Muktzeh: Difference between revisions

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==Categories and Subcategories of Muktzeh==
There are four primary categories of muktzah, and two secondary categories. These categories fit into two general classes:
* Food <ref> S”A 308:4 </ref>
#Items which are useless (absolute Muktzeh)
* Sefarim (books containing holy matter) <ref> S”A 308:4 </ref>
#Items that are used for a prohibited purpose (partial Muktzeh)
* wrist watch (mechanical <ref> Mishna Brurah 308:168 writes that mechanical wrist and pocket watches are non-Muktzeh. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 20 writes that a self-winding watch is also non-Muktzeh. </ref> or electric <ref>Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 20-21) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein writes that electric wrist watches are non-Muktzeh and one doesn’t need to cover the buttons unless one feels that one will hit a button </ref>) as long as it works <ref>Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 28:59, Rav Elyashiv quoted by Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 21) consider non-working watches to be Muktzeh, however, Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 21) based on Kaf HaChaim 308:277 and Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 308) write that for a person who would wear the watch as jewelry and wear it even if it wasn’t working, the watch is considered non-muktzah </ref>
Items in the first category are generally useless and may not be used at all on Shabbat. That being the case, items that are ''absolutely Muktzeh'' are prohibited from being moved for any purpose. On the other hand, items which are used on occasion are in the second category. Items that are partially Muktzeh may be moved if the item itself is needed or its place is needed. <Ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 335) breaks up Muktzeh into two general categories, severe Muktzeh and light Muktzeh. Rav Hershel Schachter in a [ shiur on entitled "Hilchos Muktze" (min 16-9)] explained that there's two categories within Muktzeh. One is a set of items that are completely Muktzeh (Muktzeh Gamur) and one is a set of items that may not be moved because of a prohibited use (Isur Tiltul). </ref>
* alarm clocks <ref> Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 28:54 </ref>
* (baby) rattle as long as it’s moved without it making noise <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein, however, Shalmei Yehuda (pg 91) in name of Rav Elyashiv considers this Kli SheMelachto LeIssur </ref>
* baseball bat, glove and mit <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* chess <ref> Shalmei Yehuda in name of Rav Elyashiv (pg 91) </ref>
* handball racket <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* pingpong racket <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* racquetball racket <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* tennis racket <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* toy phone as long as it’s moved without it making noise <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* musical toy as long as it’s moved without it making noise <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* talking doll as long as it’s moved without it making noise <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* whistle as long as it’s moved without it making noise <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein, however, Shalmei Yehuda (pg 91) in name of Rav Elyashiv considers this Kli SheMelachto LeIssur </ref>

'''Basic Principals of Muktzeh'''
* [[General laws of Muktzeh]]

'''Primary Categories of Muktzeh'''
* [[Muktzeh Machmat Chisaron Kis]] ([[Delicate items]])
* [[Muktzeh Machmat Gufo]] ([[Useless Items]])
* [[Kli SheMelachto LeIsser]] ([[Partially Muktzeh items]])
** Included in this is [[Shivrei Kelim]] ([[Broken or one time use items]])
* [[Bosis]] ([[A Base To Hold Muktzeh]])

'''Secondary Categories of Muktzeh'''
==Severe Muktzeh==
* [[Nolad]] ([[Items That Came into Existence on Shabbat]])
===What’s considered severe Muktzeh?===
* [[Muktzeh Machmat Mitzvato]] ([[Items Designated for a Mitzvah]])
# The following items are included in the severe Muktzeh category:
* items that are non-utensils or have no function
* items that are precious or delicate and wouldn’t be used for a permitted activity
==Muktzeh Machmat Gufo/Issuro==
* animals <ref> S”A 308:39 </ref>
* bars of soap <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:22(15), Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Tikkunim UMiluim (pg 32), Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 158) </ref>
* bicycles <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein </ref>
* cameras <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* detergent <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* eye-shadow <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* flour <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* glue <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* light bulbs <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* matches <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein consider matches to be Muktzeh machmat gufo, see Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata pg 154, and Shalmei Yehuda pg 74 </ref>
* mascara <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* money <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
*nutshells <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* raw barley <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* rolls of silver foil or toilet paper <ref> Shalmei Yehuda pg 98, 171 writes that it’s Muktzeh because Muktzeh Machmat Issuro</ref>
* shaanetz clothes <ref> S”A 308:47 </ref>
* scrabble <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) considers it keli sh’melachto le’issur since it’s a game which involves writing down the score. </ref>
* Vaseline <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
* toothpaste <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337) </ref>
===When severe muktzah may be moved===
# It’s permitted to move a severe Muktzeh item for any of the follow reasons:
* item is foul-smelling or disgusting
* item is a safety hazard
* item is at risk of being stolen
* for human dignity

