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==[[Shabbat]] and [[Yom Tov]]==
see [[Putting On and Removing Tefillin]]
# [[Tefillin]] are not worn on [[Shabbat]] and the major [[holidays]] including [[Pesach]], [[Shavuot]], [[Rosh Hashana]]h, [[Yom Kippur]] and [[Sukkot]]. The reason given that these [[holidays]] are themselves "signs" which render the use of [[tefillin]], which are to serve as "signs" themselves, superfluous. <ref> S"A 31:1, Mishna Brurah 31:1, Kitzur S"A of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of [[tefilin]] on [[shabbat]] and [[yom tov]], seif 1 </ref>
# Our practice is not to wear [[Tefillin]] at [[Mincha]]. <ref>Mishna Brurah 131:7, cf Biur Halacha 37 s.v. BeShaat</ref> Some pious individuals wear [[Rabbenu Tam Tefillin]] or [[Shimusha Rabba Tefillin]] at Mincha. See their page for more information.
==Shabbat and Yom Tov==
# [[Tefillin]] are not worn on [[Shabbat]] and the major [[holidays]] including [[Pesach]], [[Shavuot]], [[Rosh Hashana]], [[Yom Kippur]] and [[Sukkot]]. Yom Tov Sheni are equally excluded.<ref>Mishna Brurah 31:1</ref> The reason given is that these [[holidays]] are themselves "signs" which render the use of [[Tefillin]], which are to serve as "signs" themselves, superfluous. <ref> Gemara Menachot 36b, Shulchan Aruch O.C. 31:1, Mishna Brurah 31:1, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of tefillin on shabbat and yom tov, seif 1. The Piskei Rid 36b explains that Yom Tov is compared to Shabbat and Shabbat is considered a sign. Mishna Brurah 31:3 explains slightly differently. He says that Pesach the year when they left Egypt is called a sign and all the holidays are compared to it.</ref>

