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For more general halachos of going to sleep and [[waking up]] see the [[Halachot of Sleep]] and [[Waking Up]] pages.
For more general halachos of going to sleep and [[waking up]] see the [[Halachos of Sleep]] and [[Waking Up]] pages.
==Order of the [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah==
==Order of the [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah==
# When saying [[Krias Shema Al HaMita]], preferably one should say all three paragraphs of [[Shema]], but at least one should say the first paragraph of the Shema and then say Birchat Hamapil.<ref>Mishna Brurah 239:1</ref> If one feels that one will fall asleep saying Shema in which case say Birchat Hamapil earlier and then Shema.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 239:1 writes that one should first say Shema and then say the bracha of Hamapil in order to recite Hamapil as close to going to sleep as possible. Mishna Brurah 239:2 writes that if one feels that one will fall asleep while saying Shema one should say Hamapil first. </ref> The Sephardic minhag is to say Birchat Hamapil before Shema.<ref>Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 667)</ref>
# When saying [[Krias Shema Al HaMita]], preferably one should say all 3 paragraphs but at least one should say the 1st paragraph of the Shema and then say Birchat Hamapil (unless one feels that one will fall asleep saying Shema in which case say Birchat Hamapil earlier and then Shema.) <ref>Mishna Brurah 239:1-2 </ref>
# It isn't considered an interruption between Hamapil and going to sleep to recite the paragraph of Yoshev BeSeter Elyon (Tehillim 91) because its purpose is to protect oneself while sleeping.<ref>Mishna Brurah 239:2</ref>
# If one didn’t repeat Shema after [[Tzet HaKochavim]] one must say all three paragraphs and should have the proper intent to fulfill one’s obligation. <ref>Mishna Brurah 239:1 </ref>
# If one didn’t repeat Shema after [[Tzet HaKochavim]] one must say all three paragraphs and should have the proper intent to fulfill one’s obligation.<ref>Mishna Brurah 239:1 </ref>
# You also say the ברכה of המפיל, and you add pasukim and מזמורים after it. One should follow the order of the siddur of one’s minhag. Some say that you say this ברכה before שמע, some say you say it at the end of all the תפילה. Some say that you should say it right after שמע. The Sephardic minhag is to say the Bracha before Shema. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 239:2 writes that the people who say that you should say it before and everything else after don’t have to worry about it being a הפסק because it's all a שמירה and that isn't a הפסק. And the one who says that you say it after שמע goes like the S”A in סעיף א and then you say ישב and it isn't a הפסק because it is a שמירה. Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 667) writes that the Sephardic minhag is to say the Bracha before Shema. </ref>
# If you are sick you don’t need to say the whole order of Kriyat Shema Al Hamita; it is enough just to say the first paragraph of shema and the bracha of [[Hamapil]].<Ref> Mishna Brurah 239:9 </ref>
# If you are sick you don’t need to say the whole order of קריאת שמע שעל המטה, it's enough just to say the first פרשה of שמע and then say the ברכה of המפיל. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 239:9 </ref>
# You only need to say Kriyat Shema Al Hamita and the bracha of Hamapil once a night, so if you fall asleep and then wake up and you want to go back to bed you don’t need to repeat Hamapil. If you know that you're going to wake up for some time and go back to sleep again, you should have in mind that your bracha should exempt the second period of sleep as well.<ref>Rabbi Zilber in [ Beyt Baruch 35:9]</ref>
# You only need to say קריאת שמע על המטה and the ברכה of המפיל once a night, so if you fall asleep and then wake up and you want to go back to bed you don’t need to say everything again.