'''Disputed Categories of Muktzeh'''
* [[Kli SheKol Melachto LeIssur]] ([[Items Used Entirely for a Prohibited Activity]])
* [[Balls and games]]

'''Subcategories that are not Muktzeh at all'''
==Light Muktzeh==
* [[Kli SheMelachto LeHeter]] ([[Non-muktzeh items]])
===What’s considered light Muktzeh?===
* [[Muktzeh Machmat Miyus]] ([[Disgusting Items]])
# The following items are included in the light Muktzeh category:
* items that are primarily used for prohibited activities on Shabbat but have at least one permitted use on Shabbat
* items that are designated for a mitzvah
==Kli SheMelachato LeIssur==
* blocks (toy) <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein since they are designated for children’s use and other permitted uses. </ref>
* cars <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(11), Shalmei Yehuda (pg 201) </ref>
* car keys <ref> Shalmei Yehuda (pg 202) considers car keys to be light Muktzeh, while Tikkunim UMiluim (pg 254) quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as saying it’s severe Muktzeh if the light will turn on if the door is opened. </ref>
* combs <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* crayons <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* empty wallets <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* empty kettles <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) considers it’s Kli SheMelachto LeIssur (light Muktzeh) </ref>
* empty pots <ref>Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 98) considers it non-Muktzeh, while Rabbi Zilber (Sh”t Az Nidabru 9:20) and Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 46) considers it Muktzeh as Kli SheMelachto LeIssur.</ref>
* fans <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(22), 3:49, however Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 51) doesn’t consider a fan Muktzeh at all </ref>
* flashlights <ref> Zachor VeShamor 41:4 considers flashlights light Muktzeh, while Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 55) considers it severe Muktzeh </ref>
* garden hoses <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* hammers <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* lego (toy) <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein since they are designated for children’s use, and Shalmei Yehuda (pg 90) quotes Rav Elyashiv saying that since it could be given to a child to play with (without putting them together) it’s considered Keli SheMelachato LeIssur. </ref>
* mops and pails <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* pens <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(32), Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 197), see also Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata pg 234 </ref>
* pencil sharpeners <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* potato peelers <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* rolling pins <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* rulers <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* scales <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* scissors <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* screwdrivers <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* staplers <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* store catalogs <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(19) </ref>
* telephone books <ref> Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata pg 239(?) </ref>
* toasters <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
* tricycles <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein since they are designated for children’s use. </ref>
* whistles <ref> The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) </ref>
===When light Muktzeh may be moved===
# An item of light Muktzeh status may be moved either
## to be used for its permitted use or
## because its space is needed.
# Many authorities hold that a light Muktzeh item shouldn’t be used if there’s a permitted item available that serves the same function. <Ref> Igrot Moshe O”C 5:21(12) explaining Mishna Brurah 308:12 </ref>
# Many authorities hold that moving a light Muktzeh to clean up clutter isn’t considered moving an item because its space is needed and therefore it’s forbidden to move a light Muktzeh item just to declutter. <Ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22-31, Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 20:10, Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 11), Sh”t Az Nidabru all hold that moving an item to clean up clutter isn’t considered moving an item because its space is needed. However, the Machazeh Eliyahu 46 is lenient. <ref/>

'''Related Pages'''
==Items that a matter of debate==
* [[Prohibition To Make an Item Muktzeh]] ([[Bitel Kli Mehechano]])
===items that are either severe or light Muktzeh===
* [[Muktzeh on Yom Tov]]
* unused candles
* unused candlesticks
* lipstick
* copy paper
some consider it light Muktzeh  <ref> Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(28,32) </ref>
some consider it severe Muktzeh <ref> Mishna Brurah 308:34 in name of the Yaavetz, Chazon Ish 44:13 </ref>
Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda(pg 180) considers nails and screw in this category as well, while Zachor VeShamor considers nails and screws as severe Muktzeh.
One may be lenient for this category if there’s an aextenuating circumstance <ref>Shalmei Yehuda (pg 19) in name of Rav Elyashiv and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Sh”t Shevet HaLevi 2:32, Sh”T Az Nidbaru 8:67, Zachor VeShamor 41:4 </ref>
===items that are either severe or non-Muktzeh===
* a play-ball <ref> Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 308) says one should follow S”A 308:45 that considers all balls to be Muktzeh, while Shevut Yitzchak (pg 89) quotes Rav Elyashiv who says that S”A would agree that the modern play-ball is non-Muktzeh. However, for Ashkenazim the Rama 308:45 certainly considers balls to be non-Muktzeh. So holds Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted by Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 22 note 16) and Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 91). </ref>
* pictures on the wall <ref> Chazon Ish 43:17 considers it severe Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:21(13), 22(12) considers it non-Muktzeh) </ref>
* clocks on the wall <ref> Chazon Ish 43:17 considers it severe Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:21(13), 22(12) considers it non-Muktzeh) </ref>
* buttons that fell off clothes <ref> Mishna Brurah 308:35 seems to hold that buttons are non-Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:22(20) holds it’s severe Muktzeh. Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 80) hold it’s non-Muktzeh but say it’s proper to be strict in this case. </ref>
* fresh snow <ref> Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 203) and Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata consider snow to be non-Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:22(37) and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 13) consider it severe Muktzeh. </ref>
* Jigsaw puzzles <ref> Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 25 note 24) considers puzzles to be Keli SheMelachto LeIssur as it’s forbidden to put together a puzzle on Shabbat. So writes Shalmei Yehuda (pg 90) quotes Rav Elyashiv. </ref>