==Rosh Chodesh==
==Rosh Chodesh==
# The [[Tefillin]] are removed before we recite [[Mussaf]] on [[Rosh Chodesh]]. See footnote for the reasons.<ref> Shulchan Aruch O.C. 25:13, Shulchan Aruch 423:4, Mishna Brurah 25:59, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 10:19, Rivevot Ephraim 7:317, Kaf Hachayim 25:94, Mishna Brura 25:59.  
# The [[tefillin]] are removed before we recite [[Mussaf]] on [[Rosh Chodesh]]. <ref> S"A 25:13, S"A 423:4, Mishna Brurah 25:59, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 10:19, Rivevot Ephraim 7:317, Kaf Hachayim 25:94, Mishna Brura 25:59.  
* Beit Yosef 25 s.v. "ubayom" writes that since in [[Kedusha]] we recite that the angels should give Hashem a crown it would be improper for us to show our crowns, the [[Tefillin]]. This is quoted in Mishna Brurah 25:61, Magen Avraham 25:32, Taz 25:16, Pri Megadim Mishbetzot Zahav 25:15 as well as Shulchan Aruch Harav 25:41. Levush 25:13 writes that even those whose Nusach does not say "Keter" and instead is "Naaritzcha", should remove their [[Tefillin]] for [[Mussaf]].  
* Beit Yosef 25 s.v. "ubayom" writes that since in [[kedusha]] we recite that the angels should give Hashem a crown it would be improper for us to show our crowns, the [[tefillin]]. This is quoted in Mishna Brurah 25:61, Magen Avraham 25:32, Taz 25:16, Pri Megadim Mishbetzot Zahav 25:15 as well as S"A Harav 25:41. Levush 25:13 writes that even those whose Nusach doesn't say Keter and instead is naaritzcha, should remove his [[tefillin]] for [[mussaf]].  
* Levush 25:13 and 423:4 and Mishna Brura 423:10 write that the reason [[Tefillin]] are removed before [[Mussaf]] is in order to add a [[Yom Tov]] flavor to the day as the [[Mussaf]] itself is considered an "אות". [[Mussaf]] represents the [[Yom Tov]] nature of [[Rosh Chodesh]], since both on Rosh Chodesh and Yom Tov, korbanot Mussaf were brought, the [[Tefillin]] are removed.
* Levush 25:13 and Mishna Brura 423:10 write that the reason [[tefillin]] are removed before [[Mussaf]] is in order to add a [[Yom Tov]] flavor to the day (that the [[mussaf]] itself in considered an "אות". As [[Mussaf]] represents the [[Yom Tov]] nature of [[Rosh Chodesh]] the [[tefillin]] are removed at that time.  
*See Kaf Hachayim 25:94 for Kabbalistic reasons behind the removal of [[Tefillin]] before [[Mussaf]].</ref>  
*See Kaf Hachayim 25:94 for Kabbalistic reasons behind the removal of [[tefillin]] before [[Mussaf]]. </ref>  
# There are several different opinions as to the exact proper time to remove one's [[Tefillin]] before [[Mussaf]]. Some say that one should take off one's [[Tefillin]] after the [[Kaddish]] which is recited before the [[Shemona Esreh]] of [[Mussaf]], after "uva litzion". <ref> Kitzur Shulchan Aruch of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of the donning of tefillin, seif 34. Magen Avraham 423:6, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 423:6, Machzik Bracha 15, Mishna Brurah 25:59, Kaf Ha’chaim 25:94. </ref> According to a number of authorities the [[Tefillin]] should be removed while reciting "uva letzion", just before beginning the "yehi ratzon" paragraph. <ref> Mishna Brurah 25:59, Elya Rabba 25:25. </ref> Some recommend before Torah reading. <ref> opinion cited by Magen Avraham 25:30 though he disagrees, Levush 423:4 and Rema Mipano 108 indicate that some authorities recommend removing the [[Tefillin]] before the Torah reading as it also represents the [[Yom Tov]] nature of the day, others recommend removing the [[Tefillin]] before [[Hallel]] for the same reason. </ref> Some recommend after returning the Torah to the aron. <ref> Opinion cited by Magen Avraham 28:30, though he himself disagrees </ref>  Some say that this depends on how you will be able to wrap your [[Tefillin]] (see footnote) <ref>  
# There are several different opinions as to the exact proper time before [[mussaf]] to remove the [[tefillin]]. Some say that one should take off his [[tefilin]] after the [[kaddish]] which is recited before the Shemonah Esrei of [[Mussaf]], after uva litzion. <ref> Kitzur S"A of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of the donning of [[tefilin]], seif 34. Magen Avraham 423:6, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 423:6, Machzik Beracha 15, Mishnah Berurah 25:59, Kaf Ha’chaim 25:94. </ref> According to a number of authorities the [[tefillin]] should be removed while reciting uva l’tzion, just before beginning the yehi