==Birchat HaMapil==
==Birchas HaMapil==
# Birchat [[HaMapil]] should be made when one is going to sleep (one doesn’t need to wait until sleep over takes oneself) <ref>Mishna Brurah 239:3 </ref>  
# Birchat [[HaMapil]] should be made when one is going to sleep (one doesn’t need to wait until sleep over takes oneself) <ref>Mishna Brurah 239:3 </ref>  
# Sephardim, according to many poskim, shouldn’t say the Bracha of [[HaMapil]] with [[Shem UMalchut]] if they go to sleep after [[Chatzot]] (midnight by halachic hours). <Ref> Rav Ovadia Yosef in Yachava Daat 4:21 wrote that one should say hamapil after chatzot without shem umalchut and before chatzot with shem umalchut. This is also the opinion of Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 664) and Or Letzion 2:15:12.</ref> Others hold that it can be said all night.<ref>Halacha Brurah 239:9 quoting his father Rav Ovadia Yosef that he retracted that one should say it even initially after chatzot. See Rav Ovadia's formulation in Chazon Ovadia (Brachot p. 511). See also Orchot Maran 2:19:10 p. 834 where he writes that Rav Ovadia Yosef's personal practice changed in 5771 to say hamapil after chatzot with shem umalchut. [ Rav Yitzchak Yosef Motzei Shabbat Emor 5778 min 18] said that his father's opinion changed on the matter and therefore one should recite the bracha of hamapil with shem umalchut even after chatzot.</ref> Syrians have the tradition not to say it with shem umalchut at all.<ref>[ Rabbi Mansour on] explained that the Syrian minhag was to say hamapil without shem umalchut in accordance with the Ben Ish Chai (Pekudei no. 12).</ref>
# Sephardim shouldn’t say the Bracha of [[HaMapil]] with [[Shem UMalchut]] unless one goes to sleep before [[Chatzot]] (midnight by halachic hours). <Ref> Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 664) </ref>
# A person can recite hamapil if he goes to sleep at any point during the night even after midnight as long as it is before Alot Hashachar. However, if a person is going to sleep right before Alot Hashachar and he is concerned that he won’t fall asleep until after Olot one shouldn’t recite Hamapil.<ref>Biur Halacha 239:1 s.v. samuch, Halacha Berurah 239:9</ref>
# If a person is going to sleep before sunset even if he is going to continue to sleep through the night he should not recite Hamapil.<ref>Betzel Chachma 5:166:9 writes that since the bracha is established only for sleep at night even though one is going to later sleep during the night the bracha needs to recited at the time that the action that obligates the bracha is performed. This is cited by Dirshu 239:7.</ref>
# If a person is on a night flight and plans on sleeping on the plane he should recite Hamapil since his chair is like a bed for that time. However, if one doesn’t plan to go to sleep and only accidentally dozed off he doesn’t need to recite Hamapil.<ref>Beer Moshe 7:114:3</ref>
# Women should also recite Keriat Shema al Hamitah and the beracha of Hamapil.<ref> </ref>