==Delicate items==
* shofar <ref> Shalmei Yehuda (pg 32) quoting Rav Elyashiv and Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (pg 361) quoting Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach </ref>
==Items designated for a mitzvah==
* lulav <ref> Mishna Brurah 308:25 writes that a lulav is Muktzeh as it’s not a utensil </ref>

Revision as of 19:53, 19 September 2010


  • Food [1]
  • Sefarim (books containing holy matter) [2]
  • wrist watch (mechanical [3] or electric [4]) as long as it works [5]
  • alarm clocks [6]
  • (baby) rattle as long as it’s moved without it making noise [7]
  • baseball bat, glove and mit [8]
  • chess [9]
  • handball racket [10]
  • pingpong racket [11]
  • racquetball racket [12]
  • tennis racket [13]
  • toy phone as long as it’s moved without it making noise [14]
  • musical toy as long as it’s moved without it making noise [15]
  • talking doll as long as it’s moved without it making noise [16]
  • whistle as long as it’s moved without it making noise [17]

Severe Muktzeh

What’s considered severe Muktzeh?

  1. The following items are included in the severe Muktzeh category:
  • items that are non-utensils or have no function
  • items that are precious or delicate and wouldn’t be used for a permitted activity

Muktzeh Machmat Gufo/Issuro


When severe muktzah may be moved

  1. It’s permitted to move a severe Muktzeh item for any of the follow reasons:
  • item is foul-smelling or disgusting
  • item is a safety hazard
  • item is at risk of being stolen
  • for human dignity

Light Muktzeh

What’s considered light Muktzeh?

  1. The following items are included in the light Muktzeh category:
  • items that are primarily used for prohibited activities on Shabbat but have at least one permitted use on Shabbat
  • items that are designated for a mitzvah

Kli SheMelachato LeIssur


When light Muktzeh may be moved

  1. An item of light Muktzeh status may be moved either
    1. to be used for its permitted use or
    2. because its space is needed.
  2. Many authorities hold that a light Muktzeh item shouldn’t be used if there’s a permitted item available that serves the same function. [65]
  3. Many authorities hold that moving a light Muktzeh to clean up clutter isn’t considered moving an item because its space is needed and therefore it’s forbidden to move a light Muktzeh item just to declutter. Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag

some consider it severe Muktzeh [66] Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda(pg 180) considers nails and screw in this category as well, while Zachor VeShamor considers nails and screws as severe Muktzeh. One may be lenient for this category if there’s an aextenuating circumstance [67]

items that are either severe or non-Muktzeh

  • a play-ball [68]
  • pictures on the wall [69]
  • clocks on the wall [70]
  • buttons that fell off clothes [71]
  • fresh snow [72]
  • Jigsaw puzzles [73]