ratzon paragraph. <ref> Mishna Brurah 25:59, Elya Rabba 25:25. </ref> Some recommend before torah reading. <ref> opinion cited by Magen Avraham 25:30 though he disagrees, Levush 423:4 and Rema Mipano 108 indicate that some authorities recommend removing the [[tefillin]] before the Torah reading as it also represents the [[Yom Tov]] nature of the day, others recommend removing the [[tefillin]] before [[Hallel]] for the same reason. </ref> Some recommend after returning the torah to the aron. <ref> Opinion cited by Magen Avraham 28:30, though he himself disagrees </ref>  Some say that this depends on how you will be able to wrap your [[tefillin]] (see footnote) <ref>  
* Mishna Brurah 28:8 writes that leaving the [[Tefillin]] exposed and unwrapped for the duration of [[Mussaf]] is unbecoming the reverence owed to them. In fact, according to halacha, whenever one removes [[Tefillin]] one is to wrap and put away the shel rosh before even removing the shel yad! There does not seem to be any good reason why this halacha should be ignored on [[Rosh Chodesh]].
* Mishna Brurah 28:8 writes that leaving the [[tefillin]] exposed and unwrapped for the duration of [[Mussaf]] is unbecoming the reverence owed to them. In fact, according to halacha, whenever one removes [[tefillin]] one is to wrap and put away the shel-rosh before even removing the shel yad! There does not seem to be any good reason why this halacha should be ignored on [[Rosh Chodesh]].
* Pri Megadim mishbetzot zahav 34:2, Mishna Brurah 124:17, Igrot Moshe, OC 4:19, Tzitz Eliezer 11:10 say that folding the [[Tefillin]] during the repetition of [[Mussaf]] is also not an option as one is required to listen attentively to the repetition and not engage in any other activities.  
* Pri Megadim mishbetzot zahav 34:2, Mishna Brurah 124:17, Igrot Moshe, OC 4:19, Tzitz Eliezer 11:10 say that folding the [[tefillin]] during the repetition of [[Mussaf]] is also not an option as one is required to listen attentively to the repetition and not engage in any other activities.  
* Kaf Hachaim 28:7 writes that one who has enough time to fold them in between [[Kaddish]] and [[Mussaf]] should do so. He writes that if one does not have time one should cover them. Rivevot Ephraim 1:281:5 agrees.
* Kaf Hachaim 28:7 writes that one who has enough time to fold them in between [[kaddish]] and [[Mussaf]] should do so. He writes that if one doesn't have time he should cover them. Rivevot Ephraim 1:281:5 agrees.
* Teshuvot Vihanhagot 1:45 says that if you will have to leave your [[Tefillin]] unwrapped during [[Mussaf]] it is better to just wrap them up before [[Kaddish]]. </ref>
* Teshuvot Vihanhagot 1:45 says that if you will have to leave your [[tefillin]] unwrapped during [[musaf]] it is better to just wrap them up before [[kaddish]]. </ref>
# One who forgot to remove his [[Tefillin]] before [[Mussaf]] and realized this while in middle of [[Shemona Esreh]] does not have to remove his [[Tefillin]] at that time <ref> Chesed Laalafim 25:13, Mishna Brurah 25:61, Kaf Hachaim 25:98, Rivevos Ephraim 8:13. See, however, Peninei HaRav (p. 101). </ref>  
# One who forgot to remove his [[tefillin]] before [[Mussaf]] and realizes this while in middle of shemonei esrei does not have to remove his [[tefillin]] at that time <ref> Chesed Laalafim 25:13, Mishnah Berurah 25:61, Kaf Hachaim 25:98, Rivevos Ephraim 8:13. See, however, Peninei HaRav (p. 101). </ref>  
# In the event that one forgot Yaale Viyavo in [[Shacharit]] but only realized after one removed one's [[Tefillin]], one should preferably put one's [[Tefillin]] back on and pray [[Shacharit]] again. If it is too difficult, one may be lenient since one has already fulfilled one's obligation. <ref> Sh"t Yechave Daat 6:6. The Chida in Machazik Bracha 25:13 writes that according to Kabbalah one may not put one's [[Tefillin]] back on after one recited [[Mussaf]] unless one has not yet put on [[Tefillin]] that day. </ref>
# In the event that one forgot Yaale Viyavo in [[shacharit]] but only realized after he removed his [[tefillin]], he should preferably put his [[tefillin]] back on and pray [[shacharit]] again. If it is too difficult, he can be lenient since he has already fulfilled his obligation. <ref> Sh"t Yechave Daat 6:6. The Chida in Machazik Beracha 25:13 writes that according to kabbalah one may not put his [[tefillin]] back on after he recited [[Mussaf]] unless he hasn't yet put [[tefillin]] on that day. </ref>