==Not Speaking after [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah==
==Not speaking after [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah==
# Once you have said קריאת שמע על המטה you shouldn’t speak, eat, or drink. If one needs to eat, drink, or say something really important there is a possibility to be lenient, and one should repeat Shema. However, if one already said the Bracha of [[HaMapil]] one shouldn’t make any interruption  unless there’s a serious need. <Ref> Piskei Teshuvot 239:3. Mishna Brurah 239:4 says that it is מותר to speak if it is important, but once you said המפיל it is a הפסק between the ברכה and the sleeping. The רמ"א says that you shouldn’t speak rather one should go to bed right after [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah. This is also the opinion of the Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 664, 239:1) and Halacha Brurah 239:8. Yalkut Yosef writes that it is permitted to do something necessary after hamapil such as put a child back to sleep. </ref>
# Once you have said קריאת שמע על המטה you shouldn’t speak, eat, or drink. Before one said the Bracha of [[HaMapil]], if one needs to eat, drink, or say something really important there is a possibility to be lenient, and one should repeat Shema. However, if one already said the Bracha of [[HaMapil]] one shouldn’t make any interruption  unless there’s a serious need. <Ref> Piskei Teshuvot 239:3. Mishna Brurah 239:4 says that it is מותר to speak if it is important, but once you said המפיל it is a הפסק between the ברכה and the sleeping. The רמ"א says that you shouldn’t speak rather one should go to bed right after [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah. This is also the opinion of the Yalkut Yosef ([[Brachot]] pg 664). </ref>
# Someone who wants to say the Bracha before leaving the Bet Midrash and not to say it in the room not to be bothered one may do so (but afterwards one shouldn’t make any interruptions besides going to the room and going to sleep). <Ref>Halichot Shlomo ([[Tefilla]] pg 170) </ref>
# Someone who wants to say the Bracha before leaving the Bet Midrash and not to say it in the room not to be bothered one may do so (but afterwards one shouldn’t make any interruptions besides going to the room and going to sleep). <Ref>Halichot Shlomo ([[Tefilla]] pg 170) </ref>
# If after one already said [[Birkat HaMapil]] one's parent asks one something and one has to answer, then it is permitted to ask because of Kibbud Av VeEm.<ref>Yalkut Yosef (vol 3, 665)</ref>
# If after one already said [[Birkat HaMapil]] one's parent asks one something and one has to answer, then it is permitted to ask because of Kibbud Av VeEm.<ref>Yalkut Yosef (vol 3, 665)</ref>
# Even though one should strive to say birkat hamapil as close to falling asleep as possible, if one goes to the bathroom after having said Birkat Hamapil he should still recite asher yatzar.<ref> Sh"t Yechave Daat 4:21, Sh"t Tzitz Eliezer 7:27, and Sh"t Bear Moshe 1:63 all hold that you still should say asher yatzar, or even [[Kiddush Levana]] or [[arvit]] if necessary. Halacha Brurah 239:8 agrees. </ref>
# Even though one should strive to say birkat hamapil as close to falling asleep as possible, if one goes to the bathroom after having said Birkat Hamapil he should still recite asher yatzar. <ref> Sh"t Yechave data 4:21, Sh"t Tzitz Eliezer 7:27, Sh"t beer Moshe 1:63 all say you still should say asher yatzar, or even [[Kiddush Levana]] or [[arvit]] if necessary. </ref>
# If a person said Hamapil and forgot that he didn't count sefirat haomer he can get out of bed and count. The same is true of if he forgot to daven maariv or say kiddush levana.<ref>The Chavot Yair in Mekor Chaim 239:1 Kitzur Halachot writes that if a person forgot to count sefira, daven maariv, or say kiddush levana before saying hamapil he can do so afterwards. [ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat 5778 min 1-20)] explained that Rav Steinemann is quoted as saying that a person who said hamapil and forgot to count sefira should ask someone to wake them up after a half hour so that they won't make an interruption between the hamapil and sleeping and they can count when they get up. Rav Yosef argued that it was an unnecessary chumra since it is very annoying to go to sleep for only a half hour and wake up. It is permitted to count sefira after hamapil since according to most poskim hamapil is a birchat hashevach and not birchat hanehenin.</ref>
==Position to say the Bedtime Shema==
==Position to say the Bedtime Shema==
# It's good to read the [[Bedtime Shema]] sitting or standing. If you already laid down, you don’t need to get up rather say it on your side, but it is forbidden to say it while [[lying]] on your back or on your belly, after the fact one fulfills one's obligation in any position. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 239:6 writes that there are those that are more strict and make you stand but we are lenient. </ref>
# It's good to read the [[Bedtime Shema]] sitting or standing. If you already laid down, you don’t need to get up rather say it on your side, but it is forbidden to say it while [[lying]] on your back or on your belly, after the fact one fulfills one's obligation in any position. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 239:6 writes that there are those that are more strict and make you stand but we are lenient. </ref>
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# Even if one didn’t end up falling asleep the Bracha is not considered in vain because the Bracha was said about people in the world going to sleep but was established for when one tried going to sleep. <Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 239:3 based on Eliya Rabba 239 quoting the Maharitz Chayus </ref>
# Even if one didn’t end up falling asleep the Bracha is not considered in vain because the Bracha was said about people in the world going to sleep but was established for when one tried going to sleep. <Ref>Piskei Teshuvot 239:3 based on Eliya Rabba 239 quoting the Maharitz Chayus </ref>

