracha is Mezonot, however others say that one should eat the bread cooked in a microwave in a meal and exempt it with another HaMotzei. [33]


  1. S”A 168:10, 210:1
  2. Mishna Brurah 168:49
  3. Vezot HaBracha (pg 22, chapter 3)
  4. Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:2
  5. M.B: because responding Amen is part of the Beracha, and the Beracha is honored/made more important by having others respond Amen, so it is proper for the Mevareich (person making the Beracha) to intend for the Amen. However, as the Be'ur Halacha shows, this requirement is extremely questionable. However, he does quote the Lechem Chamudos and Shiyarei Kenesses Hagedolah, who provide a practical reason for this: because it is forbidden for one to break the bread until everyone finishes saying Amen. By concentrating, then, the Mevareich will know when to break the bread
  6. Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:3.
  7. MB Ibid
  8. Shulchan Aruch O"C 167:4
  9. In the Holy Temple, all offerings were accompanied with salt (Vayikra 2:13).
  10. M"B 167:30
  11. M"B 167:33
  12. Avos 3:3
  13. (Sha'ar Hatziyun 167:25)
  14. Mieri Pesachim 3b s.v. Iysa, Shulchan Aruch 168:14, Vezot HaBracha p. 363
  15. Shulchan Aruch 168:10
  16. Mishna Brurah 168:52, Vezot HaBracha (pg 22 note 3, chapter 3)
  17. Vezot (pg 23 note 3, chapter 3)
  18. See Vezot HaBracha (pg 23 note 3, chapter 3)
  19. Mishna Brurah 168:56, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3)
  20. Yalkut Yosef (vol 3, pg 127)
  21. Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3)
    • Many Ashkenazic poskim write that the matza which is crumbled and fried is the same as bread which is crumbled and fried and according to the Mishna Brurah 168:56 there is a dispute whether frying is like cooking and so the bracha is in doubt. Therefore, one should eat it in a meal. However, if the pieces are deep fried then certainly the bracha is mezonot (based on Rama 168:14). This is the opinion of Sh"t Rivevot Efraim 6:234, Vezot HaBracha (pg 23, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 475, chapter 26), The laws of Brachos (Rabbi Binyamin Forst; chapter 8, pg 266 and pg 263 note 111), Rabbi Yisrael Belsky in Halachically Speaking (vol 3, Issue 13, note 57), and Rabbi Abadi.
    • There is a minority opinion of the Chazon Ish OC 26:9, Shoneh Halachot 168:32, and Teshuvot VeHanhagot 3:143(5) who hold that frying is certainly not considered like cooking and so the bracha is Hamotzei.
    • See Sh"t Sheilat Shlomo 1:74 who holds that the bracha is Mezonot. See also Sh"t Shevet Ha’Levi 7:27(4), Minchas Osher pages 44-46, V’haish Mordechai pages 259-261, Shalmei Moed page 344, Kaf HaChaim 168:85, Avnei Yushfei 1:39:2, and
  22. See Chazon Ovadyah (Brachot pg 65) writes that if the pieces are larger than a Kezayit the bracha is hamotzei. Piskei Teshuvot (168 note 120) writes that for Sephardim who consider Matza all year round to be Mezonot also can consider Matza Brei to be Mezonot on Pesach.
  23. Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 471:5)
  24. Shulchan Aruch 168:10
  25. Vezot HaBracha (pg 24, chapter 3)
  26. Vezot HaBracha (pg 24, chapter 3)
  27. Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3)
  28. Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3), Veten Bracha (Halachos of Brochos by Rabbi Bodner pg 474, chapter 26)
  29. Vezot HaBracha (pg 25, chapter 3)
  30. S”A 171:1. Mishna Brurah 171:9 and Yalkut Yosef (Brachot pg 156), Halacha Brurah 9:49, Peri Megadim Eshel Avraham 167:38 add that it’s forbidden to throw even if the bread won’t get ruined (if it falls).
  31. Bayit Baruch 54:22, Vezot HaBracha pg 16 rule that one may not throw out a Kezayit of bread based on S”A 180:4 who says one may not ruin bread the size of Kezayit by letting water touch it. Rather, Vezot HaBracha quotes Rabbi Yehuda Yisrael Fisher, Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Sheinburg, and Rabbi Shalom Elyashiv who say that one should throw it out in a seperate bag. Vezot HaBracha also quotes Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu who says to throw out bread in a plastic bag and then wrap that with paper.
  32. Shulchan Aruch 168:16 writes that bread which was made for a Kutach dish and the bread was cooked in the sun has the bracha of Mezonot. Pitchei Teshuvot 168:22 explains that the bracha is mezonot because that's an unusual way of cooking it and the same is true of way bread cooked in the sun. Regarding bread cooked in a microwave the Pitchei Halacha (chapter 8 note 91) are in doubt as to whether the bracha should be mezonot or hamotzei, while the Shevut Yitzchak (Dinei Microwave chapter 8) writes that he showed Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv and they agreed that the bracha is HaMotzei.