# On [[Purim]] morning, one should wear one's [[Tefillin]] during the Megilla reading even if one has already worn them. <ref> Mishna Brurah 693:6, Magen Avraham 693:2, Baer Heitev 693:3. This is based on the gemara in Megilla 16b which says that the word "viykar" in Esther 8:16 relates to the [[Tefillin]] that after the death of Haman the Jews continued to put on [[Tefillin]]. Moed Likol Chai 31:88 says that one the word "viykar" is read one should kiss one's [[Tefillin]]. </ref>
# In the morning, one should wear his [[tefillin]] during the megilla reading even if he has already worn them. <ref> Mishna Brurah 693:7, Magen Avraham 693:2, Baer Heitev 693:3. This is based on the gemara in Megilla 16b which says that the word viykar in Esther 8:16 relates to the [[tefillin]] that after the death of Haman the Jews continued to put on [[tefillin]]. Moed Likol Chai 31:88 says that one the word viykar is read one should kiss his [[tefillin]]. </ref>  

==Tisha Be'Av==
==Tisha Be'Av==
# The minhag is not to put on [[Tefillin]] for [[Shacharit]] of [[Tisha BeAv]] and only put it on for [[Mincha]].<ref>S"A 551:1</ref>

==Chol Hamoed==
==Chol Hamoed==
{{Tefillin on Chol HaMoed}}
See the full in depth discussion about [[Tefillin on Chol HaMoed|Tefillin on Chol HaMoed here]].
==[[Avelut]] (Mourning)==
# The minhag of some Ashkenazim is to wear [[Tefillin]] on [[Chol HaMoed]], however, the minhag in [[Israel]] and minhag of Sephardim is not to wear [[Tefillin on Chol HaMoed]]. <Ref> S”A and Rama 31:2, Sh”t Yabia Omer 3:5,(3), Ben Ish Chai Parashat Vayera Halacha 12, Kitzur S"A of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of [[tefilin]] on [[shabbat]] and [[yom tov]], seif 1.
* Some rishonim forbid [[tefillin]] to be laid on Hol HaMoed as they consider the days have the same status as a festival which in itself constitutes a "sign" making the laying of [[tefillin]] unnecessary. These Rishonim include: Baal Halachot Gedolot (cited by Tosafot Moed Katan 19a s.v. Rabbi Yosi), Rambam (Hilchot [[Yom Tov]] 7:13; explained by Kesef Mishna),  Rashba (Sh"t HaRashba 1:690), and Ri (cited by the Hagahot Maimoni Hilchot [[Tefillin]] 4:9).
* Other rishonim argue and hold that [[Chol HaMoed]] does not constitute a "sign" in which case [[tefillin]] must be laid on Hol HaMoed. These Rishonim include: Rambam, Rosh (Hilchot [[Tefillin]] 16), Or Zarua 1:589, and Maharam of Rothenburg cited by the Mordechai.
* The Bet Yosef writes that the minhag of Sephardim is not to wear [[Tefillin on Chol HaMoed]] based on Kabbalistic sources. This is also the opinion of the Vilna Gaon (Bi'ur ha-Gra Orach Chayim 31:2 s.v. V’yesh Omrim).
* The Tur (Siman 31) quotes some rishonim who are uncertain whether one must lay [[tefillin on Chol HaMoed]] and concludes that one should wear [[Tefillin]] without a Bracha. These opinions include the Ritva (Eruvin 96a), Smag (Eruvin 153), Meiri (Moed Katan 18b), and Taz 31:2. The Mishna Brurah recommends that on Hol Hamoed one make a mental stipulation before donning [[tefillin]]: If I am obligated to don [[tefillin]] I intend to fulfill my obligation and if I am not obligated to don [[tefillin]], my doing so should not be considered as fulfilling any obligation; and that the blessing not be recited. The Rama writes that the Ashkenazic custom is to wear [[Tefillin]] with a Bracha which is to be made in an undertone. See further: [http://www.koltorah.org/ravj/tefillinONmoed.htm Rabbi Jachter on koltorah.org].</ref>Someone who doesn’t have a minhag should not wear [[Tefillin]] on Chol haMoed. <Ref>Sh”t Teshuvot VeHanhagot 2:332 </ref>
# One who wears [[Tefillin]] should stipulate before wearing the [[Tefillin]] that if there’s an obligation then I wish to fulfill that obligation, and if not, I have no intention of fulfilling the mitzvah with my action. <Ref>Mishna Brurah 31:8 </ref>
# If one wears [[Tefillin on Chol HaMoed]] one shouldn’t wear [[Tefillin]] of Rabbenu Tam (even if one usually wears [[Tefillin]] of Rabbenu Tam). <Ref> Mishna Brurah 31:8 </ref>
# Some authorities hold that if some people in the Shul wear [[Tefillin]] and others don’t there’s a violation of Lo Titgodidu (don’t cause factions in observance of Torah) and so they advise that one should either find a shul that has your minhag or pray in different locations in the same shul. <Ref> Kitzur S"A 10:25 writes that there is an issue of Lo titgodedu for some people in the shul to wear [[Tefillin]] on [[chol hamoed]] and others not to wear [[Tefillin]]. Hilchot [[Chol HaMoed]] Zichron Shlomo (in the hebrew section pg 39-40) has a letter from Rav Moshe Feinstein, dated Kislev 5737, stating clearly that one should follow the minhag of the Shul and if the minhag is to wear [[Tefillin]] one should also. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:24 (pg 79 s.v. Al Kol Panim) dated Kislev 5743, writes that in crowded shuls where there are many who wear [[Tefillin]] and many who don’t there’s no issue of Lo Tasu Agudot since it’s clear that there are two different minhagim. However, Rav Moshe adds that preferably someone who is praying in a shul that wears [[Tefillin]] should also wear [[Tefillin]]. Sh”t Teshuvot VeHanhagot 2:332 holds that there’s no real issue of [[Lo Titgodedu]] but preferably one should be concerned for those who hold that it’s an issue. [http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/766048/Rabbi_Hershel_Schachter/Shiur_#30_-_Yevamos_-_עשו_ב'ש_כדבריהם,_לא_תתגודדו Rabbi Schachter on yutorah.org (min 36-7)] ruled that it is an issue for some people in one [[minyan]] to wear [[Tefillin]] and others not to wear [[Tefillin]], however, two minyanim in one shul may not be an issue.</ref>