==Something to Think about Before Falling Asleep==
==Something to think about before falling asleep==
# One should have intention that one is going to sleep in order to get energy to serve Hashem with energy tomorrow. <Ref> Aruch HaShulchan 231:6, Kaf HaChaim 238:10 </ref> According to some, one should verbalize this intention. <Ref>Kaf HaChaim 231:7 </ref>
# One should have intention that one is going to sleep in order to get energy to serve Hashem with energy tomorrow. <Ref> Aruch HaShulchan 231:6, Kaf HaChaim 238:10 </ref>According to some, one should verbalize this intention. <Ref>Kaf HaChaim 231:7 </ref>
# Before a person goes to bed it's good to consider all the things he did that day and if he finds that he did a sin he should accept upon himself not to do it again. Also it's good to forgive anyone who might have sinned against oneself. <Ref> Gemara Shabbat 119a, Mishna Brurah 239:9 </ref> If a person can't bring himself to forgive someone who wronged him he should skip the הרי אני מוחל וסולח that says he forgives everyone until the day he is able to forgive them.<ref>Or Letzion 2:15:13</ref> However, others say that you can say the regular text as long as that person didn't ask for forgiveness. Either way one shouldn't say he forgives everyone besides one person.<ref>
# Before a person goes to bed it's good to consider all the things he did that day and if he finds that he did a sin he should accept upon himself not to do it again. Also it's good to forgive anyone who might have sinned against oneself. <Ref> Mishna Brurah 239:9 </ref>
[ Rav Yitzchak Yosef (Motzei Shabbat Bahalotcha 5778 approx min 10-30)] said that one shouldn't say that one forgives everyone besides one person because that is like you are calling him to a din in shamayim which is a serious and dangerous transgression. Rather if the person never asked him forgiveness he can say the regular text and your intent is that you're not forgiving him based on the Maharsha Yoma 23a.</ref>
# It is a good idea to review words of Torah while one is going to sleep.<ref>Gemara Brachot 5a, Magen Avraham 239:6, Halacha Brurah 239:8</ref>
==Text of [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah==
==Text of [[Kriyat Shema]] Al HaMitah==
# [ Ashkenazic text of Kriyat Shema Al Hamita] (from
# [ Sephardic text of Kriyat Shema Al Hamita] (from
# [[:File:Kriyat_Shema_Al_Hamita.pdf| Sephardic text of Kriyat Shema Al Hamita]] (from
# [[File:Kriyat_Shema_Al_Hamita.pdf| Sephardic text of Kriyat Shema Al Hamita]] (from
* [ Ten Minute Halacha: Kerias Shema al hamita] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz
* [ Kriat Shema al Hamita Vhamapil] by Rabbi Michael Taubes
* [ Series on Krias Shema she'al Hamita]


Revision as of 15:16, 20 July 2014


For more general halachos of going to sleep and waking up see the Halachos of Sleep and Waking Up pages.

Order of the Kriyat Shema Al HaMitah

  1. When saying Krias Shema Al HaMita, preferably one should say all 3 paragraphs but at least one should say the 1st paragraph of the Shema and then say Birchat Hamapil (unless one feels that one will fall asleep saying Shema in which case say Birchat Hamapil earlier and then Shema.) [1]
  2. If one didn’t repeat Shema after Tzet HaKochavim one must say all three paragraphs and should have the proper intent to fulfill one’s obligation. [2]
  3. You also say the ברכה of המפיל, and you add pasukim and מזמורים after it. One should follow the order of the siddur of one’s minhag. Some say that you say this ברכה before שמע, some say you say it at the end of all the תפילה. Some say that you should say it right after שמע. The Sephardic minhag is to say the Bracha before Shema. [3]
  4. If you are sick you don’t need to say the whole order of קריאת שמע שעל המטה, it's enough just to say the first פרשה of שמע and then say the ברכה of המפיל. [4]
  5. You only need to say קריאת שמע על המטה and the ברכה of המפיל once a night, so if you fall asleep and then wake up and you want to go back to bed you don’t need to say everything again.