Delicate items

Items designated for a mitzvah

  1. S”A 308:4
  2. S”A 308:4
  3. Mishna Brurah 308:168 writes that mechanical wrist and pocket watches are non-Muktzeh. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 20 writes that a self-winding watch is also non-Muktzeh.
  4. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 20-21) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein writes that electric wrist watches are non-Muktzeh and one doesn’t need to cover the buttons unless one feels that one will hit a button
  5. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 28:59, Rav Elyashiv quoted by Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 21) consider non-working watches to be Muktzeh, however, Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 21) based on Kaf HaChaim 308:277 and Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 308) write that for a person who would wear the watch as jewelry and wear it even if it wasn’t working, the watch is considered non-muktzah
  6. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 28:54
  7. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein, however, Shalmei Yehuda (pg 91) in name of Rav Elyashiv considers this Kli SheMelachto LeIssur
  8. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  9. Shalmei Yehuda in name of Rav Elyashiv (pg 91)
  10. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  11. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  12. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  13. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  14. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  15. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  16. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  17. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 26) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein, however, Shalmei Yehuda (pg 91) in name of Rav Elyashiv considers this Kli SheMelachto LeIssur
  18. S”A 308:39
  19. Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:22(15), Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Tikkunim UMiluim (pg 32), Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 158)
  20. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein
  21. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  22. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  23. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  24. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  25. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  26. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  27. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein consider matches to be Muktzeh machmat gufo, see Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata pg 154, and Shalmei Yehuda pg 74
  28. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  29. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  30. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  31. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  32. Shalmei Yehuda pg 98, 171 writes that it’s Muktzeh because Muktzeh Machmat Issuro
  33. S”A 308:47
  34. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) considers it keli sh’melachto le’issur since it’s a game which involves writing down the score.
  35. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  36. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 337)
  37. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein since they are designated for children’s use and other permitted uses.
  38. Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(11), Shalmei Yehuda (pg 201)
  39. Shalmei Yehuda (pg 202) considers car keys to be light Muktzeh, while Tikkunim UMiluim (pg 254) quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach as saying it’s severe Muktzeh if the light will turn on if the door is opened.
  40. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  41. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  42. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  43. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338) considers it’s Kli SheMelachto LeIssur (light Muktzeh)
  44. Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 98) considers it non-Muktzeh, while Rabbi Zilber (Sh”t Az Nidabru 9:20) and Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 46) considers it Muktzeh as Kli SheMelachto LeIssur.
  45. Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(22), 3:49, however Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 51) doesn’t consider a fan Muktzeh at all
  46. Zachor VeShamor 41:4 considers flashlights light Muktzeh, while Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 55) considers it severe Muktzeh
  47. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  48. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  49. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein since they are designated for children’s use, and Shalmei Yehuda (pg 90) quotes Rav Elyashiv saying that since it could be given to a child to play with (without putting them together) it’s considered Keli SheMelachato LeIssur.
  50. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  51. Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(32), Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 197), see also Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata pg 234
  52. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  53. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  54. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  55. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  56. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  57. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  58. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  59. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  60. Sh”t Igrot Moshe O”C 5:22(19)
  61. Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata pg 239(?)
  62. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  63. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 24) in name of Rav Moshe Feinstein since they are designated for children’s use.
  64. The Weekly Halacha Discussion (vol 2 pg 338)
  65. Igrot Moshe O”C 5:21(12) explaining Mishna Brurah 308:12
  66. Mishna Brurah 308:34 in name of the Yaavetz, Chazon Ish 44:13
  67. Shalmei Yehuda (pg 19) in name of Rav Elyashiv and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Sh”t Shevet HaLevi 2:32, Sh”T Az Nidbaru 8:67, Zachor VeShamor 41:4
  68. Yalkut Yosef (Kitzur S”A 308) says one should follow S”A 308:45 that considers all balls to be Muktzeh, while Shevut Yitzchak (pg 89) quotes Rav Elyashiv who says that S”A would agree that the modern play-ball is non-Muktzeh. However, for Ashkenazim the Rama 308:45 certainly considers balls to be non-Muktzeh. So holds Rav Moshe Feinstein quoted by Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 22 note 16) and Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 91).
  69. Chazon Ish 43:17 considers it severe Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:21(13), 22(12) considers it non-Muktzeh)
  70. Chazon Ish 43:17 considers it severe Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:21(13), 22(12) considers it non-Muktzeh)
  71. Mishna Brurah 308:35 seems to hold that buttons are non-Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:22(20) holds it’s severe Muktzeh. Rav Shlomo Zalman and Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 80) hold it’s non-Muktzeh but say it’s proper to be strict in this case.
  72. Rav Elyashiv in Shalmei Yehuda (pg 203) and Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata consider snow to be non-Muktzeh, while Sh”t Igrot Moshe 5:22(37) and Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 13) consider it severe Muktzeh.
  73. Sefer Tiltulei Shabbat (pg 25 note 24) considers puzzles to be Keli SheMelachto LeIssur as it’s forbidden to put together a puzzle on Shabbat. So writes Shalmei Yehuda (pg 90) quotes Rav Elyashiv.
  74. Shalmei Yehuda (pg 32) quoting Rav Elyashiv and Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata (pg 361) quoting Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach
  75. Mishna Brurah 308:25 writes that a lulav is Muktzeh as it’s not a utensil