Revision as of 16:05, 16 March 2014

Shabbat and Yom Tov

  1. Tefillin are not worn on Shabbat and the major holidays including Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The reason given that these holidays are themselves "signs" which render the use of tefillin, which are to serve as "signs" themselves, superfluous. [1]

Rosh Chodesh

  1. The tefillin are removed before we recite Mussaf on Rosh Chodesh. [2]
  2. There are several different opinions as to the exact proper time before mussaf to remove the tefillin. Some say that one should take off his tefilin after the kaddish which is recited before the Shemonah Esrei of Mussaf, after uva litzion. [3] According to a number of authorities the tefillin should be removed while reciting uva l’tzion, just before beginning the yehi ratzon paragraph. [4] Some recommend before torah reading. [5] Some recommend after returning the torah to the aron. [6] Some say that this depends on how you will be able to wrap your tefillin (see footnote) [7]
  3. One who forgot to remove his tefillin before Mussaf and realizes this while in middle of shemonei esrei does not have to remove his tefillin at that time [8]
  4. In the event that one forgot Yaale Viyavo in shacharit but only realized after he removed his tefillin, he should preferably put his tefillin back on and pray shacharit again. If it is too difficult, he can be lenient since he has already fulfilled his obligation. [9]


  1. In the morning, one should wear his tefillin during the megilla reading even if he has already worn them. [10]

Tisha Be'Av

  1. The minhag is not to put on Tefillin for Shacharit of Tisha BeAv and only put it on for Mincha.[11]

Chol Hamoed

See the full in depth discussion about Tefillin on Chol HaMoed here.