Birchas HaMapil

  1. Birchat HaMapil should be made when one is going to sleep (one doesn’t need to wait until sleep over takes oneself) [5]
  2. Sephardim shouldn’t say the Bracha of HaMapil with Shem UMalchut unless one goes to sleep before Chatzot (midnight by halachic hours). [6]

Not speaking after Kriyat Shema Al HaMitah

  1. Once you have said קריאת שמע על המטה you shouldn’t speak, eat, or drink. Before one said the Bracha of HaMapil, if one needs to eat, drink, or say something really important there is a possibility to be lenient, and one should repeat Shema. However, if one already said the Bracha of HaMapil one shouldn’t make any interruption unless there’s a serious need. [7]
  2. Someone who wants to say the Bracha before leaving the Bet Midrash and not to say it in the room not to be bothered one may do so (but afterwards one shouldn’t make any interruptions besides going to the room and going to sleep). [8]
  3. If after one already said Birkat HaMapil one's parent asks one something and one has to answer, then it is permitted to ask because of Kibbud Av VeEm.[9]
  4. Even though one should strive to say birkat hamapil as close to falling asleep as possible, if one goes to the bathroom after having said Birkat Hamapil he should still recite asher yatzar. [10]

Position to say the Bedtime Shema

  1. It's good to read the Bedtime Shema sitting or standing. If you already laid down, you don’t need to get up rather say it on your side, but it is forbidden to say it while lying on your back or on your belly, after the fact one fulfills one's obligation in any position. [11]

If one didn't fall asleep

  1. Even if one didn’t end up falling asleep the Bracha is not considered in vain because the Bracha was said about people in the world going to sleep but was established for when one tried going to sleep. [12]

Something to think about before falling asleep

  1. One should have intention that one is going to sleep in order to get energy to serve Hashem with energy tomorrow. [13]According to some, one should verbalize this intention. [14]
  2. Before a person goes to bed it's good to consider all the things he did that day and if he finds that he did a sin he should accept upon himself not to do it again. Also it's good to forgive anyone who might have sinned against oneself. [15]

Text of Kriyat Shema Al HaMitah

  1. Sephardic text of Kriyat Shema Al Hamita (from
  2. File:Kriyat Shema Al Hamita.pdf (from


  1. Mishna Brurah 239:1-2
  2. Mishna Brurah 239:1
  3. Mishna Brurah 239:2 writes that the people who say that you should say it before and everything else after don’t have to worry about it being a הפסק because it's all a שמירה and that isn't a הפסק. And the one who says that you say it after שמע goes like the S”A in סעיף א and then you say ישב and it isn't a הפסק because it is a שמירה. Yalkut Yosef (Brachot pg 667) writes that the Sephardic minhag is to say the Bracha before Shema.
  4. Mishna Brurah 239:9
  5. Mishna Brurah 239:3
  6. Yalkut Yosef (Brachot pg 664)
  7. Piskei Teshuvot 239:3. Mishna Brurah 239:4 says that it is מותר to speak if it is important, but once you said המפיל it is a הפסק between the ברכה and the sleeping. The רמ"א says that you shouldn’t speak rather one should go to bed right after Kriyat Shema Al HaMitah. This is also the opinion of the Yalkut Yosef (Brachot pg 664).
  8. Halichot Shlomo (Tefilla pg 170)
  9. Yalkut Yosef (vol 3, 665)
  10. Sh"t Yechave data 4:21, Sh"t Tzitz Eliezer 7:27, Sh"t beer Moshe 1:63 all say you still should say asher yatzar, or even Kiddush Levana or arvit if necessary.
  11. Mishna Brurah 239:6 writes that there are those that are more strict and make you stand but we are lenient.
  12. Piskei Teshuvot 239:3 based on Eliya Rabba 239 quoting the Maharitz Chayus
  13. Aruch HaShulchan 231:6, Kaf HaChaim 238:10
  14. Kaf HaChaim 231:7
  15. Mishna Brurah 239:9