  1. The minhag of some Ashkenazim is to wear Tefillin on Chol HaMoed, however, the minhag in Israel and minhag of Sephardim is not to wear Tefillin on Chol HaMoed. [12]Someone who doesn’t have a minhag should not wear Tefillin on Chol haMoed. [13]
  2. One who wears Tefillin should stipulate before wearing the Tefillin that if there’s an obligation then I wish to fulfill that obligation, and if not, I have no intention of fulfilling the mitzvah with my action. [14]
  3. If one wears Tefillin on Chol HaMoed one shouldn’t wear Tefillin of Rabbenu Tam (even if one usually wears Tefillin of Rabbenu Tam). [15]
  4. Some authorities hold that if some people in the Shul wear Tefillin and others don’t there’s a violation of Lo Titgodidu (don’t cause factions in observance of Torah) and so they advise that one should either find a shul that has your minhag or pray in different locations in the same shul. [16]


  1. S"A 31:1, Mishna Brurah 31:1, Kitzur S"A of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of tefilin on shabbat and yom tov, seif 1
  2. S"A 25:13, S"A 423:4, Mishna Brurah 25:59, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 10:19, Rivevot Ephraim 7:317, Kaf Hachayim 25:94, Mishna Brura 25:59.
    • Beit Yosef 25 s.v. "ubayom" writes that since in kedusha we recite that the angels should give Hashem a crown it would be improper for us to show our crowns, the tefillin. This is quoted in Mishna Brurah 25:61, Magen Avraham 25:32, Taz 25:16, Pri Megadim Mishbetzot Zahav 25:15 as well as S"A Harav 25:41. Levush 25:13 writes that even those whose Nusach doesn't say Keter and instead is naaritzcha, should remove his tefillin for mussaf.
    • Levush 25:13 and Mishna Brura 423:10 write that the reason tefillin are removed before Mussaf is in order to add a Yom Tov flavor to the day (that the mussaf itself in considered an "אות". As Mussaf represents the Yom Tov nature of Rosh Chodesh the tefillin are removed at that time.
    • See Kaf Hachayim 25:94 for Kabbalistic reasons behind the removal of tefillin before Mussaf.
  3. Kitzur S"A of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of the donning of tefilin, seif 34. Magen Avraham 423:6, Pri Megadim Eishel Avraham 423:6, Machzik Beracha 15, Mishnah Berurah 25:59, Kaf Ha’chaim 25:94.
  4. Mishna Brurah 25:59, Elya Rabba 25:25.
  5. opinion cited by Magen Avraham 25:30 though he disagrees, Levush 423:4 and Rema Mipano 108 indicate that some authorities recommend removing the tefillin before the Torah reading as it also represents the Yom Tov nature of the day, others recommend removing the tefillin before Hallel for the same reason.
  6. Opinion cited by Magen Avraham 28:30, though he himself disagrees
    • Mishna Brurah 28:8 writes that leaving the tefillin exposed and unwrapped for the duration of Mussaf is unbecoming the reverence owed to them. In fact, according to halacha, whenever one removes tefillin one is to wrap and put away the shel-rosh before even removing the shel yad! There does not seem to be any good reason why this halacha should be ignored on Rosh Chodesh.
    • Pri Megadim mishbetzot zahav 34:2, Mishna Brurah 124:17, Igrot Moshe, OC 4:19, Tzitz Eliezer 11:10 say that folding the tefillin during the repetition of Mussaf is also not an option as one is required to listen attentively to the repetition and not engage in any other activities.
    • Kaf Hachaim 28:7 writes that one who has enough time to fold them in between kaddish and Mussaf should do so. He writes that if one doesn't have time he should cover them. Rivevot Ephraim 1:281:5 agrees.
    • Teshuvot Vihanhagot 1:45 says that if you will have to leave your tefillin unwrapped during musaf it is better to just wrap them up before kaddish.
  7. Chesed Laalafim 25:13, Mishnah Berurah 25:61, Kaf Hachaim 25:98, Rivevos Ephraim 8:13. See, however, Peninei HaRav (p. 101).
  8. Sh"t Yechave Daat 6:6. The Chida in Machazik Beracha 25:13 writes that according to kabbalah one may not put his tefillin back on after he recited Mussaf unless he hasn't yet put tefillin on that day.
  9. Mishna Brurah 693:7, Magen Avraham 693:2, Baer Heitev 693:3. This is based on the gemara in Megilla 16b which says that the word viykar in Esther 8:16 relates to the tefillin that after the death of Haman the Jews continued to put on tefillin. Moed Likol Chai 31:88 says that one the word viykar is read one should kiss his tefillin.
  10. S"A 551:1
  11. S”A and Rama 31:2, Sh”t Yabia Omer 3:5,(3), Ben Ish Chai Parashat Vayera Halacha 12, Kitzur S"A of Rav Rephael Baruch Toledano, siman 10, laws of tefilin on shabbat and yom tov, seif 1.
    • Some rishonim forbid tefillin to be laid on Hol HaMoed as they consider the days have the same status as a festival which in itself constitutes a "sign" making the laying of tefillin unnecessary. These Rishonim include: Baal Halachot Gedolot (cited by Tosafot Moed Katan 19a s.v. Rabbi Yosi), Rambam (Hilchot Yom Tov 7:13; explained by Kesef Mishna), Rashba (Sh"t HaRashba 1:690), and Ri (cited by the Hagahot Maimoni Hilchot Tefillin 4:9).
    • Other rishonim argue and hold that Chol HaMoed does not constitute a "sign" in which case tefillin must be laid on Hol HaMoed. These Rishonim include: Rambam, Rosh (Hilchot Tefillin 16), Or Zarua 1:589, and Maharam of Rothenburg cited by the Mordechai.
    • The Bet Yosef writes that the minhag of Sephardim is not to wear Tefillin on Chol HaMoed based on Kabbalistic sources. This is also the opinion of the Vilna Gaon (Bi'ur ha-Gra Orach Chayim 31:2 s.v. V’yesh Omrim).
    • The Tur (Siman 31) quotes some rishonim who are uncertain whether one must lay tefillin on Chol HaMoed and concludes that one should wear Tefillin without a Bracha. These opinions include the Ritva (Eruvin 96a), Smag (Eruvin 153), Meiri (Moed Katan 18b), and Taz 31:2. The Mishna Brurah recommends that on Hol Hamoed one make a mental stipulation before donning tefillin: If I am obligated to don tefillin I intend to fulfill my obligation and if I am not obligated to don tefillin, my doing so should not be considered as fulfilling any obligation; and that the blessing not be recited. The Rama writes that the Ashkenazic custom is to wear Tefillin with a Bracha which is to be made in an undertone. See further: Rabbi Jachter on koltorah.org.
  12. Sh”t Teshuvot VeHanhagot 2:332
  13. Mishna Brurah 31:8
  14. Mishna Brurah 31:8
  15. Kitzur S"A 10:25 writes that there is an issue of Lo titgodedu for some people in the shul to wear Tefillin on chol hamoed and others not to wear Tefillin. Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (in the hebrew section pg 39-40) has a letter from Rav Moshe Feinstein, dated Kislev 5737, stating clearly that one should follow the minhag of the Shul and if the minhag is to wear Tefillin one should also. However, Rav Moshe Feinstein in Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:24 (pg 79 s.v. Al Kol Panim) dated Kislev 5743, writes that in crowded shuls where there are many who wear Tefillin and many who don’t there’s no issue of Lo Tasu Agudot since it’s clear that there are two different minhagim. However, Rav Moshe adds that preferably someone who is praying in a shul that wears Tefillin should also wear Tefillin. Sh”t Teshuvot VeHanhagot 2:332 holds that there’s no real issue of Lo Titgodedu but preferably one should be concerned for those who hold that it’s an issue. Rabbi Schachter on yutorah.org (min 36-7) ruled that it is an issue for some people in one minyan to wear Tefillin and others not to wear Tefillin, however, two minyanim in one shul may not be